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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-30-2014, 07:00 AM

Kenyan president signs polygamy law

Nairobi (AFP) - A law allowing men in Kenya to marry as many women as they want was signed into law Tuesday by President Uhuru Kenyatta, despite criticism from women's groups.

A statement from the presidency confirmed that the bill, which it said "consolidates various laws relating to marriage", had been signed into law.

The bill, which amended existing legislation, was passed by parliament last month to formalise traditional practice regarding marrying more than one person.

"Marriage is the voluntary union of a man and a woman, whether in a monogamous or polygamous union," the presidential statement added.

The initial bill had given a wife the right to veto the husband's choice, but male members of parliament overcame party divisions to push through a text that dropped this clause.

When the bill was passed last month, female members of parliament stormed out of the session in fury after a heated debate.

The National Council of Churches in Kenya (NCCK), which groups more than 40 churches and Christian organisations from across the east African nation, has also spoken out against the bill.

The national Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA Kenya) has also said it would mount a legal challenge against the law.

"We know that men are afraid of women's tongues more than anything else," female legislator Soipan Tuya told fellow MPs when the bill was passed.

"But at the end of the day, if you are the man of the house, and you choose to bring on another party -- and they may be two or three -- I think it behoves you to be man enough to agree that your wife and family should know," she added.

As in many parts of Africa, polygamy is common among traditional communities in Kenya, as well as in the country's Muslim community, which accounts for up to a fifth of the population.

Many have said the legislation merely acknowledges something that is already widespread.

"When you marry an African woman, she must know the second one is on the way, and a third wife... this is Africa," MP Junet Mohammed told the house during debate on the bill.

Women are not allowed to marry more than one man.

The National Council of Churches in Kenya (NCCK), which groups more than 40 churches and Christian organisations from across the east African nation, has also spoken out against the bill.

The national Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA Kenya) has also said it would mount a legal challenge against the law.

These are against it!!!! Christians and women!! And look who is for it and got it put into law. A law that reinforces Sharia no less !!

"When you marry an African woman, she must know the second one is on the way, and a third wife... this is Africa," MP Junet Mohammed told the house during debate on the bill.

ahhhh, so sayeth Junet Mohammed, care to guess what religion this person abides by??

This is how they do folks.. They start forcing Sharia law upon all.. They do this by hook, crook, violence ,bribes, any means possible. They use any force necessary to defeat and destroy all that are not allowing their perversion. We see this worldwide and its most noticeable by looking at the violence and murders the engage in on a daily basis !!


"Strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites
and be unyielding to them, for for their abode is hell."
Quran 9:73

Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace "Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29

2014.04.29 (Narathiwat, Thailand) - Two Buddhist women are murdered by Muslim gunmen.
2014.04.29 (Homs, Syria) - A double car-bombing by Sunni Islamists leaves nearly forty dead.
2014.04.29 (Benghazi, Libya) - Two local soldiers die at the hands of a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2014.04.28 (Khanaqin, Iraq) - A Shahid suicide bomber kills thirty people at a polling station.
2014.04.28 (Suru, Pakistan) - Two women are killed when fundamentalists throw a grenade into the house of an anti-polio worker.
2014.04.27 (Nanga Boguila, CAR) - Three MSF medical workers are among twenty-two butchered by Seleka 'rebels'.

* Sources for individual incidents can be provided upon request.

79 murdered innocent people. This is non-stop and will never stop until they win or else are defeated. -Tyr

04-30-2014, 11:43 PM
These are against it!!!! Christians and women!! And look who is for it and got it put into law. A law that reinforces Sharia no less !!

Interesting. Tell me more about how this reinforces Sharia? :)

05-01-2014, 07:16 AM
Nairobi (AFP) - A law allowing men in Kenya to marry as many women as they want was signed into law Tuesday by President Uhuru Kenyatta, despite criticism from women's groups.

Great, now there is no limit on the amount of wives a husband can beat. :(

05-01-2014, 07:47 AM
I was wondering WHICH Kenyan President you were speaking of, apparently not the one named Obama. I know what they can call a Kenyan harem: A-pack-o'-lips-now.

05-02-2014, 03:27 AM
"When you marry an African woman, she must know the second one is on the way, and a third wife... this is Africa," MP Junet Mohammed told the house during debate on the bill.

Tyr, buddy, this quote isn't backing it up. Actually, from what I'm given to understand, he's actually just stating what is already common practice in Kenya. The government there is basically at this point just acknowledging what already exists.

Now, I'd never go in for polygamy (dealing with 2+ wives on their periods, especially if they sync up? No thanks, I'll just die.), but as long as everyone's on board, and we're talking about consenting adults, it's been around at least as long as monogamous marriage. I mean, hell, both Lot and Noah had more than one wife.

05-02-2014, 06:21 AM
Since the male/female birthrate is pretty close to 50/50, what's going to happen when multiple women for every man are removed from the dating pool?

This might explain why arabs do such crazy things... could it be that young muzzie men are sexually frustrated to the point that a TNT jacket sounds like a good idea?

05-02-2014, 05:08 PM
Kenyan president signs polygamy law

Obama legalized polygamy?! NFW!!

:lmao: I kill me!

05-02-2014, 08:48 PM
These are against it!!!! Christians and women!! And look who is for it and got it put into law. A law that reinforces Sharia no less !!

Interesting. Tell me more about how this reinforces Sharia? :)

(I didn't get an answer last time)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-02-2014, 09:23 PM
Interesting. Tell me more about how this reinforces Sharia? :)

(I didn't get an answer last time)


Polygamy and American Muslims

Islam does not place much value on personal faith, but demands surrender to the political rule of the [Muslim’s] Sharia.(1 – see footnotes below to link to source in Caryl’s shop)

The Bible teaches the gospel’s Word is of no profit if not mixed with faith. (Heb. 4: 2), and Jesus placed His spiritual law above that of world politics:” My kingdom is not of this world.” (John 18:35-36)

Sharia degrades non-Muslims to a lower class and denies equal access to the law because their testimony is not valid against a Muslim (2 )

The foundation of American democracy based on Thomas Jefferson’s phrase in the Declaration of Independence states, "All men are created equal. They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”

Polygamy has become one of Islam’s most effective weapons for Holy War, providing Islam with a disproportionate numerical advantage. (3)

The Bible commands against polygamy. “Neither shall he multiply wives for himself, lest his heart turn away [from God]”. (Deut 17:17). Judges 7 illustrates God’s opinion regarding numerical advantage and quantity in numbers. He decreases the numbers of soldiers in Gideon’s army to show His strength alone, not human effort, is worthy of our boast. (Ps 34:2) “All the workers of iniquity boast in themselves”. (Ps 94:4)


Polygamy amongst Muslims in America is increasing as the Muslim population grows and the “jihad of polygamy” succeeds in targeting American women. In an interview in our DVD ISLAM RISING an American convert to Islam, Cati tells her personal story of how she was recruited for marriage to a Muslim through the jihad of polygamy. He said to her, “if we can’t take America by force, we will take it by marriage!” She saw first hand “many American women” who were marrying Muslim men who didn’t confess to their other wives until after the wedding! According to her, the increase of polygamous relationships in continues despite its illegal status. America

Cati explains Islam’s program of Da’wah which demands that Muslims actively recruit converts. One method is on American school campuses where Arab Muslim men meet students and lure them into marriage with the promise of financial help for school costs and more. She said she was an innocent victim like so many others across the nation who have no idea about Islam’s agenda to “take America by marriage” and it’s intentions for global ummah (world domination of Sharia) , its treatment of women, children, marriage, multiple wives, or about the loss of personal freedom when converting to Islam.

Muslims who come to America and enjoy its liberty and freedom believe their faith/law to be superior to the American culture and America who they know as “the great Satan”. Islam’s prime target through terrorism and intimidation is known as holy “jihad” war and a technique to be used to force all to bow to Islam’s Sharia.

Quran believing Muslims must take every opportunity to further Islam’s goal to dominate the world with Shari which may involve the “jihad of deception”. The Quran permits deception which apologists argue is not lying per se, but types of acceptable deception to bring about ultimate submission or subversion deceptively called peace. Thus the deception employed towards potential American wives while their husbands may be already married is apparently valid to bring about the constitutional Sharia.

Two opposing legal systems vying for position in America were recently brought to court in my local neighborhood in Southern California. A Muslim, Muhummed, whose birth name is Richard Boddie, faces seven life prison terms if he is convicted of all the charges leveled at him, none of which address his plural marriages. Political multi-cultural correctness demands his jury to disregard Boddie’s polygamous marriages and only deal with the question of whether he did anything that constitutes abuse or torture to his three wives and nineteen children some of whom he had padlocked in his garage without bathroom facilities and food.

Because Boddie’s faith/law permits him multiple wives, the beating of them, slavery of his children and sex with any of the young girls, Boddie considered himself “innocent” and “protected by His Prophet’s teachings” and chose not to be tried under American Law and was permitted his request, to serve “as his own lawyer for more than two years… until August 2007, when another judge appointed the public defender….who declared a conflict and Morreale (Muhummed’s Defense attorney) was assigned the case in September 2007.” Still ongoing!

Such legal lunacy practiced in the West would not even be considered in Muslim countries where Sharia Law dictates a Christian, or any non-Muslim, to be a “dhimmi” and subjugated as second class citizen under Islamic control. As such the dhimmi would be guilty for not submitting to Islam and as an enemy of Islam the Quran teaches he can be killed, slayed, enslaved, beleaguered and mutilated by cutting off limbs. In Arab countries no grace, mercy or partiality would permit a dhimmi to serve as his own lawyer, nor would the Judeo-Christian attributes of human rights and social justice be present as these qualities belong to only the Bible’s God Who is a “just judge.” ( Ps 7:11)

The ongoing saga produced by 7th century barbaric Arab culture continues in the California court hearings as the jury hears how Muhummed Boddie shared a ranch-style home within a gated community with his plural wives and children aged 8 months to 25 years. Two of the wives and certain children between ages 3 – 6 were forced to live under humiliating and inhumane circumstances in an unheated, padlocked garage without access to a bathroom and deprived of food. Yet 55-year-old Boddie, by the American liberty granted him was allowed to argue for his Muslim polygamy. Peter Hammond writes, “physical violence against one’s wife, far from being a crime punishable by law, remains divinely ordained and practically advised (Surah 38:44 and Surah 4:15)” and "Islamic councils in Western countries specify how to beat one’s wife.”


Polygamy with a maximum of four wives

For the historical and literary topical contexts of Sura 4, please visit this webpage.

The Quran in Sura 4:3 says:

And if you be apprehensive that you will not be able to do justice to the orphans, you may marry two or three or four women whom you choose. But if you apprehend that you might not be able to do justice to them, then marry only one wife, or marry those who have fallen in your possession. (Maududi, The Meaning of the Qur’an, vol. 1, p. 305)

The key clauses are "you will not be able to do justice to the orphans" and "you may marry two or three or four women whom you choose." Maududi (d. 1979) is a respected traditional and conservative commentator on the Quran. So we should let him explain what they mean. He says that the clauses accomplished three things:

First, in pre-Islamic Arabia, guardian men married the orphan girls under their care, so the Quran says that they should direct their attention to women other than the orphans.

Second, in pre-Islamic days men used to marry a limitless number of women and grab the property of their orphan nephews and nieces to support their wives.

Third, in pre-Islamic days, men could marry as many women as they wanted and "treat them cruelly and unjustly" with impunity. So the Quran limits the number to four, and only if the man could keep care of them all: "But if you apprehend that you might not be able to do justice to them."

Maududi concludes that probably all three correctives were intended by this verse (vol. 1, pp. 306-07, note 4).

Also, the clause "marry those who have fallen in your possession" means slave-girls who were captured in a war. Men may "marry" them because slaves do not incur very much expense, not as much as free women do. Maududi paraphrases the meaning of the clause: "If you need more than one [wife] but are afraid that you might not be able to do justice to your wives from among the free people, you may turn to slave girls because in that case you will be burdened with less responsibilities" (note 6). This is not surprising, since the slave-girl was sexual property (see Sura 4:24). This means that the limit of four wives is artificial. Men could have sex with as many women as they wanted from among their slaves.

Despite these different conditions, we should step back and look at the big picture. It may be true that Muhammad was curtailing the polygamous custom of Arabs who lived around him, but he did not go far enough. A man may "marry" four wives, but have sex with his slave-girls, and the number of these latter is not limited. According to the timeless and universal Quran, therefore, Muslims today have the right to practice polygamy. Wherever Islam engages in the slave trade or captures women prisoners of war, Muslims may have sex with them.

Muhammad’s special marriage privileges

It seems that Allah gave Muhammad special permission to marry as many women as he desired or take them as slaves or concubines, just as in the pre-Islamic days of ignorance. In his own example and life, he seemed to perpetuate the pre-Islamic practices.

The Quran in Sura 33:50 grants Muhammad wide latitude in his marriages:

O Prophet, We have made lawful to you those of your wives, whose dowers you have paid, and those women who come into your possession out of the slave-girls granted by Allah, and the daughters of your paternal uncles and aunts, and of your maternal uncles and aunts, who have migrated with you, and the believing woman who gives herself to the Prophet, if the Prophet may desire her. This privilege is for you only, not for the other believers . . . . (Maududi vol. 4, p. 111, emphasis added).

For the historical and literary topical contexts of Sura 33, visit this webpage.

This lengthy verse says that besides those women whose dower Muhammad paid, he may marry slave-girls—that is, he may have sex with them. Maududi references three slave-girls taken during raids, and Mary the Copt, a gift from an Egyptian ruler. Muhammad had sex with her, and there does not seem to be a political need for this. Second, Muhammad may marry his first cousins, and Maududi cites a case in which this happened. Third, if a believing woman offers herself to Muhammad, and he desires her, then he may marry her (Maududi vol. 4, note 88).

This latter permission is the most suspect. Revelations that sexually benefit a founder of a religious movement raise some concern for objective outsiders to this movement, unless someone has the prior belief that the founder has achieved sinless perfection and can do no wrong—even with this special sexual permission.

But the capstone of these "special" marriages occurs when Muhammad also marries the ex-wife (Zainab) of his adopted son (Zaid). His son-in-law divorced her with the prophet lurking in the background. In fact, early Islamic sources say that Muhammad caught a glimpse of his daughter-in-law in a state of undress, and he desired her. Once the divorce is final, Allah reveals to him that this marriage between father-in-law and daughter-in-law is legal and moral in Sura 33:36-44. Did this revelation come from Allah or Muhammad?

If readers would like to see these verses in multiple translations, they should go to this website. This one has three translations, and this one is funded by the Saudi royal family.

Many have written on these outlandish special privileges. Here are two articles.

This article shows how many wives and concubines Muhammad allows himself.

This article shows how many wives and concubines Muhammad allows himself.

If the Prophet did it so can any Muslim. For the Prophet did nothing contrary to Allah.

There , you are defeated by those words that every true muslim swears and lives by!!! :laugh:

05-03-2014, 07:14 PM
If the Prophet did it so can any Muslim. For the Prophet did nothing contrary to Allah.

There , you are defeated by those words that every true muslim swears and lives by!!! :laugh:

Perhaps. Polygamy is allowed under certain circumstances and only up to a maximum of 4 wives as long as you can treat all of them equally and there is harsh punishment in the afterlife for favouring one over the other.

If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one (4:3)

Back to the point, this law doesn't reinforce Sharia at all because it apparently allows unlimited wives and is more of a Mormon law than Islamic :poke:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-03-2014, 09:01 PM
Perhaps. Polygamy is allowed under certain circumstances and only up to a maximum of 4 wives as long as you can treat all of them equally and there is harsh punishment in the afterlife for favouring one over the other.

If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one (4:3)

Back to the point, this law doesn't reinforce Sharia at all because it apparently allows unlimited wives and is more of a Mormon law than Islamic :poke:

Splitting hairs aren't you? Both allow multiple wives. And Sharia law does allow as many as the man can afford. -Tyr