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View Full Version : Poll: Which Republican would you vote for right now?

Abbey Marie
05-08-2014, 10:24 AM
Looks like Ted Cruz is well on his way; at least in early polling.

Hot Air survey results: Presidential primary candidate and issue testing


Longtime Hot Air readers may recall that the first “winner” we ever had in these surveys was Chris Christie. Four years ago he earned 29% of the vote, but my, how things change. Christie now has 1% of the vote and sits well behind everyone except Mike Huckabee, who he ties, Rick Santorum, and Joe Scarborough, who out of over 3000 votes received a grand total of 6.
Your current leader? Ted Cruz, who earned 29% of the vote. The top five is rounded out by Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Rick Perry and Mitt Romney.
http://media.hotair.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gop-primary.png (http://media.hotair.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gop-primary.png)

The rest: hotair.com/archives

05-08-2014, 11:39 AM
Ted Cruz has never been tested against a Democrat opponent. Scott Walker would be stronger given the onslaught he has had to beat back in Wisconsin.

05-08-2014, 01:23 PM
Out of those choices I would go with Condi. I loved her from the first time I heard about her and saw how intelligent she was. And while people may not like the administration she is linked with, she is a straight forward woman who wouldn't take shit from any man out there and would run circles around most. She also has about 50000000000000% more international experience than Obama, Hillary and Kerry combined.

05-08-2014, 04:16 PM
Dr. Carson, then Chris Christy. I enjoy listening to people who are NOT AFRAID to use TRUTH.

05-08-2014, 04:38 PM
Pointless poll is pointless. /noir

But I like Jindal.

05-08-2014, 05:48 PM
I really like Walker.

He had one hell of an uphill battle there in Wisconsin and survived every attack & recall campaigns the liberals threw at him with ease... and Madison is infested with liberals in a big way.

Then he rolled up his sleeves and turned the state around from a horrible economy running a huge deficit with rampant unemployment to a booming economy running a surplus - all while lowering taxes!

Walker is clean, otherwise any skeletons would have already surfaced because there were literally well-financed droves of liberal groups desperately trying to dig up dirt on him. He knows how to effectively fight off the usual demonizing attacks liberals run as a matter of course, he knows what kind of people he needs in his inner circle to round out his administration.

And, best of all, all the statistics are available that show what a brilliant success his policies and leadership have been for Wisconsin when he inherited the dreadful mess the democrats had created.

IMO, this is the guy that can straighten out America after 8 years of Obama, if anyone can.

05-08-2014, 06:14 PM
Out of those choices I would go with Condi. I loved her from the first time I heard about her and saw how intelligent she was. And while people may not like the administration she is linked with, she is a straight forward woman who wouldn't take shit from any man out there and would run circles around most. She also has about 50000000000000% more international experience than Obama, Hillary and Kerry combined.

I've always liked Condi, too. Extremely experienced, always classy and very politically savvy.

Looks like Ted Cruz is well on his way; at least in early polling.

Ted Cruz has never been tested against a Democrat opponent.

I like Cruz, but if he wins the nomination then he'll have to overcome his already negative perception by moderates & independents - the liberal campaign to demonize him (He's a TEABAGGER!!) has been successful and it's hard to find any major media outfit other than Fox giving him a fair shake. It's not right, but it is what it is.

I just think Walker has a much better chance of winning than the other candidates on the radar at this point, and his proven track record with turning around an economy is a huge booster whose results can't be refuted.

I don't know anything about his stance on foreign policy or how he'd perform in a military conflict and he doesn't have any past military service - which I personally think is very important for POTUS but looking at Clinton and Obama, doesn't seem to be a deal breaker to most Americans.

05-08-2014, 09:43 PM
I've always liked Condi, too. Extremely experienced, always classy and very politically savvy.

I like Cruz, but if he wins the nomination then he'll have to overcome his already negative perception by moderates & independents - the liberal campaign to demonize him (He's a TEABAGGER!!) has been successful and it's hard to find any major media outfit other than Fox giving him a fair shake. It's not right, but it is what it is.

I just think Walker has a much better chance of winning than the other candidates on the radar at this point, and his proven track record with turning around an economy is a huge booster whose results can't be refuted.

I don't know anything about his stance on foreign policy or how he'd perform in a military conflict and he doesn't have any past military service - which I personally think is very important for POTUS but looking at Clinton and Obama, doesn't seem to be a deal breaker to most Americans.[/COLOR]

I've always liked Condi. But her problem is. In a world full of Liberal, Racist, Uncle Tom whining jerks who pretend to only like THE LIBERAL BLACKS...who aren't smart enough to know the difference between truth...and promises NEVER KEPT.
Condi should just enjoy her life, and stay out of the GARBAGE-LIBERAL-TARGET range used by the NAACP, and the Democrat Black Caucus of Hypocrites.

05-08-2014, 10:32 PM
As a liberal, I would vote for Ted Cruz. Because he has no chance in hell of winning a national election.

The smart vote would be for Rubio. Which pretty much guarantees the GOP won't do it.

Abbey Marie
05-09-2014, 11:34 AM
As a liberal, I would vote for Ted Cruz. Because he has no chance in hell of winning a national election.

The smart vote would be for Rubio. Which pretty much guarantees the GOP won't do it.

Unfortunately, the bolded is probably correct.

05-09-2014, 12:36 PM
Ben Carson

05-09-2014, 12:58 PM
I'm not sure of the value in a Brit offering comment here. But I'll do it anyway ... ;)

Of the list, one name jumps out at me .. Rick Santorum. He earned my respect several years ago, when he held a press conference revealing that in excess of 500 WMD's had been found in Iraq. The press conference was used to disseminate this news, following declassification of a portion of an Intelligence report proving this to be true.

There's one politician who'll stand up for the truth, and be counted when it matters, no matter how 'unfashionable' that truth may be. In other words .. a conviction politician !

Aren't they the very best kind ?

05-09-2014, 01:53 PM
I'm not sure of the value in a Brit offering comment here. But I'll do it anyway ... ;)

Of the list, one name jumps out at me .. Rick Santorum. He earned my respect several years ago, when he held a press conference revealing that in excess of 500 WMD's had been found in Iraq. The press conference was used to disseminate this news, following declassification of a portion of an Intelligence report proving this to be true.

There's one politician who'll stand up for the truth, and be counted when it matters, no matter how 'unfashionable' that truth may be. In other words .. a conviction politician !

Aren't they the very best kind ?

Sir Drummond. In many ways. I find I can't disagree with you about Santorum. But his problems arise from being TOO HONEST, and TELLING TOO MUCH TRUTH...even about his fellow Republicans.
Then comes the fact that he is a Devout Catholic, and his FAMILY must always come first. Namely his youngest daughter who...I believe, suffers greatly. Can't remember off hand. But Rick Santorum would make a Great President, and Leader since he has years of experience in the U.S. Senate. You may remember. Rick served from Pennsylvania while the Late Arlen Specter was first a Republican, then switched to Democrat...and ended his career.

Abbey Marie
05-09-2014, 01:56 PM
IIRC, Santorum is strongly pro-life. that makes me like him; many others will hate him for it.

05-09-2014, 02:15 PM
I'm not sure of the value in a Brit offering comment here. But I'll do it anyway ... ;)

I've always found it very interesting to see what our friend's viewpoints are from overseas, especially in the UK with State-run media like the BBC.

And it's embarrassing to me that many of you in Britain know more about American politics and the characters involved than many Americans do... which might explain why we're in the situation that we're in right now.

05-09-2014, 02:22 PM
IIRC, Santorum is strongly pro-life. that makes me like him; many others will hate him for it.

Abbey. Long ago. My father reminded me about Hate. He told me "When you openly hate. You eventually will become what you hated".

I don't think that was His original thought. But it is something I wish everyone who uses the word "HATE" would remember, before they say it.

And..I found this, which applies pretty well. http://icansayit.com/images/hatepeople.jpg

11-12-2014, 06:20 AM
I've always found it very interesting to see what our friend's viewpoints are from overseas, especially in the UK with State-run media like the BBC.

And it's embarrassing to me that many of you in Britain know more about American politics and the characters involved than many Americans do... which might explain why we're in the situation that we're in right now.

I'm way, WAY, too late in replying to this (.. sorry).

But it really has to be said ... what I know (to the extent I do) comes from checking out overseas sources !!

For example - the point about Santorum and his news conference, announcing 500+ old Iraqi WMD's, back in 2006. There's just no way that any British source would've revealed that one !! If I recall correctly, I got that from the Fox News website (and access to the Fox News TV channel is limited ... it's only on Sky satellite, and then only for those spending out for the most expensive packages). Anyway, so far as Brits generally are concerned, no WMD's were ever found .. I've had arguments over here where I've been called a liar for claiming it (people over here look at me as though I'm barking mad for suggesting it).

Then again ... I learn a lot from sites like this one (this is one of a number of American ones I've been a member of over the years ... I just feel more at home here than on British ones).

If I relied just on the BBC for my news, my worldview would be blinkered. I'd probably want to side with the Palestinians against Israel, after their daily diet of 'devastations' meted out by the 'bully', Israel. Or, I'd just have seen the downfall of Gaddafi as the demise of A Very Bad Man, with the Muslim Brotherhood seen as 'freedom fighters'.

So no, NightTrain ... thank YOURSELVES for YOUR news output. [OK, so the Daily Mail does some great work in reporting, but for its efforts it's regularly demonised by the Left, meaning that many Brits are persuaded not to take their output seriously.]

Here are two attacks on them ... from the Leftie Guardian, but of course ....



11-12-2014, 09:24 AM
Ted Cruz has never been tested against a Democrat opponent. Scott Walker would be stronger given the onslaught he has had to beat back in Wisconsin.

I really like Walker.

And even stronger now that he's been reelected. I'll take an effective governor over a Senator any day.

11-12-2014, 09:29 AM
As a liberal, I would vote for Ted Cruz. Because he has no chance in hell of winning a national election.

The smart vote would be for Rubio. Which pretty much guarantees the GOP won't do it.

Rubio lost credibility with the gang of 8 debacle.

Scott Walker would get my vote before anyone else.

11-12-2014, 09:40 AM
Scott Walker has held up under an onslaught from the UNIONS and the Democrat party

I'm leaning towards him though I like Ted Cruz too. He tells it like it is and knows he will be pounded for it from the Democrats and their LAMEstream media the have in their back pockets

red state
11-12-2014, 10:01 AM
From the comments I've seen, I believe many of my well liked posters need to research what values they hold dear before backing or listing some of the ones listed here. Having said that, I like WEST but he will not run (unfortunately) but for the one that WILL probably run (Cruz) he's just about the only one that I'd feel confident in voting for with excitement over such a vote. The others....I'd have to hold my nose (although there's a few mentioned that I'm not familiar with). I like Dr. Carson but there's something about him that bothers me......can't place a finger on it yet (YET). Cain was OK but he and Bauchman proved to be losers in how they ultimately handled the stress/pressure/questions. Cain should have came forward with all the skeletons and Bauchman could have easily answered her question (IF) she's a smart as I thought she was OR if she had any quality of campaign managers. She had a second chance and blew it!

In short, the rest are not exciting or trustworthy enough to make any change and we need CHANGE....big time. I suspect that Palin is considering a run and although i like her and feel that she'd be a good president, she has lost much of my respect in the way she conducted herself under pressure......only to resurface throughout the years here and there. Yes, Cruz is the only one I feel good about but I fear that he's not the guy (not the Republicans guy or tough enough under the pressure that will be over his head).

red state
11-12-2014, 10:03 AM
Scott Walker has held up under an onslaught from the UNIONS and the Democrat party

I'm leaning towards him though I like Ted Cruz too. He tells it like it is and knows he will be pounded for it from the Democrats and their LAMEstream media the have in their back pockets

THAT :lol: :clap:

I didn't see that post but it is spot on and what I meant to say. I'll research Walker more......like the union deal which proves he is tough enough to stay STRONG under pressure.

11-12-2014, 10:20 AM
THAT :lol: :clap:

I didn't see that post but it is spot on and what I meant to say. I'll research Walker more......like the union deal which proves he is tough enough to stay STRONG under pressure.

Interesting, considering ...

Scott Walker has held up under an onslaught from the UNIONS and the Democrat party

.. Did FJ realise that ? If understood now .. will he now reconsider his choice ?

If not, why not ?

11-12-2014, 12:19 PM
Interesting, considering ...

.. Did FJ realise that ? If understood now .. will he now reconsider his choice ?

If not, why not ?

Interesting. I'm not here for a day and you're still a hypocritical trolling idiot.

Black Diamond
11-12-2014, 04:21 PM
Certainly not Romney. I made that mistake once.

11-12-2014, 05:05 PM
Personally. I do not believe any of us have any idea WHO we will vote for in 2016.

The World is changing too quickly, and life is too unpredictable to say anything so soon.

Nobody knows. Maybe the person who will become our next president hasn't been discovered yet?

red state
11-12-2014, 05:34 PM
Yes, who knows.....we may be able to clone a WASHINGTON by 2016. Seriously though, a WEST is such a person but there are probably 1,000's of folks out there who is Washington or Reagan-like but refuse to run.

11-12-2014, 05:48 PM
As of this time, Marco Rubio is the only Republican candidate who stands a chance of gaining the White House.

Ted Cruz? :laugh2:

11-12-2014, 05:53 PM
As of this time, Marco Rubio is the only Republican candidate who stands a chance of gaining the White House.

Ted Cruz? :laugh2:

And Ill bet you thought that the Senate would be held by the Demoncraps :laugh2:

11-12-2014, 05:56 PM
Actually, I knew they would lose. And expressed that feeling here.

Ted Cruz has about as much chance of winning the GOP nomination as Rick Perry. Because voters in the other 49 states are not as crazy as those in Texas are.

11-12-2014, 06:00 PM
Yes, who knows.....we may be able to clone a WASHINGTON by 2016. Seriously though, a WEST is such a person but there are probably 1,000's of folks out there who is Washington or Reagan-like but refuse to run.

I would love to see West become THE candidate. But, based on how the Liberals treated Condi Rice, and any other Black American who dared to admit they were conservative like Carson. Most of ignorant, uninformed, liberal leaning Americans who can't tie their shoes, would just call West another Uncle Tom. Or, the GOP's answer to OBAMA THE LIAR.

11-12-2014, 06:55 PM
*Ted Cruz would be my first choice....The Left hates him..and they love to say "he would be a terrible choice"...Like they know what is good for AMERICA....there is no screwing around with this guy...no "meet half way" crap......Leftists...racists and Muslims fear this guy....which is a good thing....there is so much cleaning up to do....he can do it....

​*This is my opinion.....and I feel its a good one...

red state
11-12-2014, 08:21 PM
*Ted Cruz would be my first choice....The Left hates him..and they love to say "he would be a terrible choice"...Like they know what is good for AMERICA....there is no screwing around with this guy...no "meet half way" crap......Leftists...racists and Muslims fear this guy....which is a good thing....there is so much cleaning up to do....he can do it....
​*This is my opinion.....and I feel its a good one...

True that.......you can't go wrong with doing the OPPOSITE of the left!!!

red state
11-12-2014, 08:26 PM
I would love to see West become THE candidate. But, based on how the Liberals treated Condi Rice, and any other Black American who dared to admit they were conservative like Carson. Most of ignorant, uninformed, liberal leaning Americans who can't tie their shoes, would just call West another Uncle Tom. Or, the GOP's answer to OBAMA THE LIAR.

West would/could care less about all that stuff and I doubt he has anything to be ashamed of (unlike CAIN). Still, that holding a gun to the head of a muSLUM scum to save his men's lives would be the top "history" that the left would use in attacking this patriot. Only thing is: MOST Americans would applaud him for that (and have). I know I am glad he had the balls to ruin his military career when his men's live's were on the line. That is EXACTLY the guy we need......not someone who neutered our nuke program, NASA and brings in diseases via border invaders & other filth. And I heard that B.O. had our troops emptying bed pans over in Africa.....I doubt West would have that going on. WOW! Yeah, give me WEST any day but he's not running and Cruz is the best option we have (IF THE REPUBLICANS WILL ALLOW HIM TO BE OUR GUY). Not a fan of Condi's stand on many issues.....

11-12-2014, 08:56 PM
Personally. I do not believe any of us have any idea WHO we will vote for in 2016.

The World is changing too quickly, and life is too unpredictable to say anything so soon.

Nobody knows. Maybe the person who will become our next president hasn't been discovered yet?


11-12-2014, 09:47 PM
As of this time, Marco Rubio is the only Republican candidate who stands a chance of gaining the White House.

Ted Cruz? :laugh2:

I said that with Obama, laughed my ass off...and look what all you goofs went and did in he Democrat party. Put him in and lost Yourselves the HOUSE and then he Senate. so who got the last laugh?

teeeheeee gabs:laugh:

red state
11-14-2014, 09:01 AM
Allen West

Ted Cruz

Trey Gowdy (forgot about Trey.....don't know why) Perhaps that is the problem with him in that he is "forgettable".

Ben Carson

This is a short list but the REAL list is way too long with WAY too many 'pretenders' and proven losers. Of course, I haven't had my coffee yet but these guys are the ones on my hope list. They have proven to be men of backbone and integrity........and seemingly very conservative. I realize that too many folks say: "he or she is TOO conservative and therefore unelectable." but to that, I say: "YOU R STUPID....we just elected a guy TWICE that was OBVIOUSLY too liberal!" I'm sick of the lies and we should vote our conscience (IF) our leaders don't give us the same-ole, same-ole that have lost us TWO presidential elections and WILL lose our next one (IF) they don't get someone WORTHY of the position to run.

11-14-2014, 12:17 PM
Interesting. I'm not here for a day and you're still a hypocritical trolling idiot.

- An evasive response. It does NOT amount to any clear denial of my thinking, now, does it ?

... oh, well. I'm well aware that I cannot expect a straight reply. A pity.

11-14-2014, 12:24 PM
I said that with Obama, laughed my ass off...and look what all you goofs went and did in he Democrat party. Put him in and lost Yourselves the HOUSE and then he Senate. so who got the last laugh?

teeeheeee gabs:laugh:

I'm not laughing with downward pressure on wages, higher electric costs, $20K for a health insurance policy, individual mandate, terrorists organizations in control in the Middle East, importing illegal aliens as illegal voters, creating government budget problems and housing shortages. I'm not laughing. Lefties despise this country and smile when its citizens suffer.

11-14-2014, 01:53 PM
- An evasive response. It does NOT amount to any clear denial of my thinking, now, does it ?

... oh, well. I'm well aware that I cannot expect a straight reply. A pity.

Idiots like you ask stupid questions based on your imagination. What, pray tell, would any new information have on my position? His union position? Please link to my past comments on unions for the basis of your question.