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View Full Version : Feds Tell Georgia Food-Stamp Drug Testing Illegal

06-05-2014, 07:46 AM
This is ridiculous, when you go for a job you have to pass a drug test so why not have to pass one before you collect anything from the government.

The federal government has warned the state of Georgia that its new law requiring some food-stamp recipients to undergo drug testing is illegal. In a letter to Georgia's attorney general on Tuesday, Robin Bailey, regional administrator of the Department of Agriculture, told Georgia that drug testing to qualify for food stamps "is not allowable under law." The letter did not specify a possible penalty.
Georgia Republican Gov. Nathan Deal and state Attorney General Sam Olens, also a Republican, declined to comment on Wednesday on the letter.
But the measure's Republican sponsor said he believed the drug-testing program should begin as planned on July 1 even if that prompts a court fight with the federal government.! (http://www.newsmax.com/surveys/Obama-Policies/Should-Congress-Repeal--Obama-s-Health-Plan-and-Ot/id/13/kw/default?PROMO_CODE=10EFE-1%22target=%22_blank%22)


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-05-2014, 08:51 AM
This is ridiculous, when you go for a job you have to pass a drug test so why not have to pass one before you collect anything from the government.


Can not mess with dem vote buying schemes!!!!!
Or else Federal storm troopers will pay a visit.
It is the dem/Obama way!

They will protect their bought votes and lazy leeches... --Tyr

06-05-2014, 12:33 PM
Gotta remember. The SAME politicians against this, are against showing an "ID" to vote.


06-05-2014, 12:37 PM
Wait a second ..... "Robin Bailey, regional administrator of the Department of Agriculture," ????


06-05-2014, 01:08 PM
Wait a second ..... "Robin Bailey, regional administrator of the Department of Agriculture," ????


CSM. No surprise. Just another OBAMA appointee. Kinda answers the question about MARIJUANA FARMING TOO!

06-05-2014, 04:13 PM
It's really very simple. The dems want people they can control and the best way to do that is to keep them dependent on the government for their livelihood.

Add to that a group of people who historically don't have more than a HS diploma and don't pay attention to local or work politics and they are ripe for the propaganda that the democrats like to roll out right around election time.

People who are ignorant and uninformed are easy to control.

That is the only answer I have for why ANYONE would be against drug testing for social programs. MOST people have to get drug tested before they are hired for a position. Why is it illegal to test people who want FREE money?????????????????