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View Full Version : Rand Paul urges conservatives to fight with him for liberty

03-08-2014, 11:54 AM
I love the video! I think he's going to draw a lot of support. I read in another article yesterday though, where they said a lot of concerns will be with view on foreign policy. I honestly haven't heard him speak on the subject yet. Anyone know of his positions on such or where I could find it? It's not on Wiki and I can only find his generic Senate page. I guess he wouldn't have an official page until he officially enters the race. I am liking more and more about him though, while being reserved in other areas.

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Sen. Rand Paul urged the thousands that turned out for the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) to imagine electing a “friend of liberty” to the White House who will defend the Constitution and push back against a federal government that is trampling over their individual rights.

Mr. Paul, a likely 2016 presidential contender, suggested that he might fit the bill, and said it will take a “national revival of liberty” to restore the constitutional rights that have have been under assault by the Obama administration.

“You may think I am talking about electing a Republican. I am not,” Mr. Paul said. “I am talking about electing lovers of liberty. It isn’t good enough to pick the lesser of two evils. We must elect men and women of principle, and conviction and action that will lead us back to greatness.”

The remarks sparked a round of applause from libertarian-leaning crowd, which is champing at the bit for Mr. Paul to follow in the footsteps of his father, former Texas Rep. Ron Paul, by running for the White House.

“There is a great battle going on,” Mr. Paul told the crowd. “It is for the heart and soul of America. The Fourth Amendment is equally important as the Second Amendment and conservatives cannot forget this.”

The roughly 20-minute address touched on some of the same themes that the Kentucky Republican raised in his 2013 CPAC speech, when he said the “GOP of old has grown stale and moss-covered.”

Mr. Paul raised his national profile almost exactly a year ago when he led a filibuster against the nomination of John O. Brennan as CIA director, threatening to block the confirmation until the Obama administration clarified that it will not use drones to kill Americans on U.S. soil.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-08-2014, 11:59 AM
I love the video! I think he's going to draw a lot of support. I read in another article yesterday though, where they said a lot of concerns will be with view on foreign policy. I honestly haven't heard him speak on the subject yet. Anyone know of his positions on such or where I could find it? It's not on Wiki and I can only find his generic Senate page. I guess he wouldn't have an official page until he officially enters the race. I am liking more and more about him though, while being reserved in other areas.

Sen. Rand Paul urged the thousands that turned out for the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) to imagine electing a “friend of liberty” to the White House who will defend the Constitution and push back against a federal government that is trampling over their individual rights.

Mr. Paul, a likely 2016 presidential contender, suggested that he might fit the bill, and said it will take a “national revival of liberty” to restore the constitutional rights that have have been under assault by the Obama administration.

“You may think I am talking about electing a Republican. I am not,” Mr. Paul said. “I am talking about electing lovers of liberty. It isn’t good enough to pick the lesser of two evils. We must elect men and women of principle, and conviction and action that will lead us back to greatness.”

The remarks sparked a round of applause from libertarian-leaning crowd, which is champing at the bit for Mr. Paul to follow in the footsteps of his father, former Texas Rep. Ron Paul, by running for the White House.

“There is a great battle going on,” Mr. Paul told the crowd. “It is for the heart and soul of America. The Fourth Amendment is equally important as the Second Amendment and conservatives cannot forget this.”

The roughly 20-minute address touched on some of the same themes that the Kentucky Republican raised in his 2013 CPAC speech, when he said the “GOP of old has grown stale and moss-covered.”

Mr. Paul raised his national profile almost exactly a year ago when he led a filibuster against the nomination of John O. Brennan as CIA director, threatening to block the confirmation until the Obama administration clarified that it will not use drones to kill Americans on U.S. soil.

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/mar/7/rand-paul-urges-conservatives-fight-liberty/# I really like Rand Paul. I criticized him recently but that's because I felt he should avoid playing into the hands of the race baiters. And do that without jumping on the wagon with their dishonorable asses. Sometimes silence is golden.. --Tyr

03-08-2014, 12:05 PM
I really like Rand Paul. I criticized him recently but that's because I felt he should avoid playing into the hands of the race baiters. And do that without jumping on the wagon with their dishonorable asses. Sometimes silence is golden.. --Tyr

I still disagree with him on that. But I don't think I'll ever see a candidate that I agree with on each and every issue and each and every word they utter ('cept Fred Thompson, he should be in the WH instead of Obama). But the rest of what he stands for excites me. But while I'm digging his stance on liberty at home, I do think we still need to be strong around the world, when necessary of course, which is why I'd like to see his foreign policy stances. If he wins me over there, I'll be even more excited. But I like a few other potential candidates too, so we'll have to wait and see.

And I'm regretting this damn video already, as it auto-plays when you open this thread. Anyone reading, you can hit the pause button even during the ad to stop it!!!