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View Full Version : Israel PM blasts world 'hypocrisy over Iran arms ship'

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-10-2014, 08:57 PM
Israel PM blasts world 'hypocrisy over Iran arms ship'


By Steve Weizman
2 hours ago
Eilat (Israel) (AFP) - Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused the world of "hypocrisy" over Iran on Monday as he unveiled a shipment of arms allegedly dispatched to Gaza by Tehran.

Standing in front of a vast display of weapons seized last week from a vessel in the Red Sea, Netanyahu launched a blistering attack on the West over its apparent disregard for Iran's alleged attempts to supply longer-range rockets to Palestinian militants.

In a highly-publicised speech from Eilat port, where the weapons had been unloaded, Netanyahu said he had only heard a handful of "softly-worded condemnations of Iran" over its "murderous delivery" which came to light just days before EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton made a landmark visit to Tehran.

"We have been witness to the smiles and the handshakes between representatives of the West and the heads of the Iranian regime in Tehran, even as these missiles were being unloaded here in Eilat," he said.

There were some in the international community who did not want Israel to expose "the truth behind the false smiles of Iran," he said, dismissing President Hassan Rouhani, who has spearheaded Iran's opening to the West, as nothing more than "a PR man."

"They want to continue perpetuating the illusion that Iran has changed direction. The facts that we are showing here, on this platform show the complete opposite," he said.

Ahead of the speech, hordes of journalists and foreign military attaches were shown the weapons found on board the Panamanian-flagged Klos-C, including 40 longer-range M-302 rockets, 181 mortar rounds and approximately 400,000 rifle cartridges.

Also on display were sacks of cement under which the weapons had been hidden. On the sacks, written in English, were the names "Fars and Khozestan Cement Co" and "Hormozgan Cement Company" - both names of Iranian firms.

M-302 rockets have a range of 160 kilometres (100 miles), and if fired from Gaza could easily reach Tel Aviv, which lies just 60 kilometres to the north.

An Israeli military spokeswoman said Gaza militants have around 8,000 rockets, including 200 M75s, named for their 75-kilometre range.

The Islamist Hamas movement ruling Gaza unveiled a statue of the M75 Monday to showcase its ability to strike deep within Israel. M75 rockets fired during the last conflict with Israel in November 2012 struck near Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Analysts have said the discovery of the ship was unlikely to change the West's limited rapprochement with Iran or its willingness to negotiate over Tehran's controversial nuclear programme. The world condemns Israel for its desire to simply survive while it so often applauds the terrorists for their vicious murdering of innocent people. I've called this hypocrisy for decades now myself! I've noted how the worthless Dems aids Israel's enemies and our enemies both. I hope for a reckoning someday and pray those aiding the damn murders get theirs too. F-them all.... --Tyr

03-11-2014, 10:57 PM
Maybe we just don't buy it. Israel spends way too much time on propaganda.

03-14-2014, 09:07 PM
Maybe we just don't buy it. Israel spends way too much time on propaganda.

And you don't?