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View Full Version : Fred Thompson & Thatcher -Reaganesque?

Abbey Marie
06-18-2007, 04:04 PM
Fred Thompson seeks Thatcher's blessing
By: Mike Allen
Jun 18, 2007 01:07 PM EST

The foreign trip come as Thompson prepares to launch his presidential campaign, expected next month.

Fred Thompson, the actor and former Tennessee senator who is expected to announce next month he is running for president, flew to London on Monday to meet Margaret Thatcher and deliver a foreign policy speech, his advisers tell The Politico.

Thompson's advisers aim to use the London events to bolster his foreign policy credentials and elevate him above the increasingly contentious fray of the GOP race.

On Wednesday, he will pose for photos with Thatcher, which his advisers hope will enhance his support among devotees of former President Ronald Reagan.
Thompson also plans a trip to Israel later this year, advisers said.
Over the weekend, a Mason-Dixon poll published by The State newspaper of Columbia, S.C., showed Thompson leading the Republican field in that crucial early-voting state, with 25 percent, compared with Rudy Giuliani at 21 percent, Mitt Romney at 11 percent and John McCain at 7 percent.


06-18-2007, 05:40 PM
Thatcher is a great woman, but why on earth does anyone need her blessing?

Abbey Marie
06-18-2007, 05:50 PM
Thatcher is a great woman, but why on earth does anyone need her blessing?

This quote answers that question:

On Wednesday, he will pose for photos with Thatcher, which his advisers hope will enhance his support among devotees of former President Ronald Reagan.

06-18-2007, 11:02 PM
Thatcher is a great woman, but why on earth does anyone need her blessing?

For publicity. Free Press!!!!!!!!!!

06-18-2007, 11:03 PM
Thompson is anouncing his candidacy on the 4th of July weekend. That is a smart move, he will get free press on one of the most patriotic weekens of the year!

06-19-2007, 09:01 AM
So far,Fred Thompson is my pick. I think he will be the one that Democrats will fear. He's not even officially running and is number 1 in some polls. I will keep an open mind tho. I thought he was pretty godd on the Tonight Show. He doesn't seem like he's trying to be someone he is not. I like him best for his conservative values,but I actually do like the fact that he is older...more experienced in life.

06-19-2007, 07:17 PM
I like Thompson too. Haven't seen any shuck and jive or spinning and dancing from him yet. He gives straight up answers. If he keeps that up he'll get elected hands down.

Hugh Lincoln
06-20-2007, 11:02 PM
I can't think of a Republican he couldn't beat... Mitt Romney? His first name sounds like baseball equipment and his last name sounds like a Star Trek race.