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View Full Version : The Charge of the Lightweight Brigade

03-07-2014, 03:27 PM
The original Charge of the Light Brigade took place in 1854 in the Crimea, a peninsula that extends from Ukraine out into the Black Sea. A group of lightly-armed and unarmored soldiers made the mistake of charging into a well-emplaced Russian artillery battery, in plain view down a long valley where the enemy could see them coming a mile off. The soldiers were slaughtered, and made no material gains.

Looks like it just happened again, in the same place, with the same result.

Democrats just don't learn.

http://robertariail.com/wp-content/uploads/yapb_cache/aria140306_cmyk.bg8avfuzzelvcw04cg0kwos0o.6uwurhyk n3a1q8w88k040cs08.th.jpeg