View Full Version : Treason: Obama’s ‘Gitmo Five’

06-09-2014, 01:19 AM
What a shame, to see what this guy has gotten away with over the years you would think he walks on water.

You were already thinking it.
For Richard Nixon, it was a cover-up surrounding illegal wiretapping. For Bill Clinton, it was lying under oath about sex with an intern. Obama thinks he’s untouchable. He believes he’s above the law.

Evidently, he’s right.
What will it take for our spineless U.S. Congress to impeach this tyrant? This is way beyond partisan politics. This is about justice. This is about the safety of the American people. Barack Hussein Obama is America’s biggest threat to national security. He is “an enemy within.”
It’s official. America is no longer a constitutional republic. Under this “progressive” nut, we’ve become a banana republic.

WOW !!! You know there is a case when a idiot like this makes a statement like this.

This one is so over-the-top that, in a rare moment of lucidity, even ultra-liberal Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., has temporarily emerged from her sycophantic shell to publicly condemn Obama, the de facto leader of the Democratic Party, saying that she was “very disappointed” he failed to comply with the law. This “White House is pretty unilateral about what they want to do when they want to do it,” she fumed.

Yes he admitted enough right here to IMPEACH !! IMO

Whether Obama is intentionally trying to overthrow his own government is open for debate. But that he has “helped his country’s enemies during war” is a slam dunk.
The amazing thing? This arrogant clown admits to it: “Is there a possibility of some of them trying to return to activities that are detrimental to us?” Obama asked rhetorically of the five terrorists he just cut loose. “Absolutely,” he answered.
