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View Full Version : flight MH370: The Vanishing Act

05-18-2014, 01:06 PM
the movie

A new trailer for a movie about the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 has hit the internet just 10 weeks after the plane vanished.
Rupesh Paul Productions touted The Vanishing Act trailer at the Cannes Film Festival to look for prospective investors on Saturday.
It could be in theatres within months as filming is expected to take place over 35 days and have more than 200 actors.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2631771/MH370-mystery-hit-silver-screen-dramatic-trailer-hits-YouTube.html#ixzz325g7SE7W


seems a little premature but a buck is a buck

05-18-2014, 01:21 PM
seems a little premature but a buck is a buck

Exactly right. I've noticed that lately movies are rushed and put out on the heels of the story to capitalize on the interest by the public.

It would be nice to have the Black Box so that the story is complete before releasing a movie about it.

05-18-2014, 01:28 PM
This is wrong for a number of reasons, surely the chief one being the extent of grieving that must still be happening.

Another that comes to mind is that, as many of the bereaved felt that information was being kept from them in the days and weeks all this unfolded, there'll be those who will question how much in the film is speculation, how much is fact, and whether the speculation has a greater grounding in fact than the Malaysian authorities admitted to.

Conspiracy theories will already exist. More will be spawned as time goes on. This film will only add to it, AGAIN, increasing the suffering of the bereaved.