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04-01-2014, 12:06 PM
Maybe not planning for life after death, but simply making plans for when that day comes, like wills and burials and insurance and such. :)

I don't think I have anything 'legal' as of yet. No will or anything and nothing purchased as far as a burial plot. My wife handles the insurance stuff. I don't think she has a will either, but has verbally told me she wants to be cremated. Is it ever too early to have a will in place? And what about burial/cremation plans? My wife and I disagree there, as I want a burial and she doesn't. She hasn't said so, but I think she is basically saying that no way she spends eternity with me, this is her way of getting out! LOL But seriously, shouldn't a husband and wife be buried together? Or something together?

I just figured that if something were to happen, I don't have a damn thing in place and I guess the rest would be left up to others to decide. Probably put me in a Dr. Pepper can and left in someone's garage. LOL

04-01-2014, 12:15 PM
Maybe not planning for life after death, but simply making plans for when that day comes, like wills and burials and insurance and such. :)

Do you mean find out where the hot lesbian chicks are buried?

Seriously, you should have life insurance, term is usually best, and a will. Especially with a child and especially if there are any special plans that need to be made for him. Then get into living wills, plans, etc.

04-01-2014, 07:08 PM
Ask Muslims. We spend our lives working towards the afterlife. :)

04-01-2014, 07:25 PM
Ask Muslims. We spend our lives working towards the afterlife. :)

jafar. If that was absolutely true. Why didn't OBL commit suicide?

04-01-2014, 09:36 PM

I have a life insurance policy that was large enough to pay off all my debts (including mortgages) and named my estate as the beneficiary (my estate owns all my assets which is for tax purposes).

Reasons: avoiding probate, reducing taxes, avoiding most issues, protect beneficiaries, protecting assets from lawsuits, outlining exactly how you want your assets managed if you are incapacitated, etc. It also makes it easier on your survivors because they are generally too devastated to make good decisions and the estate should have all that taken care so your executor can step in and help.

I also have a will stating how I wanted the assets of the estate disbursed and when. I also have a legal document stating who has authority to make medical decisions for me and exactly how I want to enter the next life (cremated because I just can't think stomach the thought of being eaten by maggots).

When I was married my husband wanted us to be buried in Arlington ... which would be a stacked plot. I said my urn could be buried with him. Now that we are divorced I've asked my daughter, who travels to a lot of beautiful places around the world, to spread a little of my ashes where ever she travels. My question to you is "do you think you would not have a chance to spend eternity with your wife if you died in a fire?"

Jim, get yourself a good estate attorney and get your life in order. It's the best thing you can do for your family ... so, take care of your family.

PS ... the older you get the more the life insurance is going to cost you. Get one now.

PSS ... naming my estate as the beneficiary helps me sleep at night knowing an individual won't help me into the afterlife early in order to collect the funds! :laugh:

04-01-2014, 09:46 PM
Construction on my burial chamber started last winter...

04-01-2014, 11:12 PM
Construction on my burial chamber started last winter...

Are you taking all your animals, assets, family members and slaves with you? :slap:

04-02-2014, 05:59 AM
Are you taking all your animals, assets, family members and slaves with you? :slap:

Only the ones I really need...

Abbey Marie
04-02-2014, 11:06 AM
Maybe not planning for life after death, but simply making plans for when that day comes, like wills and burials and insurance and such. :)

I don't think I have anything 'legal' as of yet. No will or anything and nothing purchased as far as a burial plot. My wife handles the insurance stuff. I don't think she has a will either, but has verbally told me she wants to be cremated. Is it ever too early to have a will in place? And what about burial/cremation plans? My wife and I disagree there, as I want a burial and she doesn't. She hasn't said so, but I think she is basically saying that no way she spends eternity with me, this is her way of getting out! LOL But seriously, shouldn't a husband and wife be buried together? Or something together?

I just figured that if something were to happen, I don't have a damn thing in place and I guess the rest would be left up to others to decide. Probably put me in a Dr. Pepper can and left in someone's garage. LOL

If you and your wife do not want to take the time/money to visit a lawyer right away, and your Estate is not complicated, consider going on Legal Zoom. You answer some questions, and Wills will be drawn up to cover the basics. All for about $80. Beats the chance of having to go through the courts for distribution of assets. But most importantly, you need to choose a Guardian for your child, in case God forbid you and your wife pass before he is no longer a minor, such as in a car accident. You don't want anyone else making that extremely important decision for you.

04-02-2014, 12:42 PM
^Even if he isn't a minor you don't want to plunk a million dollars in his pocket without some guildelines.