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View Full Version : BOOM: Thug Gets Punched So Hard He Turned Into A Seal!

03-23-2014, 06:49 AM
This is so cool, this Bad Ass Nigga from NY gets the taste slapped out of him :laugh: I personally would love to see all these so called bad ass tough guys get the same :thumb:

On another note this is a good way to stop that Knockout game !!!

There’s nothing more satisfying that watching a guy lose a fight he started. Those big, fat, but not totally obese, somewhat athletic types are usually devastating in a fight. They are built like offensive lineman. They are really strong, but not too slow, and have a lot of weight behind them, so they can inflict a lot of damage. That is why there are weight classes in the UFC. For anyone wondering, apparently the man eventually caught his breath and moved on from the scene.


03-23-2014, 08:54 AM
The nigga was just rappin. He saw a camera and went into his song. I'm guessing it's titled new york nigga. Great video there.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-23-2014, 09:13 AM
QUOTE=Jeff;686393]This is so cool, this Bad Ass Nigga from NY gets the taste slapped out of him :laugh: I personally would love to see all these so called bad ass tough guys get the same :thumb:

On another note this is a good way to stop that Knockout game !!!


Classic mistake. Never, and I mean never let a much bigger, stronger and heavier man take you down to the ground. They'll beat your ass unmercifully 90% of the time. If going to the ground it had better be after the larger more powerful guy is knocked senseless. That's the way I used to do it and over 90% of my well over a hundred fights (spread over 45 YEARS!) was with bigger men. Guys that thought their size was going to give them the win. What they missed was that speed, experience and an "internal fighting spirit" gave me the true advantage. Additionally although most often much smaller I was usually still the much stronger fighter. Strength and lightning speed are almost impossible to overcome. Want to knock a man out with one punch?? Accuracy counts, hit him with a massive full power shot right between his eyebrows. Do not aim for mouth or even nose.. You can do that later after stunning him or else knocking his ass out. Depending on circumstances of course, I had a standing personal rule -always deliver enough massive punishment to insure you win but just as importantly to insure that you do not have to do it all over again! I only had 5 repeat fights with some very bad dudes. I won four of those and lost the other. That one loss taught me a lot! After that I made damn sure nobody came back at a later date for seconds! I've been there and done that and it takes a hell of a toll on a man. Trust me on that. I am nothing if not a great fighter= no weapons needed. FACT. --Tyr