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View Full Version : Scorpions drummer jailed in Dubai for insulting Islam

04-29-2014, 12:58 PM
One of my all time favorite bands growing up and saw them in the infamous "Monsters of Rock" worldwide concert back in the 80's.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) - Newspapers in the United Arab Emirates are reporting that the American drummer for the rock band Scorpions has been sentenced to one month in jail after being convicted of offensive behavior in Dubai.

The government-backed National newspaper reported Tuesday that James Kottak was convicted of insulting Islam, raising his middle finger, and being under the influence of alcohol while in transit at Dubai airport.

The Gulf News daily says he was arrested April 3 en route from Russia to Bahrain, where the German band was scheduled to perform at a Formula One race. Kottak was a no-show at the April 5 concert.

The newspapers say Kottak admitted to drinking but denied other charges.

The Scorpions' manager did not respond to requests for comment. Kottak's local lawyer couldn't immediately be reached.

Read more: http://www.myfoxny.com/story/25378179/reports-scorpions-drummer-jailed-in-dubai#ixzz30IceM3G7

04-29-2014, 04:16 PM
It seems to me he was arrested for doing something that would still get him arrested anywhere. It wasn't for "insulting Islam". Jimmy, you know better than to deceitfully alter a story title like that.
More accurate would have been Scorpions drummer jailed in Dubai for acting like a drunken douche bag in the airport.

I'd be surprised if he was let on to the plane in that state. I've seen drunk and obnoxious passengers ejected from a flight before. They are a danger to others.

<form action="http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/uae/courts/CM" id="mainform" method="post" name="mainform" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border-width: 0px 0px 10px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: rgb(242, 240, 230); width: 475px; float: left !important;">The long-time drummer of the German heavy metal band, the Scorpions, has been jailed for a month for swearing at Muslims, gesturing indecently and dropping his trousers while drunk at Dubai airport.
“OK,” was the only word the 51-year-old American drummer, James Kottak, said before the Dubai Misdemeanours Court when he heard the ruling on Tuesday. The incident happened on April 3 at Dubai International Airport’s transit hall.

Kottak told the court that he had drunk five glasses of wine on board a flight from Moscow to Bahrain, where he was to play at the Formula 1 Grand Prix. He was transiting via Dubai.

Two ground staff at the airport testified that they heard Kottak shouting that he would not travel with a group of Pakistani and Afghani passengers.

The witnesses claimed the defendant was covering his nose in order not to smell them. He was also heard cursing flydubai, Muslims and the airport.

A policeman testified the incident took place at 10pm.


“The defendant was complaining loudly about a smell which he claimed was coming from a group of Afghans and Pakistanis. When one of the ground staff told me that she heard him cursing Muslims and that he was acting rowdily, I confiscated his passport and told my supervisor,” the policeman said.


04-29-2014, 05:40 PM
It seems to me he was arrested for doing something that would still get him arrested anywhere. It wasn't for "insulting Islam". Jimmy, you know better than to deceitfully alter a story title like that.
More accurate would have been Scorpions drummer jailed in Dubai for acting like a drunken douche bag in the airport.

I'd be surprised if he was let on to the plane in that state. I've seen drunk and obnoxious passengers ejected from a flight before. They are a danger to others.


#1 - the offenses he committed would be likely a citation anywhere else in the world - not a month in jail.

#2 - At least ask why the difference before accusing me of being deceitful. I did what I always do, copy the headline title while at Drudge. I wasn't even aware that the title on the following page was different than the title at Drudge. Drudge just isn't afraid to point out the truth or reality. Hell, even your own link above states that he was jailed for cursing muslims, not just for cursing.


04-30-2014, 02:42 AM
#1 The laws are different in different countries. If you go somewhere and break the law, you shouldn't complain when they are enforced.

#2 You didn't quote the story from Grudge so why take the title from there? I can see why the title is misleading now. You really shouldn't be poisoning your mind with such racist, bigoted reading.

04-30-2014, 08:19 AM
#1 The laws are different in different countries. If you go somewhere and break the law, you shouldn't complain when they are enforced.

#2 You didn't quote the story from Grudge so why take the title from there? I can see why the title is misleading now. You really shouldn't be poisoning your mind with such racist, bigoted reading.

And yet the "poison" you posted basically said the same thing, not that he was arrested for drinking, or cursing, but for cursing AT MUSLIMS. Why do you read such bigoted crap that wants to make this about muslims and not about a guy who simply cursed or drank?

In other words, your article is the same. My article stated he was jailed for insulting Islam. You scoffed and claimed I was "deceitful". Yet your article has it that he was jailed for cursing at Muslims. Don't see much of a difference myself.

04-30-2014, 08:30 AM
Note to rock bands. Don't perform in islamic countries.

04-30-2014, 08:31 AM
Both articles make it clear that this man was punished for insulting Islam or cursing Muslims. Would it have been different if the only people present were Christians, or any other non-Muslims?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-30-2014, 09:20 AM
#1 The laws are different in different countries. If you go somewhere and break the law, you shouldn't complain when they are enforced.

#2 You didn't quote the story from Grudge so why take the title from there? I can see why the title is misleading now. You really shouldn't be poisoning your mind with such racist, bigoted reading.

Says the man with a sadly poisoned mind.. Should I curse Jesus you'd defend me...
Yet this guy cursed Allah and you agree he should be punished.
So he has no right not to believe?? Mao, Hitler and Stalin stood right in line with that thinking, as does Islam. And all four have murdered tens of millions....
Or can you not see past a book and face reality!??--Tyr

04-30-2014, 10:32 AM
It seems to me he was arrested for doing something that would still get him arrested anywhere. It wasn't for "insulting Islam". Jimmy, you know better than to deceitfully alter a story title like that.

Newspapers in the United Arab Emirates are reporting that the American drummer for the rock band Scorpions was sentenced to one month in jail after being convicted of offensive behavior in Dubai.

The government-backed National newspaper reported Tuesday that James Kottak was convicted of insulting Islam, raising his middle finger and being under the influence of alcohol while in transit at Dubai airport.

The Gulf News daily says he was arrested April 3 en route from Russia to Bahrain, where the German band was scheduled to perform at a Formula One race. Kottak was a no-show at the April 5 concert.

The National reported that Kottak said, “What is this disgusting smell?” before he insulted Islam, according to police.


04-30-2014, 04:31 PM
And yet the "poison" you posted basically said the same thing, not that he was arrested for drinking, or cursing, but for cursing AT MUSLIMS. Why do you read such bigoted crap that wants to make this about muslims and not about a guy who simply cursed or drank?

In other words, your article is the same. My article stated he was jailed for insulting Islam. You scoffed and claimed I was "deceitful". Yet your article has it that he was jailed for cursing at Muslims. Don't see much of a difference myself.

No, he was convicted for being drunk and disorderly and indecent exposure. The insults only brought his behaviour to the attention of the authorities.

Note to rock bands. Don't perform in islamic countries.

Both articles make it clear that this man was punished for insulting Islam or cursing Muslims. Would it have been different if the only people present were Christians, or any other non-Muslims?

Drunk and disorderly is also an offence in the US isn't it? So no different.


Well, I couldn't find a mention of it in any of the newspapers except Al Arabiya and the article says he was arrested for drunkenness and exposure.

04-30-2014, 04:44 PM
No, he was convicted for being drunk and disorderly and indecent exposure. The insults only brought his behaviour to the attention of the authorities.

Drunk and disorderly is also an offence in the US isn't it? So no different.

Well, I couldn't find a mention of it in any of the newspapers except Al Arabiya and the article says he was arrested for drunkenness and exposure.

Right on the same site:

The drummer of German heavy metal band Scorpions has been jailed in Dubai for insulting Muslims and flashing his bottom at a policeman at Dubai International Airport.

James Kottak, an American national, was traveling through the airport on April 2, on his way to Bahrain, when he made an indecent gesture with his middle finger and dropped his trousers in front of a policeman, the Dubai Court of Misdemeanors heard.

Prosecutors said the 51-year-old drummer was under the influence of alcohol and told a group of Afghan and Pakistani passengers that they smelled.

Records show he then flashed his middle finger at them in front of a police officer, who then took Kottak to the police station located in the airport.

While in detention, Kottack dropped his trousers. However, Kottack claims he only removed his shirt.

A police officer testified: “I saw an American speaking in English about a smell from a group of passengers.

“An employee informed us that he was causing problems and insulting Muslims and Islam. I went to him and he swore about Muslims and I took him to the police center.”


04-30-2014, 07:38 PM
Kottak was arrested for being drunk and for disorderly conduct. During which he insulted Islam.
Of course, the weak minded amongst you only seized on the "insulted Islam" part. Which I would expect you to do. :rolleyes:

04-30-2014, 11:44 PM
Kottak was arrested for being drunk and for disorderly conduct. During which he insulted Islam.
Of course, the weak minded amongst you only seized on the "insulted Islam" part. Which I would expect you to do. :rolleyes:

Thank you for pointing out the tunnel vision that appears to be in this forum all too often.

05-01-2014, 07:03 AM
Thank you for pointing out the tunnel vision that appears to be in this forum all too often.

The tunnel vision - the vision in YOUR OWN ARTICLE that stated the same as mine? Or the vision where you post an article from the SAME EXACT site as mine, and YOUR article also said he was arrested for insulting Muslims? You accused me of being deceitful when ALL of the articles posted thus far have ALL backed up what I have said thus far. NOT ONE thing posted yet DOES NOT show this guy being arrested for insulting Muslims or Islam. You say "I" have tunnel vision, while I acknowledge that he was a drunken asshole, I'm not being blind to ALL the facts and denying something THAT YOU POSTED YOURSELF!!! But I noticed, you didn't quote where I showed that you yourself posted a link that stated the same thing. Then you say you went to the paper and couldn't find it and posted an article. I then follow up with an article from the SAME PAPER, just as my prior article alluded to, and now you ignore that one too.

Ask me if I think he was a drunken asshole - YES. Ask me if he was drunk and disorderly - YES. But DO NOT expect me to IGNORE what every stinking article in the land is reporting, even from the very country in where it happened.

05-01-2014, 07:10 AM
Kottak was arrested for being drunk and for disorderly conduct. During which he insulted Islam.
Of course, the weak minded amongst you only seized on the "insulted Islam" part. Which I would expect you to do. :rolleyes:

Uh, no. I posted an article and made NO COMMENT at all about the arrest - and it was Jafar who instantly came in with denials and accusations towards me of being deceitful. Since he did that, I turned around and proved I was not being deceitful. He continued to argue that this guy was not arrested for insulting Islam/Muslims as the original article stated. I proved this wrong with several articles, including the last from the host nation.

EVERY article posted by myself, or by Jafar, proves that this man was in fact arrested partly because he insulted Islam.

And to correct YOU and him again, contrary to your first sentence "ottak was arrested for being drunk and for disorderly conduct. During which he insulted Islam." - Uhm, no! He WAS arrested for insulting muslims. That is EXACTLY what caused him to be grabbed and arrested, when he started insulting the Muslims. IF you read the articles you would know this already to be FACT, unless you think of course that Dubai authorities made this up for the hell of it. Either way, you are BOTH WRONG and opinions don't matter in this one, the FACTS prove every last thing I have posted.

05-01-2014, 07:12 AM
Btw, Jafar, love how you thank people when the post gibberish that is factually inaccurate, but only because it seemingly agrees with you. I'll post for both of you once again...

has been jailed in Dubai for insulting Muslims

“An employee informed us that he was causing problems and insulting Muslims and Islam. I went to him and he swore about Muslims and I took him to the police center.”

There, now thank one another for being wrong - again - as usual - even in the face of facts.

05-01-2014, 07:32 AM
I did miss an earlier question...

Yes, we DO have drunk and disorderly charges here in the USA, and in all 50 states. Had this guy did the same in any of those states, YES, he would have received a charge of drunk and disorderly. BUT - no way in hell would he EVER be charged with "insulting Muslims" or ANY other religion for that fact. At the very most this person is brought to the drunk tank until they sober up and then sent their way with a citation. But a month in jail? And charges for insulting Islam? ONLY in a muslim world would this happen.

red state
05-01-2014, 10:03 AM
Charges and punishment is up to the individual countries.....it could be over night or a month in jail. It could even be for your pants hanging down too much or causing a violent scene BUT it is inevitably up to the law of the land (wherever you are). I liked the Scorpions as well but they showed very poor judgment if they thought they'd be safe performing in what is simply just another hell hole slum of the world where muSLUMs are in control. He's lucky the law of that particular muSLUM country didn't require that his tongue or middle finger be removed. Serve his time, thank his lucky stars and WISE up. The next time someone asks him to perform in a hell hole part of the world, simply raise your finger and tell em to blank off!!!

I actually thought that he was simply in transet and that the plane was somehow forced to make a quick stop at a muSLUM airport.....that would have left me thinking better of the Scorpions but if they were scheduled to be there.......they are truly ignorant rockers who don't realize the dangers of drugs, VD or islamists. No wonder many rockers die an early death.

05-01-2014, 10:11 AM
I think I first got into The Scorpions with "Blackout", but this song I think is what made me a fan for life. These German bastards rock!!!

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/VmjZDmWEUzk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

red state
05-01-2014, 10:15 AM
Yep...I don't personally believe they were what I'd call "GREAT" but that vid you posted and a few other hits are some of my favs. They were no 'one hit wonder' but they were not on par with some of the other Rock Giants either. Thanks for posting the video, Jim.

05-01-2014, 10:22 AM
Yep...I don't personally believe they were what I'd call "GREAT" but that vid you posted and a few other hits are some of my favs. They were no 'one hit wonder' but they were not on par with some of the other Rock Giants either. Thanks for posting the video, Jim.

You believe the band actually started in 1964? That's 50 years now!! The great singer, Klaus Meine didn't start with them till like 1970. Then they really didn't hit the mainstream until the very late 70's and early 80's. But they've been on a tear ever since with tons of tours and tons of albums and hits.

* Trivia! - Rudolph Schenker started the band in 1964 and has been with them ever since. He has a younger brother, Michael Schenker, who was a member of this group for awhile, also with UFO, then The Michael Schenker Group...

Here is Michael Schenker - AWESOME guitarist!!

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/FuLmysiTU6Y" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

red state
05-01-2014, 10:55 AM
I didn't realize that and although many have had such an early history, not many of them are still performing. I've always had an admiration for those who carry on and STILL rock to this day. Thanks for sending, Jim.

05-01-2014, 11:58 AM
The Scorpions were originally a great metal band. Up until the first live album. I feel like they went a bit more mainstream rock in the 1980's.
I was fortunate enough to see the Scorpions at Wacken Open Air in 2006 when they did their "Journey Through Time" concert. In which all the past and present members joined the bands for songs from throughout their career.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/eygca4IZeag" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>