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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-13-2014, 10:46 PM

John McCain Unloads On Senate Republicans: 'I Haven't Been Embarrassed This Way'

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) took to the Senate floor Thursday to castigate fellow Republicans for holding up aid to Ukraine over provisions boosting funding for the International Monetary Fund.

"What has happened? Where are our priorities? Is the IMF, no matter whether it's fixed or not fixed with this legislation, more important than the lives of thousands of people? Is that what we're talking about here?" he said.

He invoked Republicans' secular saint -- President Ronald Reagan. "I will say to my friends who were objecting to this -- and there are a number of them on my side -- you can call yourself Republicans. That's fine, because that's your voter registration. Don't call yourself Reagan Republicans. Ronald Reagan would never, would never let this kind of aggression go unresponded to by the American people."

He went on, "So now because of an IMF fix, or a campaign finance fix, we are now going to reject a piece of legislation that was done in a bipartisan basis with the leadership of the chairman who I see on the floor, of which I'm proud, ranking member, Senator Corker of Tennessee, and we're going to say 'no.' And you know the most ridiculous thing about all of this is? The majority leader has filed cloture. We have well over 60 votes. So we're going to be back in about 11 or 12 days, whatever it is. Cloture will have been expired. It's well over 60 votes. And we will pass this."

"I've been embarrassed before on the floor of the Senate, I will tell the president. But I haven't been embarrassed this way about members of my own party," said McCain.

McCain has long been hawkish toward Russia and is not afraid to take on his fellow Republicans. But McCain's remarks stand in contrast to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), who said the IMF provision to boost funding had nothing to do with the Ukraine bill. Ukraine has long been a recipient of IMF loans, and is negotiating a new package of loans with the IMF.

The Senate is likely to vote on the Ukraine aid package when it returns from recess next week. McCain is leading a congressional delegation to Kiev in a show of support for the new government. ^^^ This old traitor has help weaken and destroy this nation ever since his first day in public office. He may have once been a military hero but I know he lost that honor when he became an old appeasing bag of wind that ever so constantly aided the dems in defeating our side on issues. I'd spit in his lousy face should I ever meet him. This is the idiot that told that old lady asking about Obama during his campaign --that "Obama was an honorable man"! I turned on him that day and have NEVER LOOKED BACK. I truly despise him .. With scum like this in our party we need no enemies.... He has spent his entire career kissing dems asses. Damn sickening.. He speaks more like them than they do.. He joins with them to defeat what is right too damn often for me to ever overlook it or excuse it!--Tyr

03-13-2014, 11:31 PM
^^^ This old traitor has help weaken and destroy this nation ever since his first day in public office. He may have once been a military hero but I know he lost that honor when he became an old appeasing bag of wind that ever so constantly aided the dems in defeating our side on issues. I'd spit in his lousy face should I ever meet him. This is the idiot that told that old lady asking about Obama during his campaign --that "Obama was an honorable man"! I turned on him that day and have NEVER LOOKED BACK. I truly despise him .. With scum like this in our party we need no enemies.... He has spent his entire career kissing dems asses. Damn sickening.. He speaks more like them than they do.. He joins with them to defeat what is right too damn often for me to ever overlook it or excuse it!--Tyr
So you're against giving aid to Ukraine?

03-14-2014, 02:07 AM
So you're against giving aid to Ukraine?

When retired military are having their retirement benefits and medical benefits cut back due to budget constraints, hell yes, I'm against handing over billions of dollars.

I do understand that we need to protect our allies and strategic locations; I just wish it didn't have to always be on the backs of our military ... not just the monies that are diverted but also the sacrifices that might have to be made if we go to war.

03-14-2014, 02:12 AM
Tyr ... I've never like McCain ... during research about Kerry I discovered that McCain had aligned himself with Kerry on some things related to Vietnam, MIA's and POW's.

John McCain, who has risen to political prominence on his image as a Vietnam POW war hero, has, inexplicably, worked very hard to hide from the public stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn’t return home. Throughout his Senate career, McCain has quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents. Thus the war hero who people would logically imagine as a determined crusader for the interests of POWs and their families became instead the strange champion of hiding the evidence and closing the books.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-14-2014, 06:14 AM
So you're against giving aid to Ukraine? Not only yes but ------Hell Yes!!!! We are trillions in debt and should address that issue first and foremost. We are cutting military expenditures like crazy but going to give billions to Ukraine? to Egypt? bullshat--Tyr

03-14-2014, 06:27 AM
Take the IMF garbage out of the bill and help the Ukrainians.

Damn the IMF and let it collapse for all I care. The world existed before the IMF and can exist if it collapses.

The Ukrainians are in real trouble.