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View Full Version : U.K. scrambles jets to see off Russian planes near Scotland

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-23-2014, 05:21 PM

U.K. scrambles jets to see off Russian planes near Scotland

The two Russian planes turn away and fly toward Scandinavia after being contacted by the British jets.

By Reuters | Apr. 23, 2014 | 9:10 PM

Britain on Wednesday scrambled Typhoon fighter jets to see off Russian military planes flying close to its airspace off the coast of Scotland, a spokeswoman from the defense ministry said.

"There were unidentified aircraft flying near the north of Scotland," the spokeswoman told Reuters, saying Britain's Royal Air Force had later identified them as Russian.

"They were flying in international airspace at all times, they didn't go into UK sovereign airspace," she added, saying there had been eight similar incidents in 2013.

Local media reported there were two Russian planes, believed to be Tupolev-95s, which had turned away and flown towards Scandinavia after being contacted by the British jets.

Defense experts say Russia uses such surveillance flights to remind the world of its military might and to probe other countries' air defense systems.

^^ This is what the Brits do!!!!

Yet a damn Russian jet buzzed our ship for three hours and Obama made sure we did nothing!!!

The Brits took much, much stronger action than Obama did.. What a cowardly Marxist loving cowardly piece of shat the bamboy is!!
CiC my ass!!!!!! --Tyr

04-23-2014, 09:30 PM
In fairness, though, had our Destroyer been an Aircraft Carrier, you can bet your last dollar that there would have been F-18s there way before they got close to the ship.

Seeing as how Russia and Alaska are right next to each other, both of our Air Forces have played with each other. It's good practice for both sides, on both sides of the incursions - scrambling a response to a detected flight and probing different areas using different tactics to see how long it takes for the other side to respond.

This article is interesting, from less than a year ago discussing Alaska intercepts - we don't ever hear about Russia intercepting our aircraft, but it's naive to think we don't do it too. Probably not on the scale that they do, but we do it.


One thing we have is the almighty F-22 fighters based here. It's fun to watch them playing above Elemendorf AFB in Anchorage and the Valley, they really are amazing aircraft. When the Russian bombers in the article were intercepted by our F-22s, they probably were unaware that they were there until they appeared beside the cockpit - or lit them up with fire control radar which probably soiled a few flight suits onboard the Bears.

The reason the F-22s are here in Alaska is because of the Missile Defense project in Ft. Greely, and the SBX in Kodiak and Dutch Harbor. If the shit hit the fan, the Russians or Chinese would first try to take out the missile defenses and simultaneously take out Elemendorf AFB / Ft. Richardson in Anchorage and Eielson AFB / Ft. Wainwright in Fairbanks. Possibly Clear AFB too, which is 100 miles south of Fairbanks.

If those targets were eliminated, North America would be hard pressed to stop a full scale assault. I don't know if a full nuclear exchange between big countries would ever happen due to the Mutually Assured Destruction doctrine unless one side had nothing to lose, but a full conventional conflict is possible - if unlikely.

Anyway, I've strayed. We still aggressively intercept any Russian aircraft with the world's finest aircraft.

Even though we have a completely inept Commander In Chief, our military still knows how to kick ass and take names like no other nation on earth.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-23-2014, 09:53 PM
In fairness, though, had our Destroyer been an Aircraft Carrier, you can bet your last dollar that there would have been F-18s there way before they got close to the ship.

Seeing as how Russia and Alaska are right next to each other, both of our Air Forces have played with each other. It's good practice for both sides, on both sides of the incursions - scrambling a response to a detected flight and probing different areas using different tactics to see how long it takes for the other side to respond.

This article is interesting, from less than a year ago discussing Alaska intercepts - we don't ever hear about Russia intercepting our aircraft, but it's naive to think we don't do it too. Probably not on the scale that they do, but we do it.


One thing we have is the almighty F-22 fighters based here. It's fun to watch them playing above Elemendorf AFB in Anchorage and the Valley, they really are amazing aircraft. When the Russian bombers in the article were intercepted by our F-22s, they probably were unaware that they were there until they appeared beside the cockpit - or lit them up with fire control radar which probably soiled a few flight suits onboard the Bears.

The reason the F-22s are here in Alaska is because of the Missile Defense project in Ft. Greely, and the SBX in Kodiak and Dutch Harbor. If the shit hit the fan, the Russians or Chinese would first try to take out the missile defenses and simultaneously take out Elemendorf AFB / Ft. Richardson in Anchorage and Eielson AFB / Ft. Wainwright in Fairbanks. Possibly Clear AFB too, which is 100 miles south of Fairbanks.

If those targets were eliminated, North America would be hard pressed to stop a full scale assault. I don't know if a full nuclear exchange between big countries would ever happen due to the Mutually Assured Destruction doctrine unless one side had nothing to lose, but a full conventional conflict is possible - if unlikely.

Anyway, I've strayed. We still aggressively intercept any Russian aircraft with the world's finest aircraft.

Even though we have a completely inept Commander In Chief, our military still knows how to kick ass and take names like no other nation on earth.

Thanks great info.
Yes, I know we still have a great military(men, women and machines) even if its being weakened as fast as the maggot can get by with. I was pointing out how the Brits didn't hesitate for a second to SEND OUT GREETERS!! THE FFING BAMPUNK WOULD NEVER DO THAT ON HIS OWN. We'd have to depend on some high ranking general to do that and if none did Obama would say later I'm playing golf right now. I'll get a focus group on it or let me call Soros later for a decision on the matter!!

04-23-2014, 10:39 PM
Thanks great info.
Yes, I know we still have a great military(men, women and machines) even if its being weakened as fast as the maggot can get by with. I was pointing out how the Brits didn't hesitate for a second to SEND OUT GREETERS!! THE FFING BAMPUNK WOULD NEVER DO THAT ON HIS OWN. We'd have to depend on some high ranking general to do that and if none did Obama would say later I'm playing golf right now. I'll get a focus group on it or let me call Soros later for a decision on the matter!!

I agree that it would be a catastrophe if Obama were making real-time decisions in military matters, the man only knows how to sign people up for welfare programs - the definition of a Community Organizer. Yes, he does call the shots, but the General is prepared as much as he can for the worst and has plans in place.

I take that back... he does know how to lower the most powerful country in the world to a laughingstock in a couple of years.

The only thing keeping the wolves from the literal door right now is our feared military and the knowledge that someone else radically different (who has experience) than this ass clown will be voted in. Hopefully, the Soviet Empire hasn't been reincarnated in different clothes by then.

No, intercepts to Alaska or any other American territory are handled by military initially.

An obvious exception would be if multiple flights of bombers were enroute to AK , the Commander would order intercepts and in the meantime call Washington to get input while the fighters were streaking to intercept and update the pilots with any new orders.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-24-2014, 08:20 AM
I agree that it would be a catastrophe if Obama were making real-time decisions in military matters, the man only knows how to sign people up for welfare programs - the definition of a Community Organizer. Yes, he does call the shots, but the General is prepared as much as he can for the worst and has plans in place.

I take that back... he does know how to lower the most powerful country in the world to a laughingstock in a couple of years.

The only thing keeping the wolves from the literal door right now is our feared military and the knowledge that someone else radically different (who has experience) than this ass clown will be voted in. Hopefully, the Soviet Empire hasn't been reincarnated in different clothes by then.

No, intercepts to Alaska or any other American territory are handled by military initially.

An obvious exception would be if multiple flights of bombers were enroute to AK , the Commander would order intercepts and in the meantime call Washington to get input while the fighters were streaking to intercept and update the pilots with any new orders.

That is our saving grace, military protocol. Decisions made by the military before the assclown is even notified..-Tyr

04-24-2014, 02:44 PM
^^ This is what the Brits do!!!!

Yet a damn Russian jet buzzed our ship for three hours and Obama made sure we did nothing!!!

The Brits took much, much stronger action than Obama did.. What a cowardly Marxist loving cowardly piece of shat the bamboy is!!
CiC my ass!!!!!! --Tyr

Very sorry to hear that under Obama's watch, such laxity goes on. As for the British response to Russian aircraft near to our airspace .. well, I'd have expected no less of the RAF. I'd have been alarmed and not a little surprised if their standards had fallen any lower than this.

04-26-2014, 03:12 PM
... Obama made sure we did nothing!!!


04-26-2014, 03:22 PM

No, it was part of a statement, FJ. Please pay attention .... :laugh::laugh::rolleyes:

04-26-2014, 04:51 PM
Putin knows he can RATTLE his Sabre as long as the Young, Inept Punk from Chicago is pretending to be a World Leader of Wussies, Crybabies, and Generally Stupid people like himself.

Appeasement has become the weapon of choice for the Liberal mind-set of Socialist thinkers like obama.
Putin is just testing the waters, and laughing at all of the COWARDS who claim to be elected to represent the STUPID, IGNORANT, and GOVERNMENT DEPENDENT.

"MAN OF THE YEAR...PUTIN" outshines Obama..because he knows...HE CAN.

04-27-2014, 06:00 AM
No, it was part of a statement, FJ. Please pay attention .... :laugh::laugh::rolleyes:

It was a statement of fact. I was just asking for a link upon which it was based. Not that you'd understand how to make a provable argument.

04-28-2014, 02:57 PM
It was a statement of fact. I was just asking for a link upon which it was based. Not that you'd understand how to make a provable argument.

Ho ho ... :laugh:

I make plenty of provable arguments. You just find it convenient to disregard whatever you choose to (... and redraft, cross out, delete, disparage, as well ...).

04-28-2014, 04:23 PM
Ho ho ... :laugh:

I make plenty of provable arguments. You just find it convenient to disregard whatever you choose to (... and redraft, cross out, delete, disparage, as well ...).

Is this going to be another "debate" where you pretend that what you do is "debate" when in actuality it is nothing more than you whining and deflecting away from your off-topic blather? I just want to know ahead of time how seriously to take you.

04-28-2014, 08:18 PM
Is this going to be another "debate" where you pretend that what you do is "debate" when in actuality it is nothing more than you whining and deflecting away from your off-topic blather? I just want to know ahead of time how seriously to take you.

fj. Please tell us? Is your real first name Jesse (as in Jackson), Al (as in Sharpton) or Barrack, (as in STUPID like Obama)?

You honestly believe nobody see's through your Liberal-ness? You are like that really old, retired, grammar teacher who never learned to use a computer, all of your pens are out of ink, and you pick your nose with broken pencils. So, everything you say here is meant to do one thing.
Entertain yourself until somebody wakes you out of your coma.