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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-14-2014, 07:41 PM

Armed Standoff Over Cattle Grazing Comes to an End

By Brian Feldman
19 hours ago
Government officials from the federal Bureau of Land Management attempted to seize cattle from a Nevada farmer over the weekend, arguing that the farmer, Cliven Bundy, owed money to the government for grazing his cattle on public land. On Saturday, the week-long dispute ended with a four-hour standoff between the bureau and nearly 1,000 of Bundy’s supporters, some armed.

The dispute began in 1993, when Bundy’s allotment of land for grazing cattle was altered to include some environmental protections. Bundy did not accept the change and continued to use the land anyway without paying grazing fees. In 1998, a judged order that Bundy remove the cattle and pay trespassing damages—Bundy did not comply. In 2013, a judge authorized the government to impound the approximately 900 cattle, located on the ranch about 80 miles from Las Vegas.

The dispute escalated last week as officials attempted to seize cattle. Last Sunday, Bundy posted on his ranch’s website, “They have my cattle and now they have one of my boys. Range War begins tomorrow.”

According to The Wall Street Journal, on Wednesday, “One protester drove an all-terrain vehicle into a BLM truck, the agencies said, and others surrounded the truck.” One protester was shot with a stun gun.

All of this culminated in a four-hour standoff on Saturday that temporarily shut down Interstate 15 on Saturday. The Guardian describes the scene:

The heavily armed crowd rallied under a banner that read “Liberty Freedom For God We Stand”. Camouflaged militiamen stood at attention, communicating with earpieces. Most had signs, many of which chided “government thugs”.

Some demonstrators were armed and others were on horseback. According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal:

So after reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, singing the National Anthem and saying a few prayers, protesters took matters into their own hands and mobilized in an attempt to free them. They were kept at bay by sheriff’s deputies and an array of federal agents in what turned into a tense standoff. One person said officers used bullhorns to tell marchers to keep away or they’d be shot.

The government officials eventually stopped stopped seizing cattle, citing safety concerns, and Bundy said that he recovered 350 cows from the bureau’s holding cells.

Bundy says that his family has been raising cattle since the late 19th century, and does not recognize federal authority on the land he says belongs to the state of Nevada.

This article was originally published at http://www.thewire.com/national/2014/04/armed-standoff-over-cattle-grazing-comes-to-an-end/360594/

Bundy will be on Hannity's tv show tonight. The Feds backed down because armed militia men where there on Bundy's side with guns , ammo and some sniper rifles.

They were about to get a damn good taste of their own medicine and they ran like the graven cowards they are IMHO.

Had that erupted into gunfire you'd be seeing a civil war right now..

That is where the maggot boyking has pushed this nation to now!!
Far to many now see him for the ffing traitor he truly is..
Some of us saw it long , long ago.. -TYR

04-14-2014, 08:05 PM
Dirty harry was questioned earlier about the stand off. He said "It's not over yet." I'm sure he'll be bringing down more govt agencies on Bundy.

04-14-2014, 10:27 PM
it does appear that way


04-14-2014, 10:38 PM
The Federal government can't lose regardless the tactics they have to employ. While I was a fan of neither Weaver nor Koresh, the precedent was set with them and that Gonzales boy.

The government's got all the time in the world. Those guys can't man a line indefinitely. They have homes, jobs and families.

04-15-2014, 08:19 AM
im starting to think this Bundy caper was a ruse designed to pull the militia out in the open so surveillance can idenify them. Obozo wants all he can get on home grown enemies. its no secret he's purging the military. and getting rid of those in command who will not fire on civilians. IMO. retired officers are warning the DHS is preparing for war against civilians link (http://www.examiner.com/article/retired-army-officer-warns-dhs-preparing-for-war-against-american-citizens)

Reid said "Well, it's not over. We can't have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it. So it's not over,"

"an American people"??? so he's not an American. got it/

04-15-2014, 01:11 PM
I agree that it's not over, that's for certain.

So, it took roughly a week of media attention before militia members arrived on the scene and that's far too long to stop the next event.

Reid is pissed that this operation was unsuccessful and it's clear from his statements that there will be more forthcoming from the Feds. I don't think it'll be the BLM again, because they came away sporting a very nice black eye on this.

I'm thinking the next operation will be a blitzkrieg from U.S. Marshals and the FBI. They'll storm the Bundy ranch and arrest them and then confiscate the offending cows in a massive roundup designed to be completed before anyone can react and reassemble.

Bundy will be charged with contempt of court and a host of other offenses over the last operation.

Some of Reid's comments in this story :


04-15-2014, 02:48 PM
One of Megan Kelly's guests is usually covering the border what happens there. He made an interesting comment. BLM is responsible for all the public property. This means the public property on our borders. They bring in 200 plus armed agents to go after a man and his cattle but can't seem to do anything about the thousands of illegals using public lands to cross into the US.

And another point he made. He was looking around the area during the confrontation and there was only one news truck there. It was FOX news. That alone says a whole bunch about the media.