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04-15-2014, 06:58 AM
This kind of thing just shouldn't happen to us, but of course with the joke in the WH I guess it is easy for these pilots to make a joke out of us. We where once a powerful country that others didn't want to fool with, especially while there was anything going on between our countries ( Ukraine ) but we all knew it was coming to this as Obama made us a joke to the world and continues to do so.

A Russian fighter aircraft made repeated low-altitude, close-range passes near a U.S. ship in the Black Sea over the weekend, the Pentagon said on Monday, condemning the action at a time of heightened U.S.-Russian tensions over Ukraine."This provocative and unprofessional Russian action is inconsistent with their national protocols and previous agreements on the professional interaction between our militaries," said Col. Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-15-2014, 07:12 AM
This kind of thing just shouldn't happen to us, but of course with the joke in the WH I guess it is easy for these pilots to make a joke out of us. We where once a powerful country that others didn't want to fool with, especially while there was anything going on between our countries ( Ukraine ) but we all knew it was coming to this as Obama made us a joke to the world and continues to do so.


Were bez all dat respect da bamboy promised? Missing dat love love too. Why da world not luv us like dey supposed to? We put in a black messiah didn't we? Twice!!!

Say, you don't reckon we been lied to do ya???? :laugh:

Six years in and most of his bots are still as deaf , dumb and blind as they ever were.. :laugh2:

The punk in charge has a huge problem= Putin isn't blind and Putin doesn't marvel at how well the bastard reads other people's words off of his magic teleprompter.
And Putin gives his sorry ass the single finger salute. :clap:-Tyr

04-15-2014, 08:25 AM
This kind of thing just shouldn't happen to us, but of course with the joke in the WH I guess it is easy for these pilots to make a joke out of us. We where once a powerful country that others didn't want to fool with, especially while there was anything going on between our countries ( Ukraine ) but we all knew it was coming to this as Obama made us a joke to the world and continues to do so.


Col Steve Warren is an idiot trying to turn something into nothing. Most pilots I've ever known to "buzz" anything ARE acting unprofessionally and on their own.

Then there's the fact that having a lone destroyer in the Black Sea -- call it international waters if you want, it's in Russia's sphere of influence -- is just a dumbass decision.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-15-2014, 08:29 AM
Col Steve Warren is an idiot trying to turn something into nothing. Most pilots I've ever known to "buzz" anything ARE acting unprofessionally and on their own.

Then there's the fact that having a lone destroyer in the Black Sea -- call it international waters if you want, it's in Russia's sphere of influence -- is just a dumbass decision.

A lone destroyer in that area if this nation was under a Reagan or Bush would not be such a great problem. However under the current chimp in charge it is..
Damn just saw that I typed chimp instead of chump.
O' well both apply so nicely that no edit is needed. :laugh:-Tyr

04-15-2014, 08:44 AM
A lone destroyer in that area if this nation was under a Reagan or Bush would not be such a great problem. However under the current chimp in charge it is..
Damn just saw that I typed chimp instead of chump.
O' well both apply so nicely that no edit is needed. :laugh:-Tyr

A lone destroyer in that area during the Reagan era would have been considered an act of aggression.

It would likely have had a carrier task force close enough to support it in a second. And we still had battleships then.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-15-2014, 09:15 AM
A lone destroyer in that area during the Reagan era would have been considered an act of aggression.

It would likely have had a carrier task force close enough to support it in a second. And we still had battleships then.

Our problem is Putin knows Obama is no real leader. That he is as fake as a damn three dollar bill.
Such a weakness a leader of Putin's type was sure to exploit. All it would take is for some Ruskie pilot to decide to fire on one of our military and we could have us a World War 3. With a dumbass like bamboy in charge we had better pray that doesn't happen.
He'd surrender just as quick as he could find somebody to author and type in his teleprompter speech for him.. Of course he'd be happy to read it with that magnificent voice and self-aggrandizing swagger he so often puts on..
God, how did this nation ever fall so low as to worship that piece of shit! I am still amazed about that. -Tyr

04-15-2014, 09:33 AM
Our problem is Putin knows Obama is no real leader. That he is as fake as a damn three dollar bill.
Such a weakness a leader of Putin's type was sure to exploit. All it would take is for some Ruskie pilot to decide to fire on one of our military and we could have us a World War 3. With a dumbass like bamboy in charge we had better pray that doesn't happen.
He'd surrender just as quick as he could find somebody to author and type in his teleprompter speech for him.. Of course he'd be happy to read it with that magnificent voice and self-aggrandizing swagger he so often puts on..
God, how did this nation ever fall so low as to worship that piece of shit! I am still amazed about that. -Tyr

goofing off or not, that Russian pilot was not going to fire on a US Navy destroyer. I guarantee you that ship had the skin locked down and the SeaWiz's turned on. Anything close enough to "buzz" would be chewed to bits by 20MM chain guns that operate on radar before the pilot got his weapons turned on good. The pilot knows that.

This is more sensationalism by the media than anything else.

Nothing to be amazed about. At least a majority of voters in the past two elections are just that damned dumb. The media chose him. He got busted lying countless times. And the left still voted for him.

He got there also because had a bunch of rightwingers didn't vote. They didn't get their particular guy, took their balls and went home.

04-15-2014, 10:13 AM
I read it had no missiles under the wings. saber rattling


04-15-2014, 10:51 AM
I read it had no missiles under the wings. saber rattling


Look at it at face value from a military perspective. WHAT would Russia or Putin stand to gain firing on a US Navy warship? It would FORCE Obama to respond and like it or not, he's got a LOT to respond with at his disposal. The endgame would be an escalation into full-blown war.

Why would Putin want or need that? He's already got most of the world laughing their asses off at Obama. In a game being played out between two leaders, he's humiliated Obama. Obama's just too dumb to figure it out.

My best guess is some hotshot flyboy decided to have some fun and the media and this dumbass talking head Colonel have crapped their pants over it.

04-15-2014, 11:00 AM
A couple of more factoids:

If that jet is going to engage, it isn't going to be close enough to "buzz" the ship. This isn't WWII with hinge-mounted bombs. He's going to be a mile or more out and break right or left before he ever reaches his target. "How'd you get shot down, Vladimir? "I flew over something I blew up."

Second, the Russians probably have every square inch of the Black Sea plotted and targeted by land-based missiles. Why waste jet fuel?

This is just a non-starter from every angle.

04-15-2014, 12:14 PM
Look at it at face value from a military perspective. WHAT would Russia or Putin stand to gain firing on a US Navy warship? It would FORCE Obama to respond and like it or not, he's got a LOT to respond with at his disposal. The endgame would be an escalation into full-blown war.

Why would Putin want or need that? He's already got most of the world laughing their asses off at Obama. In a game being played out between two leaders, he's humiliated Obama. Obama's just too dumb to figure it out.

My best guess is some hotshot flyboy decided to have some fun and the media and this dumbass talking head Colonel have crapped their pants over it.

which brings up a Q. what is Obama's ROE ???

04-15-2014, 12:22 PM
which brings up a Q. what is Obama's ROE ???

Wait until you're blown up then respond.:laugh:

I doubt seriously ROE would be an issue if the radar tech and weapons systems are up and running. A seawiz can target and shoot down incoming missiles. The only thing it cannot target is the ship itself and it can lock onto something as small as a seagull.

And squids on the water are as bad as any of the rest of us in our respective military environment. Give 'em an excuse. :)

04-15-2014, 01:04 PM
I am not sure how often planes from other countries do fly by's with our ships but this is the first I have heard of, I posted this article not in fear that they were attacking but rather that they had the balls to even mess with us and hell why wouldn't they with the chimp OOpps Chump in charge :laugh:

04-15-2014, 01:27 PM
I'm not sure if it was really a renegade pilot having fun screwing with the U.S. Navy.

First, the aircraft was unarmed while making his passes, almost daring them to shoot... which is kind of suicidal. He was definitely provoking a response and I'm sure the Destroyer had all sorts of fire control radar locked on to him which had all sorts of warnings screaming at him in the cockpit.

Secondly, the second aircraft stayed in the vicinity and was monitoring the shenanigans down below - maybe videotaping the encounter so that if the Destroyer did retaliate and shoot it down, they'd have a handy video showing the world how bloodthirsty the Americans are on the other side of the world?

An incident such as that would give Putin a leg up in the international community and especially at home in Russia when he could show the world what a bunch of bullies the USA are in Russia's backyard.

04-15-2014, 01:44 PM
fly by's and buzz's are nothing new

Russian navy jets disrupted US-Japanese military exercise

link (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/8188576/Russian-navy-jets-disrupted-US-Japanese-military-exercise.html)

Russian bombers buzz U.S. territory — again - the old bear bomber still flying

link (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/may/6/russian-bombers-again-fly-close-to-us/?page=all)


story (http://stevenmcollins.com/WordPress/?p=211)

just a few noted here

04-15-2014, 05:22 PM
I'm not sure if it was really a renegade pilot having fun screwing with the U.S. Navy.

First, the aircraft was unarmed while making his passes, almost daring them to shoot... which is kind of suicidal. He was definitely provoking a response and I'm sure the Destroyer had all sorts of fire control radar locked on to him which had all sorts of warnings screaming at him in the cockpit.

Secondly, the second aircraft stayed in the vicinity and was monitoring the shenanigans down below - maybe videotaping the encounter so that if the Destroyer did retaliate and shoot it down, they'd have a handy video showing the world how bloodthirsty the Americans are on the other side of the world?

An incident such as that would give Putin a leg up in the international community and especially at home in Russia when he could show the world what a bunch of bullies the USA are in Russia's backyard.

Nothing to gain for Putin here. He's already got more than a leg up in the international community, and pretty- much he's got one here in the US as well.

04-15-2014, 05:45 PM
we got buzzed to in Nam. by the ever present and innocent Russian trawlers


The menace of the Russian trawlers of Nam. i remember these assholes well. when we were hooked up with bird farms they always fell in behind us, spying. you could see their camera's rolling, takin film of everything that went over. also they watched for TO's and radioed the North we were on the way. giving them time to set up their defense's ashore. they also played Russian roulette , or chicken with us. running up the side, pulling ahead then cutting across our bows and forcing emegency break aways. and a few came damned close to getting plowed under. making the shit run up both CO's throats. mine to. cause i was out on the bridge. an interesting story here about it. a whale of a tale

story (http://www.usshancockcv19.com/oralhistory/vietnam-1967_a_whale_tale.shtml)

04-15-2014, 06:05 PM
we got buzzed to in Nam. by the ever present and innocent Russian trawlers


The menace of the Russian trawlers of Nam. i remember these assholes well. when we were hooked up with bird farms they always fell in behind us, spying. you could see their camera's rolling, takin film of everything that went over. also they watched for TO's and radioed the North we were on the way. giving them time to set up their defense's ashore. they also played Russian roulette , or chicken with us. running up the side, pulling ahead then cutting across our bows and forcing emegency break aways. and a few came damned close to getting plowed under. making the shit run up both CO's throats. mine to. cause i was out on the bridge. an interesting story here about it. a whale of a tale

story (http://www.usshancockcv19.com/oralhistory/vietnam-1967_a_whale_tale.shtml)

Namvet. This kind of stuff isn't unusual at all. Nearly EVERY cruise I made on several navy ships across the Atlantic, into the Med, Indian Ocean, and the Pacific seemed to always include some visits by RUSSIAN 'BEAR' bombers, and the Spy Ships they always called Trawlers. With all of the HEAVY DUTY antenna, satellite dishes, and even guys out on deck with BINOCULARS.
We knew they were jealous, and probably wished they were US...because we managed to always arrange for a Flight Deck Picnic...cooking hamburgers, dogs, and sometimes a PIG with all the SMOKE possible.

04-15-2014, 06:12 PM
Namvet. This kind of stuff isn't unusual at all. Nearly EVERY cruise I made on several navy ships across the Atlantic, into the Med, Indian Ocean, and the Pacific seemed to always include some visits by RUSSIAN 'BEAR' bombers, and the Spy Ships they always called Trawlers. With all of the HEAVY DUTY antenna, satellite dishes, and even guys out on deck with BINOCULARS.
We knew they were jealous, and probably wished they were US...because we managed to always arrange for a Flight Deck Picnic...cooking hamburgers, dogs, and sometimes a PIG with all the SMOKE possible.

that's the way to fly. rub in their faces. as for me i spent 4 years with the 7th fleet in Nam

04-15-2014, 06:23 PM
that's the way to fly. rub in their faces. as for me i spent 4 years with the 7th fleet in Nam

Most people have no idea what YANKEE STATION was, or where it was.

CVN-65...sound familiar?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-15-2014, 06:23 PM
Namvet. This kind of stuff isn't unusual at all. Nearly EVERY cruise I made on several navy ships across the Atlantic, into the Med, Indian Ocean, and the Pacific seemed to always include some visits by RUSSIAN 'BEAR' bombers, and the Spy Ships they always called Trawlers. With all of the HEAVY DUTY antenna, satellite dishes, and even guys out on deck with BINOCULARS.
We knew they were jealous, and probably wished they were US...because we managed to always arrange for a Flight Deck Picnic...cooking hamburgers, dogs, and sometimes a PIG with all the SMOKE possible.

Salty, too bad you guys didn't have some bikini clad beauties on deck too. That would have really pissed the Ruskies off. I guess there were no females aboard back then huh? :laugh:--Tyr

04-15-2014, 06:45 PM
Most people have no idea what YANKEE STATION was, or where it was.

CVN-65...sound familiar?

we also worked down in the corp area's providing gunfire support for Marines and Army

the big E. were you aboard when she blew up off hawaii in 69 ???



04-15-2014, 06:47 PM
Russia was the sponsor and major supporter of North Vietnam. Most people don't realize it was a proxy war with Russia. They supplied the material and intelligence while NV supplied the man power. All the little wars and revolutions from the 50's through the 80's were proxy wars with Russia. They sponsored everything. We, in turn, had to sponsor the resistance or end up with more Cuba's and Warsaw Pact countries. The democrats did everything they could to support the Russians during the 70's and 80's which is why I despise them so much.

04-15-2014, 06:47 PM
Salty, too bad you guys didn't have some bikini clad beauties on deck too. That would have really pissed the Ruskies off. I guess there were no females aboard back then huh? :laugh:--Tyr

that was back when wimmin' were still considered bad luck. these guys today got it made. a whole new meaning to lights out.

04-15-2014, 06:49 PM
Russia was the sponsor and major supporter of North Vietnam. Most people don't realize it was a proxy war with Russia. They supplied the material and intelligence while NV supplied the man power. All the little wars and revolutions from the 50's through the 80's were proxy wars with Russia. They sponsored everything. We, in turn, had to sponsor the resistance or end up with more Cuba's and Warsaw Pact countries. The democrats did everything they could to support the Russians during the 70's and 80's which is why I despise them so much.

the micro management. we were not allowed to hit targets with Russian advisors there. LBJ hit the chicken switch. but they had their Nam in Afghanistan

04-15-2014, 07:10 PM
Salty, too bad you guys didn't have some bikini clad beauties on deck too. That would have really pissed the Ruskies off. I guess there were no females aboard back then huh? :laugh:--Tyr

Tyr. This is totally UNpolitically Correct but. Old time sailors always insisted that females DID NOT belong on ships at sea. They believed they were UNLUCKY.

Advance to the 1990's, and the introduction of Females being deployed alongside Males, instead of remaining aboard ships that STAYED at the pier.

The result? Our Navy has become something NOBODY recognizes, or understands anymore.

My apologies to our lady members but. The first step at destroying the world's greatest navy took place when Feminists and the Political Correctness crowd...demanded so much...and ended up becoming the FLOATING Version of COUPLES-R-US...now, with guy on guy, and girl on girl too!
How sad. And I am personally thankful. My days on this Earth are predictably shorter.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-15-2014, 09:57 PM
Tyr. This is totally UNpolitically Correct but. Old time sailors always insisted that females DID NOT belong on ships at sea. They believed they were UNLUCKY.

Advance to the 1990's, and the introduction of Females being deployed alongside Males, instead of remaining aboard ships that STAYED at the pier.

The result? Our Navy has become something NOBODY recognizes, or understands anymore.

My apologies to our lady members but. The first step at destroying the world's greatest navy took place when Feminists and the Political Correctness crowd...demanded so much...and ended up becoming the FLOATING Version of COUPLES-R-US...now, with guy on guy, and girl on girl too!
How sad. And I am personally thankful. My days on this Earth are predictably shorter.

This is what happens when Jackasses are allowed to run amok. Everything goes to hell in a hand basket and then the ever so enlightened Jackasses start making more lousy hand baskets..... to uuhhh fix da problem.. :laugh: