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View Full Version : Cops Dropped Earlier Case Against Santa Barbara Killer

06-12-2014, 08:12 AM
Seems this Nit Wit was no stranger to the police, and now we have idiots screaming for more gun control, I again must ask why not use the laws we already have on the books first ? This guy should of been institutionalized already and then he couldn't of shot anyone ( or stabbed anyone, yes the libs like to leave that little fact out ). Between what is in this article and earlier articles showing how his family had called the police on him and all the lack of police work why scream for Gun Control, how about screaming for the law to do their jobs or maybe to allow then to do so.

Following a July 20, 2013 incident in which Elliot Rodger tried to push at least two young women off a ledge during a party, Santa Barbara police investigating the incident decided to take no action, the Los Angeles Times reported (http://www.latimes.com/local/crime/la-me-elliot-rodger-20140612-story.html).

Cops tracked down Rodger at a hospital where he was being treated for injuries to his face and arms. He did not cooperate with their inquiries except to say that he'd been insulted and had himself been pushed off the ledge. Police concluded that he had started the altercation.
