View Full Version : Homeless man racially abuses a muslim man, he responds by finding him a job and a hom

06-03-2014, 07:38 PM
Muslims do this kind of thing every day, yet it goes unreported with the media preferring to show terrorism as an example of Islam when the opposite is true.

Aminur Chowdhury is a true Muslim and a fine example of how we should all act no matter our religious beliefs.

Aminur Chowdhury from Bradford, England was racially abused by homeless man Ben Gallon but rather than throw insults back, Aminur decided to engage in conversation with him and invited him to have a drink.

Aminur says: “Initially I turned the other cheek but then I was challenging Ben about what he had said to me, I stopped and had a chat with him for about 15 minutes.”
After speaking to Ben, Aminur said he can help him find a job and the pair exchanged contact details. Initially Ben thought he was only being polite about the job offer but he says he got a call from him the next day with a job interview at his friend’s business:

“The next day he gave me a call, said ‘can I come pick you up Ben, I’ve got an interview for you’. That same day, he came round to get me, drove me down to the place on Canal Road and then within ten minutes I had been offered the job.”
Aminur didn’t stop there, he also helped him find an apartment to rent in Bradford.
Ben, now regretting his actions says:

“There was no justification for me using those words.. Kudos to him for forgiving me, I regret it. A positive thing has happened out of this situation.”
“I’ve learned my lesson. What I said was completely out of character for me, I’m not a racist.”
“Things are starting to look up for me. I’ve started the job and it’s fantastic.”
Aminur explains what motivated him to respond the way he did:

“I was targeted for racist abuse but a great way of overcoming racism is to show some tolerance…I realise I can’t put the world to rights but I can try to educate people.”
“This is a great way of teaching Asian people across Bradford of how to respond to racism. The more love you show, the more endeared they will be to you,”.
Some of the worst racially aggravated riots took place in Bradford in 2001 between the large and growing British Asian communities and the city’s white majority, which resulted in 300 police officers being hurt and 297 arrests being made. Both men now hope this positive story helps improves the relations of different races and people of religions in the community.
This story is indeed a great lesson for us all and highlights the best way of winning people’s hearts – good character. The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also won people over with his good character and many people went onto embrace Islam because of that.


06-04-2014, 07:10 AM
Muslims do this kind of thing every day, yet it goes unreported with the media preferring to show terrorism as an example of Islam when the opposite is true.

Aminur Chowdhury is a true Muslim and a fine example of how we should all act no matter our religious beliefs.


Kudos to him! But FWIW, people of all walks of life do this type of stuff daily. And I'm not so sure I see the stinking media covering any of it. The last I saw was on "Break" no less, a humor site, and it was about a young guy who gave a homeless guy $1000.

Nonetheless, was cool as hell of this guy considering how they initially met one another!

06-04-2014, 06:09 PM
Muslims do this kind of thing every day, yet it goes unreported with the media preferring to show terrorism as an example of Islam when the opposite is true.

Aminur Chowdhury is a true Muslim and a fine example of how we should all act no matter our religious beliefs.


jafar. So do Christians, Catholics, and Jews. Every day as well. And most all of it goes unreported.

NEWS and NEWS reporting is geared to BAD NEWS. "IF IT BLEEDS, IT LEADS" is the journalism creed.

How many newspapers, cable news networks, and radio stations devote all of their Time to


Think about how many BILLIONS of humans are presently on Earth. Then tell us HOW every GOOD deed could be reported...specifically because YOU insist Muslims do good things?

06-04-2014, 11:07 PM
Kudos to him! But FWIW, people of all walks of life do this type of stuff daily. And I'm not so sure I see the stinking media covering any of it. The last I saw was on "Break" no less, a humor site, and it was about a young guy who gave a homeless guy $1000.

Nonetheless, was cool as hell of this guy considering how they initially met one another!

I think I saw that one. Was it where he gave the guy a lottery ticket that won $1k?

jafar. So do Christians, Catholics, and Jews. Every day as well. And most all of it goes unreported.

NEWS and NEWS reporting is geared to BAD NEWS. "IF IT BLEEDS, IT LEADS" is the journalism creed.

How many newspapers, cable news networks, and radio stations devote all of their Time to


Think about how many BILLIONS of humans are presently on Earth. Then tell us HOW every GOOD deed could be reported...specifically because YOU insist Muslims do good things?

Because the media spends all it's time reporting bad stuff. It's nice to read good stuff now and then.

06-05-2014, 04:10 AM
I think I saw that one. Was it where he gave the guy a lottery ticket that won $1k?

Because the media spends all it's time reporting bad stuff. It's nice to read good stuff now and then.

I agree. It is good to read something good about a Muslim (or Muslims).

And it's undoubtedly true that the media is skewed towards reporting bad news rather than good news.

Isn't it a pity, Jafar, that there is so MUCH bad news reported about Muslims and their activities (... not meant to mean that they should stay silent about it, though !!!) ?

06-05-2014, 04:45 AM
.... h'mmm !!!

Well, now. I thought I'd take a few minutes out to see if there was any background on this Aminur Chowdhury person. I was curious about him.

I found two rather disturbing links.

Now - and I must stress this !! - I concede it's just possible that there are two (or even more ?) Aminur Chowdhurys out there, both from Bradford, and the links I've found may not refer to Jafar's Chowdhury. So, I offer these for whatever they may be worth.

First, this report of Jafar's Mr Chowdhury, as reported by a local newspaper ...

http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/11234068.Racist_outburst_led_to_man_transforming_t he_life_of_his_homeless_abuser/

A man who turned the other cheek when a homeless man shouted racist slurs at him has since helped his abuser find a home and work.

Aminur Chowdhury hopes his forgiving nature and the subsequent turn-around of Ben Gallon’s attitude will help educate others.

The 30-year-old was racially abused by Mr Gallon, 27, outside the Delius pub, Claremont, Bradford on May 14. But rather than retaliate or ignore Mr Gallon, he instead talked to, and had a drink, with him.

Mr Chowdhury has since helped Mr Gallon secure a job as a phone operative and found him a rented flat.

The date of this report was 26th May, 2014. Chowdhury was then reported as being 30 years old.

Now to this ...

http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/10664659.Burnley_woman_was_stalked_by_psychiatric_ patient_she_met_online/

A YOUNG Burnley woman was stalked by a professionals’ dating site suitor she had rejected, who turned out to be a psychiatric patient with a criminal record, a court heard.

Aminur Chowdhury, 29, had bombarded *** *** *** with dozens of text messages and emails for a fortnight, had turned up in the town bearing gifts and had gone to her gym to try and find her.

Chowdhury, who had messaged he wanted to take her on holiday and sent her smutty texts, told police he was besotted with Miss *** when he was arrested.

The pair had never even met, Burnley magistrates were told.

The court heard how at the time Chowdhury, who had suffered from untreated bi-polar disorder for years, was an in-patient at a hospital in Bradford.

The defendant, who told the bench he is starting a job in national media and advertising, was accompanied to the hearing by his community psychiatric nurse.

Chowdhury, of Brearton Street, Bradford, admitted harassment without violence, between May 5 and May 22, last year.

He was given a six month community order, with a mental health treatment requirement.

The defendant also received a 12 month restraining order.

The date of that report was 10th September 2013. The Chowdhury then being reported on was 29 years old.

Finally ...


Aminur Chowdhury The Vision Concept - Misstated academic credentials

This man is a private tutor based in Bradford. He has lied about his Education on his LinkedIn profile and he is denying the act entirely.

I have evidence of this fact and have contacted universities to verify it.

This is just another case that highlights the problems of a self-regulating private tuition market.

Folks - make of this what you will ... bearing in mind Jafar's own words ...

Aminur Chowdhury is a true Muslim and a fine example of how we should all act no matter our religious beliefs.

Sorry about the bad news, Jafar.

06-05-2014, 06:48 AM
I think I saw that one. Was it where he gave the guy a lottery ticket that won $1k?

Yes! Of course it was a fake ticket and they had the money to the clerk in advance. Now I read a story a few days ago (no video for proof) that this guy went out himself and helped a few homeless friends of his. :)

06-05-2014, 11:11 PM
.... h'mmm !!!

Well, now. I thought I'd take a few minutes out to see if there was any background on this Aminur Chowdhury person. I was curious about him.

I found two rather disturbing links.

Now - and I must stress this !! - I concede it's just possible that there are two (or even more ?) Aminur Chowdhurys out there, both from Bradford, and the links I've found may not refer to Jafar's Chowdhury. So, I offer these for whatever they may be worth.

First, this report of Jafar's Mr Chowdhury, as reported by a local newspaper ...

http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/11234068.Racist_outburst_led_to_man_transforming_t he_life_of_his_homeless_abuser/

The date of this report was 26th May, 2014. Chowdhury was then reported as being 30 years old.

Now to this ...

http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/10664659.Burnley_woman_was_stalked_by_psychiatric_ patient_she_met_online/

The date of that report was 10th September 2013. The Chowdhury then being reported on was 29 years old.

Finally ...


Folks - make of this what you will ... bearing in mind Jafar's own words ...

Sorry about the bad news, Jafar.

I imagine there are quite a few Asians called Aminur Chowdhury. It's like finding Mohameds, Ahmads and Mahmouds in the Middle East and connecting them.

06-06-2014, 04:15 AM
I imagine there are quite a few Asians called Aminur Chowdhury. It's like finding Mohameds, Ahmads and Mahmouds in the Middle East and connecting them.

... which says something, does it not, Jafar, about how numerous they must also be in the UK ?

Although it isn't quite that simple in any case. For this to apply here, we'd have to be talking about two Aminur Chowdhurys living in Bradford, and both of the same age (or very nearly so). I agree it's possible. How likely is it, though ?

Anyone checking out the links should find photos from two of them ... from the Lancashire Telegraph & Argus (your latest story) and the 'mis-stated credentials' one. I note a definite resemblance (though the latter link's photo is of a younger man ... possibly a very old photo, though).

Jafar, if you can confirm that YOUR Mr Chowdhury cannot be connected with the other reports, by all means, do so. Evidence proving me wrong is invited.

06-06-2014, 05:46 PM
... which says something, does it not, Jafar, about how numerous they must also be in the UK ?

Although it isn't quite that simple in any case. For this to apply here, we'd have to be talking about two Aminur Chowdhurys living in Bradford, and both of the same age (or very nearly so). I agree it's possible. How likely is it, though ?

Anyone checking out the links should find photos from two of them ... from the Lancashire Telegraph & Argus (your latest story) and the 'mis-stated credentials' one. I note a definite resemblance (though the latter link's photo is of a younger man ... possibly a very old photo, though).

Jafar, if you can confirm that YOUR Mr Chowdhury cannot be connected with the other reports, by all means, do so. Evidence proving me wrong is invited.

I know two Mohamed Ibrahims, both middle aged men who go to the same Mosque. Your point being?.....

06-08-2014, 12:16 PM
I know two Mohamed Ibrahims, both middle aged men who go to the same Mosque. Your point being?.....

.. that I've asked if you can show us that YOUR Mr Chowdhury is not the character referred to in the other links I've posted !

Thus far, all you've offered is an attempt at diversion.

Oh, and the 'middle aged men' you refer to. Tell me, were they both the same age ?

06-08-2014, 03:48 PM
.. that I've asked if you can show us that YOUR Mr Chowdhury is not the character referred to in the other links I've posted !

Thus far, all you've offered is an attempt at diversion.

Oh, and the 'middle aged men' you refer to. Tell me, were they both the same age ?

How can I prove connections between people I've never met?

Why in hell are you trying to sully an example of how tolerant we should all be?

06-08-2014, 08:49 PM
How can I prove connections between people I've never met?

Why in hell are you trying to sully an example of how tolerant we should all be?

The POINT, Jafar, is that YOUR Mr Chowdhury may not be quite as advertised.

Consider: it's commonplace for any criticism of Islam in UK society to be branded as 'racism' .. whereas criticism of a religion has nothing whatever to do with race.

Now, apply that form of filter to the story you've introduced us to. What if the one supposedly, reportedly, going in for 'racial abuse' ACTUALLY had other things in his mind ? What if .. there was unreported history involved ? What if this story has been sold in terms the British public will readily identify with, when 'in fact', a lot more was involved ?

Perhaps your Mr Chowdhury acted rather more out of self interest than was portrayed ?

This COULD be the case .. if the same Chowdhury was addressed in every one of the links I've supplied. In which case, your story comes across as largely bogus.

Jafar, what matters here is what was true, and not your efforts at salesmanship on behalf of your religion. POSSIBLY I'm wrong. But I could easily be right.

I come back to the curious - is it 'coincidence' ? - of there being TWO Aminur Chowdhurys living in Bradford happening to be of the same age. For your Chowdhury to be blameless, then that MUST be true.


The Bradford district is the fourth largest metropolitan district in England, after Birmingham, Leeds and Sheffield. According to the 2011 Census statistics published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), Bradford’s estimate population is 522,452.

Bradford is a youthful population with 22% of our population aged 14 and under, compared to an average of 17.6% for England and Wales.

The population of Bradford is ethnically diverse. The largest proportion of the district’s population (63.9%) identifies themselves as White British. The district has the largest proportion of people of Pakistani ethnic origin (20.3%) in England.

The largest religious group in Bradford is Christian (45.9% of the population). Nearly one quarter of the population (24.7%) are Muslim.

22% are aged 14 and under .. which has to make inroads into the approx 130,000 Muslim figure. Exactly how many is highly questionable (as your man is now aged 30). However, we know from this that, for you to be right, there MUST be at least two Aminur Chowdhurys of the same age in that final number (.. if not three !).

... and the likelihood of this, is ... ??

Can we agree that your efforts at pro-Muslim salesmanship, Jafar, need to defer to what is true ? In which case .. I'm asking pertinent questions. That you'd much rather I wasn't, is neither here nor there.

06-09-2014, 02:50 AM
Muslims do this kind of thing every day, yet it goes unreported with the media preferring to show terrorism as an example of Islam when the opposite is true.

Aminur Chowdhury is a true Muslim and a fine example of how we should all act no matter our religious beliefs.


jafar this is a good deed no doubt, but with you always screaming source I just googled ilmfeed :eek: did you expect them to report it any different :rolleyes: Seriously though jafar if this indeed happen it is a great act of kindness!!

06-09-2014, 01:24 PM
jafar this is a good deed no doubt, but with you always screaming source I just googled ilmfeed :eek: did you expect them to report it any different :rolleyes: Seriously though jafar if this indeed happen it is a great act of kindness!!

Fine as far as it goes, Jeff.

However .. there may be a lot more to this character than was originally reported by Jafar. So, it may follow that there are shades to all this which - if understood and acknowledged - would significantly change the nature of what was reported.

Besides which ... if this Aminur Chowdhury did exactly what was reported, and in the way it was reported, and if he had no connection with the other Aminur Chowdhury(s) I've posted links about ... even so, WHY is this automatically proof of the 'virtue' of Muslim(s) ? Couldn't he just have been acting as an individual in his own right ?

If you give to a favourite charity, or maybe help an elderly lady across a busy street, or return a football to kids who've kicked it over a fence ... do you act as an individual choosing to do these things, or, automatically and purposefully as a 'sales representative' of the Christian faith, intent upon selling Christianity to everyone ?

It IS possible, I suggest, to be a good and charitable person in your own right, just because you ARE.