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View Full Version : Teen: Suspended for Confederate flag on truck

03-28-2014, 11:07 AM
By FOX NEWS - A New Jersey high school student says he was suspended from school after refusing to remove a Confederate flag on his truck.

Gregory Vied, 17, told News12 he was suspended for flying the flag on his pickup truck, which was parked in a student lot at Steinert High School in Hamilton Township.

Vied says he refused to remove the flag despite repeated warnings from administrators. He says he understands the history of the flag, but that he sees it only as a representation of Southern pride and a connection to relatives from the South.

"Them trying to make me take it down is unconstitutional," Vied said.

The American Civil Liberties Union told the station that Vied's right to freedom of expression cannot be limited, even if there are complaints from students or teachers.

"As the U.S. Supreme Court has made clear, students' rights don't end at the school house gates," ACLU Legal Director Ed Barocas said. "It also doesn't end in the school parking lot."

Vied's three-day suspension was cut to one day after the ACLU sent a letter to the principal stating that school officials would have to prove the banned speech would "materially and substantially" disrupt operations at the school.

News12 reported that some of Vied's friends have shown their support by coming to school with Confederate flags on their cars and trucks, though none of them have been suspended.

The superintendent of schools refused to comment on the suspension, citing student privacy reasons.


03-28-2014, 11:27 AM
The kid knows he will be in trouble for the flag, yet continues to fly it because he believes he is more important than the rules. I blame his parents.

03-28-2014, 12:11 PM
The kid knows he will be in trouble for the flag, yet continues to fly it because he believes he is more important than the rules. I blame his parents.

Rules do not trump rights. Rights are encompassed by the constitution. Of the United States. You know...the one your president doesn't like to follow? That old "living document" which to you and your ilk should be subject to the arbitrary 'offense' of the weak-minded?

03-28-2014, 12:13 PM
The kid knows he will be in trouble for the flag, yet continues to fly it because he believes he is more important than the rules. I blame his parents.

No gabby. Unlike you. The kid understands what the 1st amendment of the Constitution means. And he is only using it to prove how people like you...think because you believe YOU are smarter. The rules only apply...IF YOU SAY SO.

03-28-2014, 12:23 PM
If your employer told you "do not wear such-and-such to work," you wouldn't do it. School parking lots are part of the school. Which is subject to rules set by the school. I am surprised that those of you who were in military don't understand the concept of following rules.

03-28-2014, 12:28 PM
Rules do not trump rights.

HS kids don't have rights as you and I do.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-28-2014, 01:27 PM
HS kids don't have rights as you and I do.

Its about basic rights not special circumstances and using that as an excuse to deny basic freedoms. That's what damn liberals do.
You want to tell me vehicles with stupid ass Obama stickers are banned too? If not then my point is proven. Its liberal dumbass idiocy on display. That's why no true conservative agrees with it. How about those schools declaring Mexican day and letting those un-American asses strut their pride in the ffing country they ran away from!

We are tired of all liberal inspired this shat..... If ever a "civil war" (God forbid) I can guess who had better make for the Mexican border as fast as they can fly so as not to receive justice.. Because sure as hell one group will be at the top of the list..--Tyr

03-28-2014, 01:33 PM
If your employer told you "do not wear such-and-such to work," you wouldn't do it. School parking lots are part of the school. Which is subject to rules set by the school. I am surprised that those of you who were in military don't understand the concept of following rules.

Wrong again gabby. YOU ARE NOT SURPRISED. Instead. You have no defense of the 1st amendment, which the kid was exercising, inside his vehicle. Not school property.
Bet you disagree with showing an AMERICAN FLAG as well. Don't ya?
As for the rules being followed. YOU should try exercising the RULES of the Constitution before trying to redirect your HOLIER-THAN-CRAP attitudes here.

03-28-2014, 01:48 PM
Its about basic rights not special circumstances and using that as an excuse to deny basic freedoms.

I didn't say it wasn't dumb, it's just not a "basic rights" issue.