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View Full Version : 'duck dynasty' star willie robertson to obama: Let's talk while hunting

03-26-2014, 07:04 AM
I can't think of a better way to work things out than over a day of duck hunting, the problem being is hunting is a wholesome sport and Obama is anything but, that and the fact if ya look at the picture of Willie all ready to hunt I am sure this will scare the hell out of our fearless leader :laugh: Yes Willie looks like he is heading out for a man's sport, something I am sure our Liar in charge knows nothing about.

I have to wonder how long it will take Secret Service to knock on his door, yes another way to try and make wholesome Americans look bad, they tried it with Nugent and it back fired on them but I seriously doubt they learned anything from that after all Obama knows what we need better than we do :rolleyes:

Duck Dynasty star Willie Robertson may not agree on everything with President Barack Obama, but that doesn't mean the two can't talk politics while hunting.Robertson, who stars in the sleeper hit God's Not Dead, told the host (http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/374101/duck-dynastys-willie-robertson-id-go-hunting-obama-andrew-johnson?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter) of The Laura Ingraham Show earlier today that he's open to getting to know Obama better.
I’d like to talk, and debate, and find out what’s going on in his brain a little more,” Robertson said. “That’s kind of my philosophy. I don’t shy away from people I disagree with — I want to know why they do what they do, and if you can move to change their thinking in some ways.


03-26-2014, 07:13 AM
I've seen Obama hold and try to toss a football before. Most little girls I know do a better job. If Obama was to have a shotgun, I wouldn't want to be in the same woods as him!

03-26-2014, 07:17 AM
I've seen Obama hold and try to toss a football before. Most little girls I know do a better job. If Obama was to have a shotgun, I wouldn't want to be in the same woods as him!

I have seen Obama with a gun ( yes back around election time he wanted to show he was a real man :laugh: but it backfired on him, he certainly knew nothing of guns even though he bragged how he loves skeet shooting ) yes when he picked up the gun to skeet shoot it was easy to see that his stories of the love of skeet shooting where just more lies.

03-26-2014, 09:25 AM
Such a manly thing to do, shooting ducks, they're ferocious, two stories tall, will teeth as big as cars, only the bravest of the brave and manliest of the men dare to take on the duck. In anycase, i have no idea who this guy is but presumably some sort of american celebrity, is it considered in some way remarkable that he would talk to the president if given the opportunity?

03-26-2014, 09:35 AM
Such a manly thing to do, shooting ducks, they're ferocious, two stories tall, will teeth as big as cars, only the bravest of the brave and manliest of the men dare to take on the duck. In anycase, i have no idea who this guy is but presumably some sort of american celebrity, is it considered in some way remarkable that he would talk to the president if given the opportunity?

Hunting IS considered a manly sport, whether you like it or disagree with it, or not. People also hunt for even smaller animals than that, all the time. Just because you disagree with hunting, that doesn't say anything at all about the manliness of the participants. Would it now be fair for me to call into question the manliness of those against hunting?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-26-2014, 09:35 AM
I have seen Obama with a gun ( yes back around election time he wanted to show he was a real man :laugh: but it backfired on him, he certainly knew nothing of guns even though he bragged how he loves skeet shooting ) yes when he picked up the gun to skeet shoot it was easy to see that his stories of the love of skeet shooting where just more lies.

I remember that. I was at my old forum and got blasted for pointing out how and why he was lying. However, I made those critics look like chumps. None of them had the kind of knowledge of guns and how to operate/hunt with them that I possess. Yet they all tried to defend the lying bastard. -Tyr

03-26-2014, 09:42 AM
Hunting IS considered a manly sport, whether you like it or disagree with it, or not. People also hunt for even smaller animals than that, all the time. Just because you disagree with hunting, that doesn't say anything at all about the manliness of the participants. Would it now be fair for me to call into question the manliness of those against hunting?

So should women be hunting? After all hunting is a manly thing to do, just like wearing skirts is a womanly thing to do, and men who wear skirts need to go to the therapist, right? I was lawling at the needless (but seemingly important) gender-assignment of hunting.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-26-2014, 09:51 AM
Such a manly thing to do, shooting ducks, they're ferocious, two stories tall, will teeth as big as cars, only the bravest of the brave and manliest of the men dare to take on the duck. In anycase, i have no idea who this guy is but presumably some sort of american celebrity, is it considered in some way remarkable that he would talk to the president if given the opportunity?

Hunting goes back to our beginning. It is a way to connect with nature, gather food to eat and enjoy the bounty of the earth. It teaches valuable survival skills, responsibility and renews the spirit. Its a sport, a hobby and for some a way of life. I have no problem with you never engaging in it why would you have a problem with my choosing to do so? Its so regulated now there is no danger of driving any game animal into extinction rather just the opposite is true because of game management. --Tyr

03-26-2014, 10:06 AM
So should women be hunting? After all hunting is a manly thing to do, just like wearing skirts is a womanly thing to do, and men who wear skirts need to go to the therapist, right? I was lawling at the needless (but seemingly important) gender-assignment of hunting.

No different than football being a manly sport, yet there are still women out there playing. First you want to make fun of those hunting, and then now run with me saying manly, as if it was some sort of "gotcha" moment. Suppose its more fun than discussing the actual article, huh?

And yeah, I believe people that think they are the opposite sex, when they aren't, but dress the part anyway - could definitely find use in some therapy. And yes, I think it is a womanly thing, to wear skirts and dresses, pantyhose and high heels. If I'm somehow wrong or a bad person for that, so be it. If you find it laughable, so be it.

03-27-2014, 07:41 AM
Such a manly thing to do, shooting ducks, they're ferocious, two stories tall, will teeth as big as cars, only the bravest of the brave and manliest of the men dare to take on the duck. In anycase, i have no idea who this guy is but presumably some sort of american celebrity, is it considered in some way remarkable that he would talk to the president if given the opportunity?

I apologize that you don't understand but honestly I didn't think ya would :cool:

03-28-2014, 03:06 AM
No different than football being a manly sport, yet there are still women out there playing. First you want to make fun of those hunting, and then now run with me saying manly, as if it was some sort of "gotcha" moment. Suppose its more fun than discussing the actual article, huh? And yeah, I believe people that think they are the opposite sex, when they aren't, but dress the part anyway - could definitely find use in some therapy. And yes, I think it is a womanly thing, to wear skirts and dresses, pantyhose and high heels. If I'm somehow wrong or a bad person for that, so be it. If you find it laughable, so be it.

I'm laughing at the needless and often contradictory gender concepts that are haphazardly assigned.

Its manly to hunt or play manly sports - but women can do them, that's fine, they can do manly things.

Its womanly to wear a skirt or heels - if a man does this he should seek therapy for wanting to do womanly things.

03-28-2014, 06:26 AM
I'm laughing at the needless and often contradictory gender concepts that are haphazardly assigned.

Its manly to hunt or play manly sports - but women can do them, that's fine, they can do manly things.

Its womanly to wear a skirt or heels - if a man does this he should seek therapy for wanting to do womanly things.

Women can and do manly things, but it's not the norm. But they don't try and BE the opposite sex and use their restrooms and identify as the opposite sex. Quite different than a mental patient who looks beneath its pants and is confused by what it sees. You're trying to equate a woman participating in a mans sport - with a man who wants to be a woman or identifies as a woman. The woman participating is not trying to be the opposite sex and doesn't think she is suddenly a man.

03-28-2014, 06:55 AM
Nancy wakes up in the morning and gets dressed in preparation for going hunting with her husband and friend. She puts on a pair of comfy cotton panties. To keep warm she also puts on thermal underwear and doubles up on the socks. All camo outfit of course and for safety and warmth a pair of awesome boots. She wears a camo hat with ear flaps for even more warmth. Then of course she tops it off with a pair of warm hunting gloves.

Elaine wakes up and prepares for her job in the wood industry. She puts on a pair of comfy underwear as well, and then a pair of long socks. A pair of rugged jeans or even Carharts (company that supplies rugged work clothes). Wears a flannel as well. Places on a Chicago Cubs baseball cap to keep her hair tight.

George wakes up and is going shopping today. He places on a thong and tucks in his wiener underneath so as not to let others see. He puts on a pair of dark pantyhose, hoping to block out the thick leg hair. He follows that up with a short skirt, similar to what tennis players wear, and a matching top. He puts on a pair of $2,000 Louboutins. Lipstick is a must, as is the eyeliner. He grabs a Gucci pocket book on his way out the door.

Hey, if some would like to see all 3 of them as the same, more power to ya! If some would like to say that the first to ladies are "dressing like men" and that the man is just doing the same - well - Ok then!! Truth is though, the first 2 are normal and the last thing has some criss crossed and melting wires upstairs!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-28-2014, 06:58 AM
I'm laughing at the needless and often contradictory gender concepts that are haphazardly assigned.

Its manly to hunt or play manly sports - but women can do them, that's fine, they can do manly things.

Its womanly to wear a skirt or heels - if a man does this he should seek therapy for wanting to do womanly things.

Mankind consists of only two sexes. All the rest is either a mental disorder or depravity. Take your pick.. These "million shades of gray" reasoning are nothing more than liberal idiocy IMHO.

Or, "You can be anything you want to be " taken a bit too far..-- :laugh:-Tyr