View Full Version : A selfie that you guys will approve of *NSFW*

05-19-2014, 10:06 PM
Most "selfies" (pictures that people take of themselves) are self-indulgent, embarrassing and not worth re-posting.
However, this one will likely find favor with most of you guys. :cool:


05-20-2014, 05:41 AM
:laugh::laugh:Works for me:laugh::laugh:

Gabs you look great :laugh: j/k

05-20-2014, 07:39 AM
I don't know whether or not to scold you for posting an inappropriate photo or to thank you for posting my dream woman!! :)

(don't yell at me, just adding a disclaimer to the title, even though I'm in love)

(oh, and not with you, I'm in love with the photo, I still hate you) :)

05-20-2014, 10:40 AM
I don't understand why it is NSFW. No excessive boobage is displayed.
It's OK to hate me. A lot of people do. Though hate is not a Christian emotion.

Abbey Marie
05-20-2014, 11:02 AM
Is that a PSA for remembering to do your breast self-exam? :laugh:

How anyone can find that desperate-looking performance "sexy' is beyond me.

05-20-2014, 11:02 AM
I don't understand why it is NSFW. No excessive boobage is displayed.

Would you be okay with having that clip playing on your computer with children around it & your boss?

That's why it's NSFW.

It's OK to hate me. A lot of people do. Though hate is not a Christian emotion.

Here's a Fun Fact : Christians are humans, not robots. Which one of your handlers at the DNC told you that garbage?

And I seriously doubt that you're an authority on the subject.

05-20-2014, 11:10 AM
I don't understand why it is NSFW. No excessive boobage is displayed.
It's OK to hate me. A lot of people do. Though hate is not a Christian emotion.

For the same reason I would place the disclaimer there if it were a guy rubbing his junk. Imagine Abbey sitting at her desk and a superior walks over. You can often get away with reading text, or even dumb pictures, but a woman rubbing her boobies for my pleasure could potentially look a little bad for Abbey, or an employee in question.

Very often I have feelings that are not guided by my faith. Generally speaking though, my misguided feelings are often in relation to someone who also did something not very Christian like. That certainly doesn't make it right, but at least I try and reserve those feelings for those deserving. Overall though, my good far outweighs the bad. I try every single day, even though I fall short very often. And I fully believe Jesus Christ gave his life for me and my salvation is through him.

Any why do a lot of people hate you? I can't possibly believe there is a single person in this world not struck with your charm, cheery sense of humor & overall friendly disposition. Besides me of course. Do you troll people in real life too? :beer:

05-20-2014, 11:15 AM
Is that a PSA for remembering to do your self breast exam? :laugh:

How anyone can find that desperate-looking performance "sexy' is beyond me.

I feel like a bum now. I agree it reeks of desperation. I'm not even so sure I would call it sexy either. It's rather childish and it's just a young gal reeling in the perverts by lowering herself to a fairly despicable level. And I loved every second of it. I think I need to go to BA, or at least invent "boobies anonymous" - for people who allow boobies to prevail over pretty much anything in this world. And admit to it. <--- that's for the other heathens who won't admit to it!

05-20-2014, 01:09 PM
Very often I have feelings that are not guided by my faith. Generally speaking though, my misguided feelings are often in relation to someone who also did something not very Christian like. That certainly doesn't make it right, but at least I try and reserve those feelings for those deserving. Overall though, my good far outweighs the bad. I try every single day, even though I fall short very often. And I fully believe Jesus Christ gave his life for me and my salvation is through him.

I totally believe this. My comment was a very general one. You have obviously done your best to live a good life and raise your son to the best of your ability.
I dislike a lot of people, but I don't hate anyone. Why do people hate me? Because their political and social views differ from mine. I can be the most wonderful and caring person on earth, but if your political views differ from mine, you will hate. It's the same thing that causes violence all over the world.
Like I have said many time, the only time I discuss politics is on this board. It is not a part of my daily life. I no longer participate in political activities. I don't watch right/left wing TV or read right/left media (though I know many of believe that any media that is not right wing is "liberal media." )

My daughter is a seventh grade student. I am guessing she has seen a lot more than that. I am guessing that Abbey has, too. :cool:

05-20-2014, 01:47 PM
I totally believe this. My comment was a very general one. You have obviously done your best to live a good life and raise your son to the best of your ability.
I dislike a lot of people, but I don't hate anyone. Why do people hate me? Because their political and social views differ from mine. I can be the most wonderful and caring person on earth, but if your political views differ from mine, you will hate. It's the same thing that causes violence all over the world.
Like I have said many time, the only time I discuss politics is on this board. It is not a part of my daily life. I no longer participate in political activities. I don't watch right/left wing TV or read right/left media (though I know many of believe that any media that is not right wing is "liberal media." )

My daughter is a seventh grade student. I am guessing she has seen a lot more than that. I am guessing that Abbey has, too. :cool:

I personally don't see it that way. While some of your beliefs may rub me the wrong way, and have me give a passionate reply - there is no anger or "hate" until you start changing it from the subject to a personal level. I would like to think we all have friend that are on the opposite end of the political spectrum, at least I know I do. Of course I try to avoid discussing politics with them, but I would never "hate" them unless they continually went over the line or did something personal to me.

Are there people who will do the same to you from the conservative side? Absolutely. Are there people who will in fact hate you simply for your political views? Absolutely If you know people who truly hate you, simply because of being a liberal, obviously you need to get away from these people. But I suspect that not all R's/Conservatives hate you simply for your views - and likely more so for how you state them, or for another reason similar to going personal with someone, unprovoked.

Either way, doesn't matter. Back to the point at hand.... What may seem safe for work to you - may get another person in hot water. Text from a crazy post is one thing but when it's an image I think it's best to take precautions, just in case.

P.S. - in re-reading this, WHY do you avoid political discussions in real life? If you see the consequences, wouldn't you alter what you could to avoid them down the road? And the same applies here, wouldn't you alter what you know gets hateful results?

P.S.S. - aren't ya glad now that you didn't simply say "no probs" when I added the disclaimer? :slap: <--- If we ever met, I would buy you a beer, wait till your hubby and daughter look the other way, then give you one on the back of the head for real. And you know you deserve it!

05-20-2014, 03:32 PM
P.S. - in re-reading this, WHY do you avoid political discussions in real life? If you see the consequences, wouldn't you alter what you could to avoid them down the road? And the same applies here, wouldn't you alter what you know gets hateful results?

P.S.S. - aren't ya glad now that you didn't simply say "no probs" when I added the disclaimer? :slap: <--- If we ever met, I would buy you a beer, wait till your hubby and daughter look the other way, then give you one on the back of the head for real. And you know you deserve it!

1 -- Political discussion doesn't enter into my daily life. Most of my work day consists of working with kids on their real life problems. Bengazi, the VA and other current hot topics have no meaning when your girlfriend/boyfriend have dumped you, or you have self esteem issues, or you think your mom/dad hates you. Most kids are focused on what effect their daily teenage lives. They have no time for current events.
My daughter believes that politics are boring. The only social issue she is interested in is the proper treatment of animals. Her current No. 1 problem is why boys her age are more interested in video games than girls.

2 -- I don't drink. And any guy who slaps me on the back of the head will be rewarded with a swift kick in the nads. :cool:

05-20-2014, 03:51 PM
Now, we get to see PORN, gabby style. Proving the California Sickies really are twisted.

Actually gabby. Your claim of working with children and their problems intentionally avoid YOUR REAL LIFE problem of ignorance gone wild.

05-20-2014, 03:55 PM
I totally believe this. My comment was a very general one. You have obviously done your best to live a good life and raise your son to the best of your ability.
I dislike a lot of people, but I don't hate anyone. Why do people hate me? Because their political and social views differ from mine. I can be the most wonderful and caring person on earth, but if your political views differ from mine, you will hate. It's the same thing that causes violence all over the world.
Like I have said many time, the only time I discuss politics is on this board. It is not a part of my daily life. I no longer participate in political activities. I don't watch right/left wing TV or read right/left media (though I know many of believe that any media that is not right wing is "liberal media." )

My daughter is a seventh grade student. I am guessing she has seen a lot more than that. I am guessing that Abbey has, too. :cool:

Actually gabby. I don't hate you either. Being disgusted with someone like you doesn't mean I need to hate you. Much like Obama. Of course, when I disagree with him...on almost everything. You would agree, that makes me a Racist. Which is fine with me. Ignorance from those who make such accusations are PRO's at Racism.

05-21-2014, 04:14 AM
Hate is a strong word, and I can honestly say I try and hate no one, Gaby you are the last person I would hate after all you are doing the same thing the rest of us are, trying to raise your daughter and make her the best adult you can and I respect that, what I get angry at is the personal attacks by you, how many times do I post a thread only to have you attack with personal insults just trying to be funny ( hell most thread I start seem to go that way) and then I see some protect you when others attack you I call BS to that, I have stood by your side on quite a few occasions only to have you turn and attack me, nope never a thank you or anything even close as I make another enemy on the board protecting you all I get is you attacking another post I made :rolleyes: But Hate no way, at one point in my life I was filled with hate but all that does is give ya heartburn :laugh: now I pray for those that think they are so clever that they can attack on a personal level because they have a serious problem if that is all one can do, seems like a hell of a life and with that said we both know you have way more going on than that so hate no not at all.

05-21-2014, 12:04 PM
I am a huge believer in humor and sarcasm. Which many some people mistake for personal attacks.
Jeff, I used to dislike you. Until, on closer examination of your posts, I found that you are not much different than me. Your humor is of a different type. I apologize that it took me a while to figure this out.
One thing people need to remember is that 95 percent of this forum is going to disagree with anything I post. Many will take great offense to my point of views. Personal attacks are made on me quite offense. None of which bother me a bit.
It's the internet. Which is a place to vent. I vent, you vent. In the end, everything said is water off a duck's back. At least to me. If you wish to take lasting umbrage, it doesn't matter to me.
Why should I attack anyone when I can resort to humor and sarcasm instead? I think everyone should take my humor in the way it is intended, which is very lightly. But if you prefer to be pissed off, so be it.

That have been said, in light of the recent run of robberies in Georgia, I hope you have hidden all your pitchforks. :p