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View Full Version : Another word we have to ban?

03-25-2014, 07:03 AM
No, I don't watch Jerry Springer. :)

The show is dumb, admittedly, but saying one can't use the word "tranny" is dumber. He used that term to refer to "transgendered" folks on his show and of course the lgbt community went into a tizzy over it. I "demand" to use whichever bathroom I like, and I demand "tolerance" for whatever behavior I may choose.

03-25-2014, 07:18 AM
^Sooner than later in my estimation, if you merely add another 'y' to 'tranny' you come up with 'tyranny' and tyranny is close to what we have in DC right now so the LGBT community is just lining up against a word that to closely resembles the maniacal madman that they support. Their patriotism should be honored.

03-25-2014, 08:02 AM
Banning words or w/e is pointless and whatnot, however what is more important is what people mean when they say certain words and what's behind it, if someones calling someone else a 'tranny' as a means to try and offend them, then they're a fool, whether or not they're "allowed" to say the word or not.

03-25-2014, 09:08 AM
Banning words or w/e is pointless and whatnot, however what is more important is what people mean when they say certain words and what's behind it, if someones calling someone else a 'tranny' as a means to try and offend them, then they're a fool, whether or not they're "allowed" to say the word or not.

Perhaps, and even thought Springer's show is retarded, I doubt the intent was to offend anyone. Hell, this is the first I've heard of it being an issue myself. I just thought it was a shortened version of the same word.

Abbey Marie
03-25-2014, 10:48 AM
Lol, some people are just learning what the word means, and it's already offensive? At least it used to take a decade or so for a word to become no longer acceptable.

Here's a thought: Stop putting yourselves in the spotlight to get special treatment, and we won't use the word. Deal?

03-25-2014, 12:15 PM
Here's a thought: Stop putting yourselves in the spotlight to get special treatment, and we won't use the word. Deal?

'Stop saying that you are a victim of abuse and we will stop abusing you' is a morbid sort of logic...

03-25-2014, 12:31 PM
I say stop giving the tranny people the time of day as if their abnormality is the latest fashion trend. Say "I'm sorry if you were offended, it was not the intent" and then give them a handful of coupons to see their local shrink to help with their issue, instead of doing asinine things like supporting them by letting them have a bathroom of their choice.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-25-2014, 12:50 PM
Soon the word Nazi's will get ffing around and do what they truly want to do.


Seems to me some here are already for that.. ;) -Tyr

03-25-2014, 01:11 PM
I say stop giving the tranny people the time of day as if their abnormality is the latest fashion trend. Say "I'm sorry if you were offended, it was not the intent" and then give them a handful of coupons to see their local shrink to help with their issue, instead of doing asinine things like supporting them by letting them have a bathroom of their choice.

Sadly thats probably a much more likely outcome than letting people live their lives without slurs for their sexuality etc, and unisex toilets.

03-25-2014, 01:18 PM
Sadly thats probably a much more likely outcome than letting people live their lives without slurs for their sexuality etc, and unisex toilets.

I don't think "tranny" in referring to a "transgendered" is a slur. But if you're a little messed in the head and think you identify better with a different sex, then you likely have mental issues. These folks LITERALLY would be better off if people helped them seek medical attention as opposed to letting them use bathrooms of the opposite sex or acting as if it's completely natural to walk around dressed as the opposite sex.

03-25-2014, 01:31 PM
I don't think "tranny" in referring to a "transgendered" is a slur. But if you're a little messed in the head and think you identify better with a different sex, then you likely have mental issues. These folks LITERALLY would be better off if people helped them seek medical attention as opposed to letting them use bathrooms of the opposite sex or acting as if it's completely natural to walk around dressed as the opposite sex.

If you wanna be 'completely natural' then we should all walk around nude, like the rest of the animal kingdom.

You only think its 'natural' to wear what you think you should wear because you've been told to do so. What you're talking about is quite literally the opposite of natural lol.

03-25-2014, 01:37 PM
There's one word that covers all and it's the only word needed. Queer. That's what they are no matter what group they are in.

03-25-2014, 01:51 PM
No, I don't watch Jerry Springer. :)

The show is dumb, admittedly, but saying one can't use the word "tranny" is dumber. He used that term to refer to "transgendered" folks on his show and of course the lgbt community went into a tizzy over it. I "demand" to use whichever bathroom I like, and I demand "tolerance" for whatever behavior I may choose.


Does the 1st Amendment cover you as a U.S. Citizen, under our Constitution?


If someone, anyone dislikes, is intimidated, offended, insulted, or whines over the use of WORDS in the English language.

TOUGH. As long as we use common sense, and spell the words correctly.
Anyone who doesn't like it should......​LEAVE.

03-25-2014, 01:59 PM
If you wanna be 'completely natural' then we should all walk around nude, like the rest of the animal kingdom.

You only think its 'natural' to wear what you think you should wear because you've been told to do so. What you're talking about is quite literally the opposite of natural lol.

Except we aren't the "animal kingdom". We are not animals. Yes, I agree, some want to be seen as such, or act as such, or think there is little difference... What I do know that is unnatural, is trying to be the opposite sex of which you were born.

And where is the slur you speak of? Are we really to believe that "tranny" is somehow a slur, for real?

03-25-2014, 02:06 PM
If you wanna be 'completely natural' then we should all walk around nude, like the rest of the animal kingdom.

You only think its 'natural' to wear what you think you should wear because you've been told to do so. What you're talking about is quite literally the opposite of natural lol.

Noir. If you want to be as natural as you say. Feel free to go walking around in public, with, or without clothing if you must. Everyone else likes wearing them...primarily to KEEP their bodies WARM, and to protect themselves from the elements of nature.

Go right ahead and do that. Look like the rest of the animal kingdom if you want. And, while you are at it. Get every member of your family to do the same.
Enjoy the doctor bills, and the visits to the hospital....if you can afford it...before you die of exposure to STUPIDITY.

03-25-2014, 03:35 PM
I thought tranny was short for transvestite. One of my gay colleagues refers to account transfers as trannies when he wants one authorised. :)

03-25-2014, 03:37 PM
Except we aren't the "animal kingdom". We are not animals. Yes, I agree, some want to be seen as such, or act as such, or think there is little difference... What I do know that is unnatural, is trying to be the opposite sex of which you were born. And where is the slur you speak of? Are we really to believe that "tranny" is somehow a slur, for real?

We are indeed animals jim, animals with certain learned behaviours. If you had been brought up from birth in a society inwhich men wore skirts, and women wore trousers, you'd currently be bawking at the idea of a woman in a skirt, because thats the clothing of the opposite sex.

And idk maybe the culture is different in the states but certainly here tranny would be considered an slur.

03-25-2014, 04:05 PM
I thought tranny was short for transvestite. One of my gay colleagues refers to account transfers as trannies when he wants one authorised. :)

Oh, maybe that's it? Maybe transgendered and transvestites are tired of being confused for one another? Still not a slur that I see though.

03-25-2014, 04:12 PM
We are indeed animals jim, animals with certain learned behaviours. If you had been brought up from birth in a society inwhich men wore skirts, and women wore trousers, you'd currently be bawking at the idea of a woman in a skirt, because thats the clothing of the opposite sex.

And idk maybe the culture is different in the states but certainly here tranny would be considered an slur.

Why would "tranny" be a slur? It's starting to look like it's simply a shortened version for "Trans.." (transgender, transvestite, transsexual) as in all of the people who lump themselves into some sort of "trans" group, but I still don't see a slur out of it. It seems to me to be a shortened term to refer to a small group or groups of people. But whatever, if they're offended, that's all that matters. :)

And whatever, call us 'civilized animals' then. But I don't even see animals acting in such ways. If they identify with the other sex, then see a shrink. And if one is one of those that swears it's "normal" - then good, get the sex change already and STFU. One or the other is in order, but no effing way should society have to bend to someone like that and share bathrooms and such.

Abbey Marie
03-26-2014, 10:01 AM
'Stop saying that you are a victim of abuse and we will stop abusing you' is a morbid sort of logic...

If you have had the surgery and the accompanying hormones, you most likely can pass as the other sex. So, if you don't tell us you're a Tranny, we won't know and cannot "abuse" you. No spotlight there.

If you are merely a cross-dresser, then you are very publicly advertising your perversion, the spotlight is of your own doing, and you kinda have to expect people to shudder. And not want you in their bathroom.

But most of all, calling them "Trannys" is hardly abuse. You are really minimizing that word to call it such.

03-26-2014, 10:20 AM
If you have had the surgery and the accompanying hormones, you most likely can pass as the other sex. So, if you don't tell us you're a Tranny, we won't know and cannot "abuse" you. No spotlight there.

If you are merely a cross-dresser, then you are very publicly advertising your perversion, the spotlight is of your own doing, and you kinda have to expect people to shudder. And not want you in their bathroom.

But most of all, calling them "Trannys" is hardly abuse. You are really minimizing that word to call it such.

Nor is abbreviating things make it a "slur". Not even close.

03-26-2014, 11:01 AM
If you have had the surgery and the accompanying hormones, you most likely can pass as the other sex. So, if you don't tell us you're a Tranny, we won't know and cannot "abuse" you. No spotlight there. If you are merely a cross-dresser, then you are very publicly advertising your perversion, the spotlight is of your own doing, and you kinda have to expect people to shudder. And not want you in their bathroom. But most of all, calling them "Trannys" is hardly abuse. You are really minimizing that word to call it such.

Having done a quick poll of some people i work with it seems they agree with me that calling someone a tranny is a slur, or at the very least rude. As i said in another post it may be more of a cultural thing were its not considered so in the states, but is here, it'd be interesting to her the other Brits on the boards view.

And would that be in the same way that inter-racial couples brought the spotlight on themselves and were subject to abuse not all that many years ago?

Calling a someone a pervert because they do not conform to your standards of gender for example is deeply judgemental. Especially when there is a huge double standard in positions between trans* people.

03-26-2014, 11:07 AM
Having done a quick poll of some people i work with it seems they agree with me that calling someone a tranny is a slur, or at the very least rude.

Did they say WHY? It's an honest question. We can list all the common slurs for other people, from color, to religions and sexes, almost all easily explained as to why they are offensive/slurs. I can't figure out why a shortened version of the terms would be a slur?

03-26-2014, 11:13 AM
Just reading on another site that some see it as offensive, because people have used it in the past as a form of derision, even though it's a technically appropriate word. They are also stating that unless someone is a 'trans*' themselves, they shouldn't use the word.

And I say a big FU to them! To use it as a description is in no way at all a slur. And I'll be damned if yet another group of people want to claim they can use a word but that if others do it is somehow a slur.

03-26-2014, 11:16 AM
And just like we have "the N word" it appears they are gunning for "the T word". And this is what I say to them or anyone else that tells me I can't speak a particular word, even if not a slur, all the while they try to claim it somehow - :fu:

Op-ed: It's Time to Stop With The T Word


03-26-2014, 11:17 AM
Being offended is a choice. I hate society's direction.

Abbey Marie
03-26-2014, 01:53 PM
Having done a quick poll of some people i work with it seems they agree with me that calling someone a tranny is a slur, or at the very least rude. As i said in another post it may be more of a cultural thing were its not considered so in the states, but is here, it'd be interesting to her the other Brits on the boards view.

And would that be in the same way that inter-racial couples brought the spotlight on themselves and were subject to abuse not all that many years ago?

Calling a someone a pervert because they do not conform to your standards of gender for example is deeply judgemental. Especially when there is a huge double standard in positions between trans* people.

My "standards of gender'? You mean how I think people with penises are males, and people without them are females? Crazy me.


03-26-2014, 02:01 PM
My "standards of gender'? You mean how I think people with penises are males, and people without them are females? Crazy me.


BUT...Abbey. That's the politically Incorrect method of PROFILING. Imagine that? Trying to decide whether someone is REALLY a male, or female is now....ILLEGAL?

Noir. What do you make of this....http://icansayit.com/images/bra.jpg
How many male friends of yours wear this?

03-26-2014, 02:37 PM
My "standards of gender'? You mean how I think people with penises are males, and people without them are females? Crazy me. :laugh2:

Inwhich case you are defining gender and sex as the same thing. Which is very silly indeed, and rather ignorant, when even the most basic understand of each defines them as totally separate.

But even that aside, the fact that you would call a man a pervert because he has decided to wear clothing that you have decided he shouldn't, goes beyond silly.

03-26-2014, 03:04 PM
BUT...Abbey. That's the politically Incorrect method of PROFILING. Imagine that? Trying to decide whether someone is REALLY a male, or female is now....ILLEGAL? Noir. What do you make of this.... A pair of OVER-THE-SHOULDER-BOLDER-HOLDERS or a BRA? How many male friends of yours wear this?

You can not decide someones gender by their sex. A dictionary will tell you that much.

And you use the word 'male' when i assume you mean 'man/men'? As a male (regardless of sex) would likely not want to wear a bra, but rather a binder, corset, or nothing at all.

03-26-2014, 04:15 PM
Inwhich case you are defining gender and sex as the same thing. Which is very silly indeed, and rather ignorant, when even the most basic understand of each defines them as totally separate.

But even that aside, the fact that you would call a man a pervert because he has decided to wear clothing that you have decided he shouldn't, goes beyond silly.

You can not decide someones gender by their sex. A dictionary will tell you that much.

And you use the word 'male' when i assume you mean 'man/men'? As a male (regardless of sex) would likely not want to wear a bra, but rather a binder, corset, or nothing at all.

If you have a penis you are both a male and a man. If you have a vagina you are a female and a woman. What's silly is society trying to fit others into that category and acting as if it's somehow normal, because it's not. It's ignorant to expect society to act as if cross dressers and transvestites and crap is normal and not to be questioned.

Every guy in a college can just start using women's bathrooms and showers. Just simply state you identify with the other sex. If that doesn't work, simply dress up as the other sex and point out that while you may be a male by design, you're really a woman by gender.

I'll call it what it is - people that have some fucked problems in their head, and I don't think society needs to bend to make accommodations.

03-26-2014, 04:42 PM
If you have a penis you are both a male and a man. If you have a vagina you are a female and a woman. What's silly is society trying to fit others into that category and acting as if it's somehow normal, because it's not. It's ignorant to expect society to act as if cross dressers and transvestites and crap is normal and not to be questioned. Every guy in a college can just start using women's bathrooms and showers. Just simply state you identify with the other sex. If that doesn't work, simply dress up as the other sex and point out that while you may be a male by design, you're really a woman by gender. I'll call it what it is - people that have some fucked problems in their head, and I don't think society needs to bend to make accommodations.

Again here we are with the 'there is no difference between sex and gender' if y'all can't get beyond the difference between biology and culture, then this discussions got nowhere to go.

03-26-2014, 04:49 PM
Transvestite, transexual, transgendered. All different things, I have seen the word "tranny" or "trannie" used to refer to all three. Very confusing...

03-26-2014, 05:01 PM
Again here we are with the 'there is no difference between sex and gender' if y'all can't get beyond the difference between biology and culture, then this discussions got nowhere to go.

All I know is that they are fucked up in the head. And if someone does in fact want to get a sex change, it's a private issue. Outside of that, I really don't care much for trannies. I simply don't think others should have to deal with them in certain bathrooms, because they have issues in identifying who they are.

And while I know the difference between actual biology and culture - I'm not going to pretend that transvestites and transgendered are a culture I give a monkey's ass about.

03-26-2014, 06:23 PM
All I know is that they are fucked up in the head. And if someone does in fact want to get a sex change, it's a private issue. Outside of that, I really don't care much for trannies. I simply don't think others should have to deal with them in certain bathrooms, because they have issues in identifying who they are.

And while I know the difference between actual biology and culture - I'm not going to pretend that transvestites and transgendered are a culture I give a monkey's ass about.

Jim. This crap is nothing but funny. Back in the 50's, and 60's, and even into the 70's. Anyone who was a CAR BUFF in any way. Called their auto transmission a TRANNIE.

Political correctness, and messed-up, confused, miserable, brainless people today have made ALMOST ANY COMBINATION of letters, or words..OFFENSIVE to somebody.
Frankly. As CLARK GABLE once said in a movie. "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!"

Abbey Marie
03-27-2014, 07:29 AM
Inwhich case you are defining gender and sex as the same thing. Which is very silly indeed, and rather ignorant, when even the most basic understand of each defines them as totally separate.

But even that aside, the fact that you would call a man a pervert because he has decided to wear clothing that you have decided he shouldn't, goes beyond silly.

You add much credence to the phrase "If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything".