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View Full Version : Supreme Court allows cities to forbid renting homes to illegal aliens

05-13-2014, 01:23 PM
It's about time someone noticed that illegal aliens aren't just "undocumented". That's when my son forgets to bring his homework to school. They are breaking the law. And breaking the law has consequences.



Supreme Court Allows Nebraska City’s Illegal Aliens Housing Ban to Stand

May 8, 2014
by Brian Hayes

The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to review a lawsuit challenging a Nebraska city’s ordinance that bans renting homes to illegal aliens — a decision which could open the door to similar laws in many other cities.

Attorney Kris Kobach, who defended the Fremont, NE ordinance, said the Court’s decision gives a “bright green light” for other cities within the 8th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals that want to adopt such laws. The circuit includes Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, and the Dakotas.

“Today we achieved final victory on behalf of the citizens of Fremont, Nebraska,” said Kobach. “The ordinance…to stop employing and renting to illegal aliens was approved last year. Our victory in Court is complete. The ACLU has been defeated.”

The challenge was brought by the ACLU and Mexican American Legal Defense Fund (MALDEF).

The Fremont ordinance requires renters to get a $5 permit and swear that they have legal permission to live in the United States. The high court on Monday let stand an appeals court ruling that found the ordinance doesn’t discriminate against Latinos or interfere with federal immigration laws.

The number of Hispanics — mostly here illegally — has more than tripled in Fremont in just ten years, according to 2010 data. The resulting strain on social services mirrors damaging effects of illegal immigration across the country. In California, for example over 60 hospitals have closed in the past 10 years as a result of unpaid medical bills from illegal aliens.

05-13-2014, 01:37 PM
Totally agree that we should crack down on illegal aliens, it's become a pressing issue due to the fact that South American economies are in shit right now.

Part that confuses me: "...and swear that they have legal permission to live in the US". Couldn't they just lie under oath?

05-14-2014, 10:43 AM
Totally agree that we should crack down on illegal aliens, it's become a pressing issue due to the fact that South American economies are in shit right now.

Part that confuses me: "...and swear that they have legal permission to live in the US". Couldn't they just lie under oath?

If they swear they are legal residents, and the landlord finds out later that they weren't, he can kick them out of the apartment for lying on the application.

Abbey Marie
05-14-2014, 11:48 AM
It can be expensive and difficult to remove a tenant.

05-14-2014, 12:00 PM
It can be expensive and difficult to remove a tenant.

Yep... and it's pretty much impossible unless you have a concrete reason you can point to.

Lying on the application, is such a concrete reason.

Then starts the expensive, difficult process.

Yeah Nope
05-16-2014, 04:26 PM
It's disturbing that there was even a question about this. Here's my train of thought: Knowingly providing aid and comfort to a criminal by providing them housing is a criminal act, illegals are criminals, therefore providing housing to illegals would be a criminal act.

05-16-2014, 05:41 PM
A small victory that will eventually be overturned by new statues or some other challenge in activist courts.

The problem is, neither side want's to take care of the the immigration issue. Hell, even the right is making all sorts of promises about getting amnesty done if they get control of the senate. None of this is good for the nation as a whole or the people. Kick them the F out, secure the border. Do not give any social services or government assistance at all.

People wonder why the economy is still so trashed and why the job market sucks. All they need is a basic understanding of economics and to realize a tight job market makes things better for everyone, whereas a loose market (which happens when there are too many unskilled laborers and such) does just the opposite, keeps wages low and generally screws everyone.

05-16-2014, 08:27 PM
A small victory that will eventually be overturned by new statues or some other challenge in activist courts.

The problem is, neither side want's to take care of the the immigration issue. Hell, even the right is making all sorts of promises about getting amnesty done if they get control of the senate. None of this is good for the nation as a whole or the people. Kick them the F out, secure the border. Do not give any social services or government assistance at all.

People wonder why the economy is still so trashed and why the job market sucks. All they need is a basic understanding of economics and to realize a tight job market makes things better for everyone, whereas a loose market (which happens when there are too many unskilled laborers and such) does just the opposite, keeps wages low and generally screws everyone.

Okay, so your plan is? I mean, we're talking about the forcible eviction of the population of NYC spread over the whole country. We do not have the resources, or the manpower to effect that attempt. Even if you cut assistance programs, they'd still be here, because even making $50/week is a pay upgrade compared to what they'd make in Mexico.

Whether we like it or not, some degree of amnesty is going to be a necessity in any future plans for taking care of the problem. Now, it's not the sole solution, and nor should it be an either/or. While we don't grant amnesty, we afterward have to crack down on enforcement.

Then of of course, you're looking at the point that we seriously need a way to streamline the process for getting into the country legally, as the current solution is a giant, over-costly mess that just encourages breaking in illegally.