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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-15-2014, 08:21 AM

If a nuclear bomb exploded in downtown Washington, what should you do?

April 14, 2014, at 6:33 AM

Funny question in the headline, yes?

But since President Obama worries more about the threat of terrorists' improvised nuclear device going off in a major American city than anything Russia can throw at us, I was wondering if the government had deigned to share with us citizens any tips for, you know, surviving something their own intelligence points to as the likeliest unlikely Black Swan event.

Well, no. And yes.

No — very few people in Washington, D.C., who work for the government have any idea what they would do if a 10-kiloton nuclear device exploded at the intersection of 16th and K streets.

You can always look to movies to figure this stuff out, right? And in movies, since nuclear radiation is BAD, the thing to do is to get away from it as quickly as possible. In the movies, electronics are fried, too, the response is chaotic, and hundreds of thousands of people die.

Interestingly enough, though, the government has done quite a bit of work to figure out what exactly would happen if a suitcase nuke — which, I know, doesn't really exist, but, for the sake of this example, bear with me — actually did explode a few blocks from the White House.

And curiously, and perhaps hearteningly, it turns out that there is quite a lot that you or I can do if we get stuck in Washington when something like that happens. Choices we make could very well make the difference between our imminent death and a relatively full and happy life, assuming the bomb is a one-off.

The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory released a report in 2011 that spells all this out. It hasn't gotten nearly the attention it deserves.

It's called the "National Capital Region Key Response Planning Factors for the Aftermath of Nuclear Terrorism" and it makes for fascinating reading.

Did you know, for example, that:

1. The WORST thing for someone to try to do, in the aftermath of a nuclear explosion that they survive, is to get in a car and drive away.

2. Unless you're within about a third to a half a mile radius of ground zero and the shelter options are poor, the BEST thing for someone to do is to find a stable location inside a well-built apartment or office building — the majority of which will remain standing outside that half mile radius — and stay there for 24 hours.

And if you were very close to ground zero and you did survive — and a lot of folks will — the best thing for you to do is to:

A. Take immediate shelter somewhere, because fallout will rain down on you if you don't.

B. Wait an hour.

C. Then, walk about a half-dozen blocks laterally until you find intact large buildings to shelter you.

3. The electromagnetic pulse from a ground burst will NOT, in fact, knock out all types of communication. Some? Maybe.

4. If you live in a single-family house with thin walls, your chances of surviving in the immediate aftermath of a blast and not getting cancer later are exponentially higher than if you seek shelter in a bigger building, even one that might literally be next door.

5. Rescuers should NOT put on radiation protection gear if it will slow them down. So long as the fallout has stopped falling, they're best advised to turn out in their normal gear.

6. Though thousands of people will die from the blast effects, almost all — about 96 percent — of the other potential casualties could be avoided if people understood the basics of what to do in the event of mass radiation exposure.

7. Did I mention that the worst place to be in the immediate aftermath of a nuclear blast is in a car trying to get away? The so-called DFZ — the Dangerous Fallout Zone — will extend out as much as 20 miles, but it is likely to be extremely narrow. (If it's not, that means the concentration of radioactive particles will be lower.) The vector and location of this zone depends on the wind. And its size will shrink with every passing hour.

8. Penetrating trauma from broken glass is probably the largest treatable cadre of blast injuries.

I admit that I don't know what forum the president or anyone else could use to educate people in major cities about this stuff. Government never wants to alarm people. But maybe a little bit of alarmism is worth it, if it turns out that a terrorist's nuclear blast is a lot more survivable than we might think, if only we do certain things.

What would I do?? hmmmmmmmmmmm

Well, it would certainly depend on whether the bambastard was in town or not...
if he was there Id break out my 27 year old bottle of Jack Daniels and celebrate maybe.. :laugh:

04-15-2014, 08:46 AM
Put my .45 in the waistband of my pants at the small of my back. Take my coffee outside and have a smoke while pondering which suddenly available job I might want to run for.

04-15-2014, 09:17 AM
Put my .45 in the waistband of my pants at the small of my back. Take my coffee outside and have a smoke while pondering which suddenly available job I might want to run for.

Just remember to lower my taxes and abolish the EPA.

04-15-2014, 09:21 AM
Just remember to lower my taxes and abolish the EPA.

Of what non-existent entities is that of which you speak?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-15-2014, 09:59 AM
Just remember to lower my taxes and abolish the EPA.

I'd submit a request to abolish my taxes and just run this nation on "Obama's private stash".
After all its endless. Just axe his black bro's and sista's. :laugh:

And Gunny could issue a decree that all public beaches are open only to pretty women only going topless. ;)-Tyr

04-15-2014, 10:16 AM
I'd submit a request to abolish my taxes and just run this nation on "Obama's private stash".
After all its endless. Just axe his black bro's and sista's. :laugh:

And Gunny could issue a decree that all public beaches are open only to pretty women only going topless. ;)-Tyr

Yeah, I can see it now. Holding court in my lounge chair on St John's Beach in Northern FL. The first year would be spent solely on abolishing useless jobs. I'd still hold court for the grovelers looking for handouts. Not that they'd get any, but they are entertaining in a sick sort of way.

Any current member of the Democratic party and most of the GOP need not apply. All future Congress members get a pay cut below $75K so they can tap dance to make ends meet like their constituents and get a better idea who they're representing.

Redeploy the US Armed Forces to the border and replace all members of ICE with Marines.

No EPA, BLM, FDA, snd whatever other dumb bureaucratic nightmares designated by acronyms.

You WILL work for your welfare and homes will be inspected for the late model cars, internet, and/or technology that welfare money has purchased. Those that need a hand up will get it. Those just too lazy to work won't.

Not sure the left is going to like any of this ....:thumb:

04-15-2014, 10:20 AM
If you happen to be in DC at the time you should:
1) Get under your desk.
2) Put your head between your knees.
3) Kiss your ass goodbye.

.. in that order.

04-15-2014, 11:58 AM
If you happen to be in DC at the time you should:
1) Get under your desk.
2) Put your head between your knees.
3) Kiss your ass goodbye.

.. in that order.

BULLSHIT! (in my best Texas drawl)

I want advance warning. At least an hour. I'm a sober alcoholic. Given the circumstances, I want enough advance warning to get a bottle of Jack.

Of course, the way I act on that crap, I might scare the nuke back where it came from.:laugh:

04-15-2014, 12:04 PM
abolish FDA, EPA, and IRS. That'd be a good start

04-15-2014, 08:32 PM
I'd sit back and watch as the US sort of implodes a bit without a functioning govt. The power vacuum wouldn't be pretty like in a lot of other places.

04-16-2014, 05:11 AM
I'd sit back and watch as the US sort of implodes a bit without a functioning govt. The power vacuum wouldn't be pretty like in a lot of other places.

What are you talking about? We have 50 functioning governments.

04-16-2014, 07:50 AM
I'd sit back and watch as the US sort of implodes a bit without a functioning govt. The power vacuum wouldn't be pretty like in a lot of other places.

You are partially correct.

If DC went away I believe our nation would see large-scale rioting because some elements of our society never let-escape a chance to plunder, loot, kill, and destroy.


Since our government IS us - the People. AND since our nation's states remain, the union would survive largely intact.

Some states would go ape-shit crazy and implode - those being the nanny-states suckling on the fed's breast.

04-16-2014, 09:13 AM
I'd sit back and watch as the US sort of implodes a bit without a functioning govt. The power vacuum wouldn't be pretty like in a lot of other places.

Yeah, that'd last about a day or so. Not to be the one to piss on your parade, but don't you think there just might be a plan in place in case just such an event takes place?

I assure you there is. Let's see what happened last time someone tried that crap ...

Al Qaeda got its ass kicked all the way into Pakistan.

DC is a figurehead. A symbol. Just like the twin towers were. What's even worse for you bad guys is the military would probably end up as the next in the chain of command of survivors. Military folk aren't trained to give a shit about running for office.

But we damned sure know what payback is.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-16-2014, 10:19 AM
Yeah, that'd last about a day or so. Not to be the one to piss on your parade, but don't you think there just might be a plan in place in case just such an event takes place?

I assure you there is. Let's see what happened last time someone tried that crap ...

Al Qaeda got its ass kicked all the way into Pakistan.

DC is a figurehead. A symbol. Just like the twin towers were. What's even worse for you bad guys is the military would probably end up as the next in the chain of command of survivors. Military folk aren't trained to give a shit about running for office.

But we damned sure know what payback is.

Jafar thinks we infidels are too stupid to get in out of the rain.
Only the Muslims have everything right.. He will not dare type that here for us to read but its a fair
assessment based on his past posts..
And Allah will punish us just as soon as Allah figures out how to stop all those fake muslims. :laugh:-Tyr

04-16-2014, 11:34 AM
There is an order of succession that runs from the VP through the House and Senate and even into the secretaries, then through the governors of the states. Might take a while to determine who lived and is next in line but it will be done. National Guard will be called up and martial law imposed for a while to control the liberal fools that will try to take advantage of things. Our military will be on high alert and anyone that even looks like they might want to interfere while things are put back together will get an ass kicking like they have never known. Also the source of the bombing would be traced and whatever country was responsible would be annihilated.

One thing about the US. We don't keep all of our eggs in one basket.

04-16-2014, 12:23 PM
If a Nuclear Bomb exploded in downtown Washington. There's no way any of us here would be around to do anything. If the radiation doesn't get us. The Declared martial law, and rampant Anarchy because of the POWER GRID being destroyed.

I would refer you to a movie called "ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK". If you really want to guess what to do.


04-16-2014, 03:05 PM
I'd sit back and watch as the US sort of implodes a bit without a functioning govt. The power vacuum wouldn't be pretty like in a lot of other places.

I think the answers you've already had on this should be highly educational for you, Jafar. And I've enjoyed reading them.

But tell me. In your mind's eye, Jafar, would you 'sit back and watch', as you yourself have put it ... with the sort of mindset your other, more militant, Muslim brethren, would want to adopt ?

04-16-2014, 07:33 PM
I think the answers you've already had on this should be highly educational for you, Jafar. And I've enjoyed reading them.

But tell me. In your mind's eye, Jafar, would you 'sit back and watch', as you yourself have put it ... with the sort of mindset your other, more militant, Muslim brethren, would want to adopt ?

Sir Drummond. Sounds like jafar would enjoy such an attack on our Capital. In keeping with his HAMAS friendships he hoped to keep secret.
But..should such an attack take place on the U.S. Certainly, jafar probably believes he, and his Muslim Brotherhood Loving Terrorist Support Groups would be out of range.
Up until the World's currency standards, and stock markets instantly CRASH. Leaving the jafar's FAT, DUMB, and HAPPY...until their supplies dwindle as his favorite neighbors attack his home, and family.
But jafar is above all of that. Despite his DANCING IN THE STREETS with joy, to learn that the FREE NATION most of the World's people wish they were citizens of...as HAMAS, and the Jihadists around the world...take all of his possessions BECAUSE THEY CAN.

04-16-2014, 08:25 PM
Sir Drummond. Sounds like jafar would enjoy such an attack on our Capital. In keeping with his HAMAS friendships he hoped to keep secret.
But..should such an attack take place on the U.S. Certainly, jafar probably believes he, and his Muslim Brotherhood Loving Terrorist Support Groups would be out of range.
Up until the World's currency standards, and stock markets instantly CRASH. Leaving the jafar's FAT, DUMB, and HAPPY...until their supplies dwindle as his favorite neighbors attack his home, and family.
But jafar is above all of that. Despite his DANCING IN THE STREETS with joy, to learn that the FREE NATION most of the World's people wish they were citizens of...as HAMAS, and the Jihadists around the world...take all of his possessions BECAUSE THEY CAN.:clap::clap::clap::clap:

Agreed !! I have enormous difficulty in seeing Jafar's posting in any other way than this. Jafar says his religion is peaceful, he claims it has tolerance of other beliefs and systems of living. Ah, but when tested, we see glimpses of an alternative emerging .. one in line with a belief system that would find joy in any measure of defeat for anyone and anything offering opposition to his cherished Islam.

Truth be told, Aboutime, Anjem Choudary (someone Jafar publicly berates, I think just for opportunist effect) presents Islam HONESTLY. Choudary tells us that he wants all alternative social systems to bend to Islam, to be dominated by it, to be subject to Sharia Law. He wants democracy dead, and a return to old Islamic 'values' that ceased to be relevant to the world hundreds of years ago.

04-16-2014, 08:51 PM
But tell me. In your mind's eye, Jafar, would you 'sit back and watch', as you yourself have put it ... with the sort of mindset your other, more militant, Muslim brethren, would want to adopt ?

I got the feeling that Jafar would be dancing and performing the usual muzzie "Li Li Li Li LI LI LI" in the streets in front of CNN cameras.
Just some taliban tongue flappin', nothing to see here.

What Gunny said is correct, Jafar. Your buddies would pay dearly for such an act.

And the brutality you love to protest about now would be nothing compared to the retribution delivered by the USA in spades.

You haven't yet experienced the game of 'Cowboys and Muzzies'; but I guarantee you that you don't want that action.

Jafar, you had best start policing your own loonies before we do.

04-16-2014, 09:14 PM
Yeah, that'd last about a day or so. Not to be the one to piss on your parade, but don't you think there just might be a plan in place in case just such an event takes place?

I assure you there is. Let's see what happened last time someone tried that crap ...

Al Qaeda got its ass kicked all the way into Pakistan.

DC is a figurehead. A symbol. Just like the twin towers were. What's even worse for you bad guys is the military would probably end up as the next in the chain of command of survivors. Military folk aren't trained to give a shit about running for office.

But we damned sure know what payback is.

Are you suggesting that I am one of the bad guys?

I haven't let my fist meet flesh since primary school when I beat up the school bully.

04-16-2014, 09:19 PM
Are you suggesting that I am one of the bad guys?

I haven't let my fist meet flesh since primary school when I beat up the school bully.

JAFAR. You sound so much like OBAMA, HOLDER, SHARPTON, and JACKSON...you'd probably be very welcome on any street in Chicago....carrying a hidden pistol, or blade.

Cowards always hide behind accusations that everyone around them...who doesn't follow their lead, must be a RACIST SLUG.
Which are you?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-16-2014, 09:36 PM
Are you suggesting that I am one of the bad guys?

I haven't let my fist meet flesh since primary school when I beat up the school bully.

If you are going to defend enemies of my nation you had best prepare yourself someday to face the coming kickass Americans have a long history of delivering. Any friend of Hamas is not a friend of America.

You should be more careful the friends you keep.. You do not see hawks or eagles flying with a flock of ducks for a reason. They'd eat the bastards sure as shit.. :laugh:
Americans are eagles amigo. You'd be wise to consider that. Just sayin'..
Or even better put Americans are wolverines in spirit. If you do not know what a wolverine is look it up as its extremely dangerous to even bears many times its size. Hint- the big, bad bears stay the hell away from it for it fears no other animal on earth!! -Tyr

04-16-2014, 09:39 PM
If you are going to defend enemies of my nation you had best prepare yourself someday to face the coming kickass Americans have a long history of delivering. Any friend of Hamas is not a friend of America.

You should be more careful the friends you keep.. You do not see hawks or eagles flying with a flock of ducks for a reason. They'd eat the bastards sure as shit.. :laugh:
Americans are eagles amigo. You'd be wise to consider that. Just sayin'..
Or even better put Americans are wolverines in spirit. If you do not know what a wolverine is look it up as its extremely dangerous to even bears many times its size. Hint- the big, bad bears stay the hell away from it for it fears no other animal on earth!! -Tyr

Tyr. All of that from jafar is nothing but DOUBLE-SPEAK, or DOUBLE-TALK, based on DOUBLE-STANDARDS that never include HONESTY, or TRUTH.

Pure and simply put. Hypocrisy at it's best.

04-16-2014, 09:51 PM
Are you suggesting that I am one of the bad guys?

I haven't let my fist meet flesh since primary school when I beat up the school bully.


Those that encourage youngsters to do evil deeds are exactly like that.

That's why Osama was killed hiding behind women and Saddam was found cowering in a hole.

But they were great at convincing others to be brave.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-16-2014, 09:55 PM
Tyr. All of that from jafar is nothing but DOUBLE-SPEAK, or DOUBLE-TALK, based on DOUBLE-STANDARDS that never include HONESTY, or TRUTH.

Pure and simply put. Hypocrisy at it's best.
Actually its far worse than just hypocrisy IMHO. Simply because he is a true believer and as a true believer he sees us as ignorant infidels.
I find fault with his religion but not he as a man holding rigidly onto a set of principles he believes to be true. His problem is reality, history and any good Google search can disprove so much of what Islam commands and is made of.. That and his feeble denial of all the murdering its followers are doing. We infidels are damn tired of hearing all that murdering done in Allah's name is just done by fakers!! As if , even were it true, the tens of thousands of victims would be any less dead!! -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-16-2014, 09:57 PM

Those that encourage youngsters to do evil deeds are exactly like that.

That's why Osama was killed hiding behind women and Saddam was found cowering in a hole.

But they were great at convincing others to be brave.

My friend how very right you are!

There is a reason these two words go together like peas in a pod.

Liars and Cowards..