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View Full Version : Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) calls for Constitutional Amendment to restrict Koch brothers

05-15-2014, 11:42 AM
It's been clear for a while, that Harry Reid has gone off the deep end.

What hasn't been clear, is just how deep it is.



Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

By Greg Sargent
May 15 at 9:08 am

Today, Harry Reid will go out on the Senate floor and call for a constitutional amendment to reverse recent Supreme Court decisions maximizing the influence of big money in politics. It’s a significant escalation of Reid’s war on the Koch brothers — and, more broadly, of the Dem strategy in 2014, which is in effect a strategy of running against plutocracy.

Reid’s office provided me with a transcript of his planned remarks. An excerpt:

“The Kochs’ bid for a hostile takeover of American democracy is calculated to make themselves even richer. Yet the Kochs and their Republican followers in Congress continue to assert that these hundreds of millions of dollars are free speech."

Abbey Marie
05-15-2014, 12:24 PM
How about an Amendment to restrict Harry Reid?

05-15-2014, 08:56 PM
It's been clear for a while, that Harry Reid has gone off the deep end.

What hasn't been clear, is just how deep it is.



Reid calls for constitutional amendment on campaign cash

By Greg Sargent
May 15 at 9:08 am

Today, Harry Reid will go out on the Senate floor and call for a constitutional amendment to reverse recent Supreme Court decisions maximizing the influence of big money in politics. It’s a significant escalation of Reid’s war on the Koch brothers — and, more broadly, of the Dem strategy in 2014, which is in effect a strategy of running against plutocracy.

Reid’s office provided me with a transcript of his planned remarks. An excerpt:

“The Kochs’ bid for a hostile takeover of American democracy is calculated to make themselves even richer. Yet the Kochs and their Republican followers in Congress continue to assert that these hundreds of millions of dollars are free speech."

As opposed to the hundreds of millions the Dems are rolling in?

05-15-2014, 09:20 PM
How about an Amendment to restrict Harry Reid?

How about an Amendment to impeach Harry Reid?

05-16-2014, 01:46 AM
I love the irony here: One group of guys raking in hundreds of millions of dollars from special interests is bitching about the hundreds of millions of dollars the other party is raking in from special interest groups.

05-16-2014, 01:00 PM
When it comes to the Koch brothers, the left is absolutely insane...


05-16-2014, 01:16 PM
I actually like the idea of amending the constitution to allow the government greater flexibility to set rules regarding political fundraising and advertisements. That way I might not get bored with all of the attack ads. Those who don't live in a swing state have no idea how much credibility the government, representatives, and political organizations lose due to those ads.

05-16-2014, 01:36 PM
I actually like the idea of amending the constitution to allow the government greater flexibility to set rules regarding political fundraising and advertisements. That way I might not get bored with all of the attack ads. Those who don't live in a swing state have no idea how much credibility the government, representatives, and political organizations lose due to those ads.

We could call it the "Incumbent Protection Admendment". If you want to see boring ads, look at those where there is government financing of candidates. There no accountability in the effectiveness of the ads. Without forced campaign contributions, donors must be convinced the money isn't wasted.

05-16-2014, 01:40 PM
I actually like the idea of amending the constitution to allow the government greater flexibility to set rules regarding political fundraising and advertisements.

But we already have a 1st Amendment to assure our freedom of speech.

05-16-2014, 03:16 PM
But we already have a 1st Amendment to assure our freedom of speech.

That is why it would have to be a constitutional amendment. Of course that would only be a band aid on a much larger problem.

I really hate it that we have a polite society where even in our political debates, there is no actual debating happening. That we rely on attack ads for our positions in the media and attack the messenger language in congress rather than holding actual discussions about what is needed shows the USA at its worst as far as leadership goes. And currently I can't name anyone who isn't guilty among our leadership.

05-16-2014, 03:21 PM
That is why it would have to be a constitutional amendment. Of course that would only be a band aid on a much larger problem.

I really hate it that we have a polite society where even in our political debates, there is no actual debating happening. That we rely on attack ads for our positions in the media and attack the messenger language in congress rather than holding actual discussions about what is needed shows the USA at its worst as far as leadership goes. And currently I can't name anyone who isn't guilty among our leadership.

You can blame feminism for society no longer being polite. Instead of nurturing their children, women focus on sharping their cutthroat corporate skills. Children then grow up with both parents bringing home the culture of the cutthroat corporate world.

05-16-2014, 03:25 PM
You can blame feminism for society no longer being polite. Instead of nurturing their children, women focus on sharping their cutthroat corporate skills. Children then grow up with both parents bringing home the culture of the cutthroat corporate world.

Did I really just read that? WOW. Even more amazing, someone actually believe such puerile nonsense.

05-16-2014, 04:11 PM
That is why it would have to be a constitutional amendment. Of course that would only be a band aid on a much larger problem.

I really hate it that we have a polite society where even in our political debates, there is no actual debating happening. That we rely on attack ads for our positions in the media and attack the messenger language in congress rather than holding actual discussions about what is needed shows the USA at its worst as far as leadership goes. And currently I can't name anyone who isn't guilty among our leadership.

I'm not for any amendment that limits speech. Our problems aren't due to our election process, our problems are because we apparently believe that we need Federal legislation to fix all ills. Personally I would repeal the 17th Amendment, and require state legislature appointments to the Senate, to restore the State's representation in Congress.

05-16-2014, 05:20 PM
I'm actually mildly surprised that Dirty Harry would go this route, considering the liberal billionaires Buffet, Soros and Steyer contributing heavily to liberal campaigns and causes.

Steyer pledged $100 million all by himself for democrats running in 2014... but Reid isn't mentioning anyone except the Koch Brothers.

Do you think Dirty Harry is trying to muddy the water and divert attention to the bad ol' Republicans?

05-16-2014, 05:50 PM
Do you think Dirty Harry is trying to muddy the water and divert attention to the bad ol' Republicans?

Considering the amount of hypocrisy in politics, along with the 'do as I say not as i and my people do', yeah, exactly.

05-16-2014, 07:56 PM
You can blame feminism for society no longer being polite. Instead of nurturing their children, women focus on sharping their cutthroat corporate skills. Children then grow up with both parents bringing home the culture of the cutthroat corporate world.

Um... no. The problem happened when vicious attack ads started getting people elected. Used to be that if a candidate went too hard on the attack, they actually lost votes, instead of gaining them. That no longer exists, and it really has nothing to do with feminism, as the current brand of it has been ramping since 92, when Clinton was running.

Abbey Marie
05-17-2014, 10:27 AM
You can blame feminism for society no longer being polite. Instead of nurturing their children, women focus on sharping their cutthroat corporate skills. Children then grow up with both parents bringing home the culture of the cutthroat corporate world.

There were cutthroat newspaper ads/articles even in Colonial America. Must have been due to all those feminist bonnet-wearing Colonial wives.

05-18-2014, 06:34 PM
The one, underlying problem I see taking place in politics, across the board, and no matter what party is...The Politicians depend on, and rely on Poor Education by the very same people who always vote for them.

The more effort politicians put into PRETENDING to care for our children/education, and the more money they PRETEND to spend on Education. The longer they manage to FOOL the Under-educated.

Reid is nothing but a professional politician who knows how to get attention from his PEERS...of un-educated Voters. Scare them, Lie to them, Threaten them, and PRETEND to care for them. All for a VOTE.
And we all know. As long as Reid/Obama/Pelosi, and the other Liberals can succeed in Lying to the UN-Educated, Easily Led, Gullible, Dependent Americans...they win.