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06-19-2007, 04:34 PM

Deadbeat Dad--II
Our April 6, 2004, column included this rather appalling item:

In 1972, when Kenneth Caldwell was just a baby, his father, Leon, walked out on the family, leaving mom Elsie Caldwell to raise Kenneth and his brother on her own. . . . Leon Caldwell saw Kenneth only two more times before Sept. 11, 2001, when Kenneth Caldwell, 30, died at the World Trade Center, where he worked on the 102nd floor of the north tower.

Then Leon Caldwell reappeared on the scene. Mrs. Caldwell, as Kenneth's next of kin, had applied for a $50,000 workmen's compensation death benefit, and Mr. Caldwell wanted to cash in on his son's murder. Last week, New York's Daily News reports, a state appeals court in Albany ruled "that Leon Caldwell met the legal definition of a parent and could collect half the death benefit," though he won't get to keep most of the money: "The court ruled he must pay his ex-wife $20,000 --the amount he owes her in delinquent support payments."

This might or might not have been the correct decision, legally speaking. But Mrs. Caldwell is surely right when she calls Mr. Caldwell's money-grubbing "despicable." Leon and Elsie Caldwell were married when Kenneth was born, but that doesn't mean the father isn't a bastard.

It seems Leon Caldwell wasn't satisfied with 25 grand less child-support arrears. Today's Daily News reports that he is seeking to collect a cool $1.45 million--"half of the $2.9 million awarded by the Victim Compensation Fund." We've obtained a copy of the brief Mrs. Caldwell filed against her ex-husband (it's a long PDF), and it sounds as though he'll have a harder time collecting this time--in part because of his previous success. The brief notes that in the proceedings dealing with the workman's comp benefit, Mr. Caldwell did not dispute the assertion that he had abandoned his son; and it argues that he cannot do so now that that issue has been litigated.

Of course, there are two sides to this case, and we'll be happy to post Mr. Caldwell's brief in response if his lawyer would be so kind as to send it along. The Daily News, however, reports that Caldwell "did not return calls for comment."

* Mrs. Caldwell's brief in the estate case puts this figure at $12,460.

06-19-2007, 04:39 PM
Hurts my heart to see millions of dollars paid to the families of those who died, as soldiers' families get $100k-250k. :-/

06-19-2007, 04:42 PM

That piece of shit needs to be killed!

Hugh Lincoln
06-19-2007, 08:01 PM
Statistics show that Leon Caldwell is not out of step with other black fathers in abandoning his son. In my experience, he is also not out of step in making an outrageous demand for money.

06-19-2007, 08:06 PM
Statistics show that Leon Caldwell is not out of step with other black fathers in abandoning his son. In my experience, he is also not out of step in making an outrageous demand for money.
If white, would it be different?

Hugh Lincoln
06-19-2007, 08:13 PM
If white, would it be different?

There does seem to be a pattern whereby all races file outrageous lawsuits. Go figure.

06-19-2007, 08:16 PM
There does seem to be a pattern whereby all races file outrageous lawsuits. Go figure.

There does seem to be a pattern of fathers that are able to provide for their children trying to avoid. Then when the children by whatever circumstances provide for the fathers, the fathers try to take advantage.

06-19-2007, 08:30 PM
Statistics show that Leon Caldwell is not out of step with other black fathers in abandoning his son. In my experience, he is also not out of step in making an outrageous demand for money.

There we go with the racist comments again.

06-21-2007, 12:22 AM
As soon as I read this:

Bastard Is Too Nice A Word For This Slimebag

I thought about you.

Pale Rider
06-21-2007, 02:03 AM
Statistics show that Leon Caldwell is not out of step with other black fathers in abandoning his son. In my experience, he is also not out of step in making an outrageous demand for money.

There we go with the racist comments again.
As I read the article, I was saying to myself in my mind, "I bet this asswad is black." Does that make me a racist? No. However, it does show that I'm fully aware that what this person is doing sounds much more like the actions of a black man because of what black men are known for, and in this case, it's mainly the fact that more black children are born out of wedlock and then deserted by their fathers than any other race. Blacks are also known for looking for the easy cash by selling drugs, pimpin', stealing, gang banging, be a gangsta rappa, quotas, welfare, REPARATIONS, Affirmative Action, etc., etc. Blacks have earned that reputation, and it's no ones fault but their own, and it doesn't make you a racist to point out the facts.

06-21-2007, 02:10 AM
Yes, you are certainly a racist, pr.

As I read the article, I was saying to myself in my mind, "I bet this asswad is black." Does that make me a racist? No. However, it does show that I'm fully aware that what this person is doing sounds much more like the actions of a black man because of what black men are known for, and in this case, it's mainly the fact that more black children are born out of wedlock and then deserted by their fathers than any other race. Blacks are also known for looking for the easy cash by selling drugs, pimpin', stealing, gang banging, be a gangsta rappa, quotas, welfare, REPARATIONS, Affirmative Action, etc., etc. Blacks have earned that reputation, and it's no ones fault but their own, and it doesn't make you a racist to point out the facts.

But, you are at least as insignificant in many other venues as well. Dig it?

06-21-2007, 02:22 AM
There does seem to be a pattern whereby all races file outrageous lawsuits. Go figure.

and that brings to mind the pants in DC. Man.

Pale Rider
06-21-2007, 02:29 AM
Yes, you are certainly a racist, pr.
You can call me a racist, but that does not make me racist. You are however, one of the boards biggest name calling liberals. You can't prove a damn thing, but you sure as hell can call the names. Your lack of substance is for all to see.

But, you are at least as insignificant in many other venues as well. Dig it?
What you think of me or what you call me is at least as insignificant as a pimple on a flies ass, Dig that.

06-21-2007, 04:10 AM
I didn't "call" you a racist, pr. I said that you are a racist and there is a difference.

You can call me a racist, but that does not make me racist. You are however, one of the boards biggest name calling liberals. You can't prove a damn thing, but you sure as hell can call the names. Your lack of substance is for all to see.

What you think of me or what you call me is at least as insignificant as a pimple on a flies ass, Dig that.

I went for 3 years on the other board and at least a few months on this one without calling anyone names, pr, and you know it. I have been called many names and accused of ungodly actions and I have ignored it and you know that as well.

But, I decided that what is good for the goose is also good for the gander and I call names now as I deem appropriate to the individual to whom I am speaking. Am I wrong? BTW, I am no liberal. I am a moderate, fiscally conservative and socially libertarian Democrat.

Pale Rider
06-21-2007, 04:16 AM
I didn't "call" you a racist, pr. I said that you are a racist and there is a difference.
Psychobabble from Psychoblues. Your above statement is almost incomprehensible man. It isn't even spin or symantics. It's just pure hog wash.

I won't even spend any time defending the ACCUSATION from you that I'm a racist. I know I'm not, and you have nothing to prove otherwise. You just throw that crap out there and see if it sticks. Well son... it didn't. I'm fully aware of all you liberals tactics, and I'm not biting.

06-21-2007, 04:24 AM
This is all I needed to determine your racism, pr. I have other statements from you as well but this one is indicative and proof enough.

As I read the article, I was saying to myself in my mind, "I bet this asswad is black." Does that make me a racist? No. However, it does show that I'm fully aware that what this person is doing sounds much more like the actions of a black man because of what black men are known for, and in this case, it's mainly the fact that more black children are born out of wedlock and then deserted by their fathers than any other race. Blacks are also known for looking for the easy cash by selling drugs, pimpin', stealing, gang banging, be a gangsta rappa, quotas, welfare, REPARATIONS, Affirmative Action, etc., etc. Blacks have earned that reputation, and it's no ones fault but their own, and it doesn't make you a racist to point out the facts.

You don't have a clue as to how you come off in your senseless screeds outside your support group, do you?

Pale Rider
06-21-2007, 04:25 AM
This is all I needed to determine your racism, pr. I have other statements from you as well but this one is indicative and proof enough.

So I purport facts about blacks, and that somehow makes me a racist? You're cracked pb. You are flat out fucked in the head.

06-21-2007, 04:45 AM
Somehow your facts and the facts of life don't give, pr.

So I purport facts about blacks, and that somehow makes me a racist? You're cracked pb. You are flat out fucked in head.

You're a sorryass racist, pr. I can't help you with that affliction. You'll have to make up your own mind about it.

06-21-2007, 07:24 AM
I went for 3 years on the other board and at least a few months on this one without calling anyone names, pr, and you know it. I have been called many names and accused of ungodly actions and I have ignored it and you know that as well.

Nonsense. The only time you dont call people names is when you dont post. its been like that since you started posting.

06-21-2007, 08:45 AM
This is all I needed to determine your racism, pr. I have other statements from you as well but this one is indicative and proof enough.

No, thats sterotyping, not racism. Most people equate sterotyping with racism, as if they are one and the same, and they are not. Racism is believing one's race to be superior to other races, and involves discrimination. Stereotyping is making generalizations and catagorizing people based on common perceptions. Does it make one a racist if you assume a hispanic person likes mexican food?

Hugh Lincoln
06-21-2007, 11:29 AM
and that brings to mind the pants in DC. Man.

Only, he was black, too. But racist that I am, I am not restricting crazy lawsuits to blacks and Hispanics. Whites are in on this game, too. But there certainly could be a pattern... defending cases in a big city, I almost never had a white plaintiff. It was always "Rosa Lopez" and her bogus injury suit.

Psychoblues, I think you need to ask yourself whether "unflattering facts about blacks" = racism. "Racism" as understood just means "a nasty mean person who dislikes blacks, etc." OK, well, what if that's justified? What if there are definite patterns to be observed? In other words, how can REALITY be "racist"?

07-03-2007, 11:35 PM
Sorry folks, the statements by pr indicate beyond any shadow of a doubt that he is indeed a racist. No generalization here, 'lil ones. Just a factual statement of fact.