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View Full Version : You Better Not Ban My Pit Bull

03-19-2014, 08:08 PM
I thought this video was cute and thought maybe the animal lovers may like it, as for me I think it makes a point I own a few Pitts ( well 2 are mixed but most would call them Pitts) and I have one that is a Bully ( a very strong and large Pitt, not so much tall but wide and muscular as can be ) and none of my dogs are nasty nor have they every showed signs of being, so yes I believe it is all in how you raise them.

This video is to raise awareness of Breed Specific Legislation (BSL). These are awful laws that restrict or ban certain breeds of dogs. THANK YOU so much to the people who sent me photos of their dogs with an anti BSL message. I asked on Facebook and Twitter for pics and I was overwhelmed with the response. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Let’s save the dogs. – Julie Borowski


03-19-2014, 08:15 PM
Um...Jeff, dear... pit bulls are known to be dangerous animals and notorious kills. Stating that some pit bulls are not dangerous is like stating that some Muslims are not terrorists. :rolleyes:

03-20-2014, 07:02 AM
Um...Jeff, dear... pit bulls are known to be dangerous animals and notorious kills. Stating that some pit bulls are not dangerous is like stating that some Muslims are not terrorists. :rolleyes:

HMMMMMM...are some pit bulls Muslim???

03-20-2014, 07:16 AM
Um...Jeff, dear... pit bulls are known to be dangerous animals and notorious kills. Stating that some pit bulls are not dangerous is like stating that some Muslims are not terrorists. :rolleyes:

I see you have never owned a Pitt, so being as you know so much about the breed please tell us when and where you were attacked ? And your comparison to Muslims is great, you say it is the same but yet you spend every day trying to tell us what the Muslims do is OK and we are all wrong but even though the Pitts are in the same boat ( according to you ) they don't deserve your defense , yes a reply from someone that knows nothing about what she is talking about. Gabby did ya see the list of dogs on the list of bad dogs ( I am sure ya didn't you would of had to of watched the video or at least read the caption and I am sure you like always checked nothing before you throw out your opinion) which honestly we all knew before you ever replied, hell its easy look at the title of the thread if everything is spelled correctly then respond negatively as possible and try and sound like ya know what we are talking about :rolleyes:

And for your info I never said some Pitts are not dangerous none are it is how they are brought up, but hell I am sure you and your husband are experts in this field and the thousands of Pitt owners that have never even seen there dog get defensive ( because they where brought up right ) will certainly be happy to know that a lib from the land of fruits and nuts is on the case :laugh:

But being as you have such a strong opinion maybe you can help me out here, we are not to condemn all Muslim because of the act of a few ( way more than a few but that is a different discussion ) but we should take guns from all law abiding citizens because of the act of a " FEW " and we should kill all Pitts because of the act of a "FEW" ya see where I am going here ? You libs really have many confused.

03-20-2014, 07:21 AM
HMMMMMM...are some pit bulls Muslim???

Only in the land of fruits and nuts :laugh:

03-20-2014, 11:23 AM
No "breed" is inherently dangerous and anyone who thinks so is ignorant. I've NEVER seen ANY dog, whether a Pit Bill, Doberman, Rottweiler or other - get to be a killer dog with someone raising them proprly - and CERTAINLY not to a level where a breed would need to be banned. Every Pit Bull owner I have ever known had dogs that were friendlier and less dangerous than my chihuahua. I've seen Labradors and regular 'ol mutts that were worse than your average Bullie, and the reason was because those who raised them either beat them or trained them.

03-20-2014, 02:45 PM

03-20-2014, 02:50 PM
Only in the land of fruits and nuts :laugh:

Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here this day .....

Do you take this Canine to be your lawfully wedded husband?......

Abbey Marie
03-20-2014, 07:00 PM
The only semi-personal experience I have with the breed, was a co-worker's pit, whom he raised to show. One day the dog picked up his quite young daughter in his jaws by her neck, and swung her around their living room. She was hospitalized. I don't think you raise show dogs to be vicious, so it left a truly bad impression with me.

03-21-2014, 04:44 AM
I don't think you raise show dogs to be vicious, so it left a truly bad impression with me.

Some dogs just have bad genes.

03-21-2014, 06:39 AM


Gabby that cracked me up, ya got a good one off

03-21-2014, 06:47 AM
Some dogs just have bad genes.

I guess you would be right here fj, once I saw a black man play the Knockout game that makes him a bad person not all blacks, or lets say a few Muslims attacked us with commercial planes does that make all Muslims bad ? There is no doubt there is good and bad in all things but to say all Pitts are bad because of a few is wrong. I have been bitten one time by a dog ( once where I actual got hurt ) it was a cock a poo ( yes a little tiny dog) he was trying to sleep and me being a kid I just kept messing with him, he took a bite out of my nose but yet not one word about that bad breed :laugh:

Yes Pitts get a bad name and yes there are many more that do bite than say a cock a poo but that is because they are so tough looking, yes every thug that owns a dog will want it to be one of these so called bad breeds and then they tie them in the yard shoot them with steroids tie cinder blocks around there neck ( all trying to get the dog as big and nasty looking as possible ) When it comes down to it these people ought to be put out of there misery not the dog.

03-21-2014, 08:48 AM
^I'm pretty sure you're not saying that black people have bad genes...

But dogs are designed-by-man animals to identify desired traits. Some people have done so specifically to make the dogs more dangerous. So unless you have data that says that cockapoos are more dangerous than pit bulls...

But of course it's the owners fault. For me I think owners should be personally liable for the damage that dogs cause, which they probably are, with some massive judgments set on those who were careless, negligent, and even training their dogs to be more aggressive.

Abbey Marie
03-21-2014, 03:09 PM
Some dogs just have bad genes.

I would agree with that. So, now we have bad owners and bad genes. When you combine just those two possibilities with extremely strong jaws, there is reason for concern.

03-21-2014, 05:17 PM
I would agree with that. So, now we have bad owners and bad genes. When you combine just those two possibilities with extremely strong jaws, there is reason for concern.

Ms. Abbey there are a lot more Muslims killing folks than Pitts and yes they have bad genes and bad training , so I guess if we do away with a breed of dog because a few then we ought to exterminate all Muslims :laugh: and NO that isn't my beliefs.

Abbey Marie
03-21-2014, 05:20 PM
Ms. Abbey there are a lot more Muslims killing folks than Pitts and yes they have bad genes and bad training , so I guess if we do away with a breed of dog because a few then we ought to exterminate all Muslims :laugh: and NO that isn't my beliefs.

Jeff, there is no end to the bad guys out there. Dogs are the least of our worries (except the human version!)

03-21-2014, 05:27 PM
I think there is a bit of reason to be concerned when deciding to own a pit bull, as with a shepherd, or mastiff, or doberman or any large dog that can be trained to do damage. Pit Bulls are one of the most used to be trained to fight, or be watchdogs, by owners who are clueless as how to raise them, or even mistreat them. It's actually an extreme rarity to see a pit that was part of a loving home that went crazy for no reason. It's generally the fighters that get away, or dogs kept outside that are beaten, or unfed. A lot of inner city areas these dogs are owned just for status symbols, but these people treat them poorly. But if you get one at 6 weeks, and raise it in a loving family and never abuse the dog - then the odds of that dog biting isn't going to be much higher than many dogs, and less than others. Of course their strength makes them stand out more, while dogs that bite much more could be little tiny bastards.

03-21-2014, 05:44 PM
I have just a few last things to say on the matter. Or I let the cute pictures speak for themselves. If we ban ALL of the breed, we are banning these lovers as well!! I like to post their good side too...

"Ban the deed not the breed"








03-22-2014, 06:53 AM
Jeff, there is no end to the bad guys out there. Dogs are the least of our worries (except the human version!)
​Agreed 100 % Ms. Abbey and if they where talking about doing away with some of these bad guys instead of a innocent animal that only knows what we teach them I would be all for it :laugh: ​Actually I would be saying the same about that situation that I am here, ya can't blame all for a few.

I have just a few last things to say on the matter. Or I let the cute pictures speak for themselves. If we ban ALL of the breed, we are banning these lovers as well!! I like to post their good side too...

"Ban the deed not the breed"
I couldn't agree more, being these dogs have such a bad rapp from the get go and knowing the strength they have anyone purposely trying to make them mean ought to be hung, seriously all pet owners should be responsible people and anyone that would mistreat a animal for the reason these folks do shouldn't be allowed to own a Hamster let alone a Pitt, and the funny part is most of these viscous dogs are in the part of town where many living there don't deserve the air they breath let alone a pet.








03-22-2014, 08:03 AM
^I'm pretty sure you're not saying that black people have bad genes...

But dogs are designed-by-man animals to identify desired traits. Some people have done so specifically to make the dogs more dangerous. So unless you have data that says that cockapoos are more dangerous than pit bulls...

But of course it's the owners fault. For me I think owners should be personally liable for the damage that dogs cause, which they probably are, with some massive judgments set on those who were careless, negligent, and even training their dogs to be more aggressive.

You swerved into an interesting discussion topic: What if humans were designed by man to have certain traits?

03-22-2014, 09:07 AM
You swerved into an interesting discussion topic: What if humans were designed by man to have certain traits?

Humans have free will.

03-22-2014, 06:33 PM
Curiously the very traits these dogs were bred for make then LESS dangerous to humans. A little history. The dogs bred for the pit were engaging in the blood sports of bear or bull baiting. It was essential they be ferocious against their opponents. It was equally essential they be completely docile for their handlers when they had to be hauled out and doctored. These dogs became the all American family dog. They are loyal, intelligent and loving by nature. Personal case. My grandparents had a pit named Jerry. He came home with an ear ripped half off. My grandmother sat down in the middle of her kitchen floor and asked for a bottle of peroxide and her sewing kit. She had that dog sit there and stitched his ear back on while he licked her fingers. There is no bad breed. There are crappy owners. Humans need to be held responsible for the way they manage the fellow creatures in their care.

03-23-2014, 12:42 PM
The child will never lack for a friend.

03-24-2014, 07:41 AM
Curiously the very traits these dogs were bred for make then LESS dangerous to humans. A little history. The dogs bred for the pit were engaging in the blood sports of bear or bull baiting. It was essential they be ferocious against their opponents. It was equally essential they be completely docile for their handlers when they had to be hauled out and doctored. These dogs became the all American family dog. They are loyal, intelligent and loving by nature. Personal case. My grandparents had a pit named Jerry. He came home with an ear ripped half off. My grandmother sat down in the middle of her kitchen floor and asked for a bottle of peroxide and her sewing kit. She had that dog sit there and stitched his ear back on while he licked her fingers. There is no bad breed. There are crappy owners. Humans need to be held responsible for the way they manage the fellow creatures in their care.

So very true and I am kicking myself for not remembering that little facts, even those that raise these dogs to fight do so because the breed was trained to know the difference between its enemy ( bear Hog or in some cases another dog ) and a human hand because when the handler reaches in to retrieve his/her dog they don't want to get bitten.