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View Full Version : Senator Kennedy's Response to me on Immigration..........

06-18-2007, 03:37 AM
Dear Mr. A#$%^&&*:

Thank you for contacting me about immigration reform. This is a complex issue, with many important aspects, and it requires a comprehensive solution. 12 million undocumented workers are currently living in the United States. They’re working, paying taxes, and raising children who are U.S. citizens. They contribute to our economy, and it is time to bring them out of the shadows and end their unfair exploitation by unscrupulous employers in communities across the country.

Funds for border enforcement have increased dramatically over the years. The budget for the Border Patrol has increased from $263 million in 1990 to $1.6 billion today - a six-fold increase. Yet during this period, hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants have entered the U.S. each year. Our immigration system is broken, and it is clear that border enforcement alone will not fix it.

After long and thorough negotiations with the White House and fellow Senators, Republican and Democrat, we have developed a comprehensive immigration reform bill. The bill strengthens border security by increasing the number of border agents, building a border fence, using new technologies to monitor and enforce the border, and imposing higher penalties for workplaces that employ undocumented immigrants. The bill also contains a temporary worker program to help American businesses meet their employment. It addresses the millions of undocumented immigrants living in the United States by providing a means to obtain legal status after undergoing background checks, paying a fine, and going to the back of the line for greencards.

The bill is a realistic and comprehensive solution that will not only protect our borders, but also enable needed temporary workers to enter the country legally, and allow workers already here to earn legal status. It has already been discussed in the Senate once, and despite some setbacks, I hope we will be able to bring it back before the Senate for further debate and passage.

By heritage and history, America is a nation of immigrants, and we must preserve this tradition. Making necessary changes in our immigration laws will ensure that immigrant families today, as in the past, can continue to live the American dream and contribute to our prosperity, our security, and our values.

Again, thank you for writing to me about this important issue.

Edward M. Kennedy

06-18-2007, 04:24 AM
Dear Mr. A#$%^&&*:

Thank you for contacting me about immigration reform. This is a complex issue, with many important aspects, and it requires a comprehensive solution. 12 million undocumented workers are currently living in the United States. They’re working, paying taxes, and raising children who are U.S. citizens. They contribute to our economy, and it is time to bring them out of the shadows and end their unfair exploitation by unscrupulous employers in communities across the country.

Funds for border enforcement have increased dramatically over the years. The budget for the Border Patrol has increased from $263 million in 1990 to $1.6 billion today - a six-fold increase. Yet during this period, hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants have entered the U.S. each year. Our immigration system is broken, and it is clear that border enforcement alone will not fix it.

After long and thorough negotiations with the White House and fellow Senators, Republican and Democrat, we have developed a comprehensive immigration reform bill. The bill strengthens border security by increasing the number of border agents, building a border fence, using new technologies to monitor and enforce the border, and imposing higher penalties for workplaces that employ undocumented immigrants. The bill also contains a temporary worker program to help American businesses meet their employment. It addresses the millions of undocumented immigrants living in the United States by providing a means to obtain legal status after undergoing background checks, paying a fine, and going to the back of the line for greencards.

The bill is a realistic and comprehensive solution that will not only protect our borders, but also enable needed temporary workers to enter the country legally, and allow workers already here to earn legal status. It has already been discussed in the Senate once, and despite some setbacks, I hope we will be able to bring it back before the Senate for further debate and passage.

By heritage and history, America is a nation of immigrants, and we must preserve this tradition. Making necessary changes in our immigration laws will ensure that immigrant families today, as in the past, can continue to live the American dream and contribute to our prosperity, our security, and our values.

Again, thank you for writing to me about this important issue.

Edward M. Kennedy


Keep up.....writing, calling, emailing..:cheers2:

06-18-2007, 04:56 AM
www.numbersusa.com... check them out if you wish...I'm a member..:cheers2:

The following are the Senators whom we are feeling quite good about. You should find ways to thank them for being so sensitive to the needs of your state's workers and communities and urge them to just fight harder to stop S. 1348.

(* in front of Senators up for re-election in 2008.)

The KILL BILL Caucus

* Baucus (MT)
Byrd (WV)
Dorgan (ND)
* Landrieu (LA)
McCaskill (MO)
Tester (MT)
* Pryor (AR)
* Rockefeller (WV)

* Alexander (TN)
* Allard (CO)
Bond (MO)
Bunning (KY)
Coburn (OK)
Corker (TN)
* Cornyn (TX)
Crapo (ID)
DeMint (SC)
* Dole (NC)
* Enzi (WY)
Grassley (IA)
* Inhofe (OK)
* Roberts (KS)
* Sessions (AL)
Shelby (AL)
* Smith, G. (OR)
Thune (SD)
Vitter (LA)

A special hero's garland should drape four Senators who have been absolutely courageous leaders in battling the power of the White House and of the Democratic Party Leadership -- and taking incredible abuse from most of the elite national news media.

Sessions (R-Ala.)
Dorgan (D-N.D.)
DeMint (R-S.C.)
Vitter (R-La.)

If all 98 Senators vote, we will need 39 NO votes on cloture to kill this bill.

Congratulations to all of you in the states of these 27 Senators. But we have to get 12 more for sure. Right now, I see 13 others who look like really good possibilities if their constituents can just give them the right message in sufficient quantity. And there are another half-dozen or so who are not out of the question.

Both of my senators are on my shit list...and I've been emailing them on my own....
But, I've been able to fax them at the above site....
I've also been emailing President Bush, and Vp, Cheney.......DONT LET UP...

06-18-2007, 06:09 AM
Dear Mr. A#$%^&&*:

Thank you for contacting me about immigration reform. This is a complex issue, with many important aspects, and it requires a comprehensive solution. 12 million undocumented workers are currently living in the United States. They're working, paying taxes, and raising children who are U.S. citizens. They contribute to our economy, and it is time to bring them out of the shadows and end their unfair exploitation by unscrupulous employers in communities across the country.

Yeah, well, a lot of documented immigrants are here working, paying taxes and raising children who are US citizens, too. I can name quite a few... in fact, they didn't sneak under a fence, got passports, assimilated, became US citizens, too.... unfortunately, they vote for Democrat retards like you oh Great Alcoholic

Funds for border enforcement have increased dramatically over the years. The budget for the Border Patrol has increased from $263 million in 1990 to $1.6 billion today - a six-fold increase. Yet during this period, hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants have entered the U.S. each year. Our immigration system is broken, and it is clear that border enforcement alone will not fix it.
Yes, and you don't want to fix it, because those illegals mostly settle in Democrat represented districts, which helps to tip the balance of representation in Congress towards the Democrat side. On top of that, with you and your fellow Democrats all too willing to sell out our country in exchange for their votes.... why spoil a good thing?

After long and thorough negotiations with the White House and fellow Senators, Republican and Democrat, we have developed a comprehensive immigration reform bill. The bill strengthens border security by increasing the number of border agents, building a border fence, using new technologies to monitor and enforce the border, and imposing higher penalties for workplaces that employ undocumented immigrants. The bill also contains a temporary worker program to help American businesses meet their employment. It addresses the millions of undocumented immigrants living in the United States by providing a means to obtain legal status after undergoing background checks, paying a fine, and going to the back of the line for greencards.

In other words, the White House rolled over and played dead on this issue because they're wusses and are outgunned and out manned by the Democrat Congress. Now all of those other measures sound good, on paper, but will soon be forgotten, just as similar measures proposed by a Senator Edward Kennedy back in 1986 were also soon forgotten.

The bill is a realistic and comprehensive solution that will not only protect our borders, but also enable needed temporary workers to enter the country legally, and allow workers already here to earn legal status. It has already been discussed in the Senate once, and despite some setbacks, I hope we will be able to bring it back before the Senate for further debate and passage.

By heritage and history, America is a nation of immigrants, and we must preserve this tradition. Making necessary changes in our immigration laws will ensure that immigrant families today, as in the past, can continue to live the American dream and contribute to our prosperity, our security, and our values.

Again, thank you for writing to me about this important issue.

In other words, boys and girls, go to Hell, we're doing what we want regardless of what you say, so shut up and go ---- yourselves. We know better than you and have your best interests in mind. After all, we are liberal elites who live in big mansions and need these wetbacks to be our pool boys, gardeners and "senoritas" (wink, wink). And we already know that the unwashed masses of people in this country are too stupid, too unsophisticated to begin to hope to understand why this is necessary! So do us a favor will you? Shut up and go to work, you owe us thousands in taxes this year. In the meantime, we'll be working overtime to make sure that we do the bidding of the Trial Lawyers, the Labor Unions, and radical foreigners like George Soros because they have the big bucks, not you! So send in a campaign check and we'll look into it, maybe, if we have the time, or if we feel like it. , also be sure to join a labor union, vote democrat if you want more goodies from the government.... Oh Tay? Now go away and quit bothering me, I'm an important Senator with a lot of things to do (they're called Bambi, Bubbles, Tiffany, and Tia Marie!)

06-18-2007, 07:40 AM
Dear Mr. A#$%^&&*:

Yeah, well, a lot of documented immigrants are here working, paying taxes and raising children who are US citizens, too. I can name quite a few... in fact, they didn't sneak under a fence, got passports, assimilated, became US citizens, too.... unfortunately, they vote for Democrat retards like you oh Great Alcoholic

Yes, and you don't want to fix it, because those illegals mostly settle in Democrat represented districts, which helps to tip the balance of representation in Congress towards the Democrat side. On top of that, with you and your fellow Democrats all too willing to sell out our country in exchange for their votes.... why spoil a good thing?

In other words, the White House rolled over and played dead on this issue because they're wusses and are outgunned and out manned by the Democrat Congress. Now all of those other measures sound good, on paper, but will soon be forgotten, just as similar measures proposed by a Senator Edward Kennedy back in 1986 were also soon forgotten.

In other words, boys and girls, go to Hell, we're doing what we want regardless of what you say, so shut up and go ---- yourselves. We know better than you and have your best interests in mind. After all, we are liberal elites who live in big mansions and need these wetbacks to be our pool boys, gardeners and "senoritas" (wink, wink). And we already know that the unwashed masses of people in this country are too stupid, too unsophisticated to begin to hope to understand why this is necessary! So do us a favor will you? Shut up and go to work, you owe us thousands in taxes this year. In the meantime, we'll be working overtime to make sure that we do the bidding of the Trial Lawyers, the Labor Unions, and radical foreigners like George Soros because they have the big bucks, not you! So send in a campaign check and we'll look into it, maybe, if we have the time, or if we feel like it. , also be sure to join a labor union, vote democrat if you want more goodies from the government.... Oh Tay? Now go away and quit bothering me, I'm an important Senator with a lot of things to do (they're called Bambi, Bubbles, Tiffany, and Tia Marie!)

I hear Karl......

But.....let's not give this up, without a fight....

call, write, emael, fax....

come on....this doesnt take much...Let's let them hear from US.....THE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA...:salute:

06-18-2007, 07:42 AM
In case you've forgotten the 800 numbers set up by the amnesty lobby to get their supporters connected to the senators, here are the numbers:

1-800-882-2005. (Spanish number)
1-800-417-7666. (English number)
By the way, folks. I just called and got right through to my senator. The White House has been telling the wavering senators that "this storm will blow over" if they just hold together.

06-18-2007, 02:49 PM
In case you've forgotten the 800 numbers set up by the amnesty lobby to get their supporters connected to the senators, here are the numbers:

1-800-882-2005. (Spanish number)
1-800-417-7666. (English number)
By the way, folks. I just called and got right through to my senator. The White House has been telling the wavering senators that "this storm will blow over" if they just hold together.

Instead of using the numbers usa site I just write them through email and or write them through regular mail. If you write them regular mail you have more of a chance of getting it considered and read as it shows you took the time to write it out and take your time to do it. A lot of people use pre-written letters on an email so they really dont pay attention to it.

06-18-2007, 02:51 PM
http://ensign.senate.gov/ Goto that website and send Senator Ensign a message. He has been against the bill and voted against it, but is considering it now that it's back. I think if enough people write him he wont change his vote.