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View Full Version : Saudi listing of Brotherhood as terrorist group complicates Gulf ties

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-12-2014, 08:51 AM

Saudi listing of Brotherhood as terrorist group complicates Gulf ties


By Yara Bayoumy and Sylvia Westall
4 hours ago
DUBAI/KUWAIT (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's fierce campaign against the Muslim Brotherhood, already on the run in its Egyptian birthplace, has divided a Gulf Arab bloc, causing discomfort in some member states where the Islamist group is embedded in daily politics.

Feuding with Qatar over Islam's place in a turbulent Arab world, Riyadh recalled its ambassador from Doha last week and branded the Brotherhood, a Qatari ally, a terrorist group.

Saudi Arabia has swung firmly behind the Egyptian military, which deposed President Mohamed Mursi last year after mass protests against the Brotherhood leader. Riyadh has since pumped billions of dollars into Egypt's creaking economy.

Punishing Qatar for its pro-Brotherhood stance shows a new Saudi confidence in pushing its agenda, even if it means splits in the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), a U.S.-aligned alliance which usually keeps any internal tensions private.

Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates have followed Riyadh's lead in recalling their envoys from Qatar. But Kuwait, home to an active community of political Islamists integrated into the political and business elite, has voiced disquiet and offered to mediate in the dispute.

Oman, which has opposed plans for a closer Gulf union, appeared to downplay the seriousness of the rift on Wednesday.[/QUOTE]

Bravo!! The Saudis declare Obama's chosen rulers of Egypt to be terrorists! Now what will the lousy bampunk do? When the world gets to see the Saudis announce that the Muslim Brotherhood are terrorists? What will Jafar say? How will Jafar try to spin this one? :laugh: Just makes my day!!!!!! :beer:

Saudis prove the lousy bampunk promoted and allied with terrorists (MB) other than Al Qaeda! While bampunk now promotes and aids Al Qaeda in Syria.. I guess Jafar and Gabby may have to join forces on an attempted counter of this truth being presented for the world to see.

Source is Reuters so they do not get to dismiss it as a biased rightwing source. One of Jafar's favorite tactics.. lol-- --Tyr

03-12-2014, 07:07 PM
Who appointed the Saudis the official representatives of the Arab world? Everyone has a different opinion there.

And since when did you become a friend of the Saudis? They still don't let women drive there. :p

03-13-2014, 08:19 AM
Who appointed the Saudis the official representatives of the Arab world? Everyone has a different opinion there.

And since when did you become a friend of the Saudis? They still don't let women drive there. :p

When I was younger, and more naive, I thought Saudi Arabia was more or less the "spokespeople" for Muslims in the Middle East. The words "kingdom", and then the pilgrimage and mecca... But I have learned as I got older, through Muslim friends, that even they open their eyes widely and quickly separate themselves from the people/government of SA.