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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-19-2014, 09:09 AM

U.S. to relinquish remaining control over the Internet

By Craig Timberg, Published: March 14

U.S. officials announced plans Friday to relinquish federal government control over the administration of the Internet, a move that pleased international critics but alarmed some business leaders and others who rely on the smooth functioning of the Web.

Pressure to let go of the final vestiges of U.S. authority over the system of Web addresses and domain names that organize the Internet has been building for more than a decade and was supercharged by the backlash last year to revelations about National Security Agency surveillance.

The change would end the long-running contract between the Commerce Department and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a California-based nonprofit group. That contract is set to expire next year but could be extended if the transition plan is not complete.

“We look forward to ICANN convening stakeholders across the global Internet community to craft an appropriate transition plan,” Lawrence E. Strickling, assistant secretary of commerce for communications and information, said in a statement.

The announcement received a passionate response, with some groups quickly embracing the change and others blasting it.

In a statement, Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.) called the move “consistent with other efforts the U.S. and our allies are making to promote a free and open Internet, and to preserve and advance the current multi-stakeholder model of global Internet governance.”

But former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) tweeted: “What is the global internet community that Obama wants to turn the internet over to? This risks foreign dictatorships defining the internet.”

The practical consequences of the decision were harder to immediately discern, especially with the details of the transition not yet clear. Politically, the move could alleviate rising global concerns that the United States essentially controls the Web and takes advantage of its oversight position to help spy on the rest of the world.

U.S. officials set several conditions and an indeterminate timeline for the transition from federal government authority, saying a new oversight system must be developed and win the trust of crucial stakeholders around the world. An international meeting to discuss the future of Internet is scheduled to start on March 23 in Singapore.

The move’s critics called the decision hasty and politically tinged, and voiced significant doubts about the fitness of ICANN to operate without U.S. oversight and beyond the bounds of U.S. law.

“This is a purely political bone that the U.S. is throwing,” said Garth Bruen, a security fellow at the Digital Citizens Alliance, a Washington-based advocacy group that combats online crime. “ICANN has made a lot of mistakes, and ICANN has not really been a good steward.”

Business groups and some others have long complained that ICANN’s decision-making was dominated by the interests of the industry that sells domain names and whose fees provide the vast majority of ICANN’s revenue. The U.S. government contract was a modest check against such abuses, critics said.

“It’s inconceivable that ICANN can be accountable to the whole world. That’s the equivalent of being accountable to no one,” said Steve DelBianco, executive director of NetChoice, a trade group representing major Internet commerce businesses.

U.S. officials said their decision had nothing to do with the NSA spying revelations and the worldwide controversy they sparked, saying there had been plans since ICANN’s creation in 1998 to eventually migrate it to international control.

“The timing is now right to start this transition both because ICANN as an organization has matured, and international support continues to grow for the multistakeholder model of Internet governance,” Strickling said in a statement.

Although ICANN is based in Southern California, governments worldwide have a say in the group’s decisions through an oversight body. ICANN in 2009 made an “Affirmation of Commitments” to the Commerce Department that covers several key issues.

Fadi Chehade, president of ICANN, disputed many of the complaints about the transition plan and promised an open, inclusive process to find a new international oversight structure for the group.

“Nothing will be done in any way to jeopardize the security and stability of the Internet,” he said.

The United States has long maintained authority over elements of the Internet, which grew from a Defense Department program that started in the 1960s. The relationship between the United States and ICANN has drawn wider international criticism in recent years, in part because big American companies such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft play such a central role in the Internet’s worldwide functioning. The NSA revelations exacerbated those concerns.

“This is a step in the right direction to resolve important international disputes about how the Internet is governed,” said Gene Kimmelman, president of Public Knowledge, a group that promotes open access to the Internet.

^^^^ This is a globalist move of epic effects! Absolutely no reason for U.S TO GIVE UP THIS . The internet can be used as a massive and great weapon to censor and that is why this is being done! It also can be used to effect great economic change too. So much trade/business is conducted on the internet so why would we put ourselves at the mercy of outside powers by doing this?

Folks this is surely the start of a massive attack upon freedom not just here but all over the world. Notice the missing plane story blots out such as this? When this is a billion times more important!! That's the power of control already being exercised folks. After this power change the internet will be controlled by people that have no interests in our Constitutional freedoms, in fact they hate it! This has THE bamscum influence written all over it IMHO. Why give up such power to the rest of the world that already hates us out of jealousy? Its insanity unless one is doing so to deliberately weaken us. There is the apple in the pie right there. If bambastard was not for this it wouldn't be happening.. Carter gave up the Panama Canal (massive mistake) and now the bampunk tops even that!-Tyr

03-19-2014, 09:12 AM
The globalist internet overlords will take their place alongside the globalist financial overlords at the IMF. Cool!

And the control over the internet is not spelled out in the Constitution therefore Federal government control of the internet is unconstitutional.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-19-2014, 09:18 AM
The globalist internet overlords will take their place alongside the globalist financial overlords at the IMF. Cool!

And the control over the internet is not spelled out in the Constitution therefore Federal government control of the internet is unconstitutional.

That you joke about it points to a great lack of understanding amigo. Lets see how you like it in the future when your access rights to the internet are totally dependent upon you obeying the freedom deny policies they are all for.. And when your account on the internet is dependent upon you not transgressing any of their new regulations. Tell me just how funny it will be then.

This is more of our power being GIVEN AWAY!! Not a trivial matter amigo.. -Tyr

03-19-2014, 09:22 AM
^So much for fighting the globalist overlords at every opportunity. Them IMF folks is smart.

03-23-2014, 05:37 PM
That you joke about it points to a great lack of understanding amigo. Lets see how you like it in the future when your access rights to the internet are totally dependent upon you obeying the freedom deny policies they are all for.. And when your account on the internet is dependent upon you not transgressing any of their new regulations. Tell me just how funny it will be then.

This is more of our power being GIVEN AWAY!! Not a trivial matter amigo.. -Tyr

fj's remarks remove all doubt about whether he was born stupid, or had to learn to be stupid.

In either case. Miserable, negative, irresponsible people like that should only be laughed at.

So..this one's for you 'fj'.
