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View Full Version : Fla. Man Dies From Brown Recluse Spider Bite

03-05-2014, 07:15 AM
See that, my fears are not unfounded! I hate this spider! This thing gives me nightmares and it's my worst fear - and I've never seen one in real life myself - yet.

Fla. Man Dies From Brown Recluse Spider Bite

A 62-year-old Florida man has died after receiving a bite from a rare and poisonous brown recluse spider, according to the Polk County Health Department.

Ron Reese was renovating an old home in Mulberry, Fla. when the spider bit him — but did not see a doctor because he thought it would heal on its own, his father, Bill Reese, 89, told ABC’s Tampa Bay affiliate WFTS.

“It bit him right on the back of his neck and rotted out to the vertebrae,” Bill Reese told WFTS. “He wasn’t afraid of anything. He thought he was invincible. But he wasn’t.”

The bite eventually paralyzed half of Ron Reese’s body, his father said.

“I thank the Lord every day that he’s out of his misery,” he told WFTS.

Residents have been reminded to seek medical attention as soon as they’ve been bitten by a spider, said Polk County Health Department spokesman Scott Calibri.

“Typically, spider bites are non-lethal, but it really is case by case,” he said. “This is the first fatality to my knowledge but there are a couple of cases a year of folks who get bitten by spiders and need to get medical treatment.”


03-05-2014, 07:16 AM
And on a similar topic...

The most poisonous spider in the world

Brazilian wandering spider was considered the most venomous spider in the world by the Guinness Book of Records. He received his nickname because of its eternal journey and non-woven webs in favor of endless search of food.

Wandering spider never lived in one place and always wanders. Unpleasant for the person that sometimes he comes in the house.In South America, often find these spiders in clothing or in boxes with clothes and food.
Meets Spider just in America, and then mostly in tropical and subtropical regions. To Brazilian wandering spiders include two types - is jumping spiders that stalk their prey abrupt jumps and shifty spiders. The latter are very fast runners, but are nocturnal and during the day - sitting under rocks or hiding in some other place, including in people's homes.


03-05-2014, 07:27 AM
After seeing a friend in SC get bitten and watching the procedure they use to heal ya I am not so sure death isn't a good deal. While living in SC a friend was bitten and they had to scrap the dead skin off the severely swollen dead looking flesh on his hand, man it was disgusting.

03-07-2014, 11:45 AM
I haven't seen those critter around here in years. I remember back in the 70's we had an out break. it was so bad the city put cards in mail box's warning of symptoms and seek medical attention. I got bit several times but it always healed. until one year late summer i got bit on the lower butt. it healed. i thought. in fact it healed over the wound. in December it became infected again. sheer pain. so much pain i could not put my jeans on. so on Christmas day i went to the ER to have it lanced and drained. the doc told me horror stories. limbs amputated and one bite that ate up the spine and killed the victim.
there's also a red reluce.

03-07-2014, 11:51 AM
See that, my fears are not unfounded! I hate this spider! This thing gives me nightmares and it's my worst fear - and I've never seen one in real life myself - yet.

Fla. Man Dies From Brown Recluse Spider Bite

A 62-year-old Florida man has died after receiving a bite from a rare and poisonous brown recluse spider, according to the Polk County Health Department.

Ron Reese was renovating an old home in Mulberry, Fla. when the spider bit him — but did not see a doctor because he thought it would heal on its own, his father, Bill Reese, 89, told ABC’s Tampa Bay affiliate WFTS.

“It bit him right on the back of his neck and rotted out to the vertebrae,” Bill Reese told WFTS. “He wasn’t afraid of anything. He thought he was invincible. But he wasn’t.”

The bite eventually paralyzed half of Ron Reese’s body, his father said.

“I thank the Lord every day that he’s out of his misery,” he told WFTS.

Residents have been reminded to seek medical attention as soon as they’ve been bitten by a spider, said Polk County Health Department spokesman Scott Calibri.

“Typically, spider bites are non-lethal, but it really is case by case,” he said. “This is the first fatality to my knowledge but there are a couple of cases a year of folks who get bitten by spiders and need to get medical treatment.”


also called the fiddler which you can see on its back

Abbey Marie
03-07-2014, 11:52 AM
Those hot climates create all sorts of nasties. Yuk.