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View Full Version : Triple Amputee Vet to Obama: You’re unfit to lead our nation

05-27-2014, 08:28 AM
What a shame !!! This young man went to war did what he was told to do and payed a terrible price, and how do we thank him, by screwing him. Yes he is having to fight for 7 grand, It seems to me you can just look at him and see he is disabled but leave it to the Yo Yo's in charge of the VA to screw things up. The VA handles a small percent of our population and they can't do that right, so what is the answer, Hell let the Government handle all of the Healthcare :eek:

The Letter to Obama is spot on, I wonder how Obama feels reading it, I am sure he couldn't care less.

No wonder Obama paid a 'surprise' visit to Afghanistan this Memorial Day. Rolling Thunder and Operation American Spring are in DC plus, he isn't 'feeling the love' from American Veterans. Senior Airman Brian Koflage pulls no punches about the treatment that he has received at the hand of the VA or that he is holding Obama responsible for the mess.
The triple amputee placed a Memorial Day message to him on his FaceBook page and calls out the Obama Administration for the debacle that he, personally, is suffering through at the hands of the inept Veterans Administration. Kolfage sacrificed three limbs in war, yet a clerical error has him fighting for $7,000.00 in benefits.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-27-2014, 12:27 PM
What a shame !!! This young man went to war did what he was told to do and payed a terrible price, and how do we thank him, by screwing him. Yes he is having to fight for 7 grand, It seems to me you can just look at him and see he is disabled but leave it to the Yo Yo's in charge of the VA to screw things up. The VA handles a small percent of our population and they can't do that right, so what is the answer, Hell let the Government handle all of the Healthcare :eek:

The Letter to Obama is spot on, I wonder how Obama feels reading it, I am sure he couldn't care less.


This is the type of care they plan for all we patriotic and decent people.
A new given with every flush!!! -Tyr

05-27-2014, 01:58 PM
What a shame !!! This young man went to war did what he was told to do and payed a terrible price, and how do we thank him, by screwing him. Yes he is having to fight for 7 grand, It seems to me you can just look at him and see he is disabled but leave it to the Yo Yo's in charge of the VA to screw things up. The VA handles a small percent of our population and they can't do that right, so what is the answer, Hell let the Government handle all of the Healthcare :eek:

The Letter to Obama is spot on, I wonder how Obama feels reading it, I am sure he couldn't care less.


Jeff. Based on Obama's past record of not being AWARE of anything until he reads it in the newspaper, or hears it on TV. It sounds like Obama would never read that letter. His protectors, and screener's would have to intentionally PREVENT The O guy from access to such a letter. AND...we must not forget. Before Obama has a chance to make any statement about the DANGEROUS, HOME-GROWN TERRORIST who wrote it. The administration would need to make it HIGHLY CLASSIFIED...to prevent the letter from falling into the wrong hands.
And..anyone who has a copy of it. WILL BE DECLARED Felon's if they have it in their possession since IN THE OBAMA ADMIN. the unauthorized possession of CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS could get someone thrown in JAIL by the Imposter known as HOLDER.

It's a vicious circle of HYPOCRISY this letter further exposes. And OBAMA hates being told

05-27-2014, 02:28 PM
Jeff. Based on Obama's past record of not being AWARE of anything until he reads it in the newspaper, or hears it on TV. It sounds like Obama would never read that letter. His protectors, and screener's would have to intentionally PREVENT The O guy from access to such a letter. AND...we must not forget. Before Obama has a chance to make any statement about the DANGEROUS, HOME-GROWN TERRORIST who wrote it. The administration would need to make it HIGHLY CLASSIFIED...to prevent the letter from falling into the wrong hands.
And..anyone who has a copy of it. WILL BE DECLARED Felon's if they have it in their possession since IN THE OBAMA ADMIN. the unauthorized possession of CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS could get someone thrown in JAIL by the Imposter known as HOLDER.

It's a vicious circle of HYPOCRISY this letter further exposes. And OBAMA hates being told
I keep wondering what is worse that he is willfully ignorant of his own administration or that he is so incompetent that he cant "manage his own administration?!!?!?