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View Full Version : Ex-Westboro Baptist Church Leader Fred Phelps is Finally Dying

03-16-2014, 06:12 PM

link (http://gawker.com/ex-westboro-baptist-church-leader-fred-phelps-is-finall-1544924334)

I hope they protest his funeral. with pitch forks

03-16-2014, 06:22 PM
link (http://gawker.com/ex-westboro-baptist-church-leader-fred-phelps-is-finall-1544924334)

I hope they protest his funeral. with pitch forks

Imitation is the highest form of flattery.

03-16-2014, 06:48 PM
Wonder if the ATHIESTS will erect a statue of DEAD-FRED somewhere in THAN FRAN THISCO?

And everyone who attends his LANDFILL depository...sings "Y.M.C.A."http://icansayit.com/images/villagepeeps.jpg

03-16-2014, 07:39 PM
they make friends where ever they go


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-16-2014, 08:31 PM

CBS/AP/March 16, 2014, 11:19 AM

Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps Sr. “on the edge of death,” son says

Last Updated Mar 16, 2014 7:53 PM EDT

The estranged son of the founder of the Westboro Baptist Church said his father is "on the edge of death."

Fred Phelps Sr. became famous for organizing picket lines of brightly-colored signs carrying hateful messages against tolerance during the funerals of military personnel and famous figures. His actions led to at least two federal and several state laws restricting protests during military funerals.

In a statement on his Facebook page, Nathan Phelps, who has been estranged from his father for 30 years, said the senior Phelps was dying in hospice care in Topeka, Kan., and that he had been excommunicated from his own church in August of 2013.

"I'm not sure how I feel about this. Terribly ironic that his devotion to his god ends this way. Destroyed by the monster he made," Nathan Phelps wrote.

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Banished from extreme church

"I feel sad for all the hurt he's caused so many," he continued. "I feel sad for those who will lose the grandfather and father they loved. And I'm bitterly angry that my family is blocking the family members who left from seeing him, and saying their good-byes."

A spokesman for the Westboro Baptist Church said Sunday that the elder Phelps, 84, was being cared for in a facility in Shawnee County, Kan. Spokesman Steve Drain declined to identify the facility or to characterize Phelps' condition.

"I can tell you that Fred Phelps is having some health problems," Drain said. "He's an old man, and old people get health problems."

Drain declined comment Sunday on whether Fred Phelps had been voted out of the church.

Just last week, a federal judge upheld a Missouri law requiring protesters to stay at least a football-field length away from funeral sites, beginning an hour before they start until an hour after the services end.

The ruling by U.S. District Judge Fernando Gaitan Jr. caps a nearly eight-year legal fight over Missouri's funeral protest restrictions that were prompted after members of a Kansas church opposed to homosexuality protested at the funeral of a Missouri solider who had been killed in Iraq.

Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster said the law is now in effect.

"No parent who has lost a child should be confronted by the hate and intolerance of strangers, and today's ruling means parents and other loved ones will have a protective boundary from protesters," Koster said Tuesday in a written statement.

Couldn't happen soon enough IMHO. The guy was full of hate and didn't care who he harmed pursuing his agenda. Finally death is the justice delivered that was not delivered before. Can not come soon enough for me .. I have no sympathy for such scum. For he had no sympathy for the families of fallen soldiers. He hurt them in their time of despair, misery and abject grief. Soon enough he will be welcomed by his dark master ..-- :beer:-Tyr

03-16-2014, 10:49 PM
I despise this man and all his ilk, but I wish death upon no one. It's not a Christian thing to do.

03-16-2014, 11:04 PM
I pray that he finds his way to reconcile with the Lord before he passes. And I truly hope people dont sink to the level of the WBC and protest his funeral. We are supposed to love our enemies and pray for those that abuse us.

Hate drew a circle that shut me out--
Heretic, Rebel, a thing to flout
But love and I had the wit to win
We drew a circle that took him in. - Charles Edwin Markham (slightly altered)

03-17-2014, 06:46 AM
I despise this man and all his ilk, but I wish death upon no one. It's not a Christian thing to do.

Agreed 100%

No I don't wish death on anyone but this is a case where it certainly doesn't make me sad

03-17-2014, 07:07 AM
I feel for any INNOCENT family that may not have ever been involved (don't know their family). But for Phelps, I couldn't care less and I say good riddance. I hope he rots in hell but I'll let God be the decider of that. I hope the rest of his protesting family get to join him in his plight REAL soon.

03-17-2014, 07:08 AM
Agreed 100%

No I don't wish death on anyone but this is a case where it certainly doesn't make me sad

I just replied in another thread, I'll likely merge them. But I'll say it again, good riddance. I'm not wishing death on him, but I'm not sad and I will have a great big smile!

03-17-2014, 08:31 AM
I feel for any INNOCENT family that may not have ever been involved (don't know their family). But for Phelps, I couldn't care less and I say good riddance. I hope he rots in hell but I'll let God be the decider of that. I hope the rest of his protesting family get to join him in his plight REAL soon.

The Ultimate Hell for Phelps will be when he reaches the Pearly Gates and Sees St. Peter will be this.

Saint Peter - "Hello Rev. Phelps, you've been expected. God wishes to see you personally"

Rev Phelps - "Okay"

GOD to Rev. Phelps - "I don't hate you Reverend, In fact I FORGIVE YOU"

It invalidates everything the hate monger ever preached...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-17-2014, 08:33 AM
I despise this man and all his ilk, but I wish death upon no one. It's not a Christian thing to do.
I never wished death upon the man. I did however express my joy at his soon not being able to harm so many innocent people. He likely thought that his true master (Satan) would stay the hand of death for him. He is about to find that out and a kind of justice will have been rendered. For that man tortured innocent people in their time of great loss and massive grief. There was NOTHING Christian about what he did--his agenda.. I judge him according to his deeds here and now. God will judge him according to his true heart. I strongly suspect both judgments to be harsh. --Tyr

03-17-2014, 09:15 AM
he and his little bastards pissed on the graves of my fallen fellow vets who served and their family's as well. so i spit on this cock sucker. and all of em. rot in hell

03-17-2014, 11:45 AM
He is an evil, repulsive man and the world will be a better place when he departs.

03-17-2014, 11:51 AM
What will he do when God tells him this...

"I love Gays and was a Veteran"

Phelps will really be in hell...

even if it's in heaven.

03-17-2014, 12:38 PM
I pray that he finds his way to reconcile with the Lord before he passes. And I truly hope people dont sink to the level of the WBC and protest his funeral. We are supposed to love our enemies and pray for those that abuse us.

Hate drew a circle that shut me out--
Heretic, Rebel, a thing to flout
But love and I had the wit to win
We drew a circle that took him in. - Charles Edwin Markham (slightly altered)

Has it occurred to any of you he was just so repulsed by homosexuality that he went "partially postal". I'm thankful he didn't go even further off the deep end. He pushed the limits of the First Amendment, nothing more. May he find peace in the place where there is no sin. Sure he went nuts towards the end of his life, but I see more hate from his oppenents than from him.

03-17-2014, 01:15 PM
Has it occurred to any of you he was just so repulsed by homosexuality that he went "partially postal". I'm thankful he didn't go even further off the deep end. He pushed the limits of the First Amendment, nothing more. May he find peace in the place where there is no sin. Sure he went nuts towards the end of his life, but I see more hate from his oppenents than from him.

IMO, him and his cohorts went beyond freedom of speech and into the harassment department when they made every attempt to picket every American soldier burial that they could, and make the most repulsive comments and hold them signs, during a funeral, so those grieving would hear and see it. Post it on the internet, put it on a billboard, send letters to the editor, go to town hall and get a bullhorn, get a permit and do so at a park - I can come up with endless ways for them to still spread their hatred. But I think the one thing that should be stopped is anyone doing so literally at ones final resting place, during a funeral. I can't think of many lower and despicable acts than that. If they truly believe that, they should go and picket active duty soldiers, perhaps at the closest watering hole to the base. Why wait until they are dead, when the only people they are then hurting is the family?

And sure, there is a lot of hatred being tossed back in his direction. Hate breeds hate. One can't expect to live a life the way he has and not attract some non well wishers.

03-17-2014, 01:39 PM
IMO, him and his cohorts went beyond freedom of speech and into the harassment department when they made every attempt to picket every American soldier burial that they could, and make the most repulsive comments and hold them signs, during a funeral, so those grieving would hear and see it. Post it on the internet, put it on a billboard, send letters to the editor, go to town hall and get a bullhorn, get a permit and do so at a park - I can come up with endless ways for them to still spread their hatred. But I think the one thing that should be stopped is anyone doing so literally at ones final resting place, during a funeral. I can't think of many lower and despicable acts than that. If they truly believe that, they should go and picket active duty soldiers, perhaps at the closest watering hole to the base. Why wait until they are dead, when the only people they are then hurting is the family?

And sure, there is a lot of hatred being tossed back in his direction. Hate breeds hate. One can't expect to live a life the way he has and not attract some non well wishers.

Then change the law or even amend the Constitution. He was permitted to do these things. If he were not permitted, he would be locked up. He wasn't locked up.

03-17-2014, 01:58 PM
Then change the law or even amend the Constitution. He was permitted to do these things. If he were not permitted, he would be locked up. He wasn't locked up.

I would fully support a complete federal ban on any such activities in or near any cemetery for any reason for any race/religion. And I still won't respect it in any way whatsoever until such time, nor recognize it as such a freedom. I can't do much from afar of course, but if I were in the vicinity of such an event, I would likely end up in jail for assault, and be smiling the entire way. Call me a hypocrite for not supporting these vermin, I really don't care.

03-17-2014, 02:15 PM
I would fully support a complete federal ban on any such activities in or near any cemetery for any reason for any race/religion. And I still won't respect it in any way whatsoever until such time, nor recognize it as such a freedom. I can't do much from afar of course, but if I were in the vicinity of such an event, I would likely end up in jail for assault, and be smiling the entire way. Call me a hypocrite for not supporting these vermin, I really don't care.

I'm surprised that some government official didn't compile some of his statements to have him declared incompetent and a danger to public safety and thrown in a rubber room. If he is responded to outside the law, those who respond that way are no better than Obama with his executive orders and selective law enforcement. At least declaring him incompetent is done using the legal structures already in place.

03-17-2014, 02:26 PM
I'm surprised that some government official didn't compile some of his statements to have him declared incompetent and a danger to public safety and thrown in a rubber room. If he is responded to outside the law, those who respond that way are no better than Obama with his executive orders and selective law enforcement. At least declaring him incompetent is done using the legal structures already in place.

Perhaps your right. I understand we have laws and procedures. And I'm not advocating that people should be able to go outside the law and get away with it. Just that "I" would be willing to do so, with full knowledge that it will have consequences. I don't see that as similar to Obama and executive orders. His decisions affect the entire nation, and he does so with the likelihood that he is outside the reach of any consequences. My actions would be 'man to man', acknowledging that my actions are outside the law, and I express willingness to pay for my crime. NONE of that applies to Obama.

03-17-2014, 02:28 PM
When he is dead and gone, I think his funeral or whatever should be ignored by all. Why stoop to his/their level, and act as they do.

03-17-2014, 02:31 PM
When he is dead and gone, I think his funeral or whatever should be ignored by all. Why stoop to his/their level, and act as they do.

I know in theory you are correct. A wrong to him in return won't change anything and he wouldn't even be aware of it anyway. For his family members that do this crap for a living, it would be karma to see how they feel when people would do it to them. I wonder if they would care, or how they would feel, if tens of thousands of people showed up and laughed about him and at them.

03-17-2014, 03:01 PM
I know in theory you are correct. A wrong to him in return won't change anything and he wouldn't even be aware of it anyway. For his family members that do this crap for a living, it would be karma to see how they feel when people would do it to them. I wonder if they would care, or how they would feel, if tens of thousands of people showed up and laughed about him and at them.

IMO Ultimately the main thing they would care about would be the attention they receive.
Why was he ex-communicated in 2013 anyway? I didn't read enough on any of it to know if they said.

03-17-2014, 10:51 PM
IMO Ultimately the main thing they would care about would be the attention they receive.
Why was he ex-communicated in 2013 anyway? I didn't read enough on any of it to know if they said.

I wondered about this as well. Here is a good explanation:


Abbey Marie
03-18-2014, 12:32 AM
I would fully support a complete federal ban on any such activities in or near any cemetery for any reason for any race/religion. And I still won't respect it in any way whatsoever until such time, nor recognize it as such a freedom. I can't do much from afar of course, but if I were in the vicinity of such an event, I would likely end up in jail for assault, and be smiling the entire way. Call me a hypocrite for not supporting these vermin, I really don't care.

While I agree that funeral protests are despicable, wouldn't this bring us a lot closer to the way Muslims react to those who desecrate their Koran or Allah's name? We have to be very careful when we seek to outlaw behavior that is "offensive".

03-18-2014, 06:49 AM
While I agree that funeral protests are despicable, wouldn't this bring us a lot closer to the way Muslims react to those who desecrate their Koran or Allah's name? We have to be very careful when we seek to outlaw behavior that is "offensive".

Look at it from an alternate angle - suppose you heard that in an Islamic nation - they DID bar people from going to cemeteries and harassing/protesting funerals. To me that seems like the right thing to do no matter where you are or who you are. It's not just that it's offensive. Like I said, let them scream it from the rooftops and offend as many people as they want, let them have their POV and express it. I just don't think it should be AT a funeral. For example, there are people that protest things all the time. They are in fact prevented from doing so in a library, in a movie theater, in someone elses house, in a restaurant while people are eating, in a church. But yet one can go and basically desecrate a funeral - of a soldier no less.

I guess my stance is like this - I am a HUGE believer of freedom of speech. Although certain words are offensive, we allow them. But there is one that is just too much to stomach, so we 86'd it here. That's how I feel about protesting at soldiers funerals. I can stomach an awful lot, even to the point that I think these scum should be able to voice there opinions - elsewhere - but allowing them to ruin a funeral is too much for me to stomach.

*of note, as I argued this with someone on a Yahoo article, who told me that they weren't ruining the funerals as they weren't allowed to get up close enough, and that motorcycle riders at a lot of them drown out the protesting so that the families don't hear or see it....

Can you possibly imagine going to bury your loved one, the hearse turns the corner at what is supposed to be a quiet, nice day to say your goodbyes - and out of nowhere you find 1,000 people awaiting near the cemetery? The chanting, screaming, bikes revving.... And while maybe it disappears a tad as you get away, and close to the grave site, you now experienced that, you know they are still there, and now the entire burial and goodbye process has been changed.

03-18-2014, 08:01 AM
I say protest the funeral. they spent years drawing pubic attention to their hate. ok give it back. give the rest of these of these little jim jones troopers something to think about. that is if they do their own thinking at all

03-18-2014, 08:34 AM
I say protest the funeral. they spent years drawing pubic attention to their hate. ok give it back. give the rest of these of these little jim jones troopers something to think about. that is if they do their own thinking at all

Stay away. Prove him to be the small, inconsequential, little man that he was.

03-18-2014, 09:12 AM
Simply wait until the funeral is over and they have all left. Then walk over and quietly piss on his grave.

03-18-2014, 09:42 AM
I say protest the funeral. they spent years drawing pubic attention to their hate. ok give it back. give the rest of these of these little jim jones troopers something to think about. that is if they do their own thinking at all

What's the difference between Fred Phelps and the guy shouting at himself at a subway enterance? Phelps just happened to figure out that doing it in front of a funeral got him noticed. Are you going protest the next nutcase that figures out shouting in front of a funeral gets them noticed, thereby confirming the notion that it works?

03-18-2014, 02:28 PM
Simply wait until the funeral is over and they have all left. Then walk over and quietly piss on his grave.

I have a better solution. I Promise to Think about Phelps for the next 30 days, and honor him by doing a double-flush every time I visit a bathroom. http://icansayit.com/images/toilet1.jpg And I promise to Lower the Seat to HALF-MAST!

03-18-2014, 02:40 PM
I despise this man and all his ilk, but I wish death upon no one. It's not a Christian thing to do.

There's nothing Christian about him.

He's doing it on his own, so your "wishes" don't count.

03-18-2014, 02:46 PM
There's nothing Christian about him.

He's doing it on his own, so your "wishes" don't count.

Gunny. That's just the phoniness of hypocrisy gabby brings here. Pretending to be a devout Christian, while slamming anyone who doesn't think, or pretend, like she does.

See how she uses the technique of re-directing her wrath away from people like Phelps?

Problem is, for gabby. She's convinced how perfect a Christian she is. And that's as dangerous as Phelps.

P.S. Gunny. SEMPER FI!

03-18-2014, 03:03 PM
Gunny. That's just the phoniness of hypocrisy gabby brings here. Pretending to be a devout Christian, while slamming anyone who doesn't think, or pretend, like she does.

See how she uses the technique of re-directing her wrath away from people like Phelps?

Problem is, for gabby. She's convinced how perfect a Christian she is. And that's as dangerous as Phelps.

P.S. Gunny. SEMPER FI!

I know Gabby. I'm not going to question who is and is not a Christian.

I'm going to say Fred Phelps wouldn't know a Christian if he stumbled over one. I'm not sorry he's dying. What is it us Christians believe? You leave this life for a better one IF you earned it. Let him stand before the Book of Judges.

I'm somehow not thinking it's going to work out the way his delusional mind thought.

03-18-2014, 03:17 PM
I know Gabby. I'm not going to question who is and is not a Christian.

I'm going to say Fred Phelps wouldn't know a Christian if he stumbled over one. I'm not sorry he's dying. What is it us Christians believe? You leave this life for a better one IF you earned it. Let him stand before the Book of Judges.

I'm somehow not thinking it's going to work out the way his delusional mind thought.

You're judging in big capital letters. It's amazing how vindictive people get over a single nutcase. If we don't want people picketing funerals, outlaw it and lock people up for doing it: Problem solved. It's difficult to picket a funeral from a jail cell.

Galatians 2:16

Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.

03-18-2014, 03:23 PM
You're judging in big capital letters. It's amazing how vindictive people get over a single nutcase. If we don't want people picketing funerals, outlaw it and lock people up for doing it: Problem solved. It's difficult to picket a funeral from a jail cell.

Galatians 2:16

I'm not judging anybody. If you would like to make note of what I posted, I said he will stand judged. Not by me.

People who picket the funeral of those who lost their lives in the service of this country don't deserve the slightest consideration. Not from me.

03-18-2014, 03:39 PM
I'm not judging anybody. If you would like to make note of what I posted, I said he will stand judged. Not by me.

People who picket the funeral of those who lost their lives in the service of this country don't deserve the slightest consideration. Not from me.

What if that consideration from you causes them to rethink their actions and decide it's not a good idea? My message to Westboro is this: No apology expected, no groveling, just KNOCK IT OFF.

03-18-2014, 04:10 PM
What if that consideration from you causes them to rethink their actions and decide it's not a good idea? My message to Westboro is this: No apology expected, no groveling, just KNOCK IT OFF.

Their damage is done. Too late to say "I'm sorry". Or do you think Hitler had a case ....?

03-18-2014, 04:26 PM
Their damage is done. Too late to say "I'm sorry". Or do you think Hitler had a case ....?

Fred Phelps isn't accused of killing anybody. He has been a nutcase doing nutcase stuff. Blame our laws and legal system for not stopping him. You can bet some potential copycat is watching what happens. In other words: There's more where he came from.

03-18-2014, 04:37 PM
Fred Phelps isn't accused of killing anybody. He has been a nutcase doing nutcase stuff. Blame our laws and legal system for not stopping him. You can bet some potential copycat is watching what happens. In other words: There's more where he came from.

No, he stands accused of taking his political BS and using my brothers in arms who gave all to twist the Word of God. That which ye reap, so shall ye sow. And I'd help him along his way.

03-18-2014, 05:02 PM
What if that consideration from you causes them to rethink their actions and decide it's not a good idea? My message to Westboro is this: No apology expected, no groveling, just KNOCK IT OFF.

Tailfins. IN THAT CASE (above). I would simply ask you to STOP.

03-18-2014, 05:12 PM
Tailfins. IN THAT CASE (above). I would simply ask you to STOP.

Does my desire to give people a chance to rethink their actions bother you? Come to think of it: When has Westboro "Baptist" Church last picketed a funeral? Perhaps they finally decided to knock it off and just not tell anybody.

It looks like churches are their more recent target:

If they picketed my church, I would just consider it a form of entertainment. If they start disturbing the peace or obstructing traffic, then they can be locked up.

03-18-2014, 05:17 PM
Does my desire to give people a chance to rethink their actions bother you? Come to think of it: When has Westboro "Baptist" Church last picketed a funeral? Perhaps they finally decided to knock it off and just not tell anybody.

It looks like churches are their more recent target:

If they picketed my church, I would just consider it a form of entertainment. If they start disturbing the peace or obstructing traffic, then they can be locked up.



03-18-2014, 05:24 PM
Does my desire to give people a chance to rethink their actions bother you? Come to think of it: When has Westboro "Baptist" Church last picketed a funeral? Perhaps they finally decided to knock it off and just not tell anybody.

It looks like churches are their more recent target:

If they picketed my church, I would just consider it a form of entertainment. If they start disturbing the peace or obstructing traffic, then they can be locked up.

I'd put a bullet through his fat head. He's a scumbag all on his own, but calling himself a Baptist? He gave the left years of bullshit accusations that idiots believe. He's not a Baptist, nor a Christian nor anything else he claimed to be.

You know , back in the day, we thought all fags should die. And blacks and women weren't worth a fuck. Had a brother save my life and any chick that can hump ammo is in my company. And I don't give a damn what you do on your off time. You earn the title US Marine some punkass wh never heard a shot fired in anger has NO right to protest me nor my kin.

03-18-2014, 06:02 PM
he shits on our vets and now all's forgiven ??? my ass

03-18-2014, 06:25 PM
he shits on our vets and now all's forgiven ??? my ass

What frustrates me about some of these replies is that it fails to get the job done: Putting an end to protests at funerals.

03-18-2014, 06:41 PM
What frustrates me about some of these replies is that it fails to get the job done: Putting an end to protests at funerals.

People like you wouldn't let us put an end to it. A Claymore would work. "Front Towards Homophobes".

03-18-2014, 07:02 PM
What frustrates me about some of these replies is that it fails to get the job done: Putting an end to protests at funerals.

your elected

<address itemprop="address" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/PostalAddress" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal; ">3701 SW 12th St
Topeka, KS 66604


03-18-2014, 08:14 PM
Sorry. I can't stand him. He represents everything the leftwingnuts accuse the right of being. I hope he suffers as much as those he has caused to suffer.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-18-2014, 08:42 PM
Fred Phelps isn't accused of killing anybody. He has been a nutcase doing nutcase stuff. Blame our laws and legal system for not stopping him. You can bet some potential copycat is watching what happens. In other words: There's more where he came from.

The bastard tortured grieving family members of fallen soldiers. I have absolutely no sympathy for such a man. God will judge him and I have already because there is no justification for what he has been doing. Anybody dares to claim that there is is a damn liar and I'd say that to any fool alive face to face and beg them to try take punitive action against me.. When my nephew volunteered for tour combat tours I worried about his coming back in a coffin. Had he done so and those people showed up to protest I vowed to step in amongst them and break some heads and arms. Luckily Chad was only wounded by roadside bomb and survived.. Then later the military kicked him loose when he would not volunteer for that third combat tour in A-stan. He is doing ok now but last three years have been very hard on him, especially his divorce.. -Tyr

03-18-2014, 08:56 PM
The bastard tortured grieving family members of fallen soldiers. I have absolutely no sympathy for such a man. God will judge him and I have already because there is no justification for what he has been doing. Anybody dares to claim that there is is a damn liar and I'd say that to any fool alive face to face and beg them to try take punitive action against me.. When my nephew volunteered for tour combat tours I worried about his coming back in a coffin. Had he done so and those people showed up to protest I vowed to step in amongst them and break some heads and arms. Luckily Chad was only wounded by roadside bomb and survived.. Then later the military kicked him loose when he would not volunteer for that third combat tour in A-stan. He is doing ok now but last three years have been very hard on him, especially his divorce.. -Tyr

You know why they don't let us old f*ckers fight the wars? We'd win.

03-18-2014, 09:07 PM
he shits on our vets and now all's forgiven ??? my ass

namvet. Notice any similarities to how OBAMA also shits on WE VETS?

Difference is...Phelps has less time to do his crapping, and Obama just deposits his shit wherever.

03-18-2014, 09:10 PM
You know why they don't let us old f*ckers fight the wars? We'd win.

Gunny. Here's a gift for you. Just copy it to your hard-drive.

SEMPER FI! http://icansayit.com/images/usmcglobe.jpg

03-18-2014, 09:18 PM
What'd you used to drive, squid? I might have rode around on one of your boats.

BTW ,,, thanks for the rides. :)

03-19-2014, 10:05 AM
I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee and the bladder is stretching - this guy dead yet?

03-19-2014, 10:22 AM
One of the reasons why Fred Phelps was excommunicated was that his views became more lenient at the end. However, Fred Jr. remains and is even more hateful than his dad. Sad how hate can be passed down like that.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-19-2014, 10:26 AM
One of the reasons why Fred Phelps was excommunicated was that his views became more lenient at the end. However, Fred Jr. remains and is even more hateful than his dad. Sad how hate can be passed down like that. Not if the hate is directed at the right parties. I was taught that hating evil is a good thing. That acting upon that hate is a good thing. How bout you? Do you hate the murdering Islamic terrorists that ever so happily murder innocent women and children? I do and have no shame in saying so... .. -Tyr

03-19-2014, 10:34 AM
Not if the hate is directed at the right parties. I was taught that hating evil is a good thing. That acting upon that hate is a good thing. How bout you? Do you hate the murdering Islamic terrorists that ever so happily murder innocent women and children? I do and have no shame in saying so... .. -Tyr

I can honestly say that I don't hate anyone. True, we do have enemies that happily murder innocent women and children. But there are also common American citizens who happily murder innocent women and children. If you piss off a drug lord, he will have your entire family wiped out without thinking twice about it.
What you are practicing is selective hatred. Do you believe that Muslim extremists are the only evil people in the world? Or are they merely a convenient caricature of evil that you have chosen above others?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-19-2014, 10:43 AM
I can honestly say that I don't hate anyone. True, we do have enemies that happily murder innocent women and children. But there are also common American citizens who happily murder innocent women and children. If you piss off a drug lord, he will have your entire family wiped out without thinking twice about it.
What you are practicing is selective hatred. Do you believe that Muslim extremists are the only evil people in the world? Or are they merely a convenient caricature of evil that you have chosen above others?

I being a man that knows his limits fully realize I can not fight the entire world. I can however choose to oppose and fight the bastards that attacked us on 9/11. And they are not a caricature of evil rather they are pure evil in the flesh. A fact that far too many do not recognize IMHO. Muslim extremists aren't the only but they are by far the worst of the lot and a man has to start somewhere. I always believed in going right to the problem and hitting it head on. Our government chose to not fight an all out war. That was a damn mistake. Politicians are lousy, really lousy military planners,. Our current politicians are already lousy Americans and most of the (DIM/DEM) ONES have not a truly patriotic bone in their body.--Tyr

03-19-2014, 11:56 AM
One of the reasons why Fred Phelps was excommunicated was that his views became more lenient at the end. However, Fred Jr. remains and is even more hateful than his dad. Sad how hate can be passed down like that.

Yet people are drooling over his death. Having descended from people who were some of the most prejudiced you will ever meet, prejudice generally DECREASES slowly over the decades. Most of my parents relatives were avid segregationists. However, homosexuals were just thought of as sinners, really no worse than cigarette smokers or boozers. Personally I have far more contempt for boozers than homosexuals, but that's just me.

My great-grandparents were even more extreme than my grandparents. Many on my mom's side were extreme prohibitionists. Now THAT'S not a bad thing to pass on. Hopefully, my sons will hate alcohol as much as I do.

03-19-2014, 12:13 PM
tailfins, you actually make excellent points here. My paternal grandfather was one of the most racist people you could ever meet. He openly despised blacks, Jewish people and pretty much all immigrants. He disowned my uncle for marrying a Mexican immigrant, then disowned my dad for marrying a German. His brother was the same way. Drank constantly, cursed more than you can imagine and thought nothing using every racial epithet you can imagine.

Personally I have far more contempt for boozers than homosexuals, but that's just me.

Totally agree with you on this one. I think there should be a list of those convicted of DUI, same as there is a list of sex offenders. I like the Texas law where if you are intoxicated and involved in an accident where two or more people are killed, you can be tried for capital murder.

03-19-2014, 01:17 PM
What'd you used to drive, squid? I might have rode around on one of your boats.

BTW ,,, thanks for the rides. :)

USS Lasalle LPD-3, Ponce, Nassau, Gunston Hall, Ashland, Recovery, Enterprise, Dahlgren.

Only the GATORS carried you Marines.

This may sound strange coming from me...a Squid. But I know, saw, and admired the Marines I met, talked to, and proudly called My Son.

No other service has such a high standard of Discipline..a good test for everyone who wants to wear a uniform.

Semper Fi...really means something.

03-19-2014, 03:33 PM
USS Lasalle LPD-3, Ponce, Nassau, Gunston Hall, Ashland, Recovery, Enterprise, Dahlgren.

Only the GATORS carried you Marines.

This may sound strange coming from me...a Squid. But I know, saw, and admired the Marines I met, talked to, and proudly called My Son.

No other service has such a high standard of Discipline..a good test for everyone who wants to wear a uniform.

Semper Fi...really means something.

That flat-bottom wave-bouncer. I never thought I'd be so happy as to climb aboard a 46 'til I got off that flat top SOB. (the Ashland).


03-19-2014, 03:37 PM
tailfins, you actually make excellent points here. My paternal grandfather was one of the most racist people you could ever meet. He openly despised blacks, Jewish people and pretty much all immigrants. He disowned my uncle for marrying a Mexican immigrant, then disowned my dad for marrying a German. His brother was the same way. Drank constantly, cursed more than you can imagine and thought nothing using every racial epithet you can imagine.

Totally agree with you on this one. I think there should be a list of those convicted of DUI, same as there is a list of sex offenders. I like the Texas law where if you are intoxicated and involved in an accident where two or more people are killed, you can be tried for capital murder.

Go to Hell.

I think there should be a list of those convicted of stupidity.

That ain't how that law reads, but not a nice try.

03-19-2014, 03:43 PM
Go to Hell.

I think there should be a list of those convicted of stupidity.

That ain't how that law reads, but not a nice try.

Vitriol aside, I don't like any varation of a legal "scarlet letter". They're called a correctional facility for a reason. Once a convict is rehabilitated and done their time, they should start with a clean slate. They have done their time and paid for their crime.

03-19-2014, 03:53 PM
Vitriol aside, I don't like any varation of a legal "scarlet letter". They're called a correctional facility for a reason. Once a convict is rehabilitated and done their time, they should start with a clean slate. They have done their time and paid for their crime.

Really? Does that apply to child molesters?

You mess with a kid and you just gave up your rights and better hope the law catches you first.

You can try me later.

03-19-2014, 08:07 PM
Go to Hell.

I think there should be a list of those convicted of stupidity.

That ain't how that law reads, but not a nice try.

Feel guilty about something?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-19-2014, 08:11 PM
Feel guilty about something?

:flameth: :grenade: :fighting0061: words.. --Tyr

03-19-2014, 08:17 PM
If our good friend Psychoblues was here, he would understand... :cool:

03-19-2014, 09:42 PM
Really? Does that apply to child molesters?

You mess with a kid and you just gave up your rights and better hope the law catches you first.

You can try me later.

After about a 30 year mandatory sentence and being thoroughly tested against being a risk to society, if Jesus can forgive, so can I. I don't see why people try to fool themselves. Legislate the death penalty for it if that's the goal.

03-19-2014, 09:47 PM
If our good friend Psychoblues was here, he would understand... :cool:

Seems like you would defend the DEVIL himself gabby. Of course. You wouldn't understand THAT.

03-20-2014, 11:07 AM
well he's dead

link (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2585397/Founder-Westboro-Baptist-Church-Fred-Phelps-dies.html)

03-20-2014, 01:34 PM
well he's dead

link (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2585397/Founder-Westboro-Baptist-Church-Fred-Phelps-dies.html)

FINALLY. Next? His equally ignorant, stupid, hateful, failure of an abortion...SON.

03-20-2014, 03:10 PM
I can honestly say that I don't hate anyone. True, we do have enemies that happily murder innocent women and children. But there are also common American citizens who happily murder innocent women and children. If you piss off a drug lord, he will have your entire family wiped out without thinking twice about it.
What you are practicing is selective hatred. Do you believe that Muslim extremists are the only evil people in the world? Or are they merely a convenient caricature of evil that you have chosen above others?

If that's really true .. that you 'don't hate anyone' .. doesn't that predispose you to being a natural equivocator ?

And what use is THAT, in the real world ?

Gabby, there are times when you have to draw a line in the sand and say 'THIS WILL NOT STAND'. With certain evils in the world today, you either do that, or you've as good as surrendered to them.

The Islamic menace is an excellent example of exactly that.

You can draw a line in the sand and commit to total War against Terrorism, or, you can look forward to multiple 9/11's in the future.

Maybe the Left can live with that (.. or maybe die from it ?). Caring, decent human beings wouldn't dream of it.

What's your side of the fence ? Decency, or surrender to evil ?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-20-2014, 06:06 PM
[QUOTE=tailfins;686088]Yet people are drooling over his death. QUOTE]

They are drooling likely for the same reason they drooled when that slimeball Ted Kennedy croaked! The joy of the great fact that the bastard is no longer here on earth walking around and harming so many innocent people. Evil is not to be embraced , celebrated and even tolerated. Both scum were evil. Both only thought of themselves and to hell with all others.. --Tyr

03-20-2014, 07:55 PM

They are drooling likely for the same reason they drooled when that slimeball Ted Kennedy croaked! The joy of the great fact that the bastard is no longer here on earth walking around and harming so many innocent people. Evil is not to be embraced , celebrated and even tolerated. Both scum were evil. Both only thought of themselves and to hell with all others.. --Tyr

Tyr. You're not drooling. I'm not drooling. Must be tailfins who's drooling.

No need to drool over spilt Crap anyhow.

03-20-2014, 10:02 PM

They are drooling likely for the same reason they drooled when that slimeball Ted Kennedy croaked! The joy of the great fact that the bastard is no longer here on earth walking around and harming so many innocent people. Evil is not to be embraced , celebrated and even tolerated. Both scum were evil. Both only thought of themselves and to hell with all others.. --Tyr

What about when the evil slimeball Margaret Thatcher died? There was a fair amount of celebrating going on then as well. Others did not approve.
Evil is different things to different people.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-21-2014, 06:53 AM
What about when the evil slimeball Margaret Thatcher died? There was a fair amount of celebrating going on then as well. Others did not approve.
Evil is different things to different people.

I do not dispute that evil is different things to different people. However Lady Thatcher was a politician that was able to best her male counterparts . I would have thought you'd admire that as she represented the independent and strong woman like no other IMHO. As to her being a slimeball as in the drunken, womanizing Ted Kennedy mode do tell. Perhaps give me some examples of some such dastardly deeds engaged in by her if you can.. -Tyr

03-21-2014, 01:07 PM
[QUOTE=Tyr-Ziu Saxnot;686249]

What about when the evil slimeball Margaret Thatcher died? There was a fair amount of celebrating going on then as well. Others did not approve.
Evil is different things to different people.

GABBY. When did you trade personalities with jafar?

Abbey Marie
03-21-2014, 03:20 PM
Yet people are drooling over his death. Having descended from people who were some of the most prejudiced you will ever meet, prejudice generally DECREASES slowly over the decades. Most of my parents relatives were avid segregationists. However, homosexuals were just thought of as sinners, really no worse than cigarette smokers or boozers. Personally I have far more contempt for boozers than homosexuals, but that's just me.

My great-grandparents were even more extreme than my grandparents. Many on my mom's side were extreme prohibitionists. Now THAT'S not a bad thing to pass on. Hopefully, my sons will hate alcohol as much as I do.

Very interesting point, tailfins. It does generally look that way. But what do you think would happen if we are faced with a scarcity of resources? Will old prejudices re-surface? Also, it is rare to find a black person who does not look at just about everything through race goggles, imo. Has their prejudice decreased or just gone a little bit more underground? Have all races?

Abbey Marie
03-21-2014, 03:22 PM
tailfins, you actually make excellent points here. My paternal grandfather was one of the most racist people you could ever meet. He openly despised blacks, Jewish people and pretty much all immigrants. He disowned my uncle for marrying a Mexican immigrant, then disowned my dad for marrying a German. His brother was the same way. Drank constantly, cursed more than you can imagine and thought nothing using every racial epithet you can imagine.

Totally agree with you on this one. I think there should be a list of those convicted of DUI, same as there is a list of sex offenders. I like the Texas law where if you are intoxicated and involved in an accident where two or more people are killed, you can be tried for capital murder.

On a similar note, the average abortion doc has harmed far, far more people than Phelps.