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View Full Version : Taliban trade U.S. Soldier for 5 in Gitmo

05-31-2014, 11:59 AM
I was unaware that they had an American POW. Hopefully we already waterboarded all the intel out of the 5 being released from Gitmo.

A US soldier who has been held by the Taliban in Afghanistan for nearly five years has been freed in deal that includes the release of five Afghan detainees, US officials say.

US Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, 28, was handed over to US forces in good health, the officials said.
The five Afghan detainees have been released from the US prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
They were handed over to Qatar, which mediated the transfer.
Sgt Bergdahl was the only US soldier being held by the Taliban in Afghanistan.


05-31-2014, 12:20 PM
I was unaware that they had an American POW. Hopefully we already waterboarded all the intel out of the 5 being released from Gitmo.


I'm glad that the US serviceman was freed. Rather less 'glad' that the Taliban have gained from it, though.

It's 'interesting', isn't it. There are those on the Left who'll carp on about how unjust the very fact of the detention centre in Gitmo is. That those incarcerated are unfairly kept there, that unless they're tried in a court of law, they must be presumed 'innocent'.

Yes, well, in that case, the Taliban have acted purely out of humanitarian motives, because they're such 'great people' .. eh ???

So, come on ! Isn't there one Leftie out there who'll applaud what the Taliban have accomplished in freeing those Afghanis ??

05-31-2014, 12:50 PM
Great news for him, and his family. Otherwise. NOT GOOD AT ALL.


So, the next American in uniform, or American tourist who looks like a great target overseas becomes the NEXT bargaining chip to get more MURDERERS out of GITMO?

It's not gonna stop here, today.

Just watch. Seems like somebody in Washington has forgotten "Remember History, or you are doomed to REPEAT IT!"

Anyone remember 444 days during the JIMMY CARTER fiasco where MANY Americans were held???

05-31-2014, 12:56 PM
Great news for him, and his family. Otherwise. NOT GOOD AT ALL.


So, the next American in uniform, or American tourist who looks like a great target overseas becomes the NEXT bargaining chip to get more MURDERERS out of GITMO?

It's not gonna stop here, today.

Just watch. Seems like somebody in Washington has forgotten "Remember History, or you are doomed to REPEAT IT!"

Anyone remember 444 days during the JIMMY CARTER fiasco where MANY Americans were held???:clap::clap::clap:

Word will get around of this being 'new proof' of weakness .. which is what the likes of the Taliban, and Al Qaeda, happily brand scenarios like this as amounting to. As you say, Aboutime, since they've successfully managed this, so they'll expect to again in the future.

I bet Obama's pleased about all this.

05-31-2014, 01:12 PM

Word will get around of this being 'new proof' of weakness .. which is what the likes of the Taliban, and Al Qaeda, happily brand scenarios like this as amounting to. As you say, Aboutime, since they've successfully managed this, so they'll expect to again in the future.

I bet Obama's pleased about all this.

Sir Drummond. I'm actually waiting for OBAMA to step up to his favorite microphone/telprompter, and take CREDIT for the man's release. Just like he did with OBL. Killed by Obama's orders.

But...what will Obama do when the next AMERICAN is taken for another ransom, or 5 more Perfectly Healthy GITMO prisoners who get better care than OUR VA provides for Veterans???

05-31-2014, 01:25 PM
Sir Drummond. I'm actually waiting for OBAMA to step up to his favorite microphone/telprompter, and take CREDIT for the man's release. Just like he did with OBL. Killed by Obama's orders.

But...what will Obama do when the next AMERICAN is taken for another ransom, or 5 more Perfectly Healthy GITMO prisoners who get better care than OUR VA provides for Veterans???

I'm sure that Obama will be happy to see this scenario played out again. And maybe more times as well.

I don't doubt that he's pleased with himself. He's probably also patting himself on the back for seeing to it that Gitmo gives such care to its inmates.

05-31-2014, 01:25 PM
Sir Drummond. I'm actually waiting for OBAMA to step up to his favorite microphone/telprompter, and take CREDIT for the man's release. Just like he did with OBL. Killed by Obama's orders.

But...what will Obama do when the next AMERICAN is taken for another ransom, or 5 more Perfectly Healthy GITMO prisoners who get better care than OUR VA provides for Veterans???

Same as he's doing now with the guy in Mexico, nothing until he can make political hay out of it.

Abbey Marie
05-31-2014, 01:46 PM
includes the release of five Afghan detainees, US officials say.

I'm sure their goats have missed them terribly. :rolleyes:

05-31-2014, 02:03 PM
I'm sure their goats have missed them terribly. :rolleyes:

05-31-2014, 03:03 PM
Great news for him, and his family. Otherwise. NOT GOOD AT ALL.


So, the next American in uniform, or American tourist who looks like a great target overseas becomes the NEXT bargaining chip to get more MURDERERS out of GITMO?

It's not gonna stop here, today.

Just watch. Seems like somebody in Washington has forgotten "Remember History, or you are doomed to REPEAT IT!"

Anyone remember 444 days during the JIMMY CARTER fiasco where MANY Americans were held???

That was before we had a terrorist in the WH.

05-31-2014, 03:13 PM
Sir Drummond. I'm actually waiting for OBAMA to step up to his favorite microphone/telprompter, and take CREDIT for the man's release. Just like he did with OBL. Killed by Obama's orders.

But...what will Obama do when the next AMERICAN is taken for another ransom, or 5 more Perfectly Healthy GITMO prisoners who get better care than OUR VA provides for Veterans???

He kind of already did, this was in the article.

In a statement (http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/05/31/statement-president-sergeant-bowe-bergdahl), President Barack Obama hailed Sgt Bergdahl's recovery as "a reminder of America's unwavering commitment to leave no man or woman in uniform behind on the battlefield''.

No that isn't him taken total credit but he is setting himself up !

05-31-2014, 03:53 PM
I was unaware that they had an American POW. Hopefully we already waterboarded all the intel out of the 5 being released from Gitmo.

Careful. If he wasn't tortured or mistreated (He was handed over in good condition), that would make the Taliban morally better than you making you less than the pond scum they are.

05-31-2014, 03:59 PM
Careful. If he wasn't tortured or mistreated (He was handed over in good condition), that would make the Taliban morally better than you making you less than the pond scum they are.

And, once again. We hear FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE accounts from the master of propaganda. Only you, jafar, are qualified to express your personal feelings...based on pond scum you deny exists when confronted with FACTS you cannot dispute. IE; Hamas, or Hezbolla. Terrorist Professionals.

05-31-2014, 04:09 PM
Careful. If he wasn't tortured or mistreated (He was handed over in good condition), that would make the Taliban morally better than you making you less than the pond scum they are.

Oh, I don't we're in any danger of being viewed as morally less - except to muslims, of course.

We , and the rest of the world, already know what they think of us by their many actions internationally against modern civilization.

And the terrorist-loving ACLU right here in America has been very vigilant about making sure the terrorists in our prisons have had all the amenities afforded them.

They've had it better than at home - with running water, showers, television, books, clean living quarters, free medical, fully equipped gymnasiums, free education, muslim food, etc.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a few of them trying to get back into jail.

05-31-2014, 04:33 PM
Careful. If he wasn't tortured or mistreated (He was handed over in good condition), that would make the Taliban morally better than you making you less than the pond scum they are.

So if America waterboards a Taliban prisoner that would make us less than pond scum? And in regards to the Taliban, who saw heads off and indiscriminately kill women and children? Sorry, some waterboarding wouldn't even put is in the same universe as these people.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-31-2014, 07:29 PM
They got taken!!!!!!!!!!
Any one of our military is worth at least a thousand of those scums and that is me being very conservative!!-Tyr

06-01-2014, 07:44 AM
Careful. If he wasn't tortured or mistreated (He was handed over in good condition), that would make the Taliban morally better than you making you less than the pond scum they are.

Slow down a bit here, it seems he may not of been treated so well, according to this article they had to hurry to get him out ( heck they couldn't even wait on Congress ) his safety and his health were both in jeopardy.

U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Sunday the military operation to free Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl from the Taliban in exchange for the release of five Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, detainees was not relayed to Congress because officials believed the soldier's life was in danger.
In his first extensive public comments about Saturday's operation, Hagel said intelligence the U.S. had gathered suggested that Bergdahl's "safety and health were both in jeopardy, and in particular his health was deteriorating."


06-01-2014, 07:53 AM
First the positives. Bringing him home is fricking awesome!!! I hope this guy gets a heroes welcome and parades galore, not to mention a few medals for what he had to endure for so long.

But I don't think people realize that this administration broke the law in doing so. They released 5 terrorists, one of which was at the very least responsible for hundreds and hundreds of deaths. Any type of release from Guantanomo is supposed to be brought to Congress within 30 days of any release. They outright avoided this and admitted they did so purposely. Now 5 guys who have killed hundreds/thousands of Shiite Muslims are on the loose. These aren't soldiers being given back as far as a "prisoner transfer" - these people are TERRORISTS.


Amid jubilation Saturday over the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl from captivity by the Taliban, senior Republicans on Capitol Hill said they were troubled by the means by which it was accomplished, which was a deal to release five Afghan detainees from the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Top Republicans on the Senate and House armed services committees went so far as to accuse President Obama of having broken the law, which requires the administration to notify Congress before any transfers from Guantanamo are carried out.

“Trading five senior Taliban leaders from detention in Guantanamo Bay for Bergdahl’s release may have consequences for the rest of our forces and all Americans. Our terrorist adversaries now have a strong incentive to capture Americans. That incentive will put our forces in Afghanistan and around the world at even greater risk,” House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P. McKeon (R-Calif.) and the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, James M. Inhofe (Okla.), said in a joint statement.

Lawmakers were not notified of the Guantanamo detainees’ transfer until after it occurred.

The law requires the defense secretary to notify relevant congressional committees at least 30 days before making any transfers of prisoners, to explain the reason and to provide assurances that those released would not be in a position to reengage in activities that could threaten the United States or its interests.

Before the current law was enacted at the end of last year, the conditions were even more stringent. However, the administration and some Democrats had pressed for them to be loosened, in part to give them more flexibility to negotiate for Bergdahl’s release.

A senior administration official, agreeing to speak on the condition of anonymity to explain the timing of the congressional notification, acknowledged that the law was not followed. When he signed the law last year, Obama issued a signing statement contending that the notification requirement was an unconstitutional infringement on his powers as commander in chief and that he therefore could override it.

“Due to a near-term opportunity to save Sergeant Bergdahl’s life, we moved as quickly as possible,” the official said. “The administration determined that given these unique and exigent circumstances, such a transfer should go forward notwithstanding the notice requirement.”

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said that the detainees transferred from Guantanamo to Qatar, where they are to stay for at least a year, “are hardened terrorists who have the blood of Americans and countless Afghans on their hands. I am eager to learn what precise steps are being taken to ensure that these vicious and violent Taliban extremists never return to the fight against the United States and our partners or engage in any activities that can threaten the prospects for peace and security in Afghanistan.”

Beyond this individual instance, some raised the larger question of whether it is sound policy for the United States to have, in the words of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), “negotiated with terrorists.”

Rogers said the action marked a “fundamental shift in U.S. policy.”


06-01-2014, 07:54 AM
Exchange of Idaho soldier Bowe Bergdahl for Taliban detainees sets off debate

WASHINGTON — An American soldier who spent nearly five years in Taliban captivity was freed Saturday in exchange for five members of the Taliban who’d been imprisoned for years at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay in an unprecedented prisoner exchange that sparked both jubilation and controversy.

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, 28, the only U.S. soldier taken captive by the enemy in 12 years of Afghanistan conflict, was turned over to a U.S. military task force in eastern Afghanistan at about 10:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, U.S. officials said. Less than four hours later, the five Taliban detainees took off from Guantanamo headed for the Persian Gulf state of Qatar, which had brokered the deal. Under the terms of their transfer, the five are to remain in Qatar for at least a year.

President Barack Obama, flanked by Bergdahl’s parents, made brief televised remarks Saturday evening thanking the foreign governments, American diplomats and U.S. military personnel who were behind the release effort.

“Sergeant Bergdahl has missed birthdays, and holidays and simple moments with family and friends which all of us take for granted,” Obama said. “But while Bowe was gone, he was never forgotten.”

Bergdahl’s parents, Jani and Bob Bergdahl, echoed the president in short, emotional remarks of their own in which they suggested that their son faced a long recovery after his years under Taliban control. Bob Bergdahl said his son was having trouble speaking English. Then, he addressed him directly in Dari, one of the languages spoken in Afghanistan. “I am your father,” he said, translating his remarks.

The deal resolves the question of whether the U.S. military would withdraw from Afghanistan without Bergdahl, who went missing from his base on June 30, 2009. But it also immediately sparked controversy.

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2014/05/31/228987/bowe-bergdahl-idaho-soldier-held.html?sp=/99/100/&ihp=1#storylink=cpy

06-01-2014, 07:55 AM
Lawmakers Question Deal Behind Soldier's Release Some on Capitol Hill Say Deal to Bring Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Home Could Raise Risks for Armed Forces

WASHINGTON—The release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl after nearly five years in Taliban captivity prompted cheers among U.S. officials Saturday, but amid the applause some on Capitol Hill are questioning the risks and legality of how his freedom was brokered.

Rep. Howard P. "Buck" McKeon (R., Calif.), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, and Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a joint statement that they, too, celebrated Sgt. Bergdahl's freedom. But the exchange of five top Taliban detainees from the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, raises risks for all Americans, they said.

"Our joy at Sergeant Bergdahl's release is tempered by the fact that President Obama chose to ignore the law, not to mention sound policy, to achieve it," they said Saturday in a written statement.

"Trading five senior Taliban leaders from detention in Guantanamo Bay for Bergdahl's release may have consequences for the rest of our forces and all Americans" by giving terrorists "a strong incentive to capture Americans."

They also said that President Barack Obama "clearly violated laws which require him to notify Congress thirty days before any transfer of terrorists from Guantanamo Bay."

Similarly, Rep. Mike Rogers (R., Mich.), chairman of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, called the move a "fundamental shift in U.S. policy" that "will threaten the lives of American soldiers for years to come."

He also said he had "little confidence" in security assurances given by Qatar, which is accepting the five Taliban officials—and "even less confidence in this Administration's willingness to ensure they are enforced."


06-01-2014, 08:05 AM
He kind of already did, this was in the article...No that isn't him taken total credit but he is setting himself up !

Presumably you think if he shouldn't credit over the trade, he shouldn't take the blame of it either, yeah?

06-01-2014, 08:07 AM
Presumably you think if he shouldn't credit over the trade, he shouldn't take the blame of it either, yeah?

He should get credit for a sitting president breaking the law.

06-01-2014, 08:11 AM
Five of the Most Dangerous Taliban Commanders in U.S. Custody Exchanged for American Captive
OK so we now know that things where done a bit crooked ( as most things this administration has done ) but now we here that the 5 Taliban soldiers were 5 of the most dangerous commanders we had in custody. Makes ya wonder what is really going on, I mean they couldn't get this soldier out for 5 years but as long as we give them 5 of the most dangerous commanders all of a sudden they will give him back, I guess we will have to wait and see what is really going on.

The Obama administration announced today that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who has been held by the Taliban for several years, has been freed from his captors. Reading the stories of his newfound freedom it is impossible not to feel joy for Bergdahl and his family. NBC News reports (http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/bowe-bergdahl-army-sergeant-held-taliban-2009-released-n119271) that Bergdahl held up a sign once he was on board an American helicopter that read, “SF?” The operators quickly confirmed that they were in fact U.S. Special Forces: “Yes, we’ve been looking for you for a long time.”

Here is where it gets good.

THE WEEKLY STANDARD has profiled these jihadists (http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/taliban-five-guantanamo_736892.html) previously on multiple occasions, and what follows below is culled from these accounts.
There are good reasons why the Taliban has long wanted the five freed from Gitmo. All five are among the Taliban’s top commanders in U.S. custody and are still revered in jihadist circles.
Two of the five have been wanted by the UN for war crimes. And because of their prowess, Joint Task Force-Guantanamo (JTF-GTMO) deemed all five of them “high” risks to the U.S. and its allies.


06-01-2014, 08:15 AM
Who are they?

Khair Ulla Said Wali Khairkhwa
Khairkhwa was an early member of the Taliban in 1994 and was interior minister during the Taliban's rule. He hails from the same tribe as Afghan President Hamid Karzai and was captured in January 2002. Khairkhwa's most prominent position was as governor of Herat province from 1999 to 2001, and he was alleged to have been "directly associated" with Osama bin Laden. According to a detainee assessment, Khairkhwa also was probably associated with al Qaeda's now-deceased leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al Zarqawi. He is described as one of the "major opium drug lords in western Afghanistan" and a "friend" of Karzai. He was arrested in Pakistan and was transferred to Guantanamo in May 2002. During questioning, Khairkhwa denied all knowledge of extremist activities.

Mullah Mohammad Fazl
Fazl commanded the main force fighting the U.S.-backed Northern Alliance in 2001, and served as chief of army staff under the Taliban regime. He has been accused of war crimes during Afghanistan's civil war in the 1990s. Fazl was detained after surrendering to Abdul Rashid Dostam, the leader of Afghanistan's Uzbek community, in November 2001. He was wanted by the United Nations in connection with the massacre of thousands of Afghan Shiites during the Taliban's rule. "When asked about the murders, he did not express any regret," according to the detainee assessment. He was alleged to have been associated with several militant Islamist groups, including al Qaeda. He was transferred into U.S. custody in December 2001 and was one of the first arrivals at Guantanamo, where he was assessed as having high intelligence value.

Mullah Norullah Noori
Noori served as governor of Balkh province in the Taliban regime and played some role in coordinating the fight against the Northern Alliance. Like Fazl, Noori was detained after surrendering to Dostam, the Uzbek leader, in 2001.Noori claimed during interrogation that "he never received any weapons or military training." According to 2008 detainee assessment, Noori "continues to deny his role, importance and level of access to Taliban officials." That same assessment characterized him as high risk and of high intelligence value.

Abdul Haq Wasiq
Wasiq was the deputy chief of the Taliban regime's intelligence service. His cousin was head of the service. An administrative review in 2007 cited a source as saying that Wasiq was also "an al Qaeda intelligence member" and had links with members of another militant Islamist group, Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin. Wasiq claimed, according to the review, that he was arrested while trying to help the United States locate senior Taliban figures. He denied any links to militant groups.

Mohammad Nabi Omari
Omari was a minor Taliban official in Khost Province. According to the first administrative review in 2004, he was a member of the Taliban and associated with both al Qaeda and another militant group Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin. He was the Taliban's chief of communications and helped al Qaeda members escape from Afghanistan to Pakistan. Omari acknowledged during hearings that he had worked for the Taliban but denied connections with militant groups. He also said that he had worked with a U.S. operative named Mark to try to track down Taliban leader Mullah Omar.


06-01-2014, 08:15 AM
Presumably you think if he shouldn't credit over the trade, he shouldn't take the blame of it either, yeah?

When has he taken the blame for anything ? Hell it will go down in history that GW was to blame for Obama's term as president, the only time this guy will take blame or credit ( hell the only time I have seen him on TV not saying it was GW's fault ) was when our Seals went in and got Bin Laden and of course our president tried to take all the credit for that. You may also want to read how the 5 we got back in return are the 5 most dangerous commanders we had in custody, seems Obama forgot to announce that.

06-01-2014, 08:19 AM
Five of the Most Dangerous Taliban Commanders in U.S. Custody Exchanged for American Captive
Yes he broke the law getting this soldier out and he gave them back the 5 most dangerous commanders we had in custody.

The Obama administration announced today that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who has been held by the Taliban for several years, has been freed from his captors. Reading the stories of his newfound freedom it is impossible not to feel joy for Bergdahl and his family. NBC News reports (http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/bowe-bergdahl-army-sergeant-held-taliban-2009-released-n119271) that Bergdahl held up a sign once he was on board an American helicopter that read, “SF?” The operators quickly confirmed that they were in fact U.S. Special Forces: “Yes, we’ve been looking for you for a long time.”

This is where it gets interesting

THE WEEKLY STANDARD has profiled these jihadists (http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/taliban-five-guantanamo_736892.html) previously on multiple occasions, and what follows below is culled from these accounts.
There are good reasons why the Taliban has long wanted the five freed from Gitmo. All five are among the Taliban’s top commanders in U.S. custody and are still revered in jihadist circles.
Two of the five have been wanted by the UN for war crimes. And because of their prowess, Joint Task Force-Guantanamo (JTF-GTMO) deemed all five of them “high” risks to the U.S. and its allies.

I have to wonder if any of these 5 turn and kill Americans again if Obama will take credit ?


06-01-2014, 10:20 AM
Taliban Leader Mullah Omar: Prisoner Swap 'Big Victory'

I bet he does feel that way.

Taliban supreme leader Mullah Mohammad Omar Sunday hailed the release of five senior insurgents in exchange for US soldier Bowe Bergdahl as a "big victory".
"I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the entire Afghan Muslim nation, all the mujahideen and to the families and relatives of the prisoners for this big victory regarding the release of five Taliban leaders from Guantanamo prison," he said in a rare statement.
"I thank the government of Qatar, especially its emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad (Al Thani), who made sincere efforts for release of these leaders and for their mediation and for hosting them," he added.


06-01-2014, 10:29 AM
This is great to see, with all the controversy over the deal made it is nice to see his home town planning a Hero's welcome.

The news Saturday of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's release from captivity spread quickly in Hailey, his hometown in southern Idaho, and residents immediately began making plans for a welcome-home celebration.
An annual event called "Bring Bowe Back" scheduled for June 28 was quickly renamed "Bowe is Back."
"It is going to be Bowe's official welcome-home party even if he's not quite home yet," organizer Stefanie O'Neill said Saturday.


06-01-2014, 11:19 AM
Careful. If he wasn't tortured or mistreated (He was handed over in good condition), that would make the Taliban morally better than you making you less than the pond scum they are.

I think, Jafar, that what we have here is proof that your 'anti-terrorist' stance is at best variable. Seems you're ready to think well of the scum when you can contrive an opportunity to do so.

Consider what the Taliban fight for - IN THE NAME OF ISLAM, BY THE WAY. Consider how they fight. What they do. Their very long list of atrocities, and their LACK of morality about all of that.

But in the face of this ... you can't wait to find a way of seeing that scum in a good light, can you, Jafar ??


06-01-2014, 11:25 AM
Obviously the Taliban have come out of this as 'winners'.

What's done is done. But what of the future ?

Who believes that this won't mean more captured US servicemen, again bartered for other terrorist releases ? Stating the painfully obvious ... this all sets a terrible precedent. One which I hope, in the time left for Obama and his stay in the White House, comes back to bite him so hard that the Democrats render themselves unelectable.

Abbey Marie
06-01-2014, 11:27 AM
The father of the exchanged American is white, but appears to speak fluent Arabic and has what looks like a Muslim-style beard. He spoke to his son via the media in Arabic, and claims it was because his son has trouble with English. I suspect there is something more to this story that will surface later.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-01-2014, 11:44 AM
First the positives. Bringing him home is fricking awesome!!! I hope this guy gets a heroes welcome and parades galore, not to mention a few medals for what he had to endure for so long.

But I don't think people realize that this administration broke the law in doing so. They released 5 terrorists, one of which was at the very least responsible for hundreds and hundreds of deaths. Any type of release from Guantanomo is supposed to be brought to Congress within 30 days of any release. They outright avoided this and admitted they did so purposely. Now 5 guys who have killed hundreds/thousands of Shiite Muslims are on the loose. These aren't soldiers being given back as far as a "prisoner transfer" - these people are TERRORISTS.


Amid jubilation Saturday over the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl from captivity by the Taliban, senior Republicans on Capitol Hill said they were troubled by the means by which it was accomplished, which was a deal to release five Afghan detainees from the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Top Republicans on the Senate and House armed services committees went so far as to accuse President Obama of having broken the law, which requires the administration to notify Congress before any transfers from Guantanamo are carried out.

“Trading five senior Taliban leaders from detention in Guantanamo Bay for Bergdahl’s release may have consequences for the rest of our forces and all Americans. Our terrorist adversaries now have a strong incentive to capture Americans. That incentive will put our forces in Afghanistan and around the world at even greater risk,” House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P. McKeon (R-Calif.) and the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, James M. Inhofe (Okla.), said in a joint statement.

Lawmakers were not notified of the Guantanamo detainees’ transfer until after it occurred.

The law requires the defense secretary to notify relevant congressional committees at least 30 days before making any transfers of prisoners, to explain the reason and to provide assurances that those released would not be in a position to reengage in activities that could threaten the United States or its interests.

Before the current law was enacted at the end of last year, the conditions were even more stringent. However, the administration and some Democrats had pressed for them to be loosened, in part to give them more flexibility to negotiate for Bergdahl’s release.

A senior administration official, agreeing to speak on the condition of anonymity to explain the timing of the congressional notification, acknowledged that the law was not followed. When he signed the law last year, Obama issued a signing statement contending that the notification requirement was an unconstitutional infringement on his powers as commander in chief and that he therefore could override it.

“Due to a near-term opportunity to save Sergeant Bergdahl’s life, we moved as quickly as possible,” the official said. “The administration determined that given these unique and exigent circumstances, such a transfer should go forward notwithstanding the notice requirement.”

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said that the detainees transferred from Guantanamo to Qatar, where they are to stay for at least a year, “are hardened terrorists who have the blood of Americans and countless Afghans on their hands. I am eager to learn what precise steps are being taken to ensure that these vicious and violent Taliban extremists never return to the fight against the United States and our partners or engage in any activities that can threaten the prospects for peace and security in Afghanistan.”

Beyond this individual instance, some raised the larger question of whether it is sound policy for the United States to have, in the words of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), “negotiated with terrorists.”

Rogers said the action marked a “fundamental shift in U.S. policy.”


Now 5 guys who have killed hundreds/thousands of Shiite Muslims are on the loose. These aren't soldiers being given back as far as a "prisoner transfer" - these people are TERRORISTS.

Obama sides primarily with the Sunni Muslims.. Giving back these top terrorist commanders was a must so that the Taliban can regain power there now that Obama gives back all that was ever fought for there.
He broke Federal law to do so but nothing new about that !!!! -Tyr

06-01-2014, 04:45 PM
Yikes, first I start hearing that this guy deserted his unit, or gave up his post, and that others have died looking to find this guy. Then I read this:


Last email to parents

On June 27, 2009, according to Rolling Stone,[19] Bowe sent a final e-mai*l to his parents: "The future is too good to waste on lies. And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong. I have seen their ideas and I am ashamed to even be american. The horror of the self-righteous arrogance that they thrive in. It is all revolting."

His email went on to describe his disillusionment in the army: "In the US army you are cut down for being honest... but if you are a conceited brown nosing shit bag you will be allowed to do what ever you want, and you will be handed your higher rank... The system is wrong. I am ashamed to be an american. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools...I am sorry for everything here. These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid, that they have no idea how to live. We don't even care when we hear each other talk about running their children down in the dirt streets with our armored trucks... We make fun of them in front of their faces, and laugh at them for not understanding we are insulting them...I am sorry for everything. The horror that is america is disgusting...There are a few more boxes coming to you guys. Feel free to open them, and use them."


06-01-2014, 06:15 PM
First, we hear SNOWDEN betraying America, and Americans.

Then, we learn that Obama also betrays America, and Americans.

Followed by Obama, and the Muslim Brotherhood betraying America, and Americans in the defense of A WONDERFUL DESERTER, who should be called a Conscientious Objector in Uniform, who deserted his Military post, placing fellow Americans in danger. ONLY TO BE REWARDED by Obama's dealing with Known TERRORISTS?

Does nobody see anything peculiar here?

06-01-2014, 07:22 PM
I don't see how this benefits the US, or Afghanistan. The American was returned in good health so he wasn't being mistreated anyway and will probably not be an active combatant again. On the other hand, the Taliban have some important people back who will quite likely go on to spread more mischief and death.

The US lost this one, and so did humanity.

06-01-2014, 07:45 PM
I think, Jafar, that what we have here is proof that your 'anti-terrorist' stance is at best variable. Seems you're ready to think well of the scum when you can contrive an opportunity to do so.

Consider what the Taliban fight for - IN THE NAME OF ISLAM, BY THE WAY. Consider how they fight. What they do. Their very long list of atrocities, and their LACK of morality about all of that.

But in the face of this ... you can't wait to find a way of seeing that scum in a good light, can you, Jafar ??


I hate the Taliban and I have made it 100% clear.

Are you proud of the US campaign of torture? Don't you think that the use of torture loses a lot of moral ground?

If you torture your enemy, you are no better than them.

06-01-2014, 08:37 PM
I hate the Taliban and I have made it 100% clear.

Are you proud of the US campaign of torture? Don't you think that the use of torture loses a lot of moral ground?

If you torture your enemy, you are no better than them.

Take your own advice jafar. You torture all of us every time you post here. Propaganda works that way.

06-01-2014, 08:59 PM
Yikes, first I start hearing that this guy deserted his unit, or gave up his post, and that others have died looking to find this guy. Then I read this:


Last email to parents

On June 27, 2009, according to Rolling Stone,[19] Bowe sent a final e-mai*l to his parents: "The future is too good to waste on lies. And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong. I have seen their ideas and I am ashamed to even be american. The horror of the self-righteous arrogance that they thrive in. It is all revolting."

His email went on to describe his disillusionment in the army: "In the US army you are cut down for being honest... but if you are a conceited brown nosing shit bag you will be allowed to do what ever you want, and you will be handed your higher rank... The system is wrong. I am ashamed to be an american. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools...I am sorry for everything here. These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid, that they have no idea how to live. We don't even care when we hear each other talk about running their children down in the dirt streets with our armored trucks... We make fun of them in front of their faces, and laugh at them for not understanding we are insulting them...I am sorry for everything. The horror that is america is disgusting...There are a few more boxes coming to you guys. Feel free to open them, and use them."


We'll find out soon enough. He's going to get a lot a media coverage. If the Taliban flipped him, he won't pass up the opportunity to run his mouth.

06-01-2014, 10:11 PM
Don't forget these terrorist were just guys snatched off the street on their way to buy a loaf of bread for their families. :rolleyes:

I remember reading long ago about this sgt walking away from his duties. I was wondering when this would be brought up. I thought then that he had pulled a Toad. (see American Graffiti 2) He's no hero, he's a fool.

06-02-2014, 12:58 AM
Don't forget these terrorist were just guys snatched off the street on their way to buy a loaf of bread for their families. :rolleyes:

A lot of them are/were sent to US concentration camps when they were sold out to settle clan feuds. What better way to get rid of your rival than to tell the American invaders that he is a Taliban?

06-02-2014, 01:11 AM
Take your own advice jafar. You torture all of us every time you post here. Propaganda works that way.


06-02-2014, 01:59 AM
I'm glad that the US serviceman was freed. Rather less 'glad' that the Taliban have gained from it, though.

It's 'interesting', isn't it. There are those on the Left who'll carp on about how unjust the very fact of the detention centre in Gitmo is. That those incarcerated are unfairly kept there, that unless they're tried in a court of law, they must be presumed 'innocent'.

Yes, well, in that case, the Taliban have acted purely out of humanitarian motives, because they're such 'great people' .. eh ???

So, come on ! Isn't there one Leftie out there who'll applaud what the Taliban have accomplished in freeing those Afghanis ??

Innocent until proven guilty is the cornerstone of our justice system. After all, otherwise, I can just say you're a terrorist, and demand that you prove you're not. Oh, and btw, that will mean denouncing your extremist views of Margaret Thatcher. Since you cannot prove a negative, and I can pick out what I believe to be extremist views of your in relation to Ms. Thatcher, I win. Oh yeah, and you're not allowed to refute me, call anyone in to defend you, or even see the inside of a court. So, you're a terrorist, right?

Of course not, and no rational person would think otherwise. It would make my argument look insanely weak, and of course, a person has a right to defend themselves against accusations. That's an inherent right, meaning that is the right of everyone, not just american citizens.

Most of these prisoners were picked up while firing at us, it would not have been hard to prove that they were enemy soldiers trying to harm us, and hold them by above-board legal means until their execution. So why didn't we? Because we wanted to use torture to get answers out of people, and so we had to dehumanize them somehow. Nevermind that most of the methods used ensure that we're going to get a ton of lies and misinformation that keep us looking in the wrong places, we got lucky once or twice, so it works.

Oh, and Obama couldn't have "illegally" released anyone from Gitmo. We ensured that when we took them into custody in a manner that would've been bounced out of even military courts, and thus, the only legal thing to do is release them. As we have been detaining them in a manner that violates our own laws, morals, and basic human rights we say we believe in. Moral strength and integrity can only be shown when they are tested, and as long as we continue to surrender to abject hatred, we are losing that test.

Now, again, no issue for us to just execute them through the legal system. Most of these guys were known for what they did, and we had evidence to such point. So basically, we had every ability to get rid of these menaces permanently, but we fucked it up in the name of petty vengeance, and now we've been put into the position of them as bargaining chips.

06-02-2014, 06:19 AM
The father of the exchanged American is white, but appears to speak fluent Arabic and has what looks like a Muslim-style beard. He spoke to his son via the media in Arabic, and claims it was because his son has trouble with English. I suspect there is something more to this story that will surface later.

AS you said Ms. Abbey there would be more to come.

With Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl safe after five years as a prisoner of the Taliban, the circumstances of his capture are getting a fresh look.

Bergdahl was freed by on Saturday in exchange for five Guantanamo Bay detainees. His release was celebrated by Washington politicians, including Republicans, but many felt the United States had broken its longstanding policy (http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Bowe-Bergdahl-Hagel-moved-quickly/2014/06/01/id/574443/) of not negotiating with terrorists.

Bergdahl walked away from his base, reportedly without a weapon, in June 2009 and was captured by the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani network

Here is where it gets good.

According to a 2012 report in Rolling Stone (http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/americas-last-prisoner-of-war-20120607?print=true), Bergdahl, now 28, had become disillusioned with his role in America's longest war, sending emails to his parents prior to his disappearance.

"The future is too good to waste on lies. And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong," Bergdahl reportedly wrote his father. "I have seen their ideas and I am ashamed to even be american (sic). The horror of the self-righteous arrogance that they thrive in. It is all revolting."

He also attacked the army saying it cut down people "for being honest," and rewarded sycophants. "The title of US soldier is just the lie of fools," he wrote. "I am sorry for everything here.

"These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid, that they have no idea how to live.


06-02-2014, 06:22 AM
Lots more to the story:

Fellow soldiers call Bowe Bergdahl a deserter, not a hero

(CNN) -- The sense of pride expressed by officials of the Obama administration at the release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl (http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/01/world/asia/afghanistan-bergdahl-release/index.html) is not shared by many of those who served with him -- veterans and soldiers who call him a deserter whose "selfish act" ended up costing the lives of better men.
"I was pissed off then and I am even more so now with everything going on," said former Sgt. Matt Vierkant, a member of Bergdahl's platoon when he went missing on June 30, 2009. "Bowe Bergdahl deserted during a time of war and his fellow Americans lost their lives searching for him."

http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/01/us/bergdahl-deserter-or-hero/index.html?hpt=us_c2 (http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/01/us/bergdahl-deserter-or-hero/index.html?hpt=us_c2)

Hearing a lot of the same from some of the guys who were over there at the time he was "captured" including some of those who were in his unit and the unit that replaced them. I find it interesting that members of the unit were required to sign non-dislosure agreements back then as well.

06-02-2014, 07:19 AM
I don't see how this benefits the US, or Afghanistan. The American was returned in good health so he wasn't being mistreated anyway and will probably not be an active combatant again. On the other hand, the Taliban have some important people back who will quite likely go on to spread more mischief and death.

The US lost this one, and so did humanity.

I agree, and more so if the chuckling I am hearing about this guy turns out to be true. I have very little doubt that these terrorists released will be back to their "duties" within a year or so. It's great that we got an American soldier back, that's always awesome. But not so if he hated America and bailed on his comrades and such and was an indirect reason for other deaths.

06-02-2014, 07:27 AM
Are you proud of the US campaign of torture?

Campaign? How many TERRORISTS were waterboarded since 2001? Seriously, do you even know? And in that time, how many heads have the Taliban and Al Qaeda saw off with small swords? Or how many people have been killed for the apostasy you claim doesn't exist? Or how many people stoned for petty crimes? Or caned/flogged/whipped? How many women abused?

Yet I don't hear you condemning such. Well, not true, 1 out of like 500 stories you will agree, so long as the people are from SA or Iran. But a few terrorists get waterboarded for intel and you want to speak up suddenly.

Just odd that you speak up about 50% of any perceived wrongdoing by the USA, and about .05% of anything Islamic, even when it's terrorism.

06-02-2014, 08:51 AM
Not everyone is elated over the release of POW Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in a prisoner swap deal with the Taliban: Some veterans and soldiers are calling him a deserter.

Former Sgt. Matt Vierkant, a member of Bergdahl's platoon, told CNN Bergdahl should face military trial for desertion.

Bergdahl disappeared from his platoon in Afghanistan June 30, 2009, and had been in Taliban custody for five years before his release Saturday. He has been taken to a U.S. military base in Germany for treatment.

"I was pissed off then and I am even more so now with everything going on," Vierkant said. "Bowe Bergdahl deserted during a time of war and his fellow Americans lost their lives searching for him."

CNN said at least six soldiers died searching for Bergdahl in Paktika province.

"He walked off," former Pfc. Jose Baggett, 27, of Chicago told CNN. "He left his guard post. Nobody knows if he defected or he's a traitor or he was kidnapped. What I do know is he was there to protect us and instead he decided to defer from America and go and do his own thing. I don't know why he decided to do that, but we spend so much of our resources and some of those resources were soldiers' lives."

Some fellow soldiers have taken to social media to express their anger at Bergdahl on such pages as "Bowe Bergdahl is NOT a hero." Comments, however, have been so vicious, a moderator posted:

"I challenge any one of you who label him a traitor to spend 5 years in captivity with the Taliban or Haqqani, then come back and accuse him again. Whatever his intent when he walked away or was captured, he has more than paid for it."


06-02-2014, 08:52 AM
Btw, I am just posting news stories and my gut feelings thus far. Admittedly, we need much, much more data to fully know what happened here. I'm just saying that this is not looking good at all. It seems like we have an American that turned anti-American, left his brothers and sisters hanging and bailed, some lost their lives looking for him, and 5 terrorists were released to bring him back home.

06-02-2014, 08:59 AM
Like I said in the other thread. He's Toad.

06-02-2014, 09:38 AM
Also heard a lot of preemptive talk about no matter what he did he has suffered enough. This was before the latest info started coming out.

06-02-2014, 09:59 AM
A lot of them are/were sent to US concentration camps when they were sold out to settle clan feuds. What better way to get rid of your rival than to tell the American invaders that he is a Taliban?

And you know all of this how? Where are these concentration camps located? Who runs them and why?

Five murderers were released to get the release of an ignorant liberal fool. It was done illegally, without the consent or knowledge of congress and violating all US policy. Those five are all top ranking taliban leaders who will be back into action very soon. Modern communications will have them back in command in no time. When it's convenient they will simply walk away from their overseers in Qatar.

You do realize that the taliban, AQ, hamas, boko haram and many others are just the military arms of the muslim brotherhood? The release of these five was just an appeasement of the brotherhood and a way for the pretender to make himself look good once again, at least in the polls.

06-02-2014, 10:13 AM
... and 5 terrorists were released to bring him back home.

Prisoner exchange?

06-02-2014, 11:37 AM
Prisoner exchange?

They can call it whatever they want, but they were RELEASED. Even the WH admits that Qatar and any restrictions are for one year. I'm betting they are off and back in action sooner, but at worst case scenario of them, they can leave in one year as free men.

06-02-2014, 12:23 PM
Well, this is turning into a major shitstorm.

I think it was Abbey that said something about Bergdahl's dad speaking Arabic.... check this tweet out, from Dear Ol' Dad - he deleted it on the 31st, but not before it was captured by Twitchy.


Looking at this pic, wouldn't it be awesome to make this a .gif where Obama nods, then Bergdahl, then loops? I think it'd be perfect.

06-02-2014, 12:38 PM
Is this true?



I served in the same battalion in Afghanistan and participated in the attempts to retrieve him throughout the summer of 2009. After we redeployed, every member of my brigade combat team received an order that we were not allowed to discuss what happened to Bergdahl for fear of endangering him. He is safe, and now it is time to speak the truth.

And that the truth is: Bergdahl was a deserter, and soldiers from his own unit died trying to track him down.

On the night prior to his capture, Bergdahl pulled guard duty at OP Mest, a small outpost about two hours south of the provincial capitol. The next morning, Bergdahl failed to show for the morning roll call. The soldiers in 2nd Platoon, Blackfoot Company discovered his rifle, helmet, body armor and web gear in a neat stack. He had, however, taken his compass. His fellow soldiers later mentioned his stated desire to walk from Afghanistan to India.

Make no mistake: Bergdahl did not "lag behind on a patrol,” as was cited in news reports at the time. There was no patrol that night. Bergdahl was relieved from guard duty, and instead of going to sleep, he fled the outpost on foot. He deserted. I’ve talked to members of Bergdahl’s platoon—including the last Americans to see him before his capture. I’ve reviewed the relevant documents. That’s what happened.

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)

06-02-2014, 12:46 PM
They can call it whatever they want, but they were RELEASED. Even the WH admits that Qatar and any restrictions are for one year. I'm betting they are off and back in action sooner, but at worst case scenario of them, they can leave in one year as free men.

Of course, it happens all the time; Germans, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese...

06-02-2014, 01:06 PM
If that's true and accurate, then dear old Dad has some serious explaining to do! Nevermind...

I went to Twitchy and on the cover I see that he is now advocating for the release of more currently. Rather odd IMO that he sympathizes with those in Gitmo.

Bob Bergdahl now tweeting for more Guantanamo releases (http://twitchy.com/2014/06/01/bob-bergdahl-now-tweeting-for-more-guantanamo-releases/)


06-02-2014, 01:11 PM
Of course, it happens all the time; Germans, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese...

Yes, generally between soldiers at war - not terrorists. If it happens all the time, can you list the top 5 most prominent terrorists that were exchanged? That's a HUGE difference.

06-02-2014, 01:18 PM
We Lost Soldiers in the Hunt for Bergdahl, a Guy Who Walked Off in the Dead of Night

For five years, soldiers have been forced to stay silent about the disappearance and search for Bergdahl. Now we can talk about what really happened.

It was June 30, 2009, and I was in the city of Sharana, the capitol of Paktika province in Afghanistan. As I stepped out of a decrepit office building into a perfect sunny day, a member of my team started talking into his radio. “Say that again,” he said. “There’s an American soldier missing?”

There was. His name was Private First Class Bowe Bergdahl, the only prisoner of war in the Afghan theater of operations. His release from Taliban custody on May 31 marks the end of a nearly five-year-old story for the soldiers of his unit, the 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment. I served in the same battalion in Afghanistan and participated in the attempts to retrieve him throughout the summer of 2009. After we redeployed, every member of my brigade combat team received an order that we were not allowed to discuss what happened to Bergdahl for fear of endangering him. He is safe, and now it is time to speak the truth.

And that the truth is: Bergdahl was a deserter, and soldiers from his own unit died trying to track him down.

On the night prior to his capture, Bergdahl pulled guard duty at OP Mest, a small outpost about two hours south of the provincial capitol. The base resembled a wagon circle of armored vehicles with some razor wire strung around them. A guard tower sat high up on a nearby hill, but the outpost itself was no fortress. Besides the tower, the only hard structure that I saw in July 2009 was a plywood shed filled with bottled water. Soldiers either slept in poncho tents or inside their vehicles.


06-02-2014, 01:19 PM
EXCLUSIVE - 'A cover up just like Benghazi': Outraged parents of officer who died hunting for 'deserter' POW Bergdahl lash out at Obama over 'LIES' they were told about how their hero son died

Lt Darryn Andrews, from Dallas, Texas, died at the age of 34 on Sept 4, 2009 during his second tour of Afghanistan
Top brass told his parents, Sondra and Andy, that he had been looking for a top Taliban commander
But former comrades have now claimed the truth is that he was looking for Bowe Bergdahl

Said to be one of six soldiers who died looking for the POW
Father said: 'For his family it’s good to get him back but we will never be able to get our son back because of the actions of this guy'
Lt Andrews' parents revealed their son thought Bergdahl was a 'deserter'
Lt Andrews was posthumously given a silver star for his bravery
At time of his death his wife Julie, 30, had already given birth to their son, six. Their daughter was born three-and-a-half months after he died
Father Andy against trade with terrorists
The Facebook group 'Bowe Bergdahl is NOT hero!' has 5,400 members
Bergdahl e-mailed his parents saying he 'was ashamed to be an American'

The furious parents of an officer who they claim was killed while searching for freed Taliban prisoner Bowe Bergdahl today said that they have been lied to as part of a ‘cover up just like Benghazi’.

The mother and father of Second Lieutenant Darryn Andrews are angry that they have been told different stories about how their son died.

First his commanders said that their son was blown up while hunting a Taliban commander - but only now that Bergdahl has been freed after five years in captivity are they learning the truth.

Lt Andrews’ parents told MailOnline that their own son branded Bergdahl a ‘deserter’ before he was killed.

In an exclusive interview his father Andy Andrews told MailOnline: ‘For his family it’s good to get him back but we will never be able to get our son back because of the actions of this guy (Bergdahl).

‘I think people need to be aware that the guy was not a hero and American lives have been lost trying to save this deserter’.

Lt Andrews was one of six men who died while apparently searching for Bergdahl, who is said to have voluntarily left his post in Afghanistan on June 30, 2009.

His release was brokered with the Taliban in exchange for five Guantanamo detainees and has ignited fury among many whose lives were changed forever as a result.


06-02-2014, 01:24 PM
It's looking like Dad is a muzzie, son may or may not be but is certainly sympathetic according to his emails prior to deserting.

Junior deserts, gets captured, at least 6 U.S. servicemen die trying to find him & rescue him.

The Brits say he was in good health, but Obama claims his health was bad to the level of life threatening, justifying another end-run around Congress to make a trade for a deserter for 5 high ranking jihadists.

Yeah, this one will erupt larger than any scandal yet for BamBam.

06-02-2014, 01:41 PM
Yes it is all making sense why Obama had to rush it without even giving Congress the notification like he was suppose, one of his brothers needed help.

Before our resident Muslim screams this is a hate site , it is a video, just listen to the traitor, its all there right in front of ya.

At yesterday’s evening presser, Bowe Bergdahl’s father praised Allah when he said “Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim” —which means “In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate.” Reportedly, The Taliban praised Allah right back saying the trade happened “due to the benevolence of Allah Almighty and the sacrifices of the heroic and courageous Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate.”
Read more at http://clashdaily.com/2014/06/bombshell-first-words-bergdahls-father-white-house-arabic/#KtmDHiy0AKcqebmm.99


06-02-2014, 02:04 PM
I wasn't aware that there was any evidence that Bergdahl was a "deserter."

06-02-2014, 02:25 PM
I wasn't aware that there was any evidence that Bergdahl was a "deserter."

Then you need to read around a bit with all of the news coming out. His fellow soldiers who were with him over there are spilling all of the beans.

06-02-2014, 02:30 PM
Not 5 for one, how about 10 for 1 !!!

Back in August of 2013 there was a release of 5 Guantanamo detainees as a good will gesture to the T... (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2013/08/03/submission-obama-releases-5-top-taliban-terrorists-from-gitmo-in-good-will-gesture-to-the-taliban-geller-atlas-shrugs/). In other words, they got five of their people back and we got the right to open peace talks with them. Do you find that the least bit submissive? It was not widely reported, because compared to the news of that time it seemed relatively insignificant.
I had somewhat forgotten about this release and stumbled upon it by accident in our site archives. But in light of the Obama Administration (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2014/05/01/sharia-advisors-barack-obamas-muslim-appointees-high-security-positions/) trading five very dangerous Taliban leaders for a traitorous American deserter who once told his father that he was ashamed to be an American (http://www.dcclothesline.com/2014/06/02/traitor-abdullah-bowe-bergdahl-wrote-ashamed-american-went-awol/), I think this is very important.


06-02-2014, 02:58 PM

06-02-2014, 03:02 PM
I served in the same battalion in Afghanistan and participated in the attempts to retrieve him throughout the summer of 2009. After we redeployed, every member of my brigade combat team received an order that we were not allowed to discuss what happened to Bergdahl for fear of endangering him. He is safe, and now it is time to speak the truth.

And that the truth is: Bergdahl was a deserter, and soldiers from his own unit died trying to track him down.

Apparently he could/should be charged with either AWOL or desertion. Based on the notoriety of the event with the president involved, you would never see charges coming forth. But I'll believe his own brothers in arms who are starting to speak up before others.

06-02-2014, 03:02 PM
Obama, the Democrats, and all ANTI-AMERICAN phonies who call themselves LIBERAL patriots DO NOT WANT THIS KIND OF STORY TO BE TOLD.

He deserted. Pure and Simple. Most of us have known that since it took place.

Americans in uniform were trying to PROTECT him...in what all of us now know, was nothing more than DOD Political Correctness. SANCTIONED BY OBAMA'S ADMIN, and the Other LIARS in Congress.

This is why Obama went behind CONGRESS, and YES....BROKE THE LAW.

Just like HILLARY THE LIAR, CHEAT, AND PIG CLINTON. There are no distinctions between LIARS. Obama and Clinton are just the HEADS of the SNAKE.

06-02-2014, 03:08 PM
I wasn't aware that there was any evidence that Bergdahl was a "deserter."

Gabby. There seem to be MANY, MANY things you ARE NOT AWARE OF.., which is very strange, coming from someone who often brags about KNOWING EVERYTHING.

06-02-2014, 03:13 PM
Apparently he could/should be charged with either AWOL or desertion. Based on the notoriety of the event with the president involved, you would never see charges coming forth. But I'll believe his own brothers in arms who are starting to speak up before others.

It will come down to Obama saying " If I had a son, a traitor, that after 5 years had trouble with the American language , and his first welcome home was to praise Allah, he would be this guy "

This guy will walk like a hero because he has the panty waste in charge on his side. Hell how would Obama look like a hero for getting out a guy that was charged with desertion?

06-02-2014, 03:13 PM
And you know all of this how? Where are these concentration camps located? Who runs them and why?

Five murderers were released to get the release of an ignorant liberal fool. It was done illegally, without the consent or knowledge of congress and violating all US policy. Those five are all top ranking taliban leaders who will be back into action very soon. Modern communications will have them back in command in no time. When it's convenient they will simply walk away from their overseers in Qatar.

You do realize that the taliban, AQ, hamas, boko haram and many others are just the military arms of the muslim brotherhood? The release of these five was just an appeasement of the brotherhood and a way for the pretender to make himself look good once again, at least in the polls.

Gaffer. In ref to jafar's statements. You must remember he is the master of Propaganda, here on DP. jafar lives in fear. Fear that someone he claims NOT TO SUPPORT, will discover he is failing with his attempts to DEFEND such organizations like The Muslim Brotherhood, Taliban, AQ, Hamas, Boko, Hezbolla, and last...but not least...The PUPPET OBAMA. Modern Day ALLAH, Messiah figure who BOWS to everyone.

06-02-2014, 03:16 PM
It will come down to Obama saying " If I had a son, a traitor, that after 5 years had trouble with the American language , and his first welcome home was to praise Allah, he would be this guy "

This guy will walk like a hero because he has the panty waste in charge on his side. Hell how would Obama look like a hero for getting out a guy that was charged with desertion?

Jeff. That game started on Sunday when RICE took to the Sunday News Circuit again. Just like Benghazi week.

They are working so hard to DEFEND ANOTHER TRAITOR, they must make up lies as they go along.
Bet OBAMA won't spend any time having a BEER with any members of Bergdahl's company who PROTECTED him, and Some...EVEN DIED looking for him.

06-02-2014, 03:31 PM
Innocent until proven guilty is the cornerstone of our justice system. After all, otherwise, I can just say you're a terrorist, and demand that you prove you're not. Oh, and btw, that will mean denouncing your extremist views of Margaret Thatcher. Since you cannot prove a negative, and I can pick out what I believe to be extremist views of your in relation to Ms. Thatcher, I win. Oh yeah, and you're not allowed to refute me, call anyone in to defend you, or even see the inside of a court. So, you're a terrorist, right?


Margaret Thatcher had no extremist views at all, so far as I'm aware. If you think you can find any, be my guest.

In fact, what characterised her in large measure was her devotion to doing what it took to neutralise extremism !

I note and respect your point about 'innocent until proven guilty'. It is a very worthy principle. However .. there is a flaw in the way you apply it. DragonStryk, I don't doubt that you won't like this one bit .. but really, it DOES have to be said: human laws, human standards of justice, are for human beings. And terrorists FAIL TO QUALIFY.

This is one very good reason why I've not the slightest qualms about the existence of Gitmo (I wish there were more of them), nor, what's alleged to go on there (superb medical facilities notwithstanding, of course ..).

Of course not, and no rational person would think otherwise. It would make my argument look insanely weak, and of course, a person has a right to defend themselves against accusations. That's an inherent right, meaning that is the right of everyone, not just american citizens.

Yes. As applied to human beings. Agreed.

Most of these prisoners were picked up while firing at us, it would not have been hard to prove that they were enemy soldiers trying to harm us, and hold them by above-board legal means until their execution. So why didn't we? Because we wanted to use torture to get answers out of people ... :confused::confused::confused:

So, you're saying that American authorities were trying to indulge some sort of crazed, inhuman whim ? 'WE WANTED TO USE TORTURE TO GET ANSWERS OUT OF PEOPLE' ... YOUR words ... sounds like off-the-chart Leftie demonising to me.

So explain why they'd WANT to use torture, especially as, since, according to you, the results of it would lead to dodgy information ?? Come on, DragonStryk ... I want to hear from you your theories as to why torture was such a 'wanted' activity, why there was such keenness in employing it.

By the way, that point made ... I simply don't care whether terrorists were tortured or not. I see no reason to suppose they didn't deserve it.

.. and so we had to dehumanize them somehow.

Ridiculous. They were already 'dehumanised' .. if they were ever human in the first place !! .. as proven by their being terrorists !!

Nevermind that most of the methods used ensure that we're going to get a ton of lies and misinformation that keep us looking in the wrong places, we got lucky once or twice, so it works.

I don't accept that torture produces the extent of unreliability you claim. But, never mind .. let's say you happen to be right on that. Well .. YOU have said the interrogators 'got lucky once or twice'. If so .. in 'getting lucky' ... did they manage to save innocent lives ??

DOESN'T THAT MAKE IT WORTH THE EFFORT ?? Or, if not in your view, please tell us your estimate of 'acceptable' needless casualties caused by NOT using every possible method of information extraction !!

Oh, and Obama couldn't have "illegally" released anyone from Gitmo. We ensured that when we took them into custody in a manner that would've been bounced out of even military courts, and thus, the only legal thing to do is release them.

I haven't a clue on any issue of legality - true or false - in this context, DragonStryk. The only comment I offer is that you're evidently a 'release terrorists, never mind how many they may kill if we do this' .. kind of arguer. Which I recognise to be a typically Left wing argument, and also typical of Obama's own thinking until he, as President, had to face up to the REALITY of what wholesale releases would mean !!!

I wish he'd retained that realism. But he's apparently reneging on it now. The release of those five senior Taliban terrorists is a very major success for the Taliban, and one that WILL translate into harm in future.

As we have been detaining them in a manner that violates our own laws, morals, and basic human rights we say we believe in. Moral strength and integrity can only be shown when they are tested, and as long as we continue to surrender to abject hatred, we are losing that test.

Nice words. The reality is that the US has been dealing with a savage, subhuman enemy, to which civilised niceties matter not a jot. I very much doubt that the terrorists concerned have any capacity whatever to understand such things.

So, for the sake of self-image and the comforting belief in one's intact 'integrity' ... tell me this, then How does it serve 'integrity' to adopt methodologies so restrained, so therefore ineffective, that needless deaths are the result ?? You've admitted yourself that torture isn't completely useless. So, tell me of the 'integrity' involved in ALLOWING INNOCENTS TO NEEDLESSLY DIE, FOR THE SAKE OF SELF-RESTRAINT !

06-02-2014, 03:36 PM
Campaign? How many TERRORISTS were waterboarded since 2001? Seriously, do you even know? And in that time, how many heads have the Taliban and Al Qaeda saw off with small swords? Or how many people have been killed for the apostasy you claim doesn't exist? Or how many people stoned for petty crimes? Or caned/flogged/whipped? How many women abused?

Yet I don't hear you condemning such. Well, not true, 1 out of like 500 stories you will agree, so long as the people are from SA or Iran. But a few terrorists get waterboarded for intel and you want to speak up suddenly.

Just odd that you speak up about 50% of any perceived wrongdoing by the USA, and about .05% of anything Islamic, even when it's terrorism.

Jim. Note that jafar managed to completely avoid mentioning the TORTURE of an entire nation on September 11, 2001. And the continued torture that has caused the entire nation to rely on BEING SCARED, and WORRIED about WHEN THE NEXT ATTACK might come.

Jafar's propaganda machine. Like the Taliban, and AQ...per the leadership of the DEAD "OBL" who declared WAR on America...must never be compromised in any way. Unless jafar admits he fully supports the OBAMA Machine...supported by the Muslim Brotherhood.
Isn't that correct jafar?

06-02-2014, 03:43 PM
I hate the Taliban and I have made it 100% clear.

Sounds good. Nonetheless, Gaffer has already shown you the interconnection between terrorist groups, and how many of them are offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood.

And I note how, your 'hatred' or not, how keen you seem to be to demonise the Taliban's enemy, namely, the US. I, too, want details about the 'concentration camps' you allege exist.

Are you proud of the US campaign of torture? Don't you think that the use of torture loses a lot of moral ground?

What CAMPAIGN of torture ? See ... there's an example of demonising, right there !

I'm neither proud, nor not proud. I don't care whether terrorists receive torture or not. If information can be extracted through that means - and even DragonStryk admitted that torture HAS achieved a result ! - then it's serving a good cause.

If you torture your enemy, you are no better than them.

Really ?

A terrorist enemy is extremely unlikely to be employing torture in an effort to save lives !!! However, US interrogators have life-saving results very much in mind when they do their best to make terrorists talk. Right there, Jafar, is an important distinction !

But in your enthusiasm to allege 'concentration camps', you appear to have let it pass you by .....

06-02-2014, 03:59 PM
Jeff. That game started on Sunday when RICE took to the Sunday News Circuit again. Just like Benghazi week.

They are working so hard to DEFEND ANOTHER TRAITOR, they must make up lies as they go along.
Bet OBAMA won't spend any time having a BEER with any members of Bergdahl's company who PROTECTED him, and Some...EVEN DIED looking for him.

Here's a new link for those who think Bergdahl is just a GREAT HERO.


06-02-2014, 04:00 PM

You decide. Read the link.

06-02-2014, 04:38 PM
So they knew he bailed. Should he get charges for desertion? Keeping in mind that at least 6 lives were lost directly related to trying to find him. I would say that he has already had his punishment, but I'm not convinced of that - and that wouldn't bring back those who died, and likely wouldn't have if they didn't have to go out trying to retrieve him.


A Pentagon investigation concluded in 2010 that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl walked away from his unit, and after an initial flurry of searching the military decided not to exert extraordinary efforts to rescue him, according to a former senior defense official who was involved in the matter.

Instead, the U.S. government pursued negotiations to get him back over the following five years of his captivity — a track that led to his release over the weekend.

Bergdahl was being checked and treated Monday at a U.S. military hospital in Germany as questions mounted at home over the swap that resulted in his freedom in exchange for the release of five detainees who were sent to Qatar from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo, Cuba.

Even in the first hours of Bergdahl's handoff to U.S. special forces in eastern Afghanistan, it was clear this would not be an uncomplicated yellow-ribbon celebration. Five terrorist suspects also walked free, stirring a debate over whether the exchange would heighten the risk of other Americans being snatched as bargaining chips and whether the released detainees — several senior Taliban figures among them — would find their way back to the fight.

U.S. officials said Sunday that Bergdahl's health and safety appeared in jeopardy, prompting rapid action. "Had we waited and lost him," said national security adviser Susan Rice, "I don't think anybody would have forgiven the United States government." She said he had lost considerable weight and faced an "acute" situation. Yet she also said he appeared to be "in good physical condition."

One official, who spoke on grounds of anonymity because the person wasn't authorized to discuss the subject by name, said there were concerns about Bergdahl's mental and emotional as well as physical health.


06-02-2014, 05:29 PM
Does all this lessen the fact that Bergdahl is a member of the American military?
If he was still held captive, would you not be asking for his release?

ALSO -- Do administrators of this forum realize that there are five threads on this exact same topic? Or does it matter.

06-02-2014, 05:34 PM
Does all this lessen the fact that Bergdahl is a member of the American military?
If he was still held captive, would you not be asking for his release?

Gabby. Nobody is denying that he would have been rescued, or realeased...no matter what, because he is an American.
Presently..on our Southern border, in Mexico. There is a U.S. Marine being held in a Mexican prison, being punished, and held because he made a mistake while driving.

Our Lame President, Secstate Kerry, and the rest of Congress has done NOTHING to get an ACTIVE DUTY, TWO TIME WAR Veteran of Afghanistan OUT of jail. While OBAMA and company bent over backward to FREE 5 Obama supporters like you.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-02-2014, 05:34 PM
He deserted!!! ff him... Now I know why Obama wanted him back--to reward him...
I take back anything I ever uttered that was good about the ffing bastard. He should be shot by a firing squad!!!!! --Tyr

06-02-2014, 05:39 PM
Does all this lessen the fact that Bergdahl is a member of the American military?
If he was still held captive, would you not be asking for his release?

ALSO -- Do administrators of this forum realize that there are five threads on this exact same topic? Or does it matter.

He's a member that left his guard and left his brothers in arms hanging. He walked away from his unit. He may be a member, but if all true he deserves to be charged by the military judicial system. It would seem by all indications thus far that lives were lost in trying to find this man - a man who walked away on his own, after sending a message about how much he detests America and the military he was a member of.

I would ask for his release. Yes, I would. But NOT trade for 5 terrorists.

06-02-2014, 05:43 PM
Does all this lessen the fact that Bergdahl is a member of the American military?
If he was still held captive, would you not be asking for his release?

ALSO -- Do administrators of this forum realize that there are five threads on this exact same topic? Or does it matter.

Gabby. Using that trick...changing the subject about how many threads there are on this topic, sounds very much like the propaganda tricks of jafar, not to mention how familiar a LIBERAL trick it has been for so long.

And look at how you need to change the subject. LIBERALLY SPEAKING...of course.

06-02-2014, 05:50 PM
ALSO -- Do administrators of this forum realize that there are five threads on this exact same topic? Or does it matter.

It was multiple threads, yes, of varied topics on the same subject. I merged them since you have an issue with comprehending multiple threads.

Next time, I'd rather you send a PM or report a post, instead of acting like a stupid little attention whore and having your tantrum mid-thread.

06-02-2014, 06:50 PM
It was multiple threads, yes, of varied topics on the same subject. I merged them since you have an issue with comprehending multiple threads.
Next time, I'd rather you send a PM or report a post, instead of acting like a stupid little attention whore and having your tantrum mid-thread.

I do so only because you said previously that you were no longer going to read or respond to my PMs.

06-02-2014, 07:01 PM
I do so only because you said previously that you were no longer going to read or respond to my PMs.

Jim has no reason to respond to you due to your ETERNAL STRUGGLES with PMS! It a mental thing, only you can control.

(Like how you intentionally made YOUR letter 's' so small)

06-02-2014, 08:17 PM
He's a member that left his guard and left his brothers in arms hanging. He walked away from his unit. He may be a member, but if all true he deserves to be charged by the military judicial system. It would seem by all indications thus far that lives were lost in trying to find this man - a man who walked away on his own, after sending a message about how much he detests America and the military he was a member of.

I would ask for his release. Yes, I would. But NOT trade for 5 terrorists.

The Taliban got back five individuals of substantial use to them.

The US, evidently, did not.

That's the reality of the situation.

With all due respect to the US soldier's loved ones ... the US got one hell of a raw deal out of this .. and it's inconceivable that Obama wasn't fully aware of the realities involved throughout.

I'm guessing, since this was SO advantageous to the Taliban, that it was a buttering-up exercise, presumably a prelude to an all-out effort to negotiate with them.

And no prizes for guessing who gets the better deal out of THAT ...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-02-2014, 08:21 PM
The Taliban got back five individuals of substantial use to them.

The US, evidently, did not.

That's the reality of the situation.

With all due respect to the US soldier's loved ones ... the US got one hell of a raw deal out of this .. and it's inconceivable that Obama wasn't fully aware of the realities involved throughout.

I'm guessing, since this was SO advantageous to the Taliban, that it was a buttering-up exercise, presumably a prelude to an all-out effort to negotiate with them.

And no prizes for guessing who gets the better deal out of THAT ...

They got back 5 top commanders while we got back one lousy deserter.
This is exactly how Obama always does--make damn sure we get the worst deal.
This is like the Germans getting back 5 top generals from us and we getting back a buck private that ran away as soon as the guns first roared!!!
The guy's family proud he is home but nobody else should be IMHO.
Of course bamscum and his bots/allies will be..

06-02-2014, 09:02 PM
Yes it is all making sense why Obama had to rush it without even giving Congress the notification like he was suppose, one of his brothers needed help.

Before our resident Muslim screams this is a hate site , it is a video, just listen to the traitor, its all there right in front of ya.

What have you got against God?

06-03-2014, 07:02 AM
What have you got against God?

What in the world are you talking about jafar ?

06-03-2014, 07:18 AM
You can listen to two soldiers that served along side Bergdhal, They feel he should be held accountable for his actions, I have to agree with them, being taken prisoner doesn't wash away your wrong doings. In fact I think if it is proven that he walked away then he also ought to be held accountable for the 6 that died searching for him.


06-03-2014, 07:36 AM
Seems our Military had different ideas than our President did. I have to agree with this, why put other soldiers in danger to rescue someone who wanted to be where he is ( if he truly deserted ) IF this guy is found guilty of desertion than he ought to also be held responsible for the 6 dead soldiers ( just my opinion )

The Pentagon (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/pentagon/) on several occasions had ground-level intelligence on where Army (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/army/)Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/bowe-bergdahl/) was being held captive at various times — down to how many gunmen were guarding him — but special operations commanders repeatedly shelved rescue missions because they didn’t want to risk casualties for a man they believed to be a “deserter,” sources familiar with the mission plans said.
PHOTOS: Top 10 U.S. fighter jets (http://www.washingtontimes.com/multimedia/collection/top-10-fighter-jets/)
Commanders on the ground debated whether to pull the trigger on a rescue several times in recent years, according to one of the sources, a former high-level intelligence official in Afghanistan (http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/afghanistan/), who said the conclusion each time was that the prospect of losing highly trained troops was too high a price to pay for rescuing a soldier who walked away from his unit before being captured by the enemy.


06-03-2014, 07:49 AM
The team leader speaks out on his thoughts.

The team leader who supervised Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in Afghanistan five years ago showed mixed emotions on Monday toward the homecoming of a freed captive and fellow soldier who he also considers a deserter.

"I'm definitely happy for his family," Sgt. Evan Buetow said of Bergdahl in an interview with Newsmax TV. "I mean, he's an American citizen; I'm happy that he's back and that we can hopefully get closure to this whole incident."
But Buetow, who now works in law enforcement, said on "America's Forum" that he's still mystified by his platoon-mate's decision to "walk away" from his post, his mission and his fellow troops into the grasp of the Afghan insurgents they were fighting.
"I just want to ask him why," said Buetow.! (http://www.newsmax.com/surveys/Obama-Policies/Should-Congress-Repeal--Obama-s-Health-Plan-and-Ot/id/13/kw/default?PROMO_CODE=10EFE-1%22target=%22_blank%22)


06-03-2014, 08:01 AM
So Obama's Idea of giving 30 days notice is we spoke about this at one point. When this story first broke I read a article were Rice said they had given Congress the appropriate notice and then in a later article she said they had to act fast that is why no notice, I think another SCANDAL is in the making here.

President Barack Obama on Tuesday defended his decision to release five Afghan detainees from Guantanamo Bay in exchange for freeing an American soldier, saying his administration had consulted with Congress about that possibility "for some time."

Republicans in Congress criticized the agreement and complained about not having been consulted, citing a law that requires Congress to be given 30 days' notice before a prisoner is released from Guantanamo. Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee said the Pentagon notified the panel by phone on Saturday that the exchange was occurring in the next five hours.
Obama suggested Tuesday that lawmakers were aware of the prospect that the U.S. could agree to a prisoner swap with the Taliban. And he defended how his administration handled the formal notifications, saying that when the opportunity to free Bergdahl presented itself, "We seized that opportunity."

Why release them if there is a chance ?

Obama acknowledged that there was always a chance that the released Afghans could return to the Taliban or other groups seeking to harm the U.S. If they take those steps, Obama said the U.S. "will be in a position" to go after them.


06-03-2014, 08:10 AM
This is an article from 2010. And although a lot from the Taliban, as well as Afghan intelligence, it all adds up 4 years later.



A captured American soldier is training Taliban fighters bomb-making and ambush skills, according to one of his captors and Afghan intelligence officials.

Private Bowe Bergdahl disappeared in June 2009 while based in eastern Afghanistan and is thought to be the only U.S. serviceman in captivity.

The 24-year-old has converted to Islam and now has the Muslim name Abdullah, one of his captors told The Sunday Times.

A Taliban deputy district commander in Paktika, who called himself Haji Nadeem, told the newspaper that Bergdahl taught him how to dismantle a mobile phone and turn it into a remote control for a roadside bomb.

Nadeem claimed he also received basic ambush training from the U.S. soldier.

'Most of the skills he taught us we already knew,' he said. 'Some of my comrades think he's pretending to be a Muslim to save himself so they wouldn't behead him.'

Afghan intelligence officials also believe that Bergdahl is 'cooperating with the Taliban' and is acting as adviser to fighters at a base in the tribal area of Pakistan.

Nadeem also shed some light on how Bergdahl was captured.

After the serviceman left his post in Paktika's Yahya Khel district with an Afghan soldier he was spotted entering a nearby village.

A group of eight Taliban gunman in a nearby field were alerted and ambushed the pair, killing the Afghan soldier.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-03-2014, 08:11 AM
You can listen to two soldiers that served along side Bergdhal, They feel he should be held accountable for his actions, I have to agree with them, being taken prisoner doesn't wash away your wrong doings. In fact I think if it is proven that he walked away then he also ought to be held accountable for the 6 that died searching for him.


Obama rewards treason!!!!!!! This just another proof that he does...
And why shouldn't he as he engages in it daily, hourly!--Tyr

06-03-2014, 08:11 AM
Bowe Bergdahl’s Vanishing Before Capture Angered His UnitWASHINGTON — Sometime after midnight on June 30, 2009, Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl left behind a note in his tent saying he had become disillusioned with the Army, did not support the American mission in Afghanistan and was leaving to start a new life. He slipped off the remote military outpost in Paktika Province on the border with Pakistan and took with him a soft backpack, water, knives, a notebook and writing materials, but left behind his body armor and weapons — startling, given the hostile environment around his outpost.

That account, provided by a former senior military officer briefed on the investigation into the private’s disappearance, is part of a more complicated picture emerging of the capture of a soldier whose five years as a Taliban prisoner influenced high-level diplomatic negotiations, brought in foreign governments, and ended with him whisked away on a helicopter by American commandos.

The release of Sergeant Bergdahl (he was promoted in captivity) has created political problems for the Obama administration, which is having to defend his exchange for five Taliban detainees held at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, but it also presents delicate politics for Republicans who are attacking, through surrogates, America’s last known prisoner of war.

The furious search for Sergeant Bergdahl, his critics say, led to the deaths of at least two soldiers and possibly six others in the area. Pentagon officials say those charges are unsubstantiated and are not supported by a review of a database of casualties in the Afghan war.

“Yes, I’m angry,” Joshua Cornelison, a former medic in Sergeant Bergdahl’s platoon, said in an interview on Monday arranged by Republican strategists. “Everything that we did in those days was to advance the search for Bergdahl. If we were doing some mission and there was a reliable report that Bergdahl was somewhere, our orders were that we were to quit that mission and follow that report.”

Sergeant Bergdahl slipped away from his outpost, the former senior officer said, possibly on foot but more likely hiding in a contractor’s vehicle. “He didn’t walk out the gate through a checkpoint, and there was no evidence he breached the perimeter wire and left that way,” the ex-officer said.


06-03-2014, 01:12 PM
What have you got against God?

JAFAR. What have you got against other human beings who are not YOU?

Your loaded...propaganda, context changing question only deserved a proper LIBERAL follow on question. That's how you, and American Liberals deal with questions YOU REFUSE TO ANSWER. Just ask another question, and pretend the other never was asked.

06-03-2014, 01:19 PM
Wow, this is pretty damning evidence. This guy claims Bergdahl even made a phone call after his "disappearance".


Colonel David Hunt told Bill O’Reilly (http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/personalities/bill-oreilly/bio/#s=m-q) tonight that Bowe Bergdahl was a deserter.

“Bowe Bergdahl was a deserter. Bergdahl on June 20, 2009 crawled underneath a wire at his fire base with water, food, a change of clothes, a knife and a cell phone. He called his unit the day after he deserted to tell his unit he deserted… Bill, we lost 14 soldiers, killed, searching for a deserter. He left his unit in combat. It’s non-arguable… We don’t know yet if he joined the Taliban or not. But, there’s no question he deserted.

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/cs5XzWgaFGY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Abbey Marie
06-03-2014, 01:50 PM
Here is an interesting article about the Dad and his beliefs: http://therightscoop.com/walid-shoebat-reveals-disturbing-comments-and-youtube-activity-of-bowe-bergdahls-father/

I particularly found the tangential point below fascinating. I truly believe that Obama is Muslim at heart, and it guides some of his actions, such as this trade.

Obama has never declared the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and has no real testimony of converting to Christianity, as his pastor Jeremiah Wright stated (http://www.newsmax.com/RonaldKessler/Obama-Wright-Ed-Klein/2012/05/15/id/439126/):
I made it easy for him to come to an understanding of who Jesus Christ is and not feel that he was turning his back on his Islamic friends and his Islamic traditions and his understanding of Islam.

06-03-2014, 02:25 PM
Here is an interesting article about the Dad and his beliefs: http://therightscoop.com/walid-shoebat-reveals-disturbing-comments-and-youtube-activity-of-bowe-bergdahls-father/

I particularly found the tangential point below fascinating. I truly believe that Obama is Muslim at heart, and it guides some of his actions, such as this trade.

There is a few second video showing Obama with the father, and mother of Bergdahl. And as the father spoke in his FOREIGN tongue...Obama smiled, as if he understood the Muslim words very clearly. Yet...there are still those who deny Obama is anything but Muslim...in reality?
Stooopid is...as Obama Does.

06-03-2014, 03:53 PM
If true it looks like he traded the Taliban for Leavenworth.

06-03-2014, 04:00 PM
If true it looks like he traded the Taliban for Leavenworth.

I hate to say that about a POW, but I'm not even fully convinced yet that he was being held prisoner. I am convinced that he bailed from his unit though.

06-03-2014, 04:12 PM
Yes, generally between soldiers at war - not terrorists. If it happens all the time, can you list the top 5 most prominent terrorists that were exchanged? That's a HUGE difference.

Define terrorist.

06-03-2014, 04:16 PM
Define terrorist.

Bad man with many bombs. Man not associated with any known legitimate army.

I honestly can't recall anything ever about prisoner exchanges, where those being swapped were private citizens who were caught and responsible for the deaths of very many. Not even for those responsible for the death of a few.

06-03-2014, 04:20 PM
Bad man with many bombs. Man not associated with any known legitimate army.

I honestly can't recall anything ever about prisoner exchanges, where those being swapped were private citizens who were caught and responsible for the deaths of very many. Not even for those responsible for the death of a few.

I don't believe that fits these 5. The Brits released more than 5 higher up Nazi's with damning evidence of their war crimes and the unfolding realization of the holocaust yet they were released without using the evidence obtained in charges against them.

06-03-2014, 04:25 PM
I don't know if it's possible to establish this as true now.

But it needs to be examined THOROUGHLY by the Army court-martial that is coming.

Doesn't the U.S. Constitution have a name for "Giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war"?



Bergdahl's team leader: Intercepted radio chatter said he sought talks with the Taliban

(CNN) - Former Army Sgt. Evan Buetow was the team leader with Bowe Bergdahl the night Bergdahl disappeared.

"Bergdahl is a deserter, and he's not a hero," says Buetow. "He needs to answer for what he did."

Within days of his disappearance, says Buetow, teams monitoring radio chatter and cell phone communications intercepted an alarming message: The American is in Yahya Khel (a village two miles away). He's looking for someone who speaks English so he can talk to the Taliban.

"I heard it straight from the interpreter's lips as he heard it over the radio," said Buetow. "There's a lot more to this story than a soldier walking away."

06-03-2014, 04:25 PM
I don't believe that fits these 5. The Brits released more than 5 higher up Nazi's with damning evidence of their war crimes and the unfolding realization of the holocaust yet they were released without using the evidence obtained in charges against them.

The taliban are terrorists. These guys are not part of any legitimate army by any means of the imagination. They are simply terrorists.

I don't know the history behind what you mention, but without reading much more, if the evidence were that damning, they shouldn't have walked either. And there's no reason history needs to repeat itself, we should be learning from errors, not repeating them.

06-03-2014, 04:29 PM
I hope they do a serious investigation. I posted an article earlier from 2010 where he was reported to be helping the Taliban in Northern Afghanistan. His departure seems to be coming more and more clear based on those that were on the base with him. These others are just theories until we get some sort of corroboration, IMO. But it's not looking good for this guy thus far.

Sounds literally like the tv show "Homeland" about a US soldier coming home 8 years later, only no one really knows he was turned by Al Qaeda and is now a sleeper.

06-03-2014, 04:37 PM
The taliban are terrorists. These guys are not part of any legitimate army by any means of the imagination. They are simply terrorists.

I don't know the history behind what you mention, but without reading much more, if the evidence were that damning, they shouldn't have walked either. And there's no reason history needs to repeat itself, we should be learning from errors, not repeating them.

The Taliban ran a country, poorly, until we obliterated them and to claim that they're not part of an organized army is ridiculous and a moot point anyway IMO; It's organized enough for us having to deal with them in trying to leave. It's a weak argument just to proclaim "terrorist" and stifle any debate.

06-03-2014, 04:44 PM
The Taliban ran a country, poorly, until we obliterated them and to claim that they're not part of an organized army is ridiculous and a moot point anyway IMO; It's organized enough for us having to deal with them in trying to leave. It's a weak argument just to proclaim "terrorist" and stifle any debate.

I'm not trying to stifle debate? The FACT is that they are terrorists, even the state department's official stance is that they are/were a terror group that these guys came from. It's admitted that 2 of them were top leaders, and responsible for thousands of deaths. Their enemy was no known army or legitimate enemy. They are terrorists. Running a country/organization doesn't change their activities and goals.

06-03-2014, 04:46 PM
From what I have seen reported with many of the guys who served with him he's not just a deserter, he's a traitor. And the muslim in chief has just put five commanders back into the ranks of our enemies. There's another traitor who needs to be arrested and prosecuted. These "scandals" as the media likes to call them are getting ridiculous. They are not scandals they are crimes against America.

06-03-2014, 04:55 PM
I'm not trying to stifle debate? The FACT is that they are terrorists, even the state department's official stance is that they are/were a terror group that these guys came from. It's admitted that 2 of them were top leaders, and responsible for thousands of deaths. Their enemy was no known army or legitimate enemy. They are terrorists. Running a country/organization doesn't change their activities and goals.

Sorry, wasn't really referring to you here. Yes, they suck, they're listed as a terrorist organization, responsible for thousands of deaths, etc. and they want their country back. So how are they different from the Nazis who suck, committed terrorist acts, were responsible for millions of deaths, etc.? So if they are "leaders" and referred to by others as "commanders" then how are they not an organized army?

Having said all of that, I have no idea what the point of this trade is anymore if all the info on Bergdahl is correct.

06-03-2014, 05:03 PM
Sorry, wasn't really referring to you here. Yes, they suck, they're listed as a terrorist organization, responsible for thousands of deaths, etc. and they want their country back. So how are they different from the Nazis who suck, committed terrorist acts, were responsible for millions of deaths, etc.? So if they are "leaders" and referred to by others as "commanders" then how are they not an organized army?

Having said all of that, I have no idea what the point of this trade is anymore if all the info on Bergdahl is correct.

I don't see them much different than the nazis, and I wouldn't have released nazi leaders responsible for thousands of deaths either. As to why they are not an "organized" army is because they are only a recognized group by 3 countries in the world and a terror group by most others, with a long history of terrorizing people in Afghanistan. They can call one another Daddy for all I care, they are terrorists no matter how you slice it or dice it. The damage they did is already done and nothing can retract their actions.

I don't get that part either. I find it hard to believe that his fellow soldiers and others who have spoken out didn't do so earlier. I read an article yesterday how someone "familiar with the WH" said that the administration wasn't prepared for this and had no idea this would explode. Now I have to search for the article...

06-03-2014, 05:09 PM
I'm rereading words from John Mccain right now, and it seems there IS blood of Americans from the hands of one of these guys at least.

“These particular individuals are hardened terrorists who have the blood of Americans and countless Afghans on their hands,” said Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who himself was a POW in Vietnam. “I am eager to learn what precise steps are being taken to ensure that these vicious and violent Taliban extremists never return to the fight against the United States and our partners.”

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2014/05/31/228987/bowe-bergdahl-idaho-soldier-held.html?sp=/99/100/&ihp=1#storylink=cpy


06-03-2014, 05:14 PM
The soldiers he was with were all ordered to sign secrecy documents that said they couldn't talk about any of it until he was released or dead. Since he was released they are speaking up. Once again the incompetency of the administration is rearing it's ugly head.

06-03-2014, 05:14 PM
I don't see them much different than the nazis, and I wouldn't have released nazi leaders responsible for thousands of deaths either. As to why they are not an "organized" army is because they are only a recognized group by 3 countries in the world and a terror group by most others, with a long history of terrorizing people in Afghanistan. They can call one another Daddy for all I care, they are terrorists no matter how you slice it or dice it. The damage they did is already done and nothing can retract their actions.

I don't get that part either. I find it hard to believe that his fellow soldiers and others who have spoken out didn't do so earlier. I read an article yesterday how someone "familiar with the WH" said that the administration wasn't prepared for this and had no idea this would explode. Now I have to search for the article...

I think there is a difference between being organized and being recognized, and they're no longer "organized" because we've essentially obliterated them. And of course their actions are what define their status. They should just transfer them to the Afghans and let them deal with their actions.

Of course I don't find it hard to believe what you've heard, they not smart.

06-03-2014, 05:26 PM
The taliban were defeated by the Northern Alliance with US support. They, and AQ, were driven into pakistan where they have reestablished themselves. They were driven back, but not defeated. Just like AQ they are coming back. They are not a recognized govt, they are terrorists trying to overthrow a govt. The same as they did before when they took power in afghan.

06-03-2014, 06:06 PM
I hate to say that about a POW, but I'm not even fully convinced yet that he was being held prisoner. I am convinced that he bailed from his unit though.

Jim. Based on several of his final email's before he LEFT his post, and his fellow soldiers. He hated just about everything America, and his uniform stood for.

I now doubt (as the Pentagon hesitated to admit) that he was taken captive. Instead. He left his post, and intentionally went looking to JOIN the enemy to give them help fighting Americans.


And, to anyone here who says I am judging him. YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT.

THIRTY YEARS OF MY LIFE IN UNIFORM...for ALL OF YOU, and if you choose not to believe me.


06-03-2014, 06:09 PM
I don't believe that fits these 5. The Brits released more than 5 higher up Nazi's with damning evidence of their war crimes and the unfolding realization of the holocaust yet they were released without using the evidence obtained in charges against them.

I'm unaware of this being true. Can you name these 'more than 5 higher up Nazis' you are apparently referring to ?

Even IF this is accurate (I certainly do NOT excuse it, if it is !) I fail to see the connection (or the need of one). Gitmo releases have nothing to do with British releases of detainees involved in World War II.

06-03-2014, 06:36 PM
I'm unaware of this being true. Can you name these 'more than 5 higher up Nazis' you are apparently referring to ?

Even IF this is accurate (I certainly do NOT excuse it, if it is !) I fail to see the connection (or the need of one). Gitmo releases have nothing to do with British releases of detainees involved in World War II.

Seriously, are you even British? :poke:


And I already detailed the connection. :)

06-03-2014, 07:42 PM
I'm unaware of this being true. Can you name these 'more than 5 higher up Nazis' you are apparently referring to ?

Even IF this is accurate (I certainly do NOT excuse it, if it is !) I fail to see the connection (or the need of one). Gitmo releases have nothing to do with British releases of detainees involved in World War II.

Sir Drummond. 'fj' is simply back to his old, excuses ways again. Like most of our Obama-like Liberal types..Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi. 'fj' must always come up with something to change the subject, or context. fj sounds so much like a combination of OBAMA, and jafar. The THREE STOOGES couldn't beat any of them with more lies.

06-03-2014, 08:09 PM
Most of the skills he taught us we already knew,' he said. 'Some of my comrades think he's pretending to be a Muslim to save himself so they wouldn't behead him.'

Notable comment from the article.

06-03-2014, 08:54 PM
I think there is a difference between being organized and being recognized, and they're no longer "organized" because we've essentially obliterated them. And of course their actions are what define their status. They should just transfer them to the Afghans and let them deal with their actions.

Of course I don't find it hard to believe what you've heard, they not smart.

Now we know why Obama made the deal, he is helping them rebuild, 5 at a time :laugh: I threw up the smiley face ( letting all know it was a joke ) but dang I hope that statement is nothing more than a bad joke.

06-03-2014, 09:20 PM
Now we know why Obama made the deal, he is helping them rebuild, 5 at a time :laugh: I threw up the smiley face ( letting all know it was a joke ) but dang I hope that statement is nothing more than a bad joke.

Jeff. Sad part is. Obama and members of Congress actually expect the Information starved Americans to believe AQ, and the Taliban have been destroyed. It may seem like a bad joke on the surface but...Obama needs the political power to convince Uninformed Americans that THERE IS NO MORE THREAT OF TERROR here.
After all. When he SINGLE-HANDEDLY controlled taking out OBL, then declared him Dead to ALL OF US on TV.
That ended OBAMA's idea of needing to protect us...IN HIS TERMS.
So. Your bad joke isn't quite as Bad as Obama would have us believe, or think.

The WAR ON TERROR is far from ended.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-03-2014, 09:54 PM
Define terrorist.

my , my how Clintonian

The meaning of is... is?

06-04-2014, 04:11 AM
Seriously, are you even British? :poke:


And I already detailed the connection. :)

What a ridiculous answer.

I asked you to name the 'more than 5 higher up Nazis' you'd apparently had in mind.

You replied by NOT naming any such Nazis, as requested. Instead, you post a link to your PBS, leading to a transcript I'm supposed to wade through, which, as my skimming of it shows, does NOT produce those 'more than 5' names.

If you think it does, LIST THEM IN YOUR REPLY.

As for what I noted at the end of the transcript ... I quote ....

That one Nazi war criminal escaped justice because these tapes were not used is a crime in itself.


You ask if I'm British ... obviously your latest attempt to be abusive. And why ... because I supposedly don't have perfect recall, or knowledge, of all that British Intelligence have done in the past ?? Do YOU have perfect knowledge of CIA operations over the years ??

And you've yet to prove your case in any event.

So let me ask: ARE YOU AMERICAN ?

I think the question is reasonable. After all, Americans suffered 9/11 directly, with all the associated traumas from it. But despite this, I see you asking - incredible, this !! - what A TERRORIST IS ?!!??

I won't just ask you if you're an American, FJ. I will also ask you IF YOU'RE EVEN FOR REAL !

[Oh, by the way ... us British do NOT have PBS 'on tap' (or at all), so of course your PBS transcript would be new to me]

06-04-2014, 04:21 AM
my , my how Clintonian

The meaning of is... is?

Now I've seen it all, Tyr. Incredible. An 'American' apparently needing to ask what a terrorist is .. !!

This is the same individual who, in the past, has argued with me about (ahem) terrorist 'humanity', as I recall.

So now, I understand why ... if a basic question asking for the definition of 'terrorist' ever has to be asked !!!

06-04-2014, 06:26 AM
Feinstein Slams 'Unilateral' Obama After Apology for Bergdahl Trade

OK so we have all seen the articles were Obama has said he did give Congress notice , and yes I seen Rice say the same but now we have reports that the WH is apoligizing for the " the oversight regarding the matter "

Can you say Scandal, yes it looks like we have our newest Obama scandal :eek:

The White House is apologizing to some members of Congress for not giving advance notice of the release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl on Saturday — but at least one person not on that list is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Sen. Saxby Chambliss, the ranking Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, received a telephone call Tuesday afternoon from Homeland Security Adviser Lisa Monaco apologizing for not giving a heads-up about the release of five senior Taliban militants from the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, a spokeswoman told Newsmax.

The committee's chairwoman, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, told reporters that she received a call late Monday from Deputy National Security Adviser Tony Blinken apologizing for what he called an "oversight" regarding the matter.


06-04-2014, 06:56 AM
Here comes the Scandal, What Obama thought was going to make him a hero is in turn going down as the latest scandal of a term filled with scandals, with any luck maybe this one will help get him out of office, we all know that wont happen, this guy has gotten away with so much it makes my head spin and all he has to do is cry racism and folks drop the charges in a heart beat. I sure hope folks remember the First BLACK president we had and how he played the racism game just like any other thug on the street ,and it worked so far.

All you have to do is read the articles that came out this week how Obama said he gave Congress notice, how Rice said Congress was given the notice they are suppose to get , and then the article showing Obama himself apologizing for NOT giving appropriate time, Yes there will be much more to this story, I can't wait to see where it goes.

The rescue of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has mushroomed into yet "another scandal that is consuming the White House, one which I'm sure they did not anticipate," Florida Rep. Jeff Miller told Newsmax on Tuesday.

"I would suspect that the White House thought that by bringing Sgt. Bergdahl home they would be applauded," Miller, chairman of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee, said in an exclusive interview. "Obviously, that's not what's occurring. It is bipartisan outrage."

Over the weekend, Bergdahl, 28, was released in Afghanistan in exchange for five Taliban detainees who were being held in the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The deal was brokered by the government of Qatar.


06-04-2014, 07:27 AM
Notable comment from the article.

Not notable to me. Between wanting to denounce is citizenship, hanging with locals daily, telling everyone how disillusioned he was with the Army, he felt for the enemy, sent his belonging homes and left a damn note!!! Oh, and lets not forget the guy on his team who overheard the chatter with his own ears on the intel radios that Bergdahl was holed up in another city looking for the Taliban - ALL before this article ever saw the light of day a year later.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-04-2014, 07:39 AM
Now I've seen it all, Tyr. Incredible. An 'American' apparently needing to ask what a terrorist is .. !!

This is the same individual who, in the past, has argued with me about (ahem) terrorist 'humanity', as I recall.

So now, I understand why ... if a basic question asking for the definition of 'terrorist' ever has to be asked !!!

I found it a bit strange for fj to be asking.. The concept that any American needs a definition of word TERRORIST is an alarming one.
So I thought maybe it was just a "Clintonian" response but even that had me baffled... -Tyr

06-04-2014, 09:42 AM
Crock of shit. He was a F'ing PRIVATE when we walked away. He didn't have any special skills; anything he MIGHT have taught them probably came from a Google Search.

06-04-2014, 11:43 AM
I don't get that part either. I find it hard to believe that his fellow soldiers and others who have spoken out didn't do so earlier. I read an article yesterday how someone "familiar with the WH" said that the administration wasn't prepared for this and had no idea this would explode. Now I have to search for the article...

Of course I don't find it hard to believe what you've heard, they not smart.

Here is the article:

Analysts: White House Miscalculated Backlash Over Bergdahl Deal

WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — It’s been a rocky reception for the White House since securing the freedom of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl over the weekend, and now political analysts believe the Obama administration miscalculated the backlash they’d receive for the act.

Bergdahl, who left his Army base in 2009 before being captured by the Taliban, was released after the U.S. exchanged five high-level Taliban members kept at Guantanamo Bay.

What the administration thought would be “euphoria” over the successful release of Bergdahl instead brought a wave of criticism that flooded the White House for exchanging terrorists for an accused deserter.

“On Sunday, I think they thought there would be some euphoria around this,” NBC News’ Chuck Todd said. “That there would be a rally around the flag. That didn’t happen.”

National Security Adviser Susan Rice told ABC News Sunday that Bergdahl, 28, served with “honor and distinction” and that he was a prisoner of war, despite the Pentagon not listing him as such. Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, told CBSDC that the administration tried to sell this “great story” of praising Bergdahl as a hero.

“It didn’t take long for this PR push to falter. His fellow soldiers describe Bergdahl as a deserter, and they are bitter that American lives were lost trying to find and rescue him,” Sabato explained to CBSDC. “And then there’s the prisoner swap. Those five senior terrorists caused a lot of people’s stomachs to turn and temperatures to rise. Quite a price to pay for a soldier who may be a deserter, if reports are true.”

Republicans have been in an uproar since the news came to light, claiming that the Obama administration has put an asking price on an American hostage captured by terrorists. They also criticized the agreement and complained about not having been consulted, citing a law that requires Congress to be given 30 days’ notice before a prisoner is released from Guantanamo.

Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee said the Pentagon notified the panel by phone on Saturday that the exchange was occurring in the next five hours.


06-04-2014, 11:45 AM
3 more guys speak out against Bergdahl:

WASHINGTON — Three former members of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s platoon spoke to The Associated Press on Tuesday about Bergdahl’s disappearance, his freedom and how he should be treated now that he’s out. The interviews were facilitated by a public relations firm, Capitol Media Partners, co-owned by Republican strategist Richard Grenell. All three men said Bergdahl should be investigated for desertion. Army Secretary John McHugh said Tuesday that after Bergdahl has recovered, the Army will “review” the circumstances of his disappearance.

Joshua Cornelison, 25, who was a medic in the platoon:

Cornelison said Bergdahl was unusually reluctant to talk to fellow soldiers about his personal life or his background.

“He was very, very quiet. He kept everything very close to the vest,” Cornelison said, speaking from Sacramento, California. “So, after he actually left, the following morning we realized we have Bergdahl’s weapon, we have Bergdahl’s body armor, we have Bergdahl’s sensitive equipment (but) we don’t have Bowe Bergdahl.” At that point, Cornelison said, it occurred to him that Bergdahl was “that one guy that wanted to disappear, and now he’s gotten his wish.”

Cornelison, who completed his Army service in 2012, said he believes Bergdahl should be held accountable.

“Bowe Bergdahl needs to be held 100 percent accountable for all of his irresponsibility and all of his actions. He willfully deserted his post and he needs to be held accountable for that,” he said.

Evan Buetow, 27, who was a sergeant in the platoon:

Buetow, speaking from Maple Valley, Washington, said Bergdahl had asked him a number of questions a short time before his disappearance that, in retrospect, make it apparent that Bergdahl had been planning to leave.

Bergdahl asked him, for example, how much of a cash advance he could get and how to go about mailing home his personal computer and other belongings. He also asked what would happen if his weapon and other sensitive items such as night vision goggles went missing. He said he told Bergdahl that, as any soldier would know, that would be “a big deal.”

“At the time … it wasn’t really alarming” to hear Bergdahl ask about those things, Buetow said. “Yes, it was a kind of off-the-wall question,” but the notion of a fellow soldier running off during the night seemed so far-fetched as to not be possible, he said.

Buetow said he feels strongly that Bergdahl should face trial for desertion, but he said it is less clear that he should be blamed for the deaths of all soldiers killed during months of trying to find him. Beutow said he knows of at least one death on an intelligence-directed infantry patrol to a village in search of Bergdahl. More broadly, the mission of his entire unit changed after Bergdahl’s disappearance because it began to incorporate efforts to pursue clues to his whereabouts.

“Those soldiers who died on those missions, they would not have been where they were … if Bergdahl had never walked away,” he said. “At the same time I do believe it is somewhat unfair for people to say, ‘It is Bergdahl’s fault that these people are dead.’ I think that’s a little harsh.”

Matt Vierkant, 27, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, was a team leader of another squad in Bergdahl’s platoon.

He’s now out of the military and studying mechanical engineering.

Soldiers from his unit and other units were wounded or killed on missions to chase down leads related to Bergdahl, he said.

Asked about the statement Sunday by National Security Adviser Susan Rice that Bergdahl served “with honor and distinction,” he said: “That statement couldn’t be further from the truth. I don’t know if she was misinformed or doesn’t know about the investigations and everything else, or what.”

He said Bergdahl’s fellow soldiers knew within five or 10 minutes from the discovery of disappearance that he had walked away. In retrospect the signs were there, he said, but there was nothing so definitive that would have prompted action.

“He said some strange things, like, ‘I could get lost in those mountains,’ which, at the time, that doesn’t really strike you as someone who is going to leave their weapon and walk out.”

Vierkant said he believes it’s paramount that an investigation determine whether Bergdahl deserted or collaborated with the enemy.

“It shouldn’t even be a question of whether, it should question of when,” he said.


06-04-2014, 11:49 AM
Notable comment from the article.

I'm thinking that Nadeem and his comrades probably knew the real story, just like the rest of the world did, when Bergdahl's dad was standing beside Obama and praising allah on international TV.

06-04-2014, 11:50 AM
Crock of shit. He was a F'ing PRIVATE when we walked away. He didn't have any special skills; anything he MIGHT have taught them probably came from a Google Search.

Perhaps, but this guy is toast regardless, from what I'm seeing. There is way too much feedback from way too many people who know him, both before and after. Every single one of his mates that have spoken out thus far have more or less repeated the same thing - that it was only a matter of time before he bailed. That, along with the chatter is being reported, that an American was 2 towns away looking for someone who spoke English, that he wanted to meet with the Taliban. I would assume if this is true there would be a recording of it, but I don't know. But I wouldn't rule out what he knew as a private, the "bomb making skills" was only turning a cell phone or camera into a remote control. I don't find that too awfully hard to believe.

06-04-2014, 11:51 AM
I'm thinking that Nadeem and his comrades probably knew the real story, just like the rest of the world did, when Bergdahl's dad was standing beside Obama and praising allah on international TV.

I do also find it a bit hard to believe that Bergdahl has forgotten how to more or less speak English, as his Dad stated.

06-04-2014, 12:19 PM
"Swiftboating", in case you've forgotten, is the practice used when a soldier tells a lie or comes up with dubious claims. People who don't like such duplicity, then consult all the soldiers who were around him during the incident(s) in question, and ask them publicly what they saw and what happened, thoroughly debunking the lies and dubious claims.

The term came from John Kerry's campaign for President a long time ago. He made several highly dubious claims about his own service in Vietnam, when he was a member of a team of patrol boats called the "Swift Boats". So a large number of his own shipmates, and others who were on nearby boats with Kerry, formed a group called "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth", and to a man told a very different story, discrediting Kerry's version of events.

Democrats, naturally, have been ranting ever since that a hundred or more U.S. Navy sailors were all liars, while Kerry was alone in telling the truth.

Now, as more and more of Bowe Bergdahl's fellow soldiers come forward to tell the truth about Bergdahl's questionable "hero" status, the same Democrats are starting the same ranting. :cuckoo: Some things never change.


Report: White House Accuses Soldiers Who Served with Bergdahl of 'Swift Boating' | The Weekly Standard (http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/report-white-house-accuses-soldiers-who-served-bergdahl-swift-boating-him_794307.html)

Report: White House Accuses Soldiers Who Served with Bergdahl of 'Swift Boating'

9:24 AM, Jun 4, 2014• By MARK HEMINGWAY

Appearing on the Today Show this morning, Chuck Todd reports that, in response to allegations of possible desertion by Bowe Bergdahl, White House sources are accusing the soldiers that served with him of "swift boating." Prior to the allegations made by those who served with Bergdahl, National Security Advisor Susan Rice had said Bergdahl served with "Honor and distinction." From the transcript of the Today Show:

Every [White House] aide I've talked to said they expected there to be controversy involving the decision to release five members of the taliban from gitmo, and the fact that this would then escalate that debate, which has been simmering for a good five years, which is what to do with those detainees, how do you release them, where do you release them. They did not expect this backlash on bergdahl himself. I've had a few aides describe it to me as we didn't know that they were going to swift boat Bergdahl. And that's a reference to that political fight back in 2004 over john kerry's military service, so there's some fighting words there.

06-04-2014, 12:28 PM
Bergdaul was nothing more than a trigger puller in an outpost. He had no expertise in anything that has been reported so far, so he's of little actual interest other than when will he be tried for desertion. The things that take precedence are what was obama doing in afghan a week before the release? What deals were struck with qatar and the taliban? Why was all of this kept secret from congress and the CIA? Who are all the main players in this? Why did the army white wash all of this and have the soldiers sign nondisclosure statements following the disappearance?

We are talking criminality here at the highest level and congress needs to start impeachment proceedings as soon as possible. This is what happens when you have criminals running the country.

06-04-2014, 12:43 PM
In other words they didn't expect people to come out and tell the truth. Which is the other definition of swift boating. All the political hay they expected to get out of this is nothing more than grass clipping in a plastic bag. They really need to get on their propaganda industry about this. The cat got out of the bag and it had kittens.

06-04-2014, 12:51 PM
"fj". No need for any of us to define anything for you. Whatever you ask. Consider yourself qualified to be, exactly what you ask. You and gabby must be sharing the same VACUUM between your ears. And the remedy for a vacuum is....NATA!

06-04-2014, 12:52 PM
In other words they didn't expect people to come out and tell the truth. Which is the other definition of swift boating. All the political hay they expected to get out of this is nothing more than grass clipping in a plastic bag. They really need to get on their propaganda industry about this. The cat got out of the bag and it had kittens.

"Having kittens" hasn't started yet.
But it's about to. :coffee:

06-04-2014, 12:55 PM
They can call it whatever they like, but all of the stories seem consistent to me, and apparently they "swiftboated" this information back in 2009, before they were all shut up till he was found. What's going to matter most here is what the Army knew the days after his leaving, was all of this information from the soldiers relayed to those in authority at the time.

06-04-2014, 01:02 PM
This article, if it can be proven, will demonstrate that Obama clearly orchestrated this swap to circumvent U.S. law to get what he wanted.

I suspect that he wanted a feel-good story about rescuing a POW to distract attention and mitigate the heat building over the VA scandal, and this end-run around Congress blew up in his face.

A military intelligence source also confirmed to Fox News that a second option -- involving the payment of a cash ransom for Bergdahl's freedom -- was pursued as late as December 2013.
The source said the goal was to reach out to Pakistan leadership with direct ties to the Taliban, and float the possibility of trading cash, instead of prisoners, for Bergdahl. That option, though, was put "on hold" in December when it was made clear the administration intended to pursue a prisoner swap.

That shows that they were exploring options, which is proper and legal. But when the U.S. Military & others said it would not be proper to proceed given the circumstances on Bergdahl's desertion (and probably the renouncement of American citizenship), the game changed to another end-run around rules and laws that Obama is infamous for.

Hell, even Hillary saw that this was a bad idea, and that speaks volumes.

According to Time magazine, the decision to proceed with the transfer was ultimately made among top officials on Obama's national security team.

Given past opposition to the plan, though, one unidentified official told Time: "This was out of the norm." The official said the White House and State Department had previously urged the military to "suck it up and salute."

Members of Congress who were first briefed on a possible trade more than two years ago voiced similar concerns.

House Speaker John Boehner said Tuesday the administration "never satisfactorily answered" lawmakers' questions and concerns that surfaced from the beginning about the proposed trade. Further, Boehner alleged that the only reason the administration failed to notify Congress is "the administration knew it faced serious and sober bipartisan concern and opposition."

I think BamBam wanted a distraction.... and he got it, in spades.


06-04-2014, 01:04 PM
This article, if it can be proven, will demonstrate that Obama clearly orchestrated this swap to circumvent U.S. law to get what he wanted.

I suspect that he wanted a feel-good story about rescuing a POW to distract attention and mitigate the heat building over the VA scandal, and this end-run around Congress blew up in his face.

That shows that they were exploring options, which is proper and legal. But when the U.S. Military & others said it would not be proper to proceed given the circumstances on Bergdahl's desertion (and probably the renouncement of American citizenship), the game changed to another end-run around rules and laws that Obama is infamous for.

Hell, even Hillary saw that this was a bad idea, and that speaks volumes.

I think BamBam wanted a distraction.... and he got it, in spades.


NightTrain. Only ONE WORD needed to describe, or identify what OBAMA did.

And that ONE WORD is...."POLITICS".

06-04-2014, 01:16 PM
I found it a bit strange for fj to be asking.. The concept that any American needs a definition of word TERRORIST is an alarming one.
So I thought maybe it was just a "Clintonian" response but even that had me baffled... -Tyr

Seems to me that a 'Clintonian' response best belongs in that era, Tyr.

I mean ... since those times, America has been given the sharpest, clearest, illustration possible of EXACTLY what terrorism is about, therefore, WHAT a terrorist IS. It's ridiculous to have, in this day and age, anyone on your side of the Pond somehow 'missing' the understanding that SURELY you all must have of them by now !!!!

I can imagine - just barely - that it might be possible to be so mired in trendy Leftie propaganda that said Leftie enthusiast becomes blinded to such things. But it'd surely take a particularly hardbitten Leftie type to manage such a dislocation from reality.


Perhaps FJ is having a joke at our expense. Otherwise, this is off-the-chart weird.:tinfoil:

06-04-2014, 01:23 PM
Seems to me that Obama's people are desperate to save face. Evidently they'll happily turn against Bergdahl's would-be 'comrades' as part of that effort.

And/or, could it be .. that Obama genuinely regards someone like Bergdahl to be more deserving of support than more loyal, reputable Service personnel ?

That's Lefties for you .....

06-04-2014, 01:25 PM
They can call it whatever they like, but all of the stories seem consistent to me, and apparently they "swiftboated" this information back in 2009, before they were all shut up till he was found. What's going to matter most here is what the Army knew the days after his leaving, was all of this information from the soldiers relayed to those in authority at the time.

JIM. I don't find it unusual that the former members of Bergdahl's army company are finally coming out.
Before I retired from the Navy in 1995. I signed several documents that were called something other than "NON-DISCLOSURE", due to the access I had to certain, classified documents, and guarded, critical equipment procedures.

If those men were forced to sign a NON-DISCLOSURE FORM that had set conditions. Such as unless Bergdahl died, or was returned. Which is the case.
Watch how many who support Obama begin to ACCUSE those men of FABRICATING their stories, and trying to Destroy them.
It happens all the time.

Nothing NEW.

06-04-2014, 01:30 PM
The accusations of 'swift boating' will go nowhere, because there are letters and notes from Bergdahl himself as to what his intentions were.

But it'll be funny to watch the knuckleheads try to run with it.

06-04-2014, 01:35 PM
The accusations of 'swift boating' will go nowhere, because there are letters and notes from Bergdahl himself as to what his intentions were.

But it'll be funny to watch the knuckleheads try to run with it.

NightTrain. Obama even has SecDef Hagle repeating the OBAMA LIES.

Using that line "We never leave any soldier behind" is just CRAP. That' when a WAR ends, or fighting ends in certain operations.
OBAMA will use ANY EXCUSE they can repeat OFTEN ENOUGH, until the UNINFORMED believe it.

06-04-2014, 01:44 PM
my , my how Clintonian

The meaning of is... is?

Now I've seen it all...

I didn't think I'd get more than "scary guys I don't like" from you two. :slap:

06-04-2014, 01:53 PM
What a ridiculous answer.

I asked you to name the 'more than 5 higher up Nazis' you'd apparently had in mind.

You replied by NOT naming any such Nazis, as requested. Instead, you post a link to your PBS, leading to a transcript I'm supposed to wade through, which, as my skimming of it shows, does NOT produce those 'more than 5' names.

If you think it does, LIST THEM IN YOUR REPLY.

As for what I noted at the end of the transcript ... I quote ....


You do realize that what you quoted was merely a comment to the transcript and not from the actual transcript don't you? This part would actually be relevant to the discussion:

NARRATORIn the end, the British chose to protect their new methods for the coming cold war – even at the expense of justice.
Not one of Trent Park’s prisoners was ever convicted of a single war crime on the basis of what they said while imprisoned.

Besides, you asked for names and I gave you names and far more. Keep the change.

And you've yet to prove your case in any event.

Proven. If you'll admit to it. ;)

06-04-2014, 01:57 PM
I found it a bit strange for fj to be asking.. The concept that any American needs a definition of word TERRORIST is an alarming one.
So I thought maybe it was just a "Clintonian" response but even that had me baffled... -Tyr

Seems to me that a 'Clintonian' response best belongs in that era, Tyr.

It's amusing that you two are befuddled by a simple question. But any time I can get you two running into each others arms I find heartwarming. :)

06-04-2014, 02:55 PM
You do realize that what you quoted was merely a comment to the transcript and not from the actual transcript don't you?

Certainly. I was being generous.

This part would actually be relevant to the discussion:

.. and it's less than definitive. Do we have an exact number of those involved ? And .. 'on the basis of what they said while imprisoned.' .. may suggest that other action was taken on another basis.

Show me that I am wrong.

Besides, you asked for names and I gave you names and far more. Keep the change.

I asked you for a list of those names. No list has been provided.

Which is understandable, given your inability to supply a clear-cut case.

By the way, FJ, congratulations on hijacking another thread .....

06-04-2014, 03:02 PM
It's amusing that you two are befuddled by a simple question.

I do admit to being 'befuddled' by the sanity of the question, and for the reasons already mentioned.

How is it that you could ever need any answer ?

Are you telling me that you could've witnessed the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers, watched the deaths it caused (and whether you were there in NY or not, you must know what happened that day, and seen footage ?), yet be incapable of forming any opinion on what the perpetrators were ???

06-04-2014, 07:53 PM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-04-2014, 08:58 PM

A firing squad would have been a proper welcome IMHO!!!
Just like the King of Scammers to sell dearly our Nation's honor to bring back a deserter, traitor and enemy collaborator!!!
Both are cut from the same dirty cloth...-Tyr

06-04-2014, 10:01 PM
Certainly. I was being generous.

.. and it's less than definitive. Do we have an exact number of those involved ? And .. 'on the basis of what they said while imprisoned.' .. may suggest that other action was taken on another basis.

Show me that I am wrong.

I asked you for a list of those names. No list has been provided.

Which is understandable, given your inability to supply a clear-cut case.

Oh geez.

"I liked to shoot women pushing prams": Secret Nazi tapes shocking Germany (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/secret-nazi-tapes-shocking-germany-1336922)

IT wasn’t their fault, has been the lame excuse. Ordinary German soldiers had nothing to do with the atrocities committed by Hitler and his hardcore Nazi henchmen.But now a disturbing – and at times *horrifyingly graphic – new book has laid to rest the myth that only the likes of the SS and Gestapo were responsible for war crimes and acts of rape, murder and genocide.

Do you want more? Perhaps this will help you out:

Trent Park Nazis (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Trent+Park+Nazis)

Which link do you like? BBC? Mirror? Daily Mail? Which one isn't a leftie rag where you can't ignore what I've pointed out to you?

By the way, FJ, congratulations on hijacking another thread .....

Your dumbF'ery is what hijacked this thing. Your denial of the obvious. :rolleyes:

06-04-2014, 10:06 PM
I do admit to being 'befuddled' by the sanity of the question, and for the reasons already mentioned.

How is it that you could ever need any answer ?

Are you telling me that you could've witnessed the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers, watched the deaths it caused (and whether you were there in NY or not, you must know what happened that day, and seen footage ?), yet be incapable of forming any opinion on what the perpetrators were ???

Befuddled is how you spend every day proven by your being confused by questions. Now that you've at least laid down a benchmark link the 5 Taliban to 9/11.

06-05-2014, 06:16 AM
Oh geez.

"I liked to shoot women pushing prams": Secret Nazi tapes shocking Germany (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/secret-nazi-tapes-shocking-germany-1336922)

Do you want more? Perhaps this will help you out:

Trent Park Nazis (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Trent+Park+Nazis)

Which link do you like? BBC? Mirror? Daily Mail? Which one isn't a leftie rag where you can't ignore what I've pointed out to you?

Your dumbF'ery is what hijacked this thing. Your denial of the obvious. :rolleyes:

... h'm. Focus never was your strong point, FJ.

The title of this thread is .. 'TALIBAN TRADE US SOLDIER FOR 5 IN GITMO'. You, however, have tried to divert it into discussion about WWII, the behaviour of the British of the time with regard to one aspect of it, and that war's aftermath.

Also: ...

The Brits released more than 5 higher up Nazi's with damning evidence of their war crimes and the unfolding realization of the holocaust yet they were released without using the evidence obtained in charges against them.
.. an earlier post of yours, with you, now, wandering off of the terms of your own diversion !!

I've asked you to provide a list of names of those 'more than 5 higher up Nazi's'. Repeatedly. Instead, you now keep banging on - with NO obvious connection to the real reason for this thread !!! - about Nazi atrocities.

I take it that you cannot provide the list I asked for. I also take it that your enthusiasm for thread hijacks is remaining undiminished.

You seem familiar with the UK's more Left wing media sources, FJ. The BBC - this professes neutrality, though their OWN commissioned review found 'institutionalised liberalism' in the BBC, and they regularly prove the point to this day (... do you know, the BBC's domestic output only started mentioning Bergdahl's questionable service record around 12 hours ago ... up to now, it's been a straightforward 'prisoner swap' story, with Taliban-shot footage of Bergdahl's handover played at least twice hourly !!).

As for the Daily Mirror, congratulations. It's a Left wing tabloid at the 'trashy' end of the market, it ALWAYS supports the Labour Party, was virulently anti-Thatcher, and their vitriol against GW Bush around 2003-2004 had to be seen to be believed.

The Daily Mail. Congratulations, you finally found one - that paper is right-wing. Successfully so, given the Left's scorn against it. Since you're so fond of 'history muckraking' reports, you'll enjoy the fact of the Mail doing articles on Ed Miliband's father's Communist-sympathies (Miliband is the current Labour Party leader ... who angrily demanded that the Mail cease publishing its revelations .. he tried to pressure them into silence).

You could have picked the Times. The Telegraph. The Daily Express. The Sun ... all of them at least relatively Right-wing. Instead, 2 of the 3 you DID pick were Left-oriented media outlets.

- Remarkable, that.

Who suggests your sources to you, FJ ? Or ... is it that your natural media gravitations are being revealed ?

Well done, FJ.

06-05-2014, 07:03 AM
The father was a real hero as well and the worst part Obama knew about these things before he decided to make the trade,the father had tweeted how he is trying to get all prisoners released from Gitmo, he sounds like instead of the WH having a press conference the media maybe should of been told of the arrest of the father.


06-05-2014, 07:11 AM
^^ Merged the above post into this one - and I hope others will watch it. It sure does raise a lot of questions.

06-05-2014, 07:14 AM
Here's the embedded version. While not a professional video, it seems they cover most and are basing this video on the facts coming out.

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/f_Uj4tTRqh4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

06-05-2014, 07:18 AM
Now that you've at least laid down a benchmark link the 5 Taliban to 9/11.

I can only sympathise with your confused state of mind. Since you've yet to comprehend what a terrorist IS .. and need to ask !!! .. of course, not even the most tenuous link between the Taliban and 9/11 will have crossed your mind.

Then again, perhaps I can help you. I'll try, anyway ...

The Taliban - back in 2001 - were hosts to Al Qaeda. In the territories the Taliban controlled, they allowed (and obviously approved of) Al Qaeda terrorist training camps to be run.

It's a well known fact that the terrorism culminating in 9/11 came from Al Qaeda, who in those days were centrally based in Afghanistan (before the US bombed the hell out of them, forcing Al Q to decentralise).

The five released Taliban detainees are said to be senior figures within the Taliban, I believe. Now ... with the Obama-led troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the failure to see to it that the Taliban is defeated, and those senior five rejoining their organisation ... what does the future hold ?

Maybe, a couple of years down the line, the world will see '9/11#2', courtesy of - in part - of renewed help given to Al Q by a resurgent Taliban ??

Is this giving you pause for thought, FJ ?

Perhaps not ...

06-05-2014, 07:20 AM
What a surprise, Daddy was anti-American, was a follower on Youtube of Anwar al Awlaki, said "God will repay for the death of every Afghan child. ameen!"

And of course he continued with his tweets and his anti-American rants and desire to get all Gitmo prisoners freed.

06-05-2014, 07:26 AM
What a surprise, Daddy was anti-American, was a follower on Youtube of Anwar al Awlaki, said "God will repay for the death of every Afghan child. ameen!"

And of course he continued with his tweets and his anti-American rants and desire to get all Gitmo prisoners freed.

Trying to steal my thunder huh, :laugh::laugh::laugh: J/K

Thanks I should of put it there from the get go.

This guy may be a bigger piece of trash than his son, but how could of Obama not known about this before he decided to make himself a hero for getting a prisoner back, I guess he didn't figure people would want to know the truth, that they all would be blinded with him returning a captive American home , I guess he thought wrong !!

06-05-2014, 07:26 AM
What a surprise, Daddy was anti-American, was a follower on Youtube of Anwar al Awlaki, said "God will repay for the death of every Afghan child. ameen!"

And of course he continued with his tweets and his anti-American rants and desire to get all Gitmo prisoners freed.

... and Obama was content to share a platform with him (images regularly broadcast on the BBC) ...

06-05-2014, 07:52 AM
Man did we mess up that country. we stirred the pot enough to piss people off ( one or more of the 5 freed by Obama may be looking to take it out on those that can't or won't defend themselves)

Yes the people that had been tortured by the animals Obama freed are worried and mad as can be, seems like this was a bad idea for all involved.

There is dread among the villagers who suffered atrocities at the hands of Mohammed Fazl over the release of the Taliban ex-deputy defense minister from Guantanamo, The Wall Street Journal (http://online.wsj.com/articles/release-of-taliban-detainees-rattles-afghan-villagers-1401924687?mod=WSJ_hp_LEFTTopStories) reported.

Fazl, one of five senior Taliban commanders exchanged for captive U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, received a warm welcome upon his arrival in Qatar. He is arguably the most dangerous of the men released and is expected to now take on a political role with the Taliban, according to the Journal.

Fazl led a scorched-earth offensive against rival Northern Alliance forces in 1999 that pushed hundreds of thousands to abandon their homes, the Journal said, citing studies of war crimes and atrocities during wars in Afghanistan and human rights reports.


06-05-2014, 08:25 AM
The democrats never,ever think about the long term consequences of their feel good now actions. This is another one of them. A lot of people are going to die now because these five scum were released. And anyone that actually thinks these scum are going to spend the next year in qatar is even dumber than obama.

06-05-2014, 01:23 PM

06-05-2014, 02:11 PM
As of late, yesterday. Wednesday, 4 June.

The PARTY has been cancelled. Ain't gonna happen.

The town is afraid of TOO MANY PEOPLE showing up.

(Good excuse...rather than admitting their HERO is a Deserter)

06-05-2014, 03:18 PM
Will the lies ever stop coming out of the WH, I guess when we get a new tenant they might ( at least this amount ) OK so now they had to keep everything a secret because the Taliban said to, so yes there is no doubt we are negotiating with terrorist. Personally I feel this is another lie, one that they are hoping will cool down the frenzy going on, but I am afraid Obama pushed his holier than thou attitude a bit to far this time, NO Barrack you can't just do as you please.

The Obama administration apparently is telling lawmakers that the Taliban threatened to kill Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl if the pending deal to free him was made public -- but sources suggest that's no excuse for keeping Congress in the dark.
One Senate aide told Fox News that senators were told at a briefing on Wednesday that "the U.S. obtained credible information that, if anything about the swap became public, Bergdahl would be killed."


06-05-2014, 03:26 PM
If it comes from the white house it's a lie. Pure and simple. I do not believe anything this administration says.

06-05-2014, 03:31 PM
Obama and company have had to make-up (lie) about so many stories, excuses. They aren't really sure WHICH STORIES/LIES are believable or true.

He (Obama) proves the adage about "How do you know when a politician is lying?"

His lips are moving.

What we are seeing (in reality) is the definition of INSANITY. Problem is. There are so many INSANE people in Washington. Nobody is smart enough to question anyone else.

06-05-2014, 04:13 PM
I can only sympathise with your confused state of mind. Since you've yet to comprehend what a terrorist IS .. and need to ask !!! .. of course, not even the most tenuous link between the Taliban and 9/11 will have crossed your mind.

Then again, perhaps I can help you. I'll try, anyway ...


Perhaps not ...

You miss the point. I asked for a definition of terrorist in relation to the discussion. And I don't need a history lesson from you although you apparently need one from me occasionally. ;)

06-05-2014, 05:17 PM
Not notable to me. Between wanting to denounce is citizenship, hanging with locals daily, telling everyone how disillusioned he was with the Army, he felt for the enemy, sent his belonging homes and left a damn note!!! Oh, and lets not forget the guy on his team who overheard the chatter with his own ears on the intel radios that Bergdahl was holed up in another city looking for the Taliban - ALL before this article ever saw the light of day a year later.

Jim. This also more fully explains why OBAMA was so happy to put his arms around Bergdahl's parents. He knows it's a sign of MUSLIM unity to openly display such feelings in public.

Obama isn't fooling anyone...but OBAMA. While really PISSING OFF thousands of American service members.


Anyone know what "A PHOTO OP" is?

06-05-2014, 05:18 PM
So by that logic, the US should surrender to the Taliban lest they kill more American soldiers in Afghanistan. It truly amazes me that the current administration would have us believe that the reason given is justification for not only breaking the law but breaking faith with the American people, the US military and all our allies.

06-05-2014, 05:19 PM
You miss the point. I asked for a definition of terrorist in relation to the discussion. And I don't need a history lesson from you although you apparently need one from me occasionally. ;)

But this is just nonsense. Unless you're confused, or a Leftie, or even worse, a confused Leftie .. no clarification of what a terrorist IS, is ever called for.

SURELY, 9/11 taught you all you need to know ?

Terrorists are bipedal creatures, superficially human, yet possessing none of the qualities of a REAL human. They are subhuman savages, incapable of basic humanity where and when it counts to possess it, deserving of NO rights, NO privileges, NO consideration.

The world has had proof of this, far too many times !!! Unless you're blind, or just blinded by Left-wing propaganda which teaches you to defy the realities of the world today .. you MUST know all this.

From that understanding, all else follows. So you should need no clarification whatever, for any reason.

06-05-2014, 05:22 PM
.... um. I should take my own advice !!! ..


06-05-2014, 05:24 PM
So by that logic, the US should surrender to the Taliban lest they kill more American soldiers in Afghanistan. It truly amazes me that the current administration would have us believe that the reason given is justification for not only breaking the law but breaking faith with the American people, the US military and all our allies.

CSM. Therein lies the rub. THERE IS NO LOGIC involved. Not when Obama gets to control the situation with LIES, piled on top of LIES.

The shame of all of this theater from the Obama administration is. That so many, LITERALLY Uninformed, Uneducated, Uncaring, Near Illiterate Americans FALL FOR HIS EVERY LIE.

As long as the majority of American people are kept in the dark..educationally. LIBERALS like Obama, and the Democrats in Congress can continue to IGNORE the laws those SAME Illiterate American do not like, or obey.

06-05-2014, 05:26 PM
.... um. I should take my own advice !!! ..


I'm with you. Taking the advice so generously handed to me earlier.


06-05-2014, 05:37 PM
What a crock. These are the flailings of a dying administration staffed by panicky buffoons.

I think this scandal will stick, and it's gaining traction fast.

06-05-2014, 05:49 PM
What a crock. These are the flailings of a dying administration staffed by panicky buffoons.

I think this scandal will stick, and it's gaining traction fast.

NightTrain. We all know how Obama works by now. Like the little kids we all knew while growing up. It started with the 1st lie, then the 2nd to cover the 1st, then the 3rd, and so on, and so on.

But Obama, and the Dems in Congress are all in competition with each other. Trying to OUT-LIE one-another, while never realizing...HOW STUPID THEY SOUND.

06-06-2014, 05:48 AM
I don't think they really care that some folks know they are telling a whopper or two as long as the masses keep electing them into office.

06-06-2014, 06:52 AM
So by that logic, the US should surrender to the Taliban lest they kill more American soldiers in Afghanistan. It truly amazes me that the current administration would have us believe that the reason given is justification for not only breaking the law but breaking faith with the American people, the US military and all our allies.

Hard to believe isn't it.

Obama thought he would just be Hailed a Hero for getting a prisoner of war back, in his own words he said " this is all part of the end of a war " what he forgot to tell us was the so called prisoner of war is a traitor a soldier that dropped his weapon and walked off to be with the enemy. He even sent his father letters telling him how he was embrressed to be a American, and yes we all know Obama had this info as he freed 5 terrorist to get a traitor back, to say something doesn't smell right is a under statement, Obama needs to be tried convicted locked up and forgotten about.

06-06-2014, 11:59 AM
In what liberals have dubbed a "fake scandal", at least six U.S. soldiers have died while on missions to look for Bowe Bergdahl. Bergdahl has admittted deserting his post in the face of the enemy.

One of those slain solders, has parents who are not content to accept Susan Rice's assertion that Bergdahl "served with honor and distinction". They want to know why their son died.

Perhaps we should send them a liberal who can explain to them it's nothing but a "fake scandal".



Parents of slain Bartlett soldier want answers on Bowe Bergdahl

June 04, 2014
by Robert McCoppin, Matthew Walberg and Geoff Ziezulewicz | Tribune reporters

The parents of a Chicago-area soldier who they say was killed while searching for missing Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl are demanding an investigation into whether Bergdahl deserted and how his release was engineered.

Pfc. Matthew Martinek, 20, of Bartlett, was killed on patrol in Afghanistan in September 2009 when his unit was hit by a roadside bomb and attacked with a rocket-propelled grenade and gunfire, the military said.

Martinek's mother, Cheryl Brandes, and stepfather, Ken Luccioni, said members of their son's unit in the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment based in Alaska have told them that Martinek was on a mission to search for Bergdahl at the time he died.

“We want a thorough investigation of Bergdahl's action and that the military code of justice is enforced,” Luccioni said Wednesday in a telephone interview. “We don't want to see this swept under the rug.”

The deal to free Bergdahl on Saturday in a trade for five senior Taliban leaders has prompted a firestorm of criticism from fellow soldiers and others who say his disappearance led to the deaths of seven U.S. troops in the ensuing months.

The Pentagon could not confirm those assertions.

An initial Army investigation concluded that Bergdahl voluntarily left his base.

06-06-2014, 12:15 PM
It took them a while to start doing so, but at least, now, the BBC is reporting the issue of Bergdahl not being an ordinary soldier who just happened to be caught by the Taliban (TV reports from the BBC, here in the UK, at first said nothing about unusual circumstances involving Bergdahl at all).

Here's a link to one of their articles ...


A quote ...

The circumstances of his capture remain murky, with speculation he may have walked away from his base out of disillusionment with the US campaign. US officials say any decision over possible desertion charges will be made by the army, but there is a feeling the soldier has suffered enough.

So judging by this, the whole thing will be - if they can get away with it - just swept under the carpet.

Lefties tend not to like to face up to the realities of a scandal (or anything else not conforming to their chosen worldview). If they CAN ride this out, they will.

06-06-2014, 01:47 PM
I don't think they really care that some folks know they are telling a whopper or two as long as the masses keep electing them into office.

CSM. I offer this as proof of how Obama, and the Democrats in Congress NEED, and WANT the Americans who constantly vote for them; TO REMAIN IGNORANT.

Democrats always succeed when they can prevent Americans from gaining Knowledge, or improving their education. Which is why Democrats ALWAYS claim OUR CHILDREN in GOVERNMENT schools NEED MORE MONEY.

The Uneducated Americans with little knowledge are easily convinced to believe POLITICIANS who always say Just the Right Things...like mentioning the kids/children. Tugging at the heartstrings of the Ignorant always wins votes for Democrats/Obama.
Blaming Republicans for STEALING money from the kids/children...tugs at those same UNEDUCATED Hearts.
This is also why Obama/Democrats HATE, and WANT to destroy the INTERNET.
It provides KNOWLEDGE to Americans the DEMOCRATS, and OBAMA Do not want them to learn.

EDUCATION, and the LACK OF IT is the reason DEMOCRATS get so much support from Americans who HAVE LITTLE.

06-06-2014, 02:49 PM
Why would the Taliban threaten to kill ONE OF THEIR OWN???

Let's ask jafar what he thinks about this story?

Read this link jafar....http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/06/06/exclusive-bergdahl-declared-jihad-secret-documents-show/

06-07-2014, 07:11 AM
What a shocker! This is why you don't negotiate with terrorists!


This morning, TIME Magazine featured a chilling interview with an Haqqani network-affiliated Taliban commander who was intimately involved in negotiations with the U.S. over the release of Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. The takeaway: More kidnappings are “definitely” to come as a result of the deal.

“It’s better to kidnap one person like Bergdahl than kidnapping hundreds of useless people,” the unnamed commander told TIME by telephone. “It has encouraged our people. Now everybody will work hard to capture such an important bird.”

Amidst great debate on whether or not the deal should have happened at all are lingering questions about whether Sgt. Bergdahl was a deserter. Although Bergdahl himself has yet to give his side of the story, questions remain unanswered about what exactly Bergdahl was doing off base the night he was captured by the Taliban.

According to The New York Times, a classified military report on the night Bergdahl wandered off base in June 2009 says this wasn’t the first time. In fact, the roughly 35-page report says that he’d wandered off from both a training range in California and from his outpost in Afghanistan before returning back to his assigned area. The report concludes that Bergdahl likely did so on his own free will in the dark of night.

Perhaps more important is what the report leaves out. There is no stated conclusion as to whether or not the then Private Bergdahl had any intention to officially desert.


06-07-2014, 09:47 AM
'Now, which guy is a hero again?’


The wife of a disabled Afghanistan veteran who was injured while searching for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has posted a scathing message against him this week, adding a personal account to the rising protests against the negotiations with the Taliban that lead to Bergdahl's freedom.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2651223/Wife-soldier-left-paralyzed-unable-speak-risking-life-save-Bowe-Bergdahl-vents-fury-message.html#ixzz33xsh0u9w

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-07-2014, 11:05 AM
Will the lies ever stop coming out of the WH, I guess when we get a new tenant they might ( at least this amount ) OK so now they had to keep everything a secret because the Taliban said to, so yes there is no doubt we are negotiating with terrorist. Personally I feel this is another lie, one that they are hoping will cool down the frenzy going on, but I am afraid Obama pushed his holier than thou attitude a bit to far this time, NO Barrack you can't just do as you please.


Of course it is a damn lie!!!
The scum joined them, became a muslim and helped them kill his former brothers in arms!!!
This is just a lie to give some justification for doing this quickly and secretly when other motives are the true case.
No President in our nation's history has ever lied as much or been anywhere near as corrupt as has been Obama and also his entire admin...
A damn scourge upon this nation they ALL surely are!!!!!!!!
Worse than a pestilence and its all a deliberately engineered campaign by the arrogant traitor and his crew!!!-Tyr

06-07-2014, 11:34 AM
This from one of his own. They will distance themselves, or get caught up in the lies and the rest of the scandal


The Senate Intelligence Committee chairwoman said she’s not convinced there was a “credible threat” against the life of freed Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl that motivated the White House to keep its plans secret.

“I don’t think there was a credible threat,” U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein said in an interview yesterday for Bloomberg Television’s “Political Capital with Al Hunt” airing this weekend. “I have no information that there was.”

Senators were told at a June 4 classified briefing that President Barack Obama’s administration had received indications that Bergdahl’s life could be jeopardized if the detainee exchange proceedings were disclosed or derailed, according to a government official who sought anonymity.

Feinstein, a California Democrat, is among lawmakers who criticized the administration’s decision not to adhere to a law requiring 30 days’ notice to Congress before releasing detainees from the Guantanamo Bay facility in Cuba. Prisoners from wars following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks are held there.


Abbey Marie
06-07-2014, 12:13 PM
This just gets worse every day.

06-07-2014, 01:48 PM
I'm loving it. Can't wait for the impeachment hearings to start.

06-07-2014, 02:48 PM
Of course it is a damn lie!!!
The scum joined them, became a muslim and helped them kill his former brothers in arms!!!
This is just a lie to give some justification for doing this quickly and secretly when other motives are the true case.
No President in our nation's history has ever lied as much or been anywhere near as corrupt as has been Obama and also his entire admin...
A damn scourge upon this nation they ALL surely are!!!!!!!!
Worse than a pestilence and its all a deliberately engineered campaign by the arrogant traitor and his crew!!!-Tyr

Obama and company HAVE TO LIE. They created the 1st lie, and every lie after that is intended to cover up for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on.

It never ends. OBAMA is a LIAR. And A LOUSY PRESIDENT-CIC that has a limited following of Americans who have NO BRAINS.

06-07-2014, 02:59 PM

Feinstein, a California Democrat, is among lawmakers who criticized the administration’s decision not to adhere to a law requiring 30 days’ notice to Congress before releasing detainees from the Guantanamo Bay facility in Cuba. Prisoners from wars following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks are held there.


Nice to see a Democrat giving a rip about the institution of Congress... though I don't expect it to last.

06-07-2014, 03:47 PM
What a shocker! This is why you don't negotiate with terrorists!


This morning, TIME Magazine featured a chilling interview with an Haqqani network-affiliated Taliban commander who was intimately involved in negotiations with the U.S. over the release of Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. The takeaway: More kidnappings are “definitely” to come as a result of the deal.

“It’s better to kidnap one person like Bergdahl than kidnapping hundreds of useless people,” the unnamed commander told TIME by telephone. “It has encouraged our people. Now everybody will work hard to capture such an important bird.”

Amidst great debate on whether or not the deal should have happened at all are lingering questions about whether Sgt. Bergdahl was a deserter. Although Bergdahl himself has yet to give his side of the story, questions remain unanswered about what exactly Bergdahl was doing off base the night he was captured by the Taliban.

According to The New York Times, a classified military report on the night Bergdahl wandered off base in June 2009 says this wasn’t the first time. In fact, the roughly 35-page report says that he’d wandered off from both a training range in California and from his outpost in Afghanistan before returning back to his assigned area. The report concludes that Bergdahl likely did so on his own free will in the dark of night.

Perhaps more important is what the report leaves out. There is no stated conclusion as to whether or not the then Private Bergdahl had any intention to officially desert.


Exactly. This - apart from the obvious fact of the Taliban getting five prized comrades back !! - is bad for two reasons:

1. Point made .. winning tactics strongly encourage more of the same. Why would the Taliban abandon a tactic that has worked well for them ?

2. This both boosts Taliban morale, AND is interpretable as evidence of weakness .. to be exploited as such, not least for propaganda purposes.

When you fight an enemy, you allow it NO avoidable gains AT ALL - EVER.

Abbey Marie
06-07-2014, 04:18 PM
Nice to see a Democrat giving a rip about the institution of Congress... though I don't expect it to last.

As I said the other day, we only see this kind of criticism from Dems because they've already moved on to Hillary.

06-07-2014, 05:18 PM
As I said the other day, we only see this kind of criticism from Dems because they've already moved on to Hillary.

Abbey. What we are hearing from the few Dems on this, is nothing more than "CYA", in a round-about way, for their BOY-TOY Obama the Liar.

It's a wonder any democrat even bothers to add their 2 cents...fearful of being dragged further down the CESSPOOL of the DNC talking Points Manual, and Toilet Paper Reports.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-07-2014, 11:09 PM

Bowe Bergdahl's father receives death threats: police chief

By Laura Zuckerman

SALMON Idaho (Reuters) - The father of Bowe Bergdahl, the Idaho soldier released from captivity in a controversial prisoner swap with the Taliban, has received emailed death threats that authorities are investigating, an Idaho police chief said on Saturday.

The first of the death threats sent to Bob Bergdahl at his home near Hailey, Idaho, was received on Wednesday, the same day the city canceled a planned rally celebrating the release of his son, Hailey Police Chief Jeff Gunter said.

"There were four specific emails with death threats given to the FBI and they are looking into it,” Gunter told Reuters in an interview.

Authorities are providing security to Bob Bergdahl and his wife, Jani, but Gunter declined to elaborate on those measures.

Bergdahl's release after being held for nearly five years in Afghanistan provoked an angry backlash in Congress among lawmakers over the Obama administration's failure to notify them in advance. Some of Bergdahl's former comrades have charged that he was captured in 2009 after deserting his post.

U.S. military leaders have said the circumstances of Bergdahl’s capture are unclear, with Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel urging critics to wait for all the facts to be known before rushing to judgment on Bergdahl.

The threats came as Hailey, a tourist community of some 8,000 people in the mountains of central Idaho, was buffeted by hundreds of vitriolic phone calls and emails.

The celebratory spirit that infused Hailey a week ago with news of Bergdahl’s release turned to apprehension as an onslaught of angry messages were directed at city officials, businesses and friends of the Bergdahls over a hometown rally to mark his freedom planned for June 28.

As many as 15,000 supporters and protesters were expected to descend on Hailey for an event that would have overwhelmed the resources and infrastructure of the remote mountain town and potentially risked public safety and property, city officials have said.

Not shocked that the traitor dad and the son may get exactly what they deserve!
Celebration was cancelled and the lousy traitor Dad seems worse than the son!!! I wish nothing but sweet justice upon them both!!!

For if they deserve good or ill,
let justice play it's will
A blast of payback is deserved
for duty's so ill-served..............-Tyr

06-08-2014, 12:24 AM
Funny how you support terrorism now Tyr. Death threats are terrorism!

06-08-2014, 12:36 AM
The father of a returned POW says "Bissmillah" at the White House, and all hell breaks loose.

This escalated quickly.

06-08-2014, 06:23 AM
The father of a returned POW says "Bissmillah" at the White House, and all hell breaks loose.

This escalated quickly.
No Jafar it about the deserter who our president decides to save in exchange for 5 VERY dangerous individuals. If YOU can't see through the hype and disinformation I truly am at a loss how to proceed with yo. Personally I think you are just being obtuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-08-2014, 07:16 AM
Funny how you support terrorism now Tyr. Death threats are terrorism!

A death threat is not terrorism. But ODD that you suddenly speak up about a muslim being threatened only, but are silent when Islam kills daily.

06-08-2014, 07:18 AM
The father of a returned POW says "Bissmillah" at the White House, and all hell breaks loose.

This escalated quickly.

Again, try reading. Are you REALLY going downhill this fast? Or are you now going to be a troll? This has NOTHING to do with his father and EVERYTHING to do with the facts coming out that he deserted his post - AND - that Obama was kind enough to release 5 of those you like to support.

06-08-2014, 09:08 AM
Many threads merged into this one to keep the Bergdahl discussion in one place. I hope this doesn't give reason for "someone" to again not answer questions/posts directed at them...

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-08-2014, 12:55 PM
This is the guy bambastard traded 5 top terrorists commanders for!
Direct from guys that served with him..


Exclusive: Platoon opens up about Sgt. Bergdahl's desertion

Jun. 07, 2014 - 24:28 - Soldiers set the record straight amid outrage over trade

Link is video interview!!
Refuse to view the video please do not reply to me....I am just tired of fools on forums refusing to accept truth from the other guys that were there!!!!

And yes the damn military knew this scum deserted and collaborated with the enemy too!!--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-08-2014, 01:05 PM
Funny how you support terrorism now Tyr. Death threats are terrorism!

"For if they deserve good or ill,",

Read that quote again, try to decipher it..

It says if they deserve GOOD or ill.
Why are you against justice???
I noted that I wanted justice served. Where you seem to not want it because both are muslims..
And that is the point , muslims are not special and are not ever to be held to be so damn special that justice has no power over them..

That's is exactly what Islam teaches , that Muslims are not ever to be held to man's law--to infidel law!!--Tyr

06-08-2014, 01:21 PM

06-08-2014, 01:54 PM

06-08-2014, 02:27 PM

06-08-2014, 02:36 PM

06-08-2014, 02:46 PM

NAMVET: Wonder if he took his Muslim Brotherhood W/H Staff too?

06-08-2014, 05:06 PM

06-12-2014, 08:13 AM
But this is just nonsense. Unless you're confused, or a Leftie, or even worse, a confused Leftie .. no clarification of what a terrorist IS, is ever called for.

SURELY, 9/11 taught you all you need to know ?

Terrorists are bipedal creatures, superficially human, yet possessing none of the qualities of a REAL human. They are subhuman savages, incapable of basic humanity where and when it counts to possess it, deserving of NO rights, NO privileges, NO consideration.

The world has had proof of this, far too many times !!! Unless you're blind, or just blinded by Left-wing propaganda which teaches you to defy the realities of the world today .. you MUST know all this.

From that understanding, all else follows. So you should need no clarification whatever, for any reason.

Nonsense is your irrational fear of questions and if you want to again take up your losing positions there are countless threads you've let lapse.

And the reason that we need to know what a terrorist is it's so we can develop an effective coherent plan. "Aack, terrorist, shoot 'em up, bang!!!" is not an effective policy to implement. What 9/11 has taught us is not to be ignorant to the threat, it shouldn't have taught us to shoot anyone that looks at us funny.

06-12-2014, 08:28 AM
... h'm. Focus never was your strong point, FJ.

The title of this thread is .. 'TALIBAN TRADE US SOLDIER FOR 5 IN GITMO'. You, however, have tried to divert it into discussion about WWII, the behaviour of the British of the time with regard to one aspect of it, and that war's aftermath.

Also: ...

.. an earlier post of yours, with you, now, wandering off of the terms of your own diversion !!

I've asked you to provide a list of names of those 'more than 5 higher up Nazi's'. Repeatedly. Instead, you now keep banging on - with NO obvious connection to the real reason for this thread !!! - about Nazi atrocities.

I take it that you cannot provide the list I asked for. I also take it that your enthusiasm for thread hijacks is remaining undiminished.

I did you one better than names, I gave you a whole history lesson of the hard choices of war. I am astonished that you can't see the connection between a release of despicable humans by the Brits 70 years ago and a trade of despicable humans present day; completely astonished you don't see a connection.

But yes, hide your ignorance behind your "hijacking" ploy. :rolleyes:

... Left wing ... 'institutionalised liberalism' ... Left wing tabloid ... right-wing. ... Right-wing. ... Left-oriented ...

Who suggests your sources to you, FJ ? Or ... is it that your natural media gravitations are being revealed ?

Man, you dumb. The above bit is why you are always debating an uphill battle when you attempt to challenge me. You do realize that I merely linked you to google don't you and I merely listed the "leftie rags" that were on the first page? You probably don't because you let your imagination run wild.

06-12-2014, 12:30 PM