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View Full Version : Crimean Tatars offered the Orthodox Christians of Kyiv Patriarchate to hold services

03-29-2014, 09:48 PM
I do try to find good stories to balance the rampant negative anti Islam stories that seem to fill the forum. I'm sure some of you would find something negative even in this story but you can't deny that this is a good example of how we should live together in peace and be ready to help each other should we be subject to tyranny or misfortune.

The priests of Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyiv Patriarchate in Crimea are ready to accept the offer made by Crimean Tatars, said archbi shop Yevstratiy Zorya, the spokesperson of Kyiv Patriarchate.Two priests have fled from Crimea already; eleven more, headed by archbishop Klyment, continue to serve there, although the entire Crimean clergy of Kyiv Patriarchate chose to evacuate their families from the peninsula. If threatened or driven out from their churches, the priests and lay believers of Kyiv Patriarchate will accept the Tatars’ invitation to use the premises of their mosques for worship.
“They promised to help us protect our rights” – remarked Zorya.
Source: http://www.5.ua/component/k2/item/376791-krymski-tatary-zaproponuvaly-upts-kp-sluzhyty-v-mechetiakh

View original (http://euromaidanpr.wordpress.com/2014/03/28/crimean-tatars-offered-the-orthodox-christians-of-kyiv-patriarchate-to-hold-services-in-their-mosques/)

03-30-2014, 10:29 AM
Now THAT is an example of what men/women can do to be examples to society, to entire areas, to show one another that they are friendly, and hold no ill will. One simple gesture and acceptance may not stop all wars today, but that's certainly a start.

I know in my local travels I have come across the Rabbi who runs the local Temple in conversations with one of the Imams who shows up at my friends station as they are very good friends. It's interesting to see the level of respect they show for one another. I don't know if they do so to set an example or not, but it does whether that's their intent or not.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-30-2014, 11:00 AM
I do try to find good stories to balance the rampant negative anti Islam stories that seem to fill the forum. I'm sure some of you would find something negative even in this story but you can't deny that this is a good example of how we should live together in peace and be ready to help each other should we be subject to tyranny or misfortune.



Crimean Tatar Assembly Votes for Autonomy as Part of Russia
The Moscow Times
Mar. 30 2014 16:18
Last edited 16:18

The unofficial Crimean Tatars parliament has voted in favor of seeking "national and territorial autonomy" following Crimea's secession from Ukraine and annexation by Russia two weeks ago.

On Saturday the assembly's leader Refat Chubarov announced plans to negotiate with both Russia and Ukraine, as well as with the UN, European Council, EU, OSCE and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation regarding the matter, RIA Novosti reported.

The Crimean Tatars, who were largely against the regional referendum that set in motion Russia's annexation of the peninsula, greatly supported Chubarov's appeal at the assembly in the largely Tatar town of Bakhchisarai to begin legal proceedings for the forming of an autonomous body.

Chubarov explained that the Crimean Tatars have studied Russia's constitution and are aware of the regional laws governing subjects within the Russian Federation, and thus have decided to demand the right to self-determination.

Present at the assembly were the head of Russia's Council of Muftis Ravil Gaynutdin and Rustam Minnikhanov, the president of Russia's republic of Tatarstan, Itar-Tass reported. Both have guaranteed to help Crimean Tatars leaders meet and negotiate with authorities in Moscow.

Both the Russian and Kiev governments have voiced their support for the Crimean Tatars. President Vladimir Putin promised to rehabilitate the inhabitants of the peninsula, and stressed that he wanted to "restore the rights" of this indigenous people of Crimea, who were deported in large numbers to Central Asia by Stalin after World War II for alleged cooperation with Nazi forces.

Crimean Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Temirgaliev has promised Crimean Tatars seats in the new government, while Ukrainian Justice Minister Pavel Petrenko said in mid-March that the government will soon adopt laws granting the minority Crimean Tatar community the right to self-determination.

^^^^^^^^^^ Not so fast Jafar, lets see what they really do. They have voted to be bought out. Any gesture made to Christians will be short lived once Russia gives them what they truly want IMHO.-Tyr

03-30-2014, 07:54 PM
Now THAT is an example of what men/women can do to be examples to society, to entire areas, to show one another that they are friendly, and hold no ill will. One simple gesture and acceptance may not stop all wars today, but that's certainly a start.

I know in my local travels I have come across the Rabbi who runs the local Temple in conversations with one of the Imams who shows up at my friends station as they are very good friends. It's interesting to see the level of respect they show for one another. I don't know if they do so to set an example or not, but it does whether that's their intent or not.

It's just a good example of how Muslims are taught to behave in accordance with Islam and Islamic values.

^^^^^^^^^^ Not so fast Jafar, lets see what they really do. They have voted to be bought out. Any gesture made to Christians will be short lived once Russia gives them what they truly want IMHO.-Tyr

No so fast Tyr. Don't be so fast to condemn them just because they are Muslims. So far, we have seen examples of excellence from them and there is no reason to assume otherwise for the future.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-30-2014, 08:57 PM
It's just a good example of how Muslims are taught to behave in accordance with Islam and Islamic values.

No so fast Tyr. Don't be so fast to condemn them just because they are Muslims. So far, we have seen examples of excellence from them and there is no reason to assume otherwise for the future.

How about we wait to place holy crowns upon their heads. The future shall separate the good from the bad! Many times good acts are used to set up dastardly deeds later. If these people prove to be not liars and clever schemers I'll give them the praise they deserve. I admit it is possible for them to do good! They are not doomed to evil simply because they worship Allah. It all depends on how pure their hearts are and how much grace truly lies within their spirit. Not every Muslim is bad.....I know when you recover from your shock you'll see a bit clearer into my true spirit. If not you'll continue to satisfy your appetite at the great beast's feast. The one he provides for all his victims. I've seen it and was offered much to partake but one bite is enough to be lost--possibly even forever. Blessed was I to have been rescued by acts of men far, far greater than I could ever be..

May you be so blessed someday..-Tyr

03-30-2014, 09:47 PM
I do try to find good stories to balance the rampant negative anti Islam stories that seem to fill the forum. I'm sure some of you would find something negative even in this story but you can't deny that this is a good example of how we should live together in peace and be ready to help each other should we be subject to tyranny or misfortune.


Refreshing to hear of something like this.

Perhaps there is hope after all.