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View Full Version : Been fun...

04-06-2014, 08:03 AM
Folks, it's been a fun ride but my times not what it used to be and think i've said nearly all i've wanted to say. Nice cyber meeting you all, and i pray the best for you and your family and blessings in the good that you do.



04-06-2014, 08:07 AM
I hope it's because something else pulled you away and nothing here pushed you away.

04-06-2014, 08:46 AM
Take care, Rev.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-06-2014, 09:03 AM
I understand my friend. Sometimes life makes us busier than a man bailing out a boat just to stay afloat!
Here is hoping you return soon to post even if its sparingly. I really enjoyed your posts here ,even the ones I disagreed with. We all should respect and appreciate TRUTH more but Alas some do not..
A suggestion why not just take a month long break and see how it goes after that!
I'd surely hate to see you leave for good... How about reconsidering your decision simply because you have friends here? I know I may be bold but I count myself as one..-Tyr

04-06-2014, 09:54 AM
Folks, it's been a fun ride but my times not what it used to be and think i've said nearly all i've wanted to say. Nice cyber meeting you all, and i pray the best for you and your family and blessings in the good that you do.




I have a sneaky suspicion what made you pull back this time, and I hope you'll reconsider. This seems to come together with the last threads you participated in regarding race, or racism. For my own part, I will say that I sometimes embellish my own stance in order to provoke discussion, or to admittedly just provoke in general based on what I see as hypocrisy from many in the world today. But there's no harm intended, and we're not the KKK here, I assure you. I think those that have known me for 10+ years now know that I'm not a racist at heart, but I'll be one of the first to test the limits and assure I retain my rights to speak the same as others have that right.

With that said, racist things are allowed to be spoken here, just as those opposing can call others out on it. Discussion about race is allowed too. As usual, whenever heated topics like that come up, we would hope that maturity prevails and we act like adults in an adult forum. Some of us fall short of that at times (speaking of myself). I'm angry at times and it shows in my posts on various levels, but the truth isn't always based on a couple of posts.

If the board was sold off to the aryan brotherhood, I could understand members leaving due to issues surrounding racism. But a couple of threads doesn't make this a hate site no more than it makes me a racist.

I hope I'm on the right track now that I've outed myself! But there was never any harm intended, I hope you know that. Sometimes shit is posted in the heat of the moment, and sometimes it's a member just wanting to be a dick. But I would ask you to look at the totality of your time here with us instead of the emotion of a thread or 2.

I hope you reconsider. :beer:

04-06-2014, 01:06 PM
I will dial it back if you think my no-holds-barred approach to people I don't like is costing you membership. I have no shame. However, it's not my style to throw sand in the gearbox of someone else's machinery.

04-07-2014, 08:39 PM
Folks, it's been a fun ride but my times not what it used to be and think i've said nearly all i've wanted to say.

This will never be a problem with me. Since, unfortunately for many DP members, I never run out of things to say. :cool:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-07-2014, 08:59 PM
I will dial it back if you think my no-holds-barred approach to people I don't like is costing you membership. I have no shame. However, it's not my style to throw sand in the gearbox of someone else's machinery.
"No-hold-barred" approach?? Here I was thinking it was just you natural lousy disposition. :laugh:

04-07-2014, 09:06 PM
This will never be a problem with me. Since, unfortunately for many DP members, I never run out of things to say. :cool:

Given how you recently crapped on a new member, you're a problem alright. Doing that crap shows no interest in the success of DP and impedes traffic and membership on the forum. I hope those that manage this board see you for the saboteur that you are. Sure, if you want to drag the fight into the cesspool, I'll fight you to the muddy bottom if need be, but I'd rather not. You seek it out. You're certainly no lady, nor should you be treated like one.

04-07-2014, 11:25 PM
Given how you recently crapped on a new member, you're a problem alright. Doing that crap shows no interest in the success of DP and impedes traffic and membership on the forum. I hope those that manage this board see you for the saboteur that you are. Sure, if you want to drag the fight into the cesspool, I'll fight you to the muddy bottom if need be, but I'd rather not. You seek it out. You're certainly no lady, nor should you be treated like one.

You are accusing me of this? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


04-08-2014, 06:49 AM
I will dial it back if I think it's adversely effecting site traffic and membership. You apparently won't. Sure, it's fun to say things you're not supposed to. It stops being fun when it sabotages someone else's hobby, in this case Jim's message board here. Notice I'm not citing rules or being officious by faking any kind of authority. Be an American and exercise some self governance.

You are accusing me of this? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


04-08-2014, 07:01 AM
I will dial it back if I think it's adversely effecting site traffic and membership. You apparently won't. Sure, it's fun to say things you're not supposed to. It stops being fun when it sabotages someone else's hobby, in this case Jim's message board here. Notice I'm not citing rules or being officious by faking any kind of authority. Be an American and exercise some self governance.

Tail, you do not adversely affect the board. I don't see you running around trolling threads, nor making many posts in a single sitting solely trying to get a rise out of others. If you want to improve any one thing about your time here? Try to avoid taking the bait the best you can. The pictures/replies are there to aggravate you into making a reply, which you did. You and the board are both better off if the trolling garbage is simply ignored.

Abbey Marie
04-08-2014, 10:19 AM
Rev will be sorely missed by me. :( I hope he reconsiders.

04-08-2014, 10:22 AM
Rev will be sorely missed by me. :( I hope he reconsiders.

Hopefully he'll take a breather and reconsider down the road. I think we've all reached the point he is at now. Hell, I was ready to quit about 99 times before. And I think as this thread goes on he will see that - while not everyone agrees with him in his political views, there seems to be a consensus that he is a decent guy and will be missed.

04-08-2014, 10:24 AM
Rev will be sorely missed by me. :( I hope he reconsiders.

I agree. He is one of the few posters that have made me reevaluate my positions on several issues. I'm not saying 100% agreement on a topic, but enough to make me really think if there weren't unintended consequences and morality in politics.

04-09-2014, 02:58 PM
As a fellow pothead conservative, I'm super bummed and hope he returns at some point. Otherwise, I might switch over to prescription drugs and big PhRMa. Don't let that happen rev, please...