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View Full Version : Iran to target decoy U.S. carrier

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-28-2014, 09:47 AM


TEHRAN, Iran — An Iranian newspaper is reporting that the country’s military plans to target a mock-up American aircraft carrier during upcoming war games.

The Sunday report by independent Haft-e Sobh daily quotes Adm. Ali Fadavi, navy chief of the powerful Revolutionary Guards as saying Iranian forces should “target the carrier in the trainings, after it is completed.”

Adm. Fadavi said: “We should learn about weaknesses and strengths of our enemy.”

This is the first reaction by Iranian officials to a March report that said Iran is building a simple replica of the USS Nimitz in a shipyard in the southern port of Bandar Abbas. Iranian officials did not comment then but state TV said it would be used in a movie

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/04/iran-to-target-decoy-us-carrier-106061.html#ixzz30Byylki6

These are the radical Islamists that Obama courts and eases up sanctions on so as to aid them in getting nukes.. As he does all he can to weaken Israel....

Iranian officials did not comment then but state TV said it would be used in a movie
A propaganda movie no doubt. To inspires its millions to ever greater Jihad against the "Great Satan"!

04-28-2014, 02:36 PM
These are the radical Islamists that Obama courts and eases up sanctions on so as to aid them in getting nukes.. As he does all he can to weaken Israel....

A propaganda movie no doubt. To inspires its millions to ever greater Jihad against the "Great Satan"!

Bombing a big barge that looks like a Nimitz is a far cry from attacking the real thing.

Now if they were able to emulate the many layers of defenses on a Nimitz and penetrate them (along with the fleet protecting it), then I think everyone would be impressed.

It was pretty funny when they sent a 'warship' with a support scow across the Atlantic 'In a show of force'... there was much speculation that they'd even make it across the pond with their rusty old tubs without being rescued by the U.S. Navy.

The Iranians embarrass themselves internationally with these useless stunts and they don't know how pathetically funny it is.

It must be good PR fodder at home for the peasants.

04-28-2014, 03:26 PM
Much ado about nothing. The Australian Army trains against a mythical country called "Kamaria" to the north which just happens to be where Indonesia is, but there is no furore.

It must be good PR fodder at home for the peasants.


04-28-2014, 08:23 PM
I hope they publish video's of the attacks. Showing TERRORISTS wearing bomb vests, standing on the Phony FLIGHT DECK...launching STINGER missiles at their own aircraft.

ALL before they blow the entire phony carrier out of the water, and they celebrate by asking CNN, and MSNBC to provide coverage of their SUCCESSFUL destruction for the easily fooled Iranian cousin's of our Liberal, Democrat Congressional members who will all enjoy a Huge PIG ROAST barbecue over the burning plywood deck.

FILM AT FIVE HOUR INTERVALS for those prayer periods of course.

And the principal speaker will be CONGRESSMAN JOHNSON...of GUAM ROLLING OVER fame.

04-29-2014, 03:11 AM
A bit of history repeating itself. Remember, the Japanese practiced torpedo runs in a site similar to Pearl Harbor and mock ups of the battleships and carriers. They too followed a fanatical religion. Russia is doing the Hitler move while iran practices attacking a carrier. All we need now is China going after Taiwan to complete the tri-fecta.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-29-2014, 07:39 AM
A bit of history repeating itself. Remember, the Japanese practiced torpedo runs in a site similar to Pearl Harbor and mock ups of the battleships and carriers. They too followed a fanatical religion. Russia is doing the Hitler move while iran practices attacking a carrier. All we need now is China going after Taiwan to complete the tri-fecta.

Good point made but don't forget Syria conflict and the fatboy in North Korea. Both could become huge problems. Obama the assclown needs to let al military matters be decided by our military as its obvious that he is about as smart as a brick in such matters! -Tyr