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06-12-2014, 04:16 AM
I never thought I would see this happen! Chris Matthews defending the Tea Party candidate? It's too bad that it took him almost a decade to figure this out!

MSNBC host Chris Matthews defended the Tea Party and praised Virginia's 7th Republican primary victor Dave Brat in an appearance on “Ronan Farrow Daily” on Wednesday. He said Brat is “very sophisticated for a politician. He's certainly up to the ranks of most politicians I've ever dealt with,” and “he can handle any debate on this program or my program.”

Matthews then launched into a defense of the Tea Party, as he declared “looking down our noses at Tea Party people has got to stop. They have a message, they're as American as any liberal is, and they're really angry of the failure of the system.” He seemed to agree with Tea Party frustration with the current political system, exclaiming “we can't control the deficit, we can't control the debt, we can’t control the border. What good is government good at? That's the question that's happened on every issue we've covered on our show.”



06-12-2014, 07:05 AM
I never thought I would see this happen! Chris Matthews defending the Tea Party candidate? It's too bad that it took him almost a decade to figure this out!


IMO, liberals are insane to begin with so I have often wondered what happens when a liberal gets Alzheimers .... I guess they do a 180 ... and bcome sane??