View Full Version : Is there any limit to what offends?

Abbey Marie
03-06-2014, 12:32 AM
I saw someone on FB mention how offensive the "R-word" is. As the post was accompanied by a picture of someone who looked to have Down's Syndrome (which in itself used to be called "Mongoloid", until we were told that was offensive), the "R" word is obviously "retarded". It seems that list of "words which shall not be named" is growing.

In light of Jim's thread discussing the acceptability of the N-word, I started to wonder what else in on the prohibited list, what will be on it in the future, and how those who still speak these words will eventually be punished. So do we really have freedom of speech when we cannot speak a whole list of words just because some people are offended? Seriously, where will this road end? Is it a stretch to think that criticism of our government won't someday also be deemed offensive and be banned?

03-06-2014, 05:29 AM
I believe some words have become a crutch for those who lack the willingness/ability to use more coherent language. Its indeed ironic that 'retard' is used as such but it's not at the top of the list IMO. 'Honestly,...' peeves me to the extreme.

03-06-2014, 07:18 AM
I believe some words have become a crutch for those who lack the willingness/ability to use more coherent language. Its indeed ironic that 'retard' is used as such but it's not at the top of the list IMO. 'Honestly,...' peeves me to the extreme.

I use just about every offensive word in the book. Can you articulate how I lack the willingness to use more coherent language? Or that I don't have the ability? And what is incoherent about a cuss word or offensive word? Not being a dick, just sounds like what you're saying is that those who do use such words are incapabale or less intelligent somehow, or that they are lacking something. Perhaps they just have an extended vocabulary which includes words that others have deemed offensive?

03-06-2014, 07:20 AM
I saw someone on FB mention how offensive the "R-word" is. As the post was accompanied by a picture of someone who looked to have Down's Syndrome (which in itself used to be called "Mongoloid", until we were told that was offensive), the "R" word is obviously "retarded". It seems that list of "words which shall not be named" is growing.

In light of Jim's thread discussing the acceptability of the N-word, I started to wonder what else in on the prohibited list, what will be on it in the future, and how those who still speak these words will eventually be punished. So do we really have freedom of speech when we cannot speak a whole list of words just because some people are offended? Seriously, where will this road end? Is it a stretch to think that criticism of our government won't someday also be deemed offensive and be banned?

Retarded has a specific meaning and it's not always about someone who is literally retarded in the medical/intelligence sense. I don't care if others are offended by the manner in which I use it, that's their problem. For example, it's retarded that people get angry at me using such a word. And if offended by that usage, tough shit on them.

03-06-2014, 07:26 AM
Get ready for the C-Word.


See, to use the word 'Criminal' you are negating the POSITIVE aspects of the person and focusing solely upon a specific action - perpetrated surely out of frustration for income inequality - of the person. See, if a guy mugs somebody he's not a Thug. Let's look at who the Mugger REALLY is.

She's not lazy.
She took enough initiative to illegally find a weapon. She coordinated and planned the mugging. That shows creativity, outside-the-box thinking, and organizational skills. She managed her time well; ensuring adequate time to complete her mission, and withdraw to a safe place. She is a bit of an entrepreneur. That's a small-business. Since Eric Holder's Justice department doesn't prosecute people, it's a tantamount to a tax cut to the mugger. Now she can thrive - finding the motivation to 'earn' much more money than if a Neocon were in charge at Justice; somebody unlike Holder - somebody with backbone, courage, objectivity, and adherence to the Law.

C-Word. Let's give muggers the respect they deserve.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-06-2014, 08:55 AM
Retarded has a specific meaning and it's not always about someone who is literally retarded in the medical/intelligence sense. I don't care if others are offended by the manner in which I use it, that's their problem. For example, it's retarded that people get angry at me using such a word. And if offended by that usage, tough shit on them. ^^^^^ I wholeheartedly agree, Jim ! Obama is a retarded bastard! A mongrel , traitor and a damn liar. Need I say more on my opinion about using insulting words? The use of insults be they sophisticated or crude insults has always been the right of any individual to express their utter contempt of another individual. I will say this face to face to any man alive that found my words about obamscum to be personally offensive to them ="kiss my ass! Do not like it try to do something about it"! I am always ready to defend my stand be it using words or using fists. In my book , a man must always be ready to fight!!! I took an oath to never back from a fight when I was 14 years old and refused to fight my best friend Tommy (who had hit me and cursed me)at school. I refused to fight him simply because he was my friend which I didnt want to lose. All three of my older brothers beat my ass for me refusing to fight. And did so even after my explaining it was not me being cowardly. They said it didn't matter. It look to be cowardly to all that saw and didn't know my true nature. Next day , I went to school and stomped his ass as I was instructed to do. I was 14 back then and took an oath to never back from a one on one fight ever again. I've never broken that oath to this day. -Tyr

03-06-2014, 10:39 AM
I saw someone on FB mention how offensive the "R-word" is. As the post was accompanied by a picture of someone who looked to have Down's Syndrome (which in itself used to be called "Mongoloid", until we were told that was offensive), the "R" word is obviously "retarded". It seems that list of "words which shall not be named" is growing.

In light of Jim's thread discussing the acceptability of the N-word, I started to wonder what else in on the prohibited list, what will be on it in the future, and how those who still speak these words will eventually be punished. So do we really have freedom of speech when we cannot speak a whole list of words just because some people are offended? Seriously, where will this road end? Is it a stretch to think that criticism of our government won't someday also be deemed offensive and be banned?

I'm mentally retarded and proud of it. Anyone who doesn't like it can go pound sand. Some types of retardation are an asset, for example my brain not processing embarrassment. It results in an ability to cut through the crap and smoke blowing, pointing out and repairing non-functional processes irrespective of who it offends. Some types of mental retardation can be a monetizable resume enhancement.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-06-2014, 11:26 AM
Get ready for the C-Word.


See, to use the word 'Criminal' you are negating the POSITIVE aspects of the person and focusing solely upon a specific action - perpetrated surely out of frustration for income inequality - of the person. See, if a guy mugs somebody he's not a Thug. Let's look at who the Mugger REALLY is.

She's not lazy.
She took enough initiative to illegally find a weapon. She coordinated and planned the mugging. That shows creativity, outside-the-box thinking, and organizational skills. She managed her time well; ensuring adequate time to complete her mission, and withdraw to a safe place. She is a bit of an entrepreneur. That's a small-business. Since Eric Holder's Justice department doesn't prosecute people, it's a tantamount to a tax cut to the mugger. Now she can thrive - finding the motivation to 'earn' much more money than if a Neocon were in charge at Justice; somebody unlike Holder - somebody with backbone, courage, objectivity, and adherence to the Law.

C-Word. Let's give muggers the respect they deserve. PCness run amok. PC= Phony Correctness ! I made a vow to be just as non-PC as possible and have never regretted vowing adherence to TRUTH over political insanity.--Tyr

03-06-2014, 11:38 AM
Get ready for the C-Word.

There's already a C-word! It's been around for over one hundred years. People used to alter a large CENT as a joke. I sent an image to Jim. I can post an image of the Nineteenth Century prank if requested.

Abbey Marie
03-06-2014, 12:38 PM
I believe some words have become a crutch for those who lack the willingness/ability to use more coherent language. Its indeed ironic that 'retard' is used as such but it's not at the top of the list IMO. 'Honestly,...' peeves me to the extreme.

I think this is partly true when it comes to using those well-known four letter words, but I also think it has just become trendy to do so. For many, the F-word has become just another basic adjective. Surely TV and movies have led the way in making them acceptable, even cool. The bleeping of curse words in TV shows is a joke. Anyone who cannot easily tell what is being said is probably R-word themselves. ;)

Also we can't discount the desire (even among young women now) to sound edgy. How important it seems to be to be edgy these days. This may be the corollary to unwillingness to use better language. As for the inability to speak better, I think all our school-related threads show generally how we've arrived at that sad pass.

But the point for me here isn't really why people say things; it is whether our courts/gov't will someday make it illegal to do so, and how expansive that list will become. It is already a fire-able offense to use certain words, and diversity training already really is much centered on not offending anyone.

03-06-2014, 01:09 PM
There's already a C-word! It's been around for over one hundred years. People used to alter a large CENT as a joke. I sent an image to Jim. I can post an image of the Nineteenth Century prank if requested.

I didn't get an image, and don't want one pertaining to that! Call me hypocritical if you like, but that is the one word not going to be used here, and we definitely don't want pictures instead, even if just a joke. I can't imagine any picture related to that being board friendly and/or not pornographic to some extent.

So why stand for freedom of speech and not this one? This one is not part of normal everyday vocabulary, at least not here in America. While in the UK and a few other places, it's much more standard. There's nothing in this world that I wouldn't have discussed with my Mom, and no words I wouldn't use in front of her - except for that one. My wife very rarely curses at all, but she has her moments. She puts up with my occasional trash mouth, but wouldn't put up with that word. Neither of the ladies I just mentioned would use that word. Almost every woman I have ever met would cringe if they heard that word. Then there are women on this board who over the years stated their displeasure with the word and asked that I 86 it, which I gladly did.

But I suppose it is a little hypocritical considering my stance on so many other words. Sue me. :)

03-06-2014, 01:28 PM
I didn't get an image, and don't want one pertaining to that! Call me hypocritical if you like, but that is the one word not going to be used here, and we definitely don't want pictures instead, even if just a joke. I can't imagine any picture related to that being board friendly and/or not pornographic to some extent.

So why stand for freedom of speech and not this one? This one is not part of normal everyday vocabulary, at least not here in America. While in the UK and a few other places, it's much more standard. There's nothing in this world that I wouldn't have discussed with my Mom, and no words I wouldn't use in front of her - except for that one. My wife very rarely curses at all, but she has her moments. She puts up with my occasional trash mouth, but wouldn't put up with that word. Neither of the ladies I just mentioned would use that word. Almost every woman I have ever met would cringe if they heard that word. Then there are women on this board who over the years stated their displeasure with the word and asked that I 86 it, which I gladly did.

But I suppose it is a little hypocritical considering my stance on so many other words. Sue me. :)

Do you suppose that word was so toxic in the 1800s? If it were I can only manage the look on someone's face back in the Victorian era, receiving a penny altered in such a manner. I'm guessing it was a blacksmith or other metal worker with too much time on his hands.

03-06-2014, 01:32 PM
Get ready for the C-Word.


See, to use the word 'Criminal' you are negating the POSITIVE aspects of the person and focusing solely upon a specific action - perpetrated surely out of frustration for income inequality - of the person. See, if a guy mugs somebody he's not a Thug. Let's look at who the Mugger REALLY is.

She's not lazy.
She took enough initiative to illegally find a weapon. She coordinated and planned the mugging. That shows creativity, outside-the-box thinking, and organizational skills. She managed her time well; ensuring adequate time to complete her mission, and withdraw to a safe place. She is a bit of an entrepreneur. That's a small-business. Since Eric Holder's Justice department doesn't prosecute people, it's a tantamount to a tax cut to the mugger. Now she can thrive - finding the motivation to 'earn' much more money than if a Neocon were in charge at Justice; somebody unlike Holder - somebody with backbone, courage, objectivity, and adherence to the Law.

C-Word. Let's give muggers the respect they deserve.

dmp. That C-Word should be all-inclusive...as in C R A P! Bet others had a different C-Word in mind...considering how Hillary

is about to announce whether she will be running in 2016???

03-06-2014, 02:47 PM
Here's a new one that surprised me.

When I was growing up if a teacher wanted the kids to sit down to read a book she'd tell them to sit down "Indian style".

I didn't realize that was frowned upon until recently. Apparently sitting Indian style is not PC.

03-06-2014, 02:57 PM
Here's a new one that surprised me.

When I was growing up if a teacher wanted the kids to sit down to read a book she'd tell them to sit down "Indian style".

I didn't realize that was frowned upon until recently. Apparently sitting Indian style is not PC.

TRIGG:laugh: Now you understand how Political Correctness has taken over almost every aspect of life in America today.:laugh:

Washington DC has a football team called "THE REDSKINS". Imagine telling their fans in the stands to :laugh:SIT REDSKIN STYLE???:laugh:

Personally. I enjoy making fun of anyone who lives by the P.C. rules. http://icansayit.com/images/polincorrect.jpg

Two of our grandsons 10, and 8 play basketball, and...their school district...IN VIRGINIA...does not keep score. (But the kids do anyway)

We have become a SUPER NANNY STATE of easily insulted, whiny, mentally challenged idiots.

Just look at who makes up our GOVERNMENT....Congress, and President.

03-06-2014, 09:27 PM
While we are at it, can we ban the P-word? I hate it more than any of the others here.
Also, any banishment of the C-word (the "unt" variety) will never go over in Australia, where it seems to be everyone's favorite insult.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-07-2014, 08:33 AM
While we are at it, can we ban the P-word? I hate it more than any of the others here.
Also, any banishment of the C-word (the "unt" variety) will never go over in Australia, where it seems to be everyone's favorite insult.

http://thevine.com.au/fashion/life/why-i-hate-the-word-panties-20130806-263243 If we are going to ban, how about we ban something far more substantial? Say, Political Correctness for a start. Who cares about a few insulting words when we now have an ideology (PC) that sole purpose is to destroy truth and thus keep us enslaved in ignorance? How about we as a people ban this ever so convenient tool of tyrants first?--Tyr

03-07-2014, 09:11 AM
While we are at it, can we ban the P-word? I hate it more than any of the others here.
Also, any banishment of the C-word (the "unt" variety) will never go over in Australia, where it seems to be everyone's favorite insult.


I first learned of that word when I was 9 or 10. My half brother had one of those coins I speak of in this thread. He thought he was sitting on a fortune. I'm pretty sure he found it metal detecting. One of his favorite venues was old school houses. Can you imagine some teen age boy showing off such a coin at school in the 1800s? They would never let me see that dang coin. I remember bugging the heck out of my mom to see it. I also bugged her about why people come unglued over a single letter wrong on a penny. She explained it was a cuss word and meant a woman's private parts. I grew up annoyed over that dang penny. Even in Junior High I had some nice coins such as a 1909-S Indian Head. Finally once the internet came popular, I learned that the US Mint never produced such a error coin. They are in fact altered, worth perhaps $15 as a novelty or maybe 10% of it's unaltered value if a really rare date. Now I laugh over my half brother walking around thinking he struck it rich when all he had was a common, damaged coin.

Some may ask, "how can you know such coins weren't altered recently?" That's because several people who own one mistake them for a mint error. That means the coloration of the altered area matches the rest of the coin. Hence, it must have been altered not very long after it was minted.

03-07-2014, 10:26 AM
I first learned of that word when I was 9 or 10.

If you had bothered to look at the link, you would realize that I was referring to a different word. Duh. :rolleyes:

03-07-2014, 11:19 AM
If you had bothered to look at the link, you would realize that I was referring to a different word. Duh. :rolleyes:

I tend to avoid links from unknown sources. It's an ounce of prevention ESPECIALLY if you're on the computer used to pay your bills. It's very easy for keyloggers to get your financial account numbers.

03-07-2014, 11:39 AM
Is there any limit to what offends?

Yes, there is.

When the leftists have nothing to gain by being "offended", that is where they will no longer be "offended".


03-10-2014, 03:44 PM
While we are at it, can we ban the P-word? I hate it more than any of the others here.
Also, any banishment of the C-word (the "unt" variety) will never go over in Australia, where it seems to be everyone's favorite insult.



one of the coolest words in the world and you and some in that article find problems with it? It's sexy and feminine. "Underwear" may be more direct and correct, but also what men wear. Panties exudes sex, and womanhood, feminine side, softness... It's all the opposite of men. We WANT different than us. And it's not a dirty word, or demeaning, not IMO.

Besides, that is an Australian article. Let them stop using the word. We have American pride in our ladies and panties! :)

And shaking head material - The "C" word is accepted, like Gabby pointed out, in Australia, the UK and other places. And some want to ban my beloved panties? WTF?

03-10-2014, 03:54 PM
Let's all face the truth about 'what offends'. Truth is. Since Political Correctness has become the society standard according to the whiners, and perpetual complainers.

Everything anyone says, does, reads, looks at, thinks, believes, imagines, writes, or appears to be.....OFFENDS someone else.

Try it for yourself. Go to any public place...confront someone you do not know. Say something stupid to them, look at them funny, make a sound that is annoying to them as you look at them...then laugh, or scream at them.

P.C. will get you a reaction that causes them to be OFFENDED.

In fact. How many of you reading this...are OFFENDED at what I wrote above????

03-10-2014, 04:24 PM
Let's all face the truth about 'what offends'. Truth is. Since Political Correctness has become the society standard according to the whiners, and perpetual complainers.

Everything anyone says, does, reads, looks at, thinks, believes, imagines, writes, or appears to be.....OFFENDS someone else.

Try it for yourself. Go to any public place...confront someone you do not know. Say something stupid to them, look at them funny, make a sound that is annoying to them as you look at them...then laugh, or scream at them.

P.C. will get you a reaction that causes them to be OFFENDED.

In fact. How many of you reading this...are OFFENDED at what I wrote above????

And the PC police and the chipping away of what can be said anymore, and the consequences one can face... I think it's only a matter of time before our country does limit certain "offensive" speech more and more. I can see it being similar to other places where you can be fined for insulting type behavior. Like I said, I understand that certain speech is already REGULATED, where porn can't be in the street in broad daylight for example, but I also shouldn't be told to perhaps limit my vocabulary when simply speaking in public.

03-10-2014, 06:25 PM

one of the coolest words in the world and you and some in that article find problems with it? It's sexy and feminine. "Underwear" may be more direct and correct, but also what men wear. Panties exudes sex, and womanhood, feminine side, softness... It's all the opposite of men. We WANT different than us. And it's not a dirty word, or demeaning, not IMO.

Besides, that is an Australian article. Let them stop using the word. We have American pride in our ladies and panties! :)

And shaking head material - The "C" word is accepted, like Gabby pointed out, in Australia, the UK and other places. And some want to ban my beloved panties? WTF?

I am offended by this sexist answer. :buttkick: