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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-17-2014, 09:56 AM

Bizarro Common Core kindergarten math homework stumps DAD WITH Ph.D.


The Daily Caller

19 hours ago

Here is the latest in the never-ending litany of frighteningly stupid Common Core math worksheets. This one comes from the father of a kindergarten student in the Research Triangle area of North Carolina.

“I have a Ph.D., and I have no idea what is supposed to be done with this homework assignment,” the flummoxed father told The Daily Caller.

He sent the bizarre worksheet to TheDC on the condition of anonymity because he didn’t want to risk having his child be the subject of any reprisals from school employees.

“I can tell you that my five-year-old brought this home as kindergarten homework Thursday,” he said. “It was a single page worksheet, with the ‘Dear Parent’ section stapled to the top.”

The doctoral dad added that he did research some of the terms on the worksheet “enough to know that ‘K.OA.1′ is Common Core language.” (TheDC’s cursory Google search of the term ‘K.OA.1′ brought up “Kindergarten Common Core Math” with the second hit.)

The baffled parent also noted that the “subtraction stories” worksheet is copyrighted by Houghton Mifflin.

“I did consider that this was some sort of mistake—that is, the wrong instructions were attached to the worksheet,” the kindergarten father told TheDC. “But, notice, the headers seem to match.”

The Ph.D.-holding dad also spied the apparently misspelled word “transprancy” [sic] just above the picture.

“I have no idea what ‘transprancy’ means,” he observed. “It is disturbing to think about how much thought goes into the curriculum. And by that, I don’t mean how little thought, but just that: How much.”

This math lesson – such as it may be – is just one more in the constantly burgeoning inventory of sad and hideous Common Core math problems.

Just this month, for example, Twitchy exposed a stupid, overly complicated set of Common Core math problems involving “number bonds”—and so much more. Those problems were also being inflicted on kindergarteners. (RELATED: Here’s PROOF that Common Core aims to make America’s children cry)

Also in March, a frustrated dad posted his kid’s absurd Common Core-aligned math homework on Instagram. (RELATED: ‘Why are they making math harder?’ More absurd Common Core math problems)

In February, a group of Common Core-aligned math — math — lessons oozed out of the woodwork which require teachers to ask students if the 2000 presidential election was fair and which refer to Lincoln’s religion as either “liberal” or nothing. (RELATED: Common Core MATH lesson plans attack Reagan, list Lincoln’s religion as ‘liberal’)

In January, The Daily Caller also brought you a surreal, subtly cruel Common Core math worksheet. (RELATED: This Common Core math worksheet offers a glimpse into Kafkaesque third-grade hell)

January also brought a set of incomprehensible directions for nine-year-olds. (RELATED: Here’s another impossibly stupid Common Core math worksheet)

In December, Twitchy found the most egregiously awful math problem the Common Core had produced yet until that point. (RELATED: Is this Common Core math question the worst math question in human history?)

In November, Twitchy collected several more incomprehensible, unintentionally hilarious Core-aligned worksheets and tests. (RELATED: EPIC FAIL: Parents reveal insane Common Core worksheets)

Over the summer, The Daily Caller exposed a video showing a curriculum coordinator in suburban Chicago perkily explained that Common Core allows students to be totally right if they say 3 x 4 = 11 as long as they spout something about the necessarily faulty reasoning they used to get to that wrong answer. (RELATED: Obama math: under new Common Core, 3 x 4 = 11 [VIDEO]) ^^^^^^ This is what the dems/libs have done to our education system. I have already started teaching Justin math the way I learned it . He still however has to do it the way the demand to get the grades. Here is the damn question --Why the hell change teaching math the way its been done for hundreds of years!???? Why turn it into this confusing mess? I'll tell you why... Its because we have liberal/dem jackasses and fools seeking ways to brainwash and control our kids. They already opening say those kids belong to the State.. When are we going to say we have had enough of this insanity!!!???? So its right to come up with a wrong answer,, right there you have it folks. An attempt to destroy what is right and accept there is no wrong== no wrong answers. This is a program direct from the globalist agenda. --Tyr

03-17-2014, 12:11 PM
I'm fighting my kids school over teaching PEMDAS. Here is one example why it's faulty:

Here's a proper order of operations table for an introductory algebra class. I've taken to repeatedly copying this onto the board almost every night because it's so important, and the PEMDAS has caused so much prior brain damage:

Exponents & Radicals
Multiplication & Division
Addition & Subtraction

Notice that each operation (after parentheses) is linked with its exact opposite (inverse) in equal precedence. Of course, you have to emphasize that (a) "parentheses" means "stuff inside the parentheses", and (b) in each stage you'll go left-to-right in the expression doing either the operation or its inverse in any order. In contrast, PEMDAS gets parentheses right (and that's pretty much it); but among its flaws are (1) leaving out radicals as the inverse of exponents, (2) overlooking that multiplication & division are tied, and (3) overlooking that addition & subtraction are tied.

An example I use in class: Simplify 24/3*2. Correct answer: 16 (24/3*2 = 8*2 = 16, left-to-right). Frequently-seen incorrect answer: 4 (24/3*2 = 24/6 = 4, following the faulty PEMDAS implication that multiplying is always done before division).


03-17-2014, 12:41 PM
^^^^^^ This is what the dems/libs have done to our education system. I have already started teaching Justin math the way I learned it . He still however has to do it the way the demand to get the grades. Here is the damn question --Why the hell change teaching math the way its been done for hundreds of years!???? Why turn it into this confusing mess? I'll tell you why... Its because we have liberal/dem jackasses and fools seeking ways to brainwash and control our kids. They already opening say those kids belong to the State.. When are we going to say we have had enough of this insanity!!!???? So its right to come up with a wrong answer,, right there you have it folks. An attempt to destroy what is right and accept there is no wrong== no wrong answers. This is a program direct from the globalist agenda. --Tyr

Tyr. Now we all know the kind of thinking, and math the Obama administration uses for figuring out the Fed Budget.

Think about it. If Obama signs another Executive Order that says 1 plus 1 equals 5. No wonder his math is so stupid.

03-23-2014, 10:34 AM
There is a way to avoid all of the stupidity....


I will never have to deal with this mess they call core curriculum. My oldest graduates this year, and my youngest has 2 years left. :dance:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-23-2014, 11:04 AM
There is a way to avoid all of the stupidity....


I will never have to deal with this mess they call core curriculum. My oldest graduates this year, and my youngest has 2 years left. :dance:

I've been knowing that you are a smart cookie for some time now. My wife and I have been discussing doing just that.. She thinks his interaction with other kids and even different teachers is important. I can not simply dismiss that offhand but also see the many negative the public schools offer too. If only kids these days had the caliber of teachers I had in the 60's /early 70's..Alas the colleges are not capable of turning out a great many like that. Yes, they still do some but they are by far the minority IMHO. -TYR

03-23-2014, 02:09 PM
Oh, how I do wish all of our grandkids could be home schooled!

Thankfully. Our son's, and daughter's in law are wise, and intelligent enough to watch, and monitor what their children are being taught. Very closely too!

Most of us know. Home Schooling is being rejected, and frowned upon by anyone who FEARS that our children will become knowledgeable, intelligent, and educated so well....They will be able to determine WHO the LIARS in Washington, and all Politics really are.

Obama, Democrats, and Racists despise the INTERNET, and probably BOOKS with actual FACTS.

The TRUTH will be their eventual DOWNFALL.



And You know....THEY LOVE YOU!

03-24-2014, 06:56 PM
I've been knowing that you are a smart cookie for some time now. My wife and I have been discussing doing just that.. She thinks his interaction with other kids and even different teachers is important. I can not simply dismiss that offhand but also see the many negative the public schools offer too. If only kids these days had the caliber of teachers I had in the 60's /early 70's..Alas the colleges are not capable of turning out a great many like that. Yes, they still do some but they are by far the minority IMHO. -TYR

ahhhh thanks!.....and the most asked question to homeschoolers.....but what about socialization? My boy's can socialize with any age 0 to 100.

The Debate
I've heard it a hundred times. If you're thinking about homeschooling, it probably troubles you. "What about socialization?" is the major homeschooling question people have about a homeschooling lifestyle.Professional educators, who don't fully understand the many styles of homeschooling, often raise this issue. They believe school is the only place children learn socialization skills. But it's just not true!

The socialization myth was born out of a misconception of what it's like to homeschool. Many educators and critics of homeschooling still believe homeschoolers hit the books at 9 a.m., work all day at their kitchen table till 3:00 p.m. or later, and spend their day isolated and alone. This, of course, is ridiculous!
The homeschoolers I know are out and about every day, enjoying museums, beaches, parks, and shows without the crowds. They travel often. The kids participate in Girl and Boy Scouts, 4-H, and sports. They take art, dance, drama, language, and music classes, to name a few.

Children often do not respond well to large groups. They become nervous and overexcited by noise and too many people. Learning becomes difficult. Behavioral problems develop. After analyzing over 8,000 early childhood studies, Dr. Moore concluded that, contrary to popular belief, children are best socialized by parents -- not other children.
What kind of socialization occurs when 20 or 30 kids of the same age are placed in a classroom together day after day? Peer pressure is enormous. Kids feel like they need to look and sound and be like everyone else, at the risk of forgetting or never discovering who they really are. This results in rivalry, ridicule, and competition - hardly the environment for healthy socialization.
A homeschooler who interacts with parents and siblings more than with peers displays self-confidence, self-respect, and self-worth. She knows she's a part of a family unit that needs, wants, and depends on her. The result is an independent thinker who isn't influenced by peers and is self-directed in her actions and thoughts.
Do tests bear this out? You bet!

Read more on FamilyEducation: http://school.familyeducation.com/home-schooling/human-relations/56224.html#ixzz2wvYjMO4w

03-24-2014, 07:02 PM
Most of us know. Home Schooling is being rejected, and frowned upon by anyone who FEARS that our children will become knowledgeable, intelligent, and educated so well....They will be able to determine WHO the LIARS in Washington, and all Politics really are.

Obama, Democrats, and Racists despise the INTERNET, and probably BOOKS with actual FACTS.

The TRUTH will be their eventual DOWNFALL.


Oh god please don't get my 17 year old started.......I have nicknamed him Mr. Debater for a reason, and he can back his facts up.....sometimes I want to knock him out....the kid should really consider a career in law or politics, but he wants to be a music artist......hmmmm maybe he can brainwash teens with his rap music and facts. ;)

03-25-2014, 05:55 PM
Oh god please don't get my 17 year old started.......I have nicknamed him Mr. Debater for a reason, and he can back his facts up.....sometimes I want to knock him out....the kid should really consider a career in law or politics, but he wants to be a music artist......hmmmm maybe he can brainwash teens with his rap music and facts. ;)

Trinity. I know exactly what you mean, and what you are saying. BUT...if Mr. Debater uses HONESTY, TRUTH, and proven, documented facts to backup his words. That's an admirable trait you should applaud.
We OLDER folks know. Our younger generation insists...THEY ARE SMARTER, and MORE INTELLIGENT than we are. I remember those days...prior to becoming 30, when the motto was "You can't trust anyone over 30".
Eventually. We all learn, either the hard way, or NOT AT ALL.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Humor him, and remind him ONLY THE TRUTH works. And you never have to remember TRUTH. Lies, and falsehoods...have a way of proving you wrong in the end.

03-28-2014, 08:50 PM
Trinity. I know exactly what you mean, and what you are saying. BUT...if Mr. Debater uses HONESTY, TRUTH, and proven, documented facts to backup his words. That's an admirable trait you should applaud.
We OLDER folks know. Our younger generation insists...THEY ARE SMARTER, and MORE INTELLIGENT than we are. I remember those days...prior to becoming 30, when the motto was "You can't trust anyone over 30".
Eventually. We all learn, either the hard way, or NOT AT ALL.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Humor him, and remind him ONLY THE TRUTH works. And you never have to remember TRUTH. Lies, and falsehoods...have a way of proving you wrong in the end.

I do, I applaud him all the time..... and tell him I am proud of him for doing his research and not just spouting off at the mouth. Except when it's with me :laugh: then we butt heads. Little stubborn ass.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-28-2014, 08:59 PM
I do, I applaud him all the time..... and tell him I am proud of him for doing his research and not just spouting off at the mouth. Except when it's with me :laugh: then we butt heads. Little stubborn ass.

How well I remember those days and my daughter KK would take me on in a debate. She'd get so made when I had far more ammo and she admitted her defeat. Yet once she started one about girls dating and soundly beat me at it!! What with me being so old fashioned and all. I was proud as hell when she did that and told her so. Then I ordered her to never beat up on the old man lie that again. She promptly replied, Ok , except when you deserve it.. :laugh::laugh::laugh: A chip off the ole block. Shoots like a guy too!!!!!!! --Tyr