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View Full Version : Barack Obama’s Net Worth Has Risen 438% Since Running for President

05-18-2014, 04:14 AM
No wonder these guys do so great relating to the average American :eek: Heck they have no idea what the average American goes through, there is no way they can making this kind of money.

According to financial disclosure reports, President Obama has an estimated net worth of $7 million dollars.
Since he was worth $1.3 million (http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2007/moneymag/0712/gallery.candidates.moneymag/5.html) in 2007, that makes the millionaire 438% more wealthy (http://allenbwest.com/2014/05/obamas-net-worth-jumps-438-since-taking-office/) than when he first ran for office.
As reported by the International Business Times (http://www.ibtimes.com/obama-first-lady-michelle-list-assets-worth-between-2m-7m-2013-records-show-1585236):

President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama listed assets worth between $2 million and $7 million for 2013, of which $1 million to $5 million were in Treasury notes, according to financial disclosure forms released Thursday.


05-18-2014, 06:19 AM
What does the president make now? 174K? He started out with a million and now has 7 million. That's some serious investing and interest. Almost like he had an...in...so to speak.

The old saying use to be if you want to be rich don't work for the govt. That doesn't seem to apply any more.

05-18-2014, 01:02 PM
Yeah, it's pretty profitable to have people throwing money at you for your favor.

I was reading the other day that the Clinton Foundation was on it's way to a billion... it was almost at the halfway mark and they were getting ready to push for more donations.


As Hollywood hotshots protest the iconic Beverly Hills Hotel over its ownership by Brunei's sultan -- and his recent full-fledged embrace of Islamic law -- it turns out the Brunei government has financial connections to another American institution: The Clinton Foundation.

The nonprofit foundation lists Brunei alongside Kuwait, Oman and Qatar as donors that gave between $1 million and $5 million through last year.

In 2008, the Clinton Foundation disclosed the names of its 205,000 donors, ending a decade of resistance to identifying the sources of its money. Some 12,000 donors gave $10 or less, while at least $46 million was received from Saudi Arabia (which also imposes strict Islamic law), Norway and other foreign governments.
The New York Times reported recently on alleged financial issues at the foundation, and said Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton were readying for a $250 million fundraising push.

05-18-2014, 01:08 PM
Hey, is anyone else having trouble with the font changing on the board lately?

I'm having a hell of a time with it. Look at my quoted areas above, they were taken from the same news article. I saved it, saw the fonts were different size so I edited, highlighted all of it, changed it to a font size of 3, saved, and it's still fucked up.

Any ideas? This has only been happening the last week or so... maybe 2 weeks.

It really got bad for me in the "66 years ago today" thread that Little Acorn started... some of my typings were so small you can hardly read them. Copying and pasting is what triggers it, and it's not uniform once it starts randomly changing font sizes.


While I'm bitching, I have to reload an edit page multiple times before the text will show. Sometimes, I'll have to reload a simple "Reply to Thread" a couple of times before the toolbar shows up and I can type. This is happening with 2 different laptops, one running XP and the other Win7, both with Chrome.

05-18-2014, 01:22 PM
Hey, is anyone else having trouble with the font changing on the board lately?

I'm having a hell of a time with it. Look at my quoted areas above, they were taken from the same news article. I saved it, saw the fonts were different size so I edited, highlighted all of it, changed it to a font size of 3, saved, and it's still fucked up.

Any ideas? This has only been happening the last week or so... maybe 2 weeks.

It really got bad for me in the "66 years ago today" thread that Little Acorn started... some of my typings were so small you can hardly read them. Copying and pasting is what triggers it, and it's not uniform once it starts randomly changing font sizes.


While I'm bitching, I have to reload an edit page multiple times before the text will show. Sometimes, I'll have to reload a simple "Reply to Thread" a couple of times before the toolbar shows up and I can type. This is happening with 2 different laptops, one running XP and the other Win7, both with Chrome.

I looked at the post in edit/advanced mode and it appears it copied over some "attributes" from the news site. The code is telling your post to use Helvetica Neue as the font. Sometimes when you are only copying text from a story, you unknowingly copy the fonts or other code (bold, italics...).

Here's what I do - I almost always have a text document open when on the board. When I copy something from a remote site, I then first paste it into this blank text file. What this does, since it's only a text file, is strip what you just copied of all of it's copied attributes. Now that it's bare of them, copy the text once again from now in the text file and then paste it into your post. It sounds worse than it is. From the moment you first copy on the other site until you paste here will only take like 5 seconds. Alternatively, sometimes copying, like a title for example, is good to leave as is. This way you get the bold and monster sized letters! :)

05-18-2014, 01:26 PM
That makes sense, thanks man! I'll do that from now on.

Any ideas as to having to load / reload multiple times before it shows up for me?

05-18-2014, 01:30 PM
That makes sense, thanks man! I'll do that from now on.

Any ideas as to having to load / reload multiple times before it shows up for me?

Ooops, I replied so quickly I didn't even read til the end! My first recommendation, if not done already, is to get rid of the temp stuff and try again. Maybe it's loading saved files that are corrupt somehow? Also, when you reload, if not doing so already - try hitting F5 instead of the refresh button. This will fully reload the page and overwrite the cache.

If reading correctly, this only happens to you when you are in a mode where the box you type into is active? (any posting mode)

05-18-2014, 01:45 PM
Ooops, I replied so quickly I didn't even read til the end! My first recommendation, if not done already, is to get rid of the temp stuff and try again. Maybe it's loading saved files that are corrupt somehow? Also, when you reload, if not doing so already - try hitting F5 instead of the refresh button. This will fully reload the page and overwrite the cache.

If reading correctly, this only happens to you when you are in a mode where the box you type into is active? (any posting mode)

Yeah, almost every time I hit "Reply to Thread" or "Reply with Quote", the box partially loads (about 90% of the time) and I have to reload where I am sitting at the partial Reply window until the toolbar loads and then it behaves normally. Submit always works, it's only when loading a Reply window.

I have a screenie, it's a .docx (microsoft office document) but the board is paranoid about me uploading it.

Tell you what, hop on FB and I'll send you the screenie over chat.

05-18-2014, 01:55 PM
Yeah, almost every time I hit "Reply to Thread" or "Reply with Quote", the box partially loads (about 90% of the time) and I have to reload where I am sitting at the partial Reply window until the toolbar loads and then it behaves normally. Submit always works, it's only when loading a Reply window.

I have a screenie, it's a .docx (microsoft office document) but the board is paranoid about me uploading it.

Tell you what, hop on FB and I'll send you the screenie over chat.

Got it...

For the hell of it, click on settings on top right of board - scroll all the way to the last category which is "Miscellaneous Options". Mine is set to "Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing". Maybe try changing that to Standard, saving, and then change it back? I'm just guessing there. Additionally, the tool bar and all of it's little clickable options, I do believe emanate from images, so perhaps also the deleting of temp files still may help?

In reality, your problem is causing you are using Chro... Just fucking with ya! :laugh2:

05-18-2014, 02:15 PM
Got it...

For the hell of it, click on settings on top right of board - scroll all the way to the last category which is "Miscellaneous Options". Mine is set to "Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing". Maybe try changing that to Standard, saving, and then change it back? I'm just guessing there. Additionally, the tool bar and all of it's little clickable options, I do believe emanate from images, so perhaps also the deleting of temp files still may help?

In reality, your problem is causing you are using Chro... Just fucking with ya! :laugh2:

I found it.

It was an extension in Chrome that Sharon added to the laptops for malware protection & removal. This extension is part of IOBit Malware Fighter v2.3 called "Advanced SystemCare Surfing Protection 1.0.0".

Loads every time now... yes, that was stupid of me to think it was the board's software fucking up, because I'm infallible when it comes to my machines!

/wavehand This is not the idiot user you are looking for.

05-18-2014, 02:19 PM
Thanks for the help, Jim!

And sorry for massively derailing your thread, Jeff.

05-18-2014, 02:22 PM
Thanks for the help, Jim!

And sorry for massively derailing your thread, Jeff.

No probs. Just glad you figured it out, because my ideas had about run their course! :beer:

05-18-2014, 08:12 PM
Damn 1%'er

05-18-2014, 08:37 PM
His net worth is equal to a Hill of Beans. He's the only one who thinks he's worth anything.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-18-2014, 09:51 PM
The bampunk already has his "foundation" set up to bring in a billion or two after he departs office.
He has already named it to, the
Fatass Wife Told Me To Make More Money Foundation! :laugh:--Tyr