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View Full Version : No Prison for du Pont Heir in Child Rape: He Would 'Not Fare Well'

03-31-2014, 01:46 PM
What the hell? How does someone rape their 3 year old daughter and not go to jail? He should be jailed for life, or actually just shot on the spot once found guilty. Even if 100% batshit insane, still needs to leave this earth.

A wealthy heir to the multimillionaire du Pont family who admitted raping his 3-year-old daughter was sentenced to probation by a judge who determined he "will not fare well" in prison and should be given treatment instead.

The decision to spare Robert Richards IV prison time came as a surprise to defense lawyers and prosecutors. Several noted that prison officials can put inmates in protective custody if they are worried about their safety, given that child abusers can be the target of other inmates, The News Journal of Wilmington, Del., reported.

Richards was sentenced in 2009 by Superior Court Judge Jan Jurden, but the case has only recently come to light due to a lawsuit filed by Richards' ex-wife for compensatory and punitive damages related to the crimes.

She accuses him of admitting to sexually abusing his infant son between 2005 and 2007, the same period during which he abused his daughter starting when she was 3, according to the News Journal.

Richards is the great-grandson of du Pont family patriarch Irenee du Pont. He is unemployed and supported by a trust fund, owns a $1.8 million mansion in Greenville, Del., and a home in the exclusive North Shores neighborhood near Rehoboth Beach, according to USA Today.


WILMINGTON, Del. — A du Pont family heir who raped his 3-year-old daughter nearly a decade ago but received no prison time now faces a lawsuit from his former wife that accuses him of sexually abusing his toddler son.

Robert H. Richards IV, 47, who is supported by a trust fund and who paid $1.8 million for his 5,800-square-foot mansion near Winterthur Museum, pleaded guilty in 2008 to fourth-degree rape of his daughter. Currently on probation, he has never been charged with crimes against his son.

The lawsuit provides in-depth details about a child rape case that Delaware authorities never disclosed publicly and did not receive media attention.

Richards is a scion of two prominent Delaware families — the du Pont family who built the chemical empire and the Richards family who co-founded the prestigious corporate law firm Richards Layton & Finger. Du Pont family patriarch Irenee du Pont is his great grandfather. His father, Robert H. Richards III, was a partner in the law firm until his 2008 retirement.

Currently unemployed, Richards IV also lists a home in the exclusive North Shores neighborhood near Rehoboth Beach as a residence, according to the state's sex abuse registry.

On Tuesday, nearly six years after Richards' felony conviction, his ex-wife, Tracy Richards, filed a Superior Court lawsuit on behalf of her children seeking compensatory and punitive damages for assault, negligence, and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress on his two children. Abuse of the children occurred at both the Greenville and North Shores homes, the lawsuit alleged.


04-01-2014, 07:01 AM
The key is in the second word of the quoted text...

04-01-2014, 07:08 AM
The key is in the second word of the quoted text...

I am afraid you are correct , but how disgusting is that. A person capable of raping a baby needs to be put down no matter his/her wealth.

04-01-2014, 07:13 PM
I am afraid you are correct , but how disgusting is that. A person capable of raping a baby needs to be put down no matter his/her wealth.

Couldn't agree more, but the sad fact is that money get get you out of almost any punishment. His treatment in prison should not be an issue.

04-01-2014, 07:22 PM
WE must not forget! Our Motor-mouthed Vice President comes from Delaware, where the Dupont family has been recognized for their contributions to the Obama-Biden elections.

And, we cannot forget how Joe (the Racist) Biden of 7-11 Indian fame lived very near the Dupont tract of land the rest of America calls Delaware.

MONEY TALKS...and DUPONT Relatives..WALK, again.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-01-2014, 08:13 PM
What the hell? How does someone rape their 3 year old daughter and not go to jail? He should be jailed for life, or actually just shot on the spot once found guilty. Even if 100% batshit insane, still needs to leave this earth.



The fruit falleth not far from the tree.
That kind of wealth buys its own level of justice, usually none at all or else a token slap on the hand. Dude should have been shot right between his evil and perverted eyes!! -Tyr

04-01-2014, 08:18 PM
Guess who's son is the Attorney General for Delaware?

Joe Biden.

Yep, he is Joseph 'Beau' Biden III, a democrat.

Somehow, they don't know how this miscarriage of justice happened and don't know anything about it.

Sounds familiar.

04-01-2014, 08:21 PM
Guess who's son is the Attorney General for Delaware?

Joe Biden.

Yep, he is Joseph 'Beau' Biden III, a democrat.

Somehow, they don't know how this miscarriage of justice happened and don't know anything about it.

Sounds familiar.

BUT, BUT....BUT....Joe has Smooth skin. So, that gets his royal Dumbness off the hook?

04-02-2014, 06:33 AM
Couldn't agree more, but the sad fact is that money get get you out of almost any punishment. His treatment in prison should not be an issue.

Just ask OJ !!! We don't have to go no further to prove this point jafar.