View Full Version : Student gets prom date, NFL star helps

05-31-2014, 03:36 PM
This is so cool, I don't know how he will make out on the field but R.G.3 has some class sure enough. I would love to see more sport stars do things like this.

A 17-year-old with cerebral palsy was asked to prom with the help of his favorite football player, Robert Griffin III.


Abbey Marie
06-01-2014, 01:12 AM
Love the story, Jeff. Thanks for sharing it. and I agree, RGIII seems like a class act whenever I hear him speak.

06-01-2014, 07:41 AM
Did you see the kids face when Griffin popped out from behind the banner? He made that kids entire year! Good for both of them. And the young lady, going to go to the prom with him, and I believe her tears were real and she was just as happy for the kid as the kid was to see one of his heroes.

RG3 has been a class act in my book since coming to the NFL, and this will put him in my top 3. :)

06-01-2014, 07:46 AM
How simple it is for one of these millionaires to actually put a good face on, this took RG all of a hour of his time and I know at least in my eyes ( and it sounds like a couple others as well ) he has become something to be proud of.