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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-19-2014, 06:47 PM
The utter collapse of human civilization will be ‘difficult to avoid,’ NASA funded study says

Tristin Hopper | March 18, 2014 7:15 PM ET


After running the numbers on a set of four equations representing human society, a team of NASA-funded mathematicians has come to the grim conclusion that the utter collapse of human civilization will be “difficult to avoid.”

The exact scenario may vary, but in the coming decades humanity is essentially doomed to some variant of “Elites” consuming too much, “resulting in a famine among Commoners that eventually causes the collapse of society.”

That is, unless civilization is ready for one of two “major policy changes”: inequality must be “greatly reduced” or population growth must be “strictly controlled.”

The apocalyptic pronouncements, set to be published in an upcoming edition of Ecological Economics, come courtesy of a U.S. team led by applied mathematician Safa Motesharrei and funded in part by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.

The otherwise obscure report was first made public in a recent column in Britain’s The Guardian newspaper in which environment writer Nafeez Ahmed warned that it constituted a “highly credible wake-up call” and declared that its menu of suggested policy changes were “required immediately.”

In the days since, environmentalists, socialists, hard-line U.S. Republicans and even survivalists have taken up the banner of the 32-page study.

Derrick O’Keefe, the Vancouver-based former editor of Rabble.ca, wrote in a Tuesday Twitter post that “this NASA-funded study makes case that future is socialism or extinction.” At about the same time, an anonymous commenter on M4Carbine.net declared “this is why I keep buying ammo.”

The study starts by reducing human civilization into four easy-to-toggle factors: Elites, Commoners, nature and wealth. The paper explains that this was done because “ecological strain” and “economic stratification” are the only two things that consistently plague collapsing societies.

Each factor was then assigned a complex mathematical equation and gathered together in what researchers called the HANDY (Human And Nature Dynamical) model.

The model was then configured to calculate the fate of several types of societies, including the “unequal society,” a system of rich and poor that researchers dubbed the one most “closely reflecting the reality of our world today.”

In the first scenario the population of elites suddenly spikes after 750 years, causing a “scarcity of workers” that sounds the civilization’s death knell by year 1000.

The second, “full collapse” scenario has the elites and commoners irreparably eating up the Earth’s resources after 350 years, leading to a slow bleed that destroys both humans and the planet by year 500.

“It is important to note that in both of these scenarios, the Elites — due to their wealth — do not suffer the detrimental effects of the environmental collapse until much later than the Commoners,” reads the paper.

It is important to note that in both of these scenarios, the Elites — due to their wealth — do not suffer the detrimental effects of the environmental collapse until much later than the Commoners
“We could posit that this buffer of wealth … allows Elites to continue ‘business as usual’ despite the impending catastrophe,” it continues, suggesting that these kind of “oblivious elites” destroyed the Mayans and the Romans.

The only two scenarios that do not kill everyone, in fact, are the ones in which birth rates are either strictly controlled or “resources are distributed in a reasonably equitable fashion.”

The non-deadly scenarios “are designed to indicate the kinds of policies needed to avoid this catastrophic outcomes,” read the study.

Can you believe what this "new muslim outreach NASA" is doing? Spreading socialist propaganda. Say wasn't NASA ABOUT CONQUERING SPACE, SPACE DISCOVERIES AND SPACE EXPLORATION??

Obama has turned it into a damn joke that promote muslims and spreads his socialist /global warming propaganda.

What the hell happened to our sending our people into space?? I'll tell ya, we pay the damn Russians to take our guys there at 70 million dollars a pop. We were the space exploration leaders and now we beg for rides and research for propaganda purposes . Way to go bambastard!! --Tyr

03-20-2014, 07:03 AM
Yeah, it's not your Daddy's NASA that is for sure!

03-20-2014, 09:33 AM
this is the same kind of "science" that's been coming out of the elitist enviro eugenicist for 100 years or so.

starting with Malthus and Darwin -related BTW- Hilter practiced his own brand of this so did Mao and Stalin. Kill...or control the population... of the right people for the good of mankind.

the Agenda 21 program is based on this kind of "science".
the conclusion always is,
overpopulation, freedom and capitalism are going to kill us all, unless "we" CONTROL people from conception to grave in loving but draconian ways.

Of course you and i are not part of "we" and have no say.

NASA's work on the global warming stuff adds fuel to this kind of "conclusion".
Plenty of US and Euro University professors have come to the the same "scientific conclusions" using gov't grant money. it ain't some muslim thing. it's the real world elitist us/euro fascist one world gov't stuff.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-20-2014, 09:49 AM
this is the same kind of "science" that's been coming out of the elitist enviro eugenicist for 100 years or so.

starting with Malthus and Darwin -related BTW- Hilter practiced his own brand of this so did Mao and Stalin. Kill...or control the population... of the right people for the good of mankind.

the Agenda 21 program is based on this kind of "science".
the conclusion always is,
overpopulation, freedom and capitalism are going to kill us all, unless "we" CONTROL people from conception to grave in loving but draconian ways.

Of course you and i are not part of "we" and have no say.

NASA's work on the global warming stuff adds fuel to this kind of "conclusion".
Plenty of US and Euro University professors have come to the the same "scientific conclusions" using gov't grant money. it ain't some muslim thing. it's the real world elitist us/euro fascist one world gov't stuff.

Globalists are allied with the Islamists. Both want Western civilization curtailed but each in a different way. The Islamists want it totally destroyed and the globalists want it diminished and controlled worldwide with the USA KNOCKED DOWN INTO THIRD WORLD STATUS. Each thinks to use the other until strong enough to seize total control. That's why we see our government (infiltrated globalists shadow government ) go this pro-muslim path. Together they installed their man into the Presidency--if you can call the bastard a man at all.-Tyr

Abbey Marie
03-20-2014, 09:56 AM
Perhaps there is an agenda here beyond the obvious social commentary. It occurs to me- this is a good way to get people to support exploring new worlds.

03-20-2014, 10:10 AM
Perhaps there is an agenda here beyond the obvious social commentary. It occurs to me- this is a good way to get people to support exploring new worlds.

I would agree except none of the scenarios even hint at additional resources being made available through space exploration, etc. Let me amend that.... there is no mention in the article of scenarios depicting additional resources found through exploration, etc.

Abbey Marie
03-20-2014, 10:12 AM
I would agree except none of the scenarios even hint at additional resources being made available through space exploration, etc. Let me amend that.... there is no mention in the article of scenarios depicting additional resources found through exploration, etc.

That is true, but it would be a good way to start influencing people without tipping their hand.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-20-2014, 10:13 AM
Perhaps there is an agenda here beyond the obvious social commentary. It occurs to me- this is a good way to get people to support exploring new worlds.

If so its not to be us..

NASA has been re-missioned to that of "muslim outreach" and propaganda falsely given a scientific reputation. ex-- global warming etc.

Just imagine an organization with the prestige and power of the former NASA so diverted and hardly a peep in outcry or investigation into what agenda was truly being pursued with that massively drastic change. Nothing done or said because Obama was the author of it all. Sorry, King Obama was.. And if re-missioned why --"muslim outreach"?? And why NASA for that? The main reason is space and a possible mineral /energy source valued into the thousands of trillions exist nearby. And we are being cut out of the ability to reach for that massive wealth and even more massive future power. That's why NASA IMHO. HELIUM 3


Can we harness energy from outer space?

by Jennifer Horton

Using helium-3 from the moon in nuclear fusion reactions could power the Earth without giving off any pollution. See more green science pictures.

People have been searching for clean alternative energy sources for decades to no avail. As soon as one source seems to pass the test, someone uncovers its fatal flaw. Nuclear, wind, solar and hydropower have all been dragged through the mud to some degree. Traditional nuclear fission is too risky, winds aren't consistent, the sun doesn't always penetrate the clouds and hydropower dams disrupt natural environments.

It seems like any workable solution is light-years away -- literally. Some researchers think the an*swer to our energy needs rests in the stars. From wind turbines on Mars to helium-3 fusion, people are increasingly looking to extraterrestrial sources for the Earth's energy needs.

One of the sources they're looking at is helium-3 to use in nuclear fusion reactions. As opposed to nuclear fission, which splits an atom's nucleus in half, nuclear fusion combines nuclei to produce energy. While nuclear fusion has already been tested with the hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium, those reactions give off the majority of their energy as radioactive neutrons, raising both safety and production concerns. Helium-3, on the other hand, is perfectly safe. It doesn't give off any pollution or radioactive waste and poses no danger to surrounding areas.

An isotope of the element helium, helium-3 has two prot*ons but only one neutron. When it's heated to very high temperatures and combined with deuterium, the reaction releases incredible amounts of energy. Just 2.2 pounds (one kilogram) of helium-3 combined with 1.5 pounds (0.67 kilograms) of deuterium produces 19 megawatt-years of energy [source: Artemis]. Roughly 25 tons of the stuff could power the United States for an entire year [source: Wakefield].

The only problem is we don't have 25 tons of helium-3 just lying around. But conveniently, the moon does. In fact, scientists estimate our lunar rock contains more than 1 million tons of the element. The energy stored in that much helium is 10 times the amount of energy you'd find in all the fossil fuels on Earth [source: Artemis]. If you put a cash value on it, helium-3 would be worth $4 billion a ton in terms of its energy equivalent in oil [source: Wakefield].

The only issues that remain are the practicalities of extracting the helium and fine-tuning the fusion process. Current fusion reactors have yet to achieve the sustained high temperatures needed to produce electricity, and helium-3 extracted from the lunar surface would require lots of refining since it exists in such low concentrations in the soil.

The only problem is we don't have 25 tons of helium-3 just lying around. But conveniently, the moon does. In fact, scientists estimate our lunar rock contains more than 1 million tons of the element. The energy stored in that much helium is 10 times the amount of energy you'd find in all the fossil fuels on Earth [source: Artemis]. If you put a cash value on it, helium-3 would be worth $4 billion a ton in terms of its energy equivalent in oil [source: Wakefield].[/SIZE]

^^^^ This is one of the reasons Obama destroyed NASA. Always follow the money , because money is power !! Additionally with our space program virtually destroyed other nations take over and can catch up/surpass using space weapons etc.. Al done to weaken us.. --Tyr

03-20-2014, 10:48 AM
"“We could posit that this buffer of wealth … allows Elites to continue ‘business as usual’ despite the impending catastrophe,” it continues, suggesting that these kind of “oblivious elites” destroyed the Mayans and the Romans."

Looks they have come up with a magical formula to describe what has been happening to civilizations throughout the course of human history. They could have saved a bunch of time and money by opening up a text book.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-20-2014, 06:16 PM
"“We could posit that this buffer of wealth … allows Elites to continue ‘business as usual’ despite the impending catastrophe,” it continues, suggesting that these kind of “oblivious elites” destroyed the Mayans and the Romans."

Looks they have come up with a magical formula to describe what has been happening to civilizations throughout the course of human history. They could have saved a bunch of time and money by opening up a text book.

Don't know about the Mayans but the Romans fell because they got enlightened and gave citizenship with voting rights to too many conquered territories== To people that had no interest in being Roman. The Empire quickly crumbled after that. Break unity and unity of purpose and you have doomed any group or nation. Works every time its been accomplished.. Sound familiar? It should tis' what they are shooting for here in USA! --Tyr