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View Full Version : Will Child Services Misconduct Be The Sleeper Issue of The Next Two Elections?

06-08-2014, 09:18 AM
Your Children are at risk and face a sinister threat, which is controlled, funded and supported by every state child welfare agency in the nation. Child Protective Service (CPS) agencies abuse their federally endorsed authority to destroy the lives of 1,000 children each and every day (http://kidjacked.com/fostercare/whos_abusing_whom.asp) of the year.


06-08-2014, 01:10 PM
No it won't.

06-08-2014, 03:57 PM
I became aware of this issue talking to other picketers on behalf of the Pelletiers. I wonder how many improperly seized children it will take to get this on the national radar screen. This is a serious problem. States get Federal money for every kid they seize. They get even more for terminating parental rights and placing those kids up for adoption. That's a very perverse incentive. Add to this judges on a first name basis with the child service agencies to rubber stamps whatever the social worker asks for and you have a toxic situation.

06-09-2014, 05:22 PM
Actually, when you start seeing some of the cases coming out of Boston Children's Hospital, I can see a manner in which this could become an issue, but I doubt that it will, outside of the states where the abuse is occurring.

Yeah Nope
06-11-2014, 02:03 PM
I've always found it disturbing how often the phrase "it's for the children" is used as justification to destroy the lives of children.

It's a near universal "I Win" button, people hear it and seemingly lose all ability to think rationally.

Abbey Marie
06-11-2014, 02:05 PM
I've always found it disturbing how often the phrase "it's for the children" is used as justification to destroy the lives of children.

It's a near universal "I Win" button, people hear it and seemingly lose all ability to think rationally.

Is this my husband posting? ;) He says this constantly. And it's true.