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View Full Version : Ted Cruz Wins Big in Texas GOP Straw Poll

06-08-2014, 12:00 PM
What does everyone else think of Cruz?


Texas conservative Republicans voted overwhelmingly for their home state junior senator, Ted Cruz, in the state convention straw poll, Politico reported.

Cruz captured 43.4 percent of the votes in a contest that included over a dozen potential presidential candidates. Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson came in second with 12.2 percent edging out Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul who garnered 12.1 percent. Texas Gov. Rick Perry pulled 11.7 percent of the ballots.

Some 7,000 attendees took part in the convention held over the weekend in Fort Worth with 5,266 surveyed in the poll.

Cruz, Perry, and Paul delivered speeches to the meeting. Carson did not make an appearance at the convention.

The Texas senator was by far the favorite of the delegates and of audiences at several events organized on the sidelines of the convention, according to Politico. Repeatedly introduced as "the next president of the United States," his talks were broken up by chants of "Run, Ted, run!"

Cruz also had the largest, most elaborate, and most popular booth at the convention. The exhibit, made up to look like a country living room, had a saddle and a huge Lone Star State flag. There were long lines of conventioneers waiting to be photographed with Cruz.

Dan Patrick, GOP candidate for Texas lieutenant governor, described Cruz as "the most popular politician in Texas" because he was "a guy who's willing to take an arrow and stand up for the people. That fires people up."

Speaking to reporters about the 2016 presidential race Cruz said, "I hope we see leaders who are willing to suffer the scorn of Washington. I will say this: Any candidate who is embraced by Washington, D.C., my advice to the people is, run and hide, 'cause that ain't how we're turning this country around."


06-08-2014, 12:55 PM
In other news, the Pope wins at the Vatican. :poke:

About Cruz, we'll have to see. In general I'd like to see a governor be at the top of the ticket.

06-08-2014, 01:06 PM
In other news, the Pope wins at the Vatican. :poke:

About Cruz, we'll have to see. In general I'd like to see a governor be at the top of the ticket.

Understood, I know it was 100% republican. But nonetheless, he still came out on top of the field on that side. The talk a few months back was about Rand Paul, or at least a large chunk of it, but as of late it seems to have shifted to Cruz.

06-08-2014, 01:09 PM
I think who wins is more a function of where the convention occurs, who shows up, etc. rather than anything to point to two years out.

06-08-2014, 01:12 PM
I think who wins is more a function of where the convention occurs, who shows up, etc. rather than anything to point to two years out.

Yeah, he may be a longshot by the time the actual elections come around. Seems like Paul, Cruz and Christie are those with various poll wins in the past few months.