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View Full Version : Al Sharpton Versus The Teleprompter

05-29-2014, 08:24 AM
This man is an idiot, obviously on various levels

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/VD6MTlT2Ye8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

05-29-2014, 08:58 AM
The stupidest man to ever be on television.

05-29-2014, 03:24 PM
The stupidest man to ever be on television.

Two words: Alan Grayson.

05-29-2014, 03:42 PM
​AL'S (NOTSO)SHARPTON! Dullest knife in the butter dish!

05-29-2014, 04:21 PM
Retarded Yard Ape, and yes that is exactly what he is I didn't type this by mistake or in anger, given the things he has done, the people he has hurt he is at best a sub Human Mongrel ( thanks Ted :laugh: )

05-29-2014, 06:09 PM
Retarded Yard Ape, and yes that is exactly what he is...

I am in no way a Sharpton fan (he is an idiot), but I wouldn't use that kind of language. If a dumb hillbilly does dumb things, can we refer to them as "retarded yard apes" as well. "Retarded" is a poor choice of words and should never be used. Would you want it to describe any of your kids, or those of family members?

I don't know what all the fuss is about teleprompters, anyway. Every president has used one. Dubya had a phonetic teleprompter to help with his problem of mangling words.

05-29-2014, 06:10 PM
I am in no way a Sharpton fan (he is an idiot), but I wouldn't use that kind of language. If a dumb hillbilly does dumb things, can we refer to them as "retarded yard apes" as well. "Retarded" is a poor choice of words and should never be used. Would you want it to describe any of your kids, or those of family members?

I don't know what all the fuss is about teleprompters, anyway. Every president has used one. Dubya had a phonetic teleprompter to help with his problem of mangling words.

GABBY. We are just trying to be Liberally Tolerant when talking about your Brother.

05-29-2014, 06:16 PM
GABBY. We are just trying to be Liberally Tolerant when talking about your Brother.

Al Sharpton's mental faculties are much closer to your level than mine.

05-29-2014, 06:19 PM
Al Sharpton's mental faculties are much closer to your level than mine.

At least AL and I have such things.

05-30-2014, 07:11 AM
I am in no way a Sharpton fan (he is an idiot), but I wouldn't use that kind of language. If a dumb hillbilly does dumb things, can we refer to them as "retarded yard apes" as well. "Retarded" is a poor choice of words and should never be used. Would you want it to describe any of your kids, or those of family members?

I don't know what all the fuss is about teleprompters, anyway. Every president has used one. Dubya had a phonetic teleprompter to help with his problem of mangling words.

Gaby quite honestly I couldn't give a rats ass what you think !! Hell you post on here knocking Hillbillies everyday but than get upset over the word retarded :rolleyes: how funny, all the Bull shit I have taken from you in the past and this board allows you to keep posting, hell for quite sometime I quit posting because every time I did I had to hear some Bull shit about the south, AS for my kids how fucking dare you even mention them, see I don't make post talking about this is from my kid and then explain how I won't let them type themselves just so I can put my spin on things. There has been a lot of talk as of late to why the board is slow and it seems like most missed the big picture , when people post and know all they are going to get is some idiot from the land of fruits and nuts taken swipes at them personally that is what drives people away ( as I said I quit posting all together ) Yes and then you will go private and talk to Jim and make all cute, lets get the story straight here , Jim knows you are a fucking idiot but he lives by his rules and you just keep flying in just under the rules of being banned.You have attacked me with uneducated . stupid , dumb and the list goes on, well lets get one thing straight I am not stupid enough to post things and really believe people are going to believe it is my kid :laugh: yes a 7th grade liberal ( what a deal ) now lets set the record straight, if your beautiful little girl has these feelings I am all for it ( no matter her beliefs at this point she is a child ) so please don't think I am trying to put her down at all, in fact, truth ( something you know little about ) be told I bet she is one great kid and I wish her nothing but the best !! As for her mother I have called BS on your lies from day one, yes you work at a school ( I do believe this but I don't believe it is anymore than a kitchen employee ) you have knocked my home many times ( you aren't smart enough to realize a home is a mans castle no matter what you think ) and as I have told you before I own 4 acres of land and can build 10 of your houses on my land if I wish, see the building you live in means nothing to me ( you can always build ) but God has made all the land he is going to make, given that fact and the fact that you live in the LA area tells me all I need to know to judge who has great riches.

I could carry this on forever but lets make it short and sweet, if you don't like what I post don't respond !!! And start doing your homework, you putting people down on a personal level daily about education where they live and so on is how much better than using the word retard about a racist piece of shit ? As for you questioning the use of teleprompters that alone tells all , the fucking article wasn't about his use of one but rather how even with one he is fucking up the American language.

On another note I know you have one ( a great poster ) that is on your side, I wish she would go back and look at how many times I have defended you only to have you spit in my face, once that one person realizes that then it will be all aboard, every member here will know what a asshole you really are, so have fun posting with all your friends ( life must be great to come back daily to a place where everyone knows you are a fucking idiot )

To all members please forgive my language I try not to speak like this at all now a days but I am tired of having a Twit from Cali attacking everything I post and it has reached a point where I just don't give a fuck !!!

05-30-2014, 07:49 AM
I am in no way a Sharpton fan (he is an idiot), but I wouldn't use that kind of language. If a dumb hillbilly does dumb things, can we refer to them as "retarded yard apes" as well. "Retarded" is a poor choice of words and should never be used. Would you want it to describe any of your kids, or those of family members?

I don't know what all the fuss is about teleprompters, anyway. Every president has used one. Dubya had a phonetic teleprompter to help with his problem of mangling words.

Oh please, here we go with not being able to use the retard word. I don't see a single person saying "Stop calling one another assholes" or dickhead, or jerk off... or any other LONG list of names people use to insult one another, even sometimes playfully. But watch out for the "R" word. Sometimes my wife will watch what I consider to be an awful and old recorded program. At the end, I will tell her "that was retarded". Oh no, I committed a sin! Bullshit, it's a fucking word.

Only a fucking retard would continually bring up Bush, in every other thread, none of which have anything to do with him. It shows that you literally cannot keep up with such conversations and cannot find reasoning to stand by your comments, and therefore must resort back to antiquated parrot points about Bush.

Maybe NT needs to bring backs his list of awesome hits you have made over the years, to highlight the words of the woman who now thinks it's wrong of us to use the word "retard". So please, save it and don't pretend for a teeny tiny second that you are in any way, shape or form, better than a single person here.

05-30-2014, 08:01 AM
I am in no way a Sharpton fan (he is an idiot), but I wouldn't use that kind of language. If a dumb hillbilly does dumb things, can we refer to them as "retarded yard apes" as well. "Retarded" is a poor choice of words and should never be used. Would you want it to describe any of your kids, or those of family members?

I don't know what all the fuss is about teleprompters, anyway. Every president has used one. Dubya had a phonetic teleprompter to help with his problem of mangling words.

You calling people stupid uneducated and so on is different exactly how ?

Read the definition below and tell me that the word wasn't used correctly, I will make it easy for you and highlight in red

Intellectual disability (ID) or general learning disability is a generalized disorder appearing before adulthood, characterized by significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adaptive_behavior). Intellectual disability is also known as mental retardation (MR), although this older term is being used less frequently.[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intellectual_disability#cite_note-HARKIN.2C_Committee_on_Health.2C_Education.2C_Labo r.2C_and_Pensions-1)[2] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intellectual_disability#cite_note-Ansberry-2) It was historically defined as an intelligence quotient (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence_quotient) score under 70 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IQ_classification#Classification_of_low-IQ_individuals). Once focused almost entirely on cognition (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognition), the definition now includes both a component relating to mental functioning and one relating to individuals' functional skills in their environments. As a result, a person with an unusually low IQ may not be considered intellectually disabled. Intellectual disability is subdivided into syndromic intellectual disability, in which intellectual deficits associated with other medical and behavioral signs and symptoms (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signs_and_symptoms) are present, and non-syndromic intellectual disability, in which intellectual deficits appear without other abnormalities.

And someone that can't read off of a teleprompter is what ?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-30-2014, 08:23 AM
Gaby quite honestly I couldn't give a rats ass what you think !! Hell you post on here knocking Hillbillies everyday but than get upset over the word retarded :rolleyes: how funny, all the Bull shit I have taken from you in the past and this board allows you to keep posting, hell for quite sometime I quit posting because every time I did I had to hear some Bull shit about the south, AS for my kids how fucking dare you even mention them, see I don't make post talking about this is from my kid and then explain how I won't let them type themselves just so I can put my spin on things. There has been a lot of talk as of late to why the board is slow and it seems like most missed the big picture , when people post and know all they are going to get is some idiot from the land of fruits and nuts taken swipes at them personally that is what drives people away ( as I said I quit posting all together ) Yes and then you will go private and talk to Jim and make all cute, lets get the story straight here , Jim knows you are a fucking idiot but he lives by his rules and you just keep flying in just under the rules of being banned.You have attacked me with uneducated . stupid , dumb and the list goes on, well lets get one thing straight I am not stupid enough to post things and really believe people are going to believe it is my kid :laugh: yes a 7th grade liberal ( what a deal ) now lets set the record straight, if your beautiful little girl has these feelings I am all for it ( no matter her beliefs at this point she is a child ) so please don't think I am trying to put her down at all, in fact, truth ( something you know little about ) be told I bet she is one great kid and I wish her nothing but the best !! As for her mother I have called BS on your lies from day one, yes you work at a school ( I do believe this but I don't believe it is anymore than a kitchen employee ) you have knocked my home many times ( you aren't smart enough to realize a home is a mans castle no matter what you think ) and as I have told you before I own 4 acres of land and can build 10 of your houses on my land if I wish, see the building you live in means nothing to me ( you can always build ) but God has made all the land he is going to make, given that fact and the fact that you live in the LA area tells me all I need to know to judge who has great riches.

I could carry this on forever but lets make it short and sweet, if you don't like what I post don't respond !!! And start doing your homework, you putting people down on a personal level daily about education where they live and so on is how much better than using the word retard about a racist piece of shit ? As for you questioning the use of teleprompters that alone tells all , the fucking article wasn't about his use of one but rather how even with one he is fucking up the American language.

On another note I know you have one ( a great poster ) that is on your side, I wish she would go back and look at how many times I have defended you only to have you spit in my face, once that one person realizes that then it will be all aboard, every member here will know what a asshole you really are, so have fun posting with all your friends ( life must be great to come back daily to a place where everyone knows you are a fucking idiot )

To all members please forgive my language I try not to speak like this at all now a days but I am tired of having a Twit from Cali attacking everything I post and it has reached a point where I just don't give a fuck !!!

Jeff, please stop beating around the bush. Next time tell us how you really feel. :laugh:-Tyr

My old boss back in the 70's used to say this about land.
"Son, when you get ready to settle down, go buy yourself a niece piece of land. God ain't making anymore of it and owning it will give you a proper perspective on a great many things in life!!
Later , after marriage I did as he (decorated Korean war vet) suggested and bought land. My misfortune was I lost it in a bitter divorce, the kind where to judge decides to be "extra generous" to the female because of her family's influence.

As to insults delivered about "hillbillies" or Southerners in general, Hollywood stereotypes are just that but a great many are not smart enough to understand or know we have many, many brilliant people born and raised here in the South. Writers , artists, musicians, inventors, engineers, famous military leaders , etc..

When I read such a put down I just smile at how it is very likely the accuser is massively ignorant of the truth and just going on a biased and bad image falsely keep alive by liberals, elitists, dems and other assorted vermin. And done so to prop up their arrogance and dumbass, mistaken feelings of superiority!

Nothing as ridiculous as snobs thinking that their shat don't stink.
My grandfather just called such people "raving idiots" that were too stupid to get in out of a damn pouring rain. :laugh:-Tyr

05-30-2014, 01:05 PM
Oh please, here we go with not being able to use the retard word. I don't see a single person saying "Stop calling one another assholes" or dickhead, or jerk off... or any other LONG list of names people use to insult one another, even sometimes playfully. But watch out for the "R" word. Sometimes my wife will watch what I consider to be an awful and old recorded program. At the end, I will tell her "that was retarded". Oh no, I committed a sin! Bullshit, it's a fucking word.

Only a fucking retard would continually bring up Bush, in every other thread, none of which have anything to do with him. It shows that you literally cannot keep up with such conversations and cannot find reasoning to stand by your comments, and therefore must resort back to antiquated parrot points about Bush.

Maybe NT needs to bring backs his list of awesome hits you have made over the years, to highlight the words of the woman who now thinks it's wrong of us to use the word "retard". So please, save it and don't pretend for a teeny tiny second that you are in any way, shape or form, better than a single person here.

Thanks Jim. Just a little jab of my own here if I may. But talking to gabby, based on her use of SELF-DESCRIPTIVE words (R) is...IMO...A terrible insult to anyone gabby calls a retard. The SELF INCRIMINATION wins!