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View Full Version : Forget millions: Maybe Obamacare has ‘billions’ of new enrollees!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-01-2014, 10:26 PM

Forget millions: Maybe Obamacare has ‘billions’ of new enrollees

LOS ANGELES, April 1, 2014 — With the Affordable Care Act deadline that is not really a deadline in the rearview mirror, President Obama and his administration were crowing over six million Obamacare enrollees. The target was seven million and the fear was four million.

Six million means that the Obama administration failed less than expected, which in their world is success.

This is before pointing out that they have turned the very meaning of the word “enrolled” on its head. Obama can tell us how many people went online and perhaps selected a plan, but claims not to know how many people have actually completed the transaction by paying a premium.

Obama obsesses over metrics more than any human being alive not named Nate Silver. When numbers favor Obama, he immediately releases them. When the numbers are bad, he feigns ignorance.

So in the spirit of meaningless numbers thrown around, it is time for Obama to just get it over with and make the story far more impressive.

Forget millions. Let’s talk billions.

Obamacare now has six billion enrollees. Six out of every seven people on planet earth are enrolled.

So how did Obama achieve this fantastic feat?

Organizing For America went on Facebook and created a new group called “Obamacare enrollees.” They then added every single Facebook user to the group without their permission.

While this only allowed them to reach one-billon enrollees, Twitter came next. Each Facebook enrollee had a tweet sent out on their behalf.

This allowed them to reach everybody who has the ability to interact with another person in any capacity. Some babies born in third world rice fields are now enrolled.

Since the post-modern Obama is constantly gazing into the future, he decided to cover people not born yet. To avoid the abortion debate, he exempted current fetuses and decided to focus on women who were not yet pregnant but were thinking about having children.

Despite his plea to declare that Obamacare had “billions and billions served,” like the red-nosed clown than lives under the golden-arches, aides pointed out to him that only seven billion people lived on earth.

Some people went to McDonalds more than once so people could enroll for healthcare more than once. After all, people purchase life insurance on average seven times in their lifetime. Therefore, if one person went on the eventually working Obamacare website and enrolled twenty times, they would count as twenty enrollees. Such counting methods are how Obama supporters like ACORN collect and count votes.

Cutting and pasting this practice to healthcare would require only an Excel spreadsheet and real-sounding names like John Q. Public and Mickey M. Mouse.

While six billion enrollees may seem like Obama is cooking the books, another theory is that most of his numbers are fictional to begin with. Whether six million, six billion or six trillion, the only thing the public knows is that exactly six people signed up for Obamacare on the first day.

Somewhere between six people and six trillion people is the truth.

One does not have to be celebrating April Fool’s Day to know when a president is pulling the leg of the American people.

One could say that the real April Fool is the president who had six years to come up with a plan and still could not figure out how to give more of something to more people while having it cost less. The answer is by using imaginary numbers, which does not have anything to do with thirty-sixteen, forty-twelve, or 6i (for math geeks everywhere).

Sadly, the most foolish of the April Fools were those who celebrated this holiday on the first Tuesday in November of 2008 and 2012. Those November Fools are why a government can claim six million enrollees to a healthcare plan while discounting millions more who have lost their coverage.

Read more at http://www.commdiginews.com/politics-2/forget-millions-maybe-obamacare-has-billions-of-new-enrollees-13516/#uOBwvESujvGxJUGx.99

And why not? They just make up any number they like but when asked certain direct questions about those numbers they plead ignorance!

Hows this work out?
We have this many signed up--ok how many paid-- uhh uhh , we don't know.
Really? You know its 6 million signed up but the freaking really important part of how many paid you haven't a clue!!!
This scam artist has this nation right where he wants them= dumb, clueless and willing to believe any damn lie he decides to give..
It be funny as hell if it wasn't causing such heartache and misery with a future promise of increasing that a few million fold!!

Yet a part of me still has to laugh and laugh heartedly at the thought of how and when finally tens of millions realize what freaking fools and absolute jackasses they have been!-Tyr

04-01-2014, 11:44 PM
Another important number is how many millions lost their insurance because it was cancelled?

Those people would naturally enroll, since you're not going to want to do it all again because it's a major pain in the ass.

I believe that :

1) Those numbers are grossly inflated.

2) Most enrollees are fugitives from forcible insurance cancellation.

3) Fewer than 2 million have actually paid money and completed the transaction.

and 4) This entire abomination (Obamination?) will soon collapse on itself and things will return to the way things were once the true numbers are revealed and the democrats have to try and prop up this mess to the tune of billions upon billions.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-02-2014, 07:16 AM
Another important number is how many millions lost their insurance because it was cancelled?

Those people would naturally enroll, since you're not going to want to do it all again because it's a major pain in the ass.

I believe that :

1) Those numbers are grossly inflated.

2) Most enrollees are fugitives from forcible insurance cancellation.

3) Fewer than 2 million have actually paid money and completed the transaction.

and 4) This entire abomination (Obamination?) will soon collapse on itself and things will return to the way things were once the true numbers are revealed and the democrats have to try and prop up this mess to the tune of billions upon billions.


Truth Detector
04-02-2014, 11:23 AM
One thing is certain; we won't be getting the truth out of this Administration anytime soon. Most likely not until after the midterms.

Meanwhile, the talking points memo has gone out to the willing media and they are cheering about the 7,000,000. But don't ask them why this has any meaning, they're just gullible twits cheering about it.

Oh, and let's pretend that the deadline has not been extended....again.

04-04-2014, 10:21 AM