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View Full Version : Let Americans Never Have to Ask Ourselves, 'Who Lost Egypt?'

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-09-2014, 07:37 AM
Let Americans Never Have to Ask Ourselves, 'Who Lost Egypt?'

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ziad-j-asali-md/let-americans-never-have_b_4918692.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592 As Egypt approaches a crucial moment of transition, both Americans and Egyptians should take careful stock of the value of their long-standing but currently stressed strategic relationship. We must never find ourselves asking, "who lost Egypt?"

Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi's cabinet had resigned as Egypt finds itself in the midst of a political and economic crisis involving mass strikes, ongoing protests and, increasingly, terrorist attacks. Egypt is gearing up for presidential elections scheduled for mid-April, and there's widespread speculation that the Defense Minister, Field Marshal Abdel Fattah Al-Sissi, may run and win.

Meanwhile, the crackdown against the Muslim Brotherhood following the overthrow of former president Mohammad Morsi continues unabated. It has been declared a "terrorist organization." The Brotherhood insists that it has nothing to do with the terrorism that has spread out of Sinai, while the government insists it does. And it has suggestive circumstantial evidence, like demands by terrorists that only the restoration of Morsi would stop their violence.

Certainly, the threat to Egyptian national security and integrity is not merely a ruse to propel anyone into power. The prospect of a broader civic conflict is all too real.

Many in Washington have taken a dim view of Egypt's trajectory. Some criticizing Egypt's transition are clearly motivated by overt sympathy for the Muslim Brotherhood

Others are genuinely committed to of democracy and have legitimate concerns about human rights. But they tend to underestimate the existential security challenges and the lack of alternatives facing the Egyptian people and authorities. And they haven't credited them with moving quickly towards creating a new Constitution, which has already been adopted, and preparing the upcoming elections. This new political and social dynamism can be helped or hindered by outsiders, especially Americans.

Meanwhile, many in Egypt blame the United States for being "on the wrong side." Supporters of the interim government, and many others, believe that the Obama administration actively wanted the Muslim Brotherhood to take power, rather than being willing to abide by the results of an election. They note the millions of Egyptians who poured onto the streets had no means of unseating an out-of-control Morsi other than the wildly popular military intervention. They add no one is calling the uprising in Ukraine a "coup." As for supporters of the Brotherhood, they are equally convinced Washington smiles on what they deem a "coup d'état."

The Obama administration has never formally declared the ouster of Morsi to be a coup d'état, precisely because that would trigger legal obligations with dire consequences for US-Egyptian strategic relations and security cooperation. Some American aid and cooperation have been suspended, but by executive decision. Some joint military exercises, delivery of weapon systems and planned cash transfers have been postponed, but much other cooperation continues.

Here is the real point, bamscum will withhold billions of dollars worth of advanced weapons and cash unless a government that is very , very hostile to Israel is installed! He had that with his man Morsi in charge. What gets me is how so many Americans failed to se that and also failed to protest against bamscum's deception. Israel is an ally, while the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist group. Simply amazing how the bamscum got away with breaking Federal law by aiding a terrorist group. Too bad for boy wonder that the Egyptian people saw this ruse for what it was and have rejected that alliance and deception. -Tyr

Some American aid and cooperation have been suspended, but by executive decision. Some joint military exercises, delivery of weapon systems and planned cash transfers have been postponed, but much other cooperation continues.

03-09-2014, 08:23 PM
Nobody lost Egypt. The old regime never left. Now it looks like they will have another Dictator installed to carry on business as usual.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-10-2014, 05:34 PM
Nobody lost Egypt. The old regime never left. Now it looks like they will have another Dictator installed to carry on business as usual. Not likely the new one will be as bad as the last that was tossed out on his sorry terrorist ass. :laugh:--Tyr

03-10-2014, 07:41 PM
Not likely the new one will be as bad as the last that was tossed out on his sorry terrorist ass. :laugh:--Tyr

Morsi didn't kill anyone. Sisi's death toll is in the thousands already and he hasn't even been "elected" yet.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-11-2014, 09:17 PM
Morsi didn't kill anyone. Sisi's death toll is in the thousands already and he hasn't even been "elected" yet. And how would you know whether Morsi killed anyone or not? Where you there holding his hand as he served as a top dog Muslim Brotherhood leader? I have grave doubts about his being the angel you are attempting to make him out to be.

Prove your numbers you stated on Sisi and then prove which ones were not part of his duty= giving military orders to keep the peace!-Tyr

03-11-2014, 11:02 PM
This is your beloved Sisi's image within days of the military coup. I challenge you to find similar scenes under Morsi.


http://dailycaller.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/LiveLeak-dot-com-97e55dfb5cef-1186106_171330289718609_1302179999_n.jpg.resized.j pg

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-14-2014, 10:27 AM
This is your beloved Sisi's image within days of the military coup. I challenge you to find similar scenes under Morsi.


http://dailycaller.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/LiveLeak-dot-com-97e55dfb5cef-1186106_171330289718609_1302179999_n.jpg.resized.j pg A picture with no link , no source given and not even any details of where or what happened there. I can post thousands of that type of picture and attribute it to anybody I want. I have no doubt on your willingness to accept any information that negative impacts those that oppose your religious beliefs. Yet presenting such as you did proves nothing. For all I know it could be a pic of an attack made by terrorists in the Syrian war going on now and have nothing to do with Sisi. By the way, I am no big fan of Sisi. I do however see he is by far less evil than the terrorist scum they just ousted . Terrorist scum Obama was only to happy to support. --Tyr

03-14-2014, 09:01 PM
This is your beloved Sisi's image within days of the military coup. I challenge you to find similar scenes under Morsi.


http://dailycaller.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/LiveLeak-dot-com-97e55dfb5cef-1186106_171330289718609_1302179999_n.jpg.resized.j pg

So which ones Sisi? There's a ninja turtle by the tree where ever this was taken.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-14-2014, 09:53 PM
So which ones Sisi? There's a ninja turtle by the tree where ever this was taken. Hel, for al we know that could be a picture of bomb training gone wrong and the jihadists got their sorry asses sent to those promised 72 gay virgins prematurely. :laugh: Jafar too often just posts a pic or words with no link and no multiple sources backing up what "he claims" it is.. --Tyr

03-15-2014, 01:38 AM
A picture with no link , no source given and not even any details of where or what happened there. I can post thousands of that type of picture and attribute it to anybody I want. I have no doubt on your willingness to accept any information that negative impacts those that oppose your religious beliefs. Yet presenting such as you did proves nothing. For all I know it could be a pic of an attack made by terrorists in the Syrian war going on now and have nothing to do with Sisi. By the way, I am no big fan of Sisi. I do however see he is by far less evil than the terrorist scum they just ousted . Terrorist scum Obama was only to happy to support. --Tyr

You obviously know nothing about the military regime in Egypt. Do you also like Pol Pot? How about Hitler? Cut from the same cloth.

Video also NSFW. This happened just after the coup. These were peaceful protesters.


03-15-2014, 02:01 AM
Tell me, Jafar:

Who were the muslims here?

Oh, both sides were muslim? Huh.

Seems pretty peaceful to me. I think you muzzies have it all figured out and we should all adopt that peaceful cult.

03-15-2014, 04:41 AM
Tell me, Jafar:

Who were the muslims here?

Oh, both sides were muslim? Huh.

Seems pretty peaceful to me. I think you muzzies have it all figured out and we should all adopt that peaceful cult.

Sure your country would be so civil after a military coup? I don't think so.

03-15-2014, 10:50 AM
Sure your country would be so civil after a military coup? I don't think so.

Yes. Yes, I am.

I can't think of any group of people on the face of earth today that commit the sort of atrocities that yours does daily, while the rest of you keep proclaiming otherwise.

When are you going to do something about the 'few' radicals running around in your midst doing these dastardly deeds?

Isn't it time you started policing yourselves?

03-15-2014, 01:58 PM
Yes. Yes, I am.

I can't think of any group of people on the face of earth today that commit the sort of atrocities that yours does daily, while the rest of you keep proclaiming otherwise.

When are you going to do something about the 'few' radicals running around in your midst doing these dastardly deeds?

Isn't it time you started policing yourselves?

If you were living in a war zone, you would probably think differently.

03-15-2014, 02:44 PM
If you were living in a war zone, you would probably think differently.

JAFAR. Much to your dismay. WE ALL ARE LIVING IN A WAR ZONE. The entire World is becoming a WAR ZONE as long as Zealots like you, and those who claim to practice the Religion of Peace..intend to KILL anyone who disagree's with YOU, or THEM.

You...like it or not. Represent the chief PLAYERS that cause the WORLDWIDE WAR ZONE to exist.

And nothing you say, or claim in your own, protected little hypocrisy filled World Down Under can change it.

03-15-2014, 07:53 PM
You...like it or not. Represent the chief PLAYERS that cause the WORLDWIDE WAR ZONE to exist.

Who's been doing all the invasions and "shock & awe" lately? :p

03-15-2014, 08:39 PM
who's been doing all the invasions and "shock & awe" lately? :p


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-15-2014, 10:46 PM
If you were living in a war zone, you would probably think differently. If I were living in a war zone I'd be armed to the teeth and defending my family against any entity regardless of its affiliation that was attempting to harm me and mine. When I say the word-ANY-- I damn sure mean any regardless of its source, racial and/or religious / military connections. Our government fears my kind above any other. A free man willing to defend family, freedom , hearth and home. Nothing it fears more. A fact.. Our current government is pure evil. A fact. A fact noted by its allegiance to advancing entities dedicated to destroying said freedom, justice and our Constitution. The current government are the damn traitors not WE CITIZENS STILL LOYAL TO THIS NATION AS IT WAS FOUNDED. --TYR

03-16-2014, 04:02 AM
If I were living in a war zone I'd be armed to the teeth and defending my family against any entity regardless of its affiliation that was attempting to harm me and mine. When I say the word-ANY-- I damn sure mean any regardless of its source, racial and/or religious / military connections. Our government fears my kind above any other. A free man willing to defend family, freedom , hearth and home. Nothing it fears more. A fact.. Our current government is pure evil. A fact. A fact noted by its allegiance to advancing entities dedicated to destroying said freedom, justice and our Constitution. The current government are the damn traitors not WE CITIZENS STILL LOYAL TO THIS NATION AS IT WAS FOUNDED. --TYR

If you were fighting against Obama's troops, would you join a militia against him?

03-16-2014, 12:48 PM
If you were fighting against Obama's troops, would you join a militia against him?

jafar. If Obama's troops (your suggestion) looked like HIS NEW BLACK PANTHERS?

There would be no need to join a militia. Here in the U.S.A. We have the 2nd amendment, and we are able to defend our homes, and family. IF THEY ENTER without permission. My two uncles SMITTY, and WESS...can stop a few.

03-16-2014, 01:55 PM
jafar. If Obama's troops (your suggestion) looked like HIS NEW BLACK PANTHERS?

There would be no need to join a militia. Here in the U.S.A. We have the 2nd amendment, and we are able to defend our homes, and family. IF THEY ENTER without permission. My two uncles SMITTY, and WESS...can stop a few.

The govt would just call you a terrorist to justify dropping a bomb on your house with you in it. I doubt your "uncles" could do much about it.

03-16-2014, 02:24 PM
The govt would just call you a terrorist to justify dropping a bomb on your house with you in it. I doubt your "uncles" could do much about it.

Oh...that's right. Unlike your uncle AK-47, or Machete. You think we can't protect ourselves here, because you live in OZ where there is no 2ND Amendment.

03-16-2014, 04:20 PM
Oh...that's right. Unlike your uncle AK-47, or Machete. You think we can't protect ourselves here, because you live in OZ where there is no 2ND Amendment.

Afraid of a fist fight? :poke:

03-16-2014, 04:53 PM
Afraid of a fist fight? :poke:

...er'm ... I thought you were committed to ... 'a religion of peace' .. ??:rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-16-2014, 05:06 PM
If you were fighting against Obama's troops, would you join a militia against him? I refuse to answer such a question. I've made my position quite clear. No person or group of persons get to just come to my home to harm me or mine. Nobody should be clear enough. As an American I have the right to self-defense regardless of who or what the attacking party is. --Tyr

03-16-2014, 06:51 PM
Afraid of a fist fight? :poke:

To make you happy jafar. Never have walked away from a fight. My black-belt talents haven't been used in more than 20 years.
If you are looking for a fight. I would never take a bare fist to a gunfight.

Somehow...the loser is pretty predictable.

03-16-2014, 08:23 PM
I refuse to answer such a question. I've made my position quite clear. No person or group of persons get to just come to my home to harm me or mine. Nobody should be clear enough. As an American I have the right to self-defense regardless of who or what the attacking party is. --Tyr

So, when are you going to declare Shahada and become a Muslim? The right to self defence (but NOT to start the fight) is enshrined in the Qur'aan. You're already starting to think like us hehe. :beer:

Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors. (2:190)

03-17-2014, 12:55 PM
So, when are you going to declare Shahada and become a Muslim? The right to self defence (but NOT to start the fight) is enshrined in the Qur'aan. You're already starting to think like us hehe. :beer:

Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors.(2:190)

jafar. Just wondering, for information purposes. Does brainwashing like you have experienced, hurt your empty skull?