View Full Version : [B]Children at secondary school 'infiltrated by Muslim extremists' listened to assemb

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-04-2014, 08:40 AM
Children at secondary school 'infiltrated by Muslim extremists' listened to assembly praising Al-Qaeda leader, say teachers


Children at secondary school 'infiltrated by Muslim extremists' listened to assembly praising Al-Qaeda leader, say teachers
Staff at Park View Academy accused colleagues of sympathy for Al-Qaeda

Claimed former terror leader Anwar al-Awlaki was praised in an assembly

Political views sympathetic to Al-Qaeda also said to have been promoted
Park View believed to be subject a Department of Education investigation
Probe relates to claims hard-line Muslims are running Birmingham schools
Park View denies all allegations, claiming they are fueled by Islamophobia

By John Hall

A secondary school in Birmingham has been accused of praising senior Al-Qaeda figure Anwar al-Awlaki during assemblies.

Two members of staff at Park View Academy claimed a senior colleague had endorsed the teachings of the now dead American-born leader of Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula, and that a viewpoint politically sympathetic to the terrorist group had been promoted in an assembly.

The Department of Education confirmed that several schools in the area - thought to include Park View - are under investigation amid claims hard-line Muslims are trying to indoctrinate pupils.

Park View Academy denies the allegations, which were made by anonymous members of staff who were speaking to BBC Radio 4's Today programme

The two anonymous members of Park View staff reportedly insisted there was truth in the allegations that hardline Muslims had infiltrated the school.

They added that non-Muslim members of staff were being isolated, male and female pupils were being segregated, and that nepotism was apparent in the hiring of new recruits.

Allegations of radical Islamist infiltration of several schools in Birmingham, apparently including Park View, first came to light last month when a letter referring to a 'Trojan Horse' plot was sent to the local council, then leaked to the media.

The source and authenticity of the letter remains unclear, but it has led to the Department of Education investigating financial records and interviewing staff members at 'more than 12 schools' in the area.

Education Secretary Michael Gove is believed to have taken a personal interest in the investigation, which includes both faith schools and secular establishments.

Claims that Park View Academy employed members of staff sympathetic to Al-Qaeda were raised during the first visit by a journalist to the school since the 'Trojan Horse' allegations were made.

During an interview Tahir Alam, chair of governors at the school, insisted on accompanying reporter Sima Kotecha at all times, and restricted her access to other members of staff.

Speaking of the leaked letter and addressing claims he is the 'ringleader' of the hardline Muslim takeover of the school, Mr Alam said: 'You can go round the school, you can have a look at the school, and you will find there is no evidence for these things whatsoever.

'So whatever practices that the school is observing, they are actually voluntary. None of them are prescribed - they are purely optional,' he added.

Mr Alam - who has been a governor at Park View for 17 years and was also a pupil at the school, went on to say: 'I believe it is a witch hunt based on all sorts of false allegations which have been repeated over many weeks.

'I also believe it is motivated by anti-Muslim, anti-Islam sentiment that is also sort of feeding this frenzy,' he added.

The Islamic call to prayer is said to be played in corridors at the self-described 'multi-faith school', which is predominantly staffed by Muslims of Pakistani parentage.

04-04-2014, 09:54 AM
Meh, GB is gone anyway. I heard it here on DP first.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-04-2014, 09:59 AM
Meh, GB is gone anyway. I heard it here on DP first.

I am sure you did since it was me making that proclamation.;)

Yet a slimmer of hope still exists until they take total control.
Can the Brits rise up in a civil war to save themselves!???

That's the billion dollar question..

Can or will we do the same???

I ask because the same game is being played here and led by Obama!! It just that it was started much earlier in Britain....--Tyr

04-04-2014, 10:04 AM
Yeah, at least a whole thread or three about how they were conquered by a group that amounted to less than 5% of their own population.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-04-2014, 10:35 AM
Yeah, at least a whole thread or three about how they were conquered by a group that amounted to less than 5% of their own population.

As if a small percent of a population doesn't usually control the nation! In the case of Islam al it takes is a small percentage simply because they are TOTALLY dedicated. I suspect you have not a clue about the term Total Dedication and WHAT IT MEANS to a people enslaved into blind and total submission.
Do not worry if you live another decade ort two you'll see my prediction is correct.
I am use to skeptics, I had 'em by the tons when I made the prediction in the early 70's of China becoming the number one super power eclipsing the USA in 40 to 50 years.. We are on the 40 year mark now with ten more to go. --Tyr

04-04-2014, 01:12 PM
No evidence of a link between Bradford and an alleged plot by Muslim extremists to wrest control of schools in Birmingham has been provided to Bradford Council, according to its leader.
Operation Trojan Horse is the name given to an alleged plot that would see non-Muslim heads hounded out of schools in predominantly Muslim areas of Birmingham, and replaced with fundamentalist teachers.
Letters allegedly sent between people involved were leaked last month and warned that if successful in Birmingham the plan could be rolled out in Bradford and Manchester.
Ofsted has since sent education inspector to one of the schools named in the leaked documents, Park View Academy in Birmingham, but has yet to release any of its findings.
Councillor David Green (http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/search/?search=Councillor+David+Green%2C+Councillor+Dave+ Green&topic_id=2755), leader of Bradford Council, said: “I have not seen any evidence of the link with Bradford, so at the moment I wouldn’t want to make a statement on that issue.”

http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/local/localbrad/11125850.There_is_no_evidence_of_school_plot__says _Bradford_Council_leader/

04-04-2014, 02:01 PM
As if a small percent of a population doesn't usually control the nation!

I'm sure you're correct, these statistics are normally the make up of the small percent that controls the nation:


35 % of Muslim households have no adults in employment, (more than double the national average). (Source: ‘Muslim Housing Experience’, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies)
Just under three-quarters of Bangladeshi and Pakistani children (73%) are living in households below the poverty line (60% of median income). This compares with under a third (31%) for children in all households. (Source: Department for Work and Pensions. Households Below Average Income 1994/5 – 2000/01)
In 2001, 13% of Muslim men and 16% of Muslim women reported ‘not good’ health. These rates, which take account of the difference in age structures between the religious groups, were higher than those of Jewish and Christian people, who were the least likely to rate their health as 'not good'. (Source: National Statistics 2001 Census)
